FIVE: Show & Tell
"This is stupid. Why do I have to sit with the kids?" I grumbled in complaint, rhythmically tapping my nails against the desk I was seated at in the back of the classroom.
"Because you're annoying and I said so." Aizawa snapped back, already beyond sick of my whining. I couldn't blame him, as I had started from the moment he had woken me up that morning. The only time I hadn't been bitching was when I had been introduced to Midnight, who I had instantly taken a liking to after having heard so much about her in the past.
"The uniform is stiff. I feel like I'm wearing plastic." There wasn't a huge difference between the regular uniform and my own. The greyish base colour was the same, but instead of the deep green skirt and accents, mine were maroon. "Why the colour, too? I'm gonna stick out like a chilly nipple, Shota." Even though I was so far away I could still hear his teeth grinding.
"From the second we step into the school grounds you are to refer to me as Mr. Aizawa, or Eraserhead, if you must. Got that?"
Adjusting my blindfold I huffed, leaning back in my chair and saluting him mechanically.
"Yes, Mr. Aizawa Head, Sir!" Before he could lose his actual shit, I heard the door open, and several pairs of shoes clomping against the ground.
"Good morning, Sir!" A loud, formal voice greeted the scruffy bastard, followed by a sudden halt in noise. "Mr. Aizawa, do we have a new student joining our class?"
He sounds like he has a pole wedged up his ass...
"I thought classes were capped at twenty?" A more feminine voice added, but I just sat there, leaving Aizawa to answer the questions.
"I'll explain that thing when everybody is here and seated. Move it." The ravonette mumbled, and I narrowed my covered eyes spitefully.
That thing..?
Sinking in my chair, I spent my time sulking as the rest of the students flowed in, each one of them with a question regarding my presence.
"Alright, now that you're all accounted for...Yes, we have a new addition to the class. She isn't a regular student, but she shall be sitting in on most of your classes, as well as joining in with practical lessons." Aizawa drawled, tapping his foot against the floor. "She shall now introduce herself."
Ah fuck.
I could feel so many eyes on me as I uncrossed my arms, standing up and rocking back and forth on my heels.
"Uh, hey? I'm (Y/N), and your teacher is keeping me in his basement against my will." The small round of snickers fuelled my pride, but Aizawa's sharp cough made me flinch.
"Don't be an idiot." He warned, and I stuck my tongue out in the general direction of his voice.
"Fine. I'm (Y/N), and your head gerbil dude gave me the choice of coming here or rotting in prison." I explained, a finger scratching at one of the pleats in my skirt.
"P..prison..?" One of the students stammered out, the sudden sound of pencil against paper coming to my attention. "Why prison?"
Ugh, Shota, you had to put me on the spot, didn't you?
Nodding, I kept my eyes forward, the fluorescent glow of the lighting slightly passing through my blindfold.
"Ratbag drafted me for his new pet project. I'm kind of a criminal, so he's started some dinky little rehabilitation program to boost his own ego." I enlightened them, and the whole class erupted into murmured chatter. Suddenly that scribbling sound began much more aggressive, and I irked.
"Like, a real villain?!" Someone shouted their question, their chair legs scraping slightly. "What did you do?!" Snorting, I ran a hand through my (H/C) hair, blowing a raspberry into the general direction of the question.
"Criminal, not villain, kid. I was nothing more than a petty thief...or borrower, as I like to call it."
I could be stuffing my face with (F/Snack) right now back at my apartment...
It was beyond awkward, but I wasn't exactly nervous. I could understand that they were curious, but I felt a little objectified.
"What's with the wrap over your eyes? You blind?" The person's question was followed by a loud thump and a whine.
"Kaminari, you can't just ask that!" It had only been a matter of time before that query was put forward, but it didn't make me any more eager. Reaching up, I brushed the tips of my fingers against the freshly washed material, pondering.
"Shota, wanna be a doll and-"
"What did we just talk about, (Y/N)?" The grumpy educator cut me off, but his frustration only fuelled me.
" a doll and put that quirk of yours to use?" I finished with a grin, and amidst the quiet murmurs I heard him sigh.
