[1] The First Day...
I'm not the type of person who moves schools and fits in instantaneously. As a matter of fact, I rarely am. I'm the type of person, who takes ages to make new friends but this time, this time it was different. The only difference being, I made friends in a flash, I joined a sports team and had a clique and this school, Beacon Hills, has truly changed me. I owe my happiness to Lacrosse. It all started with lacrosse...
It was the night before school. I got my bag packed and everything was ready for the big day. I had to admit though, I was rather scared and nervous. I had no clue if school here, was going to be any different from where I came from. I decided to ignore the constant anxiety in the back of my mind and just try to sleep. Just as I was about to flick the lights off, I heard howling from outside my window. It was awfully loud, a bit more like a roar than a howl. I got off of bed and walked towards the window. I looked out, the woods were really quiet. My mum loves nature and the peacefulness of living in nature so she bought this cabin somewhere in the forest. I personally didn't mind it, but it just felt like I was always away from society which gave the constant impression that I was isolated in life. It made making friends harder than usual. Anyway, it was pitch black outside, I started to squint my eyes, I tried my best to see into the dark. I pictured out two glowing eyes. Similar width to ones of a human, but they glowed an orange-yellow tinge. It was, lack of a better word, terrifying. I decided to ignore it, I was really tired and probably wasn't thinking straight. I crawled back into bed and turned off the lights.
Finally, it was my first day at school, didn't really know anyone, didn't really talk to anyone. I just felt awkward. I was walking around the campus, did I mention it was massive? Well yeah, it's big. I looked around, everyone was so cheerful and happy, I was too scared to approach anyone, I was too scared to talk to anyone. I kept walking and kept my head down. I really didn't need the attention, I didn't want to make a fool of myself on the first day. I heard a lot of laughing and talking behind me, I turned around and I saw the lacrosse team. Beacon Hills Lacrosse is one of the best teams in the area. Their team captain, Scott McCall is a legend along with his best friends Stiles Stilinksi and Liam Dunbar. The three owned the pitch.
I used to play lacrosse for my old school, until they were disbanded. It was a year ago when I made that stupid move. I should have passed the ball to Jack, I was so stubborn and selfish. I wanted the glory and I wasted it. It was the last 5 seconds, that goal would have let us win but no, I let my guard down and tripped on the grass. That was the point when I knew, it was all over. After that one game, my reputation plummeted. My coach was so disappointed, he gave up on lacrosse and ended the team. It destroyed me. I was the team captain for 2 years, and one stupid move ended it for me. I still hate myself till this day. I let my team down, I let my school down, and worst of all, I let my coach down. He had such high hopes for me, he let me stay captain for four years running. He was like a father figure to me. Something I haven't had for 7 years, when my dad died. School was horrible after that day as well. I used to get high-fives in the hallways and so many faces would smile back at me, but now. All I get are snarly comments and degrading looks back at me. It was horrible. My self esteem dropped and my anxiety levels rocketed sky high. My grades slowly fell and my life, in pieces. My mother was worried for me and decided it was time to take action. She knew how much lacrosse meant to me, and decided to send me to a school with the highest standing in lacrosse players, and that's right where I landed. Beacon Hills High School.
I walked through the tall doors. The jocks were dribbling in the hallways, it was so loud, you could hear the pounding on the floor, the smashing of the locker doors and the clack's of high heels on the concrete floor. I missed the sound, I missed it so much. I didn't have school for two months and hearing all these familiar sounds put a smile to my face. In a way, I was glad to be back in school, it felt good, I felt normal. I shoved my hand in my pocket rummaging for my timetable. I pulled out a crumpled sheet of paper. Great. First lesson had to be maths. It's not that I was bad at it, it's just so repetitive and boring. I looked around for any signs directing to my classroom, I'm so going to be late. The hallways emptied out instantly as the bell rang. Everyone was gone and there was no one to ask. I felt like I was going to faint. I'm saved! I thought to myself as I saw someone tall, he wore a red varsity jacket. "Excuse me?" I yelled. "I'm new here and I was wondering if you could help me out a bit?"
He turns around to face me. Crap... He isn't a student. "What's your name?" he asked in a gruff tone.
"I... I'm Ryland.... Ryland Calix... I moved here from Island High. Could you point me in the right direction?"
"You're Ryland? You were team captain for your school weren't you?" He said with a rise in interest.
"Hah.. hah... Yeah I am." I hoped he didn't know about any of my failures.
"Here, follow me, I'll take you to your class. I'm the coach by the way."
As we walked we talked about lacrosse. He has a very strong interest in my joining the team. It seemed like he didn't know about what happened in Island.
"So.. I heard your schools lacrosse team got disbanded? You must be really mad about that." He said.
"Hah... Yeah sorta. Lacrosse was my main sport and I loved it."
"We have tryouts today after school if you're willing to come along. We have some spare gear that we can lend you for the time being."
"Yeah sure! That would actually be pretty cool. I'd like that thanks!" My confidence started to grow, I could feel that this school wouldn't be as bad as I had expected.
"Well, glad you're interested. Here's your classroom, and I'll see you after school in the locker room."
I gave him a smile and opened the door. It creaked very loudly. Everyone in the room turned to look at me. I could feel a million eyes on me, it was somewhat horrifying.
"Ah! You must be Ryland! Welcome welcome! Find a seat, we're doing Algebra. Oh and I'm Ms Fleming, I'll be your math teacher for the coming years."
I cracked a smile and turned to look towards the room frantically trying to find a seat. Thankfully I found one, but it was in front of Liam. He gives me a wave and tells me to sit there. I got all giddy and happy and I walked over towards the seat. He pulled the seat with his feet, I laid my bag on the ground and sat down. "Thanks!" I say to Liam. I left my voice quiver, it's really nerve-wrecking to be this close to one of the best players in the school.
Ms Fleming turned and started to write on the board. Just as she began to talk, I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Liam. "Soo... Which school did you come from?" He asked.
"Umm.. I came from Island High.." I said as my voice started to shake. I was really paranoid about anyone knowing about my life back in Island. I was hoping that moving schools could be a fresh start for me. I didn't want my troubles to transfer from one school to another.
"Oh! I heard they disbanded their lacrosse team last year. They were pretty good. I knew their captain kicked ass!"
"I was the captain heh..."
He looked at me with an instant interest in my life. Before he could talk, I started again.
"Yeah, the team was disbanded, our coach was devastated."
Before Liam could start Ms Fleming walked over.
"Ryland, I know you're new and you want to start making friends, but that can wait ok?"
Oh Jesus. In trouble already. Something I didn't want to happen. "Oh gosh I'm so sorry. Yeah I understand, leave the talking for later." I said with embarrassment written all over my face.
"Glad we're on the same page. Get up, solve that for x" she said with a smirk on her face.
Greaaaat... This will be fun. I walked up to the board, chalk in hand. I looked at the question, and started mumbling under my breath. "Well if.... is negative.... X is .... this does ...... X is 14"
"Good job Ryland!" she said with a big smile on her face. I could tell she was genuinely proud of me. I walked back towards my seat and Liam had his thumbs up. I could see him mouthing good job to me. I liked this school already, it was great. This is going to be a good year I thought to myself.
Lesson was finally over. I stuffed everything back into my bag and just as I was about to get up, Liam grabbed my arm. "Do you have a free period?" He asks.
"Umm. yeah I think I do.. What are they?" I asked with a confused look on my face.
"Oh! They're just time for you to self study. But considering you're a genius at maths. Let's hang by the benches. We should get to know each other a bit more don't you think?"
I cracked a smile and nodded my head. He walked me out of the building and onto the benches by the rugby field. We sat down on the stands.
"Soo." he slurs. "Why did you come to Beacon Hills?"
My stomach froze. Should I lie? Should I tell him the truth? Could I trust him? I went with my gut and told him everything. If I wanted to make friends, I better start with trusting them. "A year ago I made a stupid mistake. I made a selfish play and cost my team the game. After that, My life in school went downhill. My reputation dropped, my grades fell and I wasn't really happy anymore. So my mum wanted to do something about it, so we took a break from school and when the time was right, I joined you guys."