"Fine. Go ahead." On his signal, I slipped the blindfold from my face, leaving it to hang around my neck as I looked around the classroom, letting my eyes adjust.
Oh shit, we've got variety up in this bitch!
"Woah, your eyes are so cool!" A chubby-checked girl gasped, leaning in closer, which made me gulp. Not in nerves. Of course not. I just hadn't really received that compliment before.
"Uh, thanks, angel..? So, um, who's the kid who asked about the blindfold?" Scanning the students, I spotted a raised hand, belonging to a flustered looking blond boy. "Kaminari, right? I use the blindfold to keep my quirk from hurting people."
A boy nearly leapt out of his seat, a notebook and pen shaking from the pressure of his grip as his intense, green eyes stared through my soul.
"I..if you don't mind me asking, what is your quirk?!" He shouted his question, and I glanced to Aizawa, silently asking him what the deal was. After receiving a mere shrug, I decided to just roll with it.
"Okay then, any volunteers? You won't be able to do anything for the next hour, give or take." My dare to the room was met with silence, until someone slammed their hands down on the table, their chair nearly tipping as they stood up.
"Try me, you old-ass extra!" Due to the life I had lived prior to the current arrangement, I was used to being spoken down to, but this kid really rubbed me the wrong way.
You little pom-pom lookin' headass motherfucker...
"Old..? Just how old do you think I look?" Oh, I was daring him to test me. There was a fire in his eyes that ticked me off, and I wanted any excuse to use him for my improvised presentation.
"I dunno, like fuck'n twenty four or some shit!" The boy snapped back, causing me to snort out loud. Banging on the table closest to me; belonging to a startled floating uniform, I turned to Aizawa, thumbing back towards the brat.
"Hear that? Your students have a good eye, Shota!" I could tell the ravonet wanted to walk away, but he was still using his quirk, his hair reaching for the ceiling as his eyes glowed red.
"You're not much younger than I am, (Y/N)." He muttered, scratching at his scruffy chin. "Do what you want to Bakugou, just make sure it won't last too long. They have an English quiz after lunch."
Turning back to the one named Bakugou, I cracked my knuckles, completely exaggerating.
"Sweet. Okay, kids, everyone but this chump look anywhere but my eyes." Giving them all a chance to avert their gazes, I lifted my hand, three fingers up to begin a silent countdown.
"When it does jack shit do I have permission to blast your saggy ass through the wall?" Bakugou sneered, folding his arms.
"I mean, sure, you can try!" I snickered, my smile slowly fading into something serious.
"As if a scrubby little bitch like you cou-"
There we go...
The look that had frozen across his face was perfect. A hideous snarl that almost made me laugh out loud. It would have if I enjoyed using my quirk.
"Uh...Bakugou..?" As I closed my eyes, I caught the flash of something red standing up, approaching the boy and waving a hand in front of his face to try and get a reaction. "Woah, he's totally frozen solid!" The chatter resumed, and I stood there, pursing my lips and waiting on the inevitable slew of questions.
"That's wicked cool!"
"How long is he gonna stay like that?"
"Why isn't he breathing?!"
"Why the blindfold, though?"
You know what? I'm over having to close my eyes right now.
"I'll explain in detail, as long as all of you can sit your asses down and close your eyes. I haven't gotten a chance to snoop at many of you yet, so it's only fair. Tit for tat. If you really don't wanna close them, then just don't look at my eyes." Tapping my foot, I waited for Aizawa to scold me and tell me to go back to my seat, but he never did.
"T..tit..?!" A pitched voice shrieked, and I already knew I had found the class hornball.
A short time passed, filled with shuffling and mumbling, until I felt a tap on my elbow.
"Go for it." Aizawa instructed me, and I opened my eyes again, blinking rapidly. The first thing I did was lightly punch the teacher's shoulder, enjoying the way he scowled.
"Okay, so, my quirk doesn't really have a name, but this is what it does. Making eye contact with me will completely freeze your entire body. If you were to try to ruffle Bakugou's hair, it wouldn't budge."
Oh wow, there's a dude with a tail. Cool.