"Oohh.... Hey! Don't worry about it okay! Everyone makes mistakes, just, your school seemed a bit, strict and over the top if I say so myself."
"Yeah I guess..." I could tell he was trying to reassure me and comfort me. It was really sweet of him. "Ok enough of me. I have a question. Last night, before I slept I heard this howling. I thought it was because I lived in the woods but then when I looked out. I saw two yellow eyes, staring right back into me in the distance. It was really scary! Do you know anything about it?" I finished my question and looked up at him. I felt his tension, he was stressed. I said something wrong. I know I did.
"Ummm... I've never..." He was stopped midway just as a rugby ball flew towards me. I thought it was going to hit me, but.. he caught it.. Liam caught the ball, seconds before it hit me. How... I slowly opened my eyes, and there, right in front of me, Liam's eyes glowed, They glowed the exact same colour as the eyes I saw in the woods.
"Liam...." I said in a rise in volume. "Your eyes..... Your eyes are.... glowing..... They're glowing. LIAM. THEY'RE GLOWING"
He instantly turns his face the other way as he threw the ball back onto the pitch. His eyes, they were the exact same shade from last night. Was he in the woods? I really wanted to ask but before I could he turns back round and his eyes are back to normal. He looks me straight and said "Hey Ryland.. I think you should get some sleep when you get home. All that moving around and unpacking everything, and not to mention, you look really sleep deprived.."
"Yeah I think so too.... I really should get some sleep. After all. I did just move here two days ago. I didn't really get much at all, spent all my time packing and prepping the house." I replied quickly but deep down I knew something was up. He was hiding something from me, but to be perfectly honest, he's probably doing it to prevent me from further harm. I decided not to think about it too much. I'll just leave it be. I changed the topic and went onto lacrosse.
"So... How long have you played lacrosse for?" I asked with a smile on my face.
"Ermm... For around two years. I was taught by my dad when I played for my old school, Devenford Prep. After that Scott took over and carried on with my training. He's a great mentor and an amazing captain. It's really awesome learning from him. The tips and the tricks. Now that you mention it. Where did you learn how to play lacrosse?"
"Let me see... When I joined Island. I felt like I needed an extracurricular activity, something to keep my mind off the death of my father. My old coach has a strange liking towards me and he taught me all he knew. From there I got better and better, and lacrosse became my sport."
"Oh god dude. I'm so sorry! I didn't know about your dad.." He was genuinely sorry for me, he looked so sad and distraught.
"Liam! Don't worry about it! It's been so many years already. It doesn't matter anymore. it doesn't affect me as it used to before."
"Well that's good. Say, what was like back in Island. Did you have a girl?
"Ummm.. I had a boyfriend...." My cheeks flushed red. I felt so embarrassed to say it. I didn't know if he would be okay with it...
"That's cute! What was his name?"
Omg. I'm so relieved. "His name was Aleks. We dated for a year but broke it off as he had to leave the country. He moved to Hong Kong if I remember correctly... I mean we tried long distance but it never seems to work out doesn't it.."
"Long distance never works. It's actually a lot of effort and a lot of time has to be put into it. I personally feel like it's a waste of time."
"I'd have to agree with you." We felt more relaxed during this conversation. I really didn't want to break this friendship. It's my first friend here and I couldn't afford to lose it. It meant so much to me.
We stayed a while longer at the benches. Just talking about daily life and what my world was back in Island. He was interested and intrigued the whole time. I think I genuinely found a friend that I can trust and have, for my whole life and it was a great feeling. First day at school, and already, I've found someone I could call friend. Someone I could wave to every morning and someone I could pass letters to in class. It was great and I really couldn't have asked for anything better than this.
My free period was over. We walked to our next class, chemistry. My favourite! I loved chemistry, it's a great subject, sort of like a mix of both Biology and Physics, a good combination of the two. Mr Takei, our chemistry teacher set us in pairs. Sadly I wasn't with Liam. He got paired with Scott. Instead I got paired with a student called Akira. However, she likes to be called Kira.
"Hi! My names Akira, but you can call me Kira. I've heard you moved here from Island?" she said in a chuffed tone.
"Yeah I did, how did you know?"
"Oh my dad works here as a history teacher. He told me a new kid, you, would be joining most of my classes. We have history, chemistry, maths and a few other lessons together as well."
"That's awesome!" Did I make a new friend again? Everyone here seems so friendly. They're all so nice! "Thanks mum" I whisper under my breath. She made an amazing choice of school. Mr Takei took attendance and started the lesson. We were working on further organic chemistry. My best topic. I would have paid attention in class but I couldn't concentrate. I had my mind fixated into the tryouts after school. I was really looking forward to getting back into lacrosse, and hopefully making the team. I mean, I didn't need to be captain, I just wanted to be in a team, I wanted to play my sport again, I wanted to go back to my normal routines. You actually can't comprehend how much I missed it and boy was I excited. I just started to daydream when I was interrupted.
"Mr. Calix! Is there something on your mind? Something that you would like to share?" he said, quite angrily in fact. Just before I was about to respond with some stupid excuse Kira interrupted and answered for me.
"Mr Takei, really sorry. Ryland has had a tough day, he just moved here and he's just trying to familiarize himself with the school's layout and his lesson plan." she said.
"Is that so Kira? Well, then you better take good care of your new friend. The school's rather big." he said with a sly tone in his voice. I could feel the anger, he was pissed. He turned around to carry on writing equations on the board. I really didn't want to have a bad impression on Mr. Takei, after all, chemistry is one of my best and favorite subjects, I didn't want him to hate me already.
"Hey Kira? Thanks for that! I didn't expect anyone to stand up for me. Not when I'm the new kid.. I really appreciate it!" I said with a quiver in my tone. I was so happy, I didn't expect anything from anyone, and even if I did, not to this level!
"Friends have each others backs. You would do the same for me, so I will too!"
I let off a chuckle. "Haha. If I could think as fast as you yeah, I definitely got your back."
She giggled back at me and turned to face the board again.
"Ok so, from the handouts you've received, I want you in your pairs to conduct this experiment. The pair that collects the highest yield of product, will get a prize." explained Mr Takei.
"What's the prize?" a student said jokingly.
"Hmm.. You won't have to do the quiz the following week. Deal?"
The whole class nodded and instantly got to work.
"Ryland. Do you know what to do? I'm so confused." Kira asked in a concerned manner. She was so lucky she got paired with me. This was an experiment I've done a million times before back in Island.
"Don't worry about it. I've done this before! We're gonna win that prize, just you wait!" I said.
When the experiment was over, Mr Takei walked around the class to find the pair who produced the highest yield of product. He walked towards us and his face went into shock. Did I do it wrong?Did I fail Kira?
"Well done Mr Calix and Ms Yukimura. You're the only one in the class who got a yield higher than 80%. For your effort and skill, you won't have to do the quiz next week. Congratulations!" he says. I felt like I just redeemed myself. I'm not the 'daydreamer' anymore. He wrote the quiz topics on the board and let us out of the classroom.
Kira took me out and we headed to history together. I didn't care about class at this stage. I was too fixated on lacrosse tryouts after school. I took a seat behind Kira and stared out the window, onto the pitch. Beacon Hills has one of the largest lacrosse pitches in the world. It's beautiful and it's actually always been a dream of mine to play on this pitch. Play with the best of the best, well against them at least.
"Mr Calix, since you clearly have your book open. Can you tell me the date in which the Cold War started and ended?" he asked as his head was tilted to the side.
"Ermm... It started in 1945, after World War II and ended in 1991 with the collapse of the Soviet Union." I answered with a smirk.
"Nice one Mr Calix. Now get your book open."
"Yes Ms Robertson"
I felt confident in my classes, I knew practically everything that was happening and classes were a breeze. I tried not to think about what the teachers thought of me. It was my first day, it was hectic, I just wanted to settle down and get used to everything here.
"Nice save." whispered Kira.
I gave her a wink and grabbed the books out of my bag. The Cold War's an interesting topic, I remember from reading a few weeks ago that during the Cold War, the C.I.A. made a pornographic video featuring a lookalike of the Indonesian President in an attempt to discredit him. I loved studying the Cold War, it's a topic that never bores me. There are so many interesting and mind boggling facts that you come across, not in class but only with further reading. That's why I love to read, you learn so much more than what school teaches you and most of the time, what you learn is so much more interesting than what's in class. Ms Robertson went through the time line and the major happenings of the Cold War. Slowly and surely my mind was gone again.