"It may seem like he isn't breathing, but he is alive. No clue how that works, but whatever." I shrugged to myself, making some pink girl squeak out as I tapped on her little horns. "The longer I maintain eye contact with someone, the longer they stay like that. Elongated usage causes the target's skin to turn to literal stone. After a certain amount of time, the effects are irreversible."
Can I stop now?
Some boxy looking guy with glasses raised his hand high in the air, taking me by surprise.
"Iida Tenya. Pardon me, but how long would it take to become permanent?" He asked, introducing himself in the process.
"Fatality is assured at around ten seconds, I think." I answered bluntly, hearing a chorus of gulps. "A stare of nine seconds resulted in my quirks effect remaining for three months."
Another hand rose, and I approached the broad boy, tapping him on the head before his rather thick lips parted to speak.
"Is your quirk continuously active, or is it activated by choice?" Their questions were all fair, so far, and I was kind of impressed.
"That's why I use the blindfold. No, it can't be turned off, which seriously sucks. I've found that seeing my eyes in a reflection is harmless, and I can also make eye contact with animals without turning them to stone, too." I explained, really struggling not to saunter over and play with the fluffy tail of one of the students
"It's kind of hard not to look you in the eye, though. They're really pretty..." Immediately spotting the kid who complimented me, I zoomed over, likely scaring the daylights out of him as I placed a hand on each of his shoulders.
"Aw, you're sweet! What's your name?" I asked, leaning down a little closer to his ear. His eyes were open, and his black hair kind of slipped into his face as he stared awkwardly at his desk, cheeks A dark pink.
"It's, uh, Sero..."
My grip tightened, and I straightened up, looking over to Aizawa, who was staring out the door with a bored expression.
"Shota, this boy is mine now. I'm keeping him. Same goes for that cutie with the tail." Both the ravonet and wags the child spluttered out at my announcement, and Aizawa's hair stood on end, his blazing red eyes darting to glare daggers straight through me.
"Quit using my first name, and stop harassing my students. Sit back down, (Y/N)." He growled, threatening me with a tug of his scarf when I poked my tongue out.
"Jeez, you're always so grumpy. It's not my fault your cats like me better." I clicked my tongue, shifting back to my seat before repositioning my blindfold, returning to my world of darkness. "Ai'ght, all clear, kiddos." I heard a bunch of them jump up, racing over to inspect Bakugou, who was still completely immobile. "By the way, he's still completely conscious. If you don't want your asses beat I wouldn't mess with him."
Or do. He's a bitch.
"I have a question, for both of you!" A feminine voice called out rather exuberantly, not waiting for a go ahead from either of us. "Are you two dating?!" Our reactions couldn't have been more different. Aizawa let out a low, frustrated growl, whilst I released one hell of a gigglesnort, clapping my hands together like a vintage cymbal chimp.
"I hardly see how that absurd question is any of your business, Ashido, but no, we are definitely not physically involved." He responded, his voice laced with unspoken spite.
"Actually, it has been kind of physical! You smacked me up the side of the head twice last night, you little sadist!" I called out, feeding off of the class's laughter as he wrapped me up in his capture weapon.
"Wait, so you live together?" More than one person put two and two together, and I nodded, completely unbothered by having the life squeezed out of me.
"Sure do! I told you, he has me against my will. That part I wasn't joking about." I revealed, estimating how long those heavy footsteps would take to reach me. "It's not so bad, though! We've known each other for years, so it's kind of like fate!"
I was half expecting to be clocked over the head again, but instead I felt the teacher's hand come down on top of my (H/C) hair, his grip hard but not entirely uncomfortable.
"Everyone hurry up and pull out your history of heroics textbooks. As for you, (Y/N), you're on detention. One week." Somehow, his gruff voice made me feel a little starstruck, but I quickly shook that off, a dramatic pout puffing my lips.
"A week?! Why?! What did I do to deserve a damn week?!"
"You annoy me."
***Did It just take me three days to write this pathetic chapter? Yes. Yes it did. Do I feel sick as all shit and want to trade bodies with literally anyone else? Also yes.
Next time: We're going to Universal Studios Japan?!***
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