I thought back to the days when I played lacrosse back in Island High. It was one of the most enjoyable times of being there. I had an amazing team behind me, a loving coach and a school that was so supportive of all that we did. Our school were running champions, for quite a long time in fact. I carried on that legacy for 2 more years, but sadly, I too, ruined that legacy. My heart began to drop thinking about it. I started to get nervous about tryouts. What if I did well, but ruined Beacon Hills in competitions? What if I became captain, and brought the schools reputation down? I started to sweat and shake. Kira turned to look at me and she looked really concerned. I could see her trying to say something but I really coudn't hear what was happening. I started the breath deeply and quickly, I started to shake. My vision started to be blurry and everyone started to look at me. I still couldn't hear, I could only feel my heart pounding, louder and louder and louder. Someone grabbed me on the arm and pulled me out of the classroom. I stumbled around the hallways and ended in the locker room. I kept shaking and shivering, I couldn't stop myself. I felt arms wrapping around me, my heart slowed down, my vision came back. I could hear someone saying "It's ok, calm down, it's ok I'm here. Don't worry I got you! Don't worry... Don't worry..."
I started to regulate my breathing and leant my back onto the lockers. I slowly opened my eyes and I saw Liam staring straight back at me.
"Th.. Th... Thank." he put his finger on my lip and stopped me.
"Don't worry about it. Just breath, calm down. Sit tight, I'll get you some water ok?"
I nodded and he left the room. I haven't had panic attacks in a very long time. Why now? God I felt like such an embarrassment. I placed hands on my face and I started to cry. I felt so worthless, so fragile. My first day of school, and this is what happens.
Liam walks back into the room with his water bottle in hand. "I told Ms Robertson what happened and she told me to take care of you and here, have some water."
"But... but it's yours..."
"I'm not sick, if that's what you're wondering."
"No... I didn't... mean..."
"Hahaha! I'm kidding! Just drink some, it'll help." he said with a pleasant smile.
He pulled the tab and I took a few sips. It was really refreshing and the coldness of the water really calmed me down.
"Better?" he asked.
"Much... Thank you.."
He gave me a smile and sat down beside me. He let out a sigh.
"Glad you're feeling better. By the way, don't worry about embarrassment. A lot of kids here get panic attacks, me included. You're not alone okay? You have me, you have Kira, and you're going to make a lot of new friends. I have a feeling the lacrosse team is gonna like you. Especially Stiles and Scott. They're like family to me, and they're going to be the same for you. I can sense it." He gave me a wink and then a smirk.
I returned a friendly sigh of relief. "I'm so worried about making friends. I'm so lucky to have met you and Kira. I just, don't know about anyone else."
"Dude. The lacrosse team is super cool and so are Kira's friends. Lydia is someone you've got to meet, she's the smartest person in the school. I think you could you match her on a pop quiz."
"Hahaha! I just read a lot man. I'm not smart, I have a good memory." I said while trying to stop my red from turning red. I haven't had many compliments from other students ever since the lacrosse incident. It was good to hear some now.
"Ready to go back to class?"
"Yeah let's go. Don't want to miss out too much."
He helped me up and we walked back out of the door, into the hallway and back into the classroom. he put my bags down beside my chair and walked back towards his seat. I said my thanks and the remainder of the lesson dragged on.
Just as the lesson was about to end Ms Robertson told Kira and Liam to take me home a few minutes earlier to just to make sure everything was alright. They agreed to do so and we left class a few minutes earlier, while doing so bumping into Lydia just outside the room.
"Speak of the devil! Lydia, this is Ryland. Ryland this is my best friend Lydia!" Kira said cheerfully.
"Oh hi. Nice to meet you Ryland." Lydia said with her hand extended.
"Hey! It's nice to meet you too!." as I shook her hand. She has one heck of a grip. A nice firm grip. She's the formal type isn't she, academics and such.
"Well. I would stay and chat but I've got to head off to my meeting. I'll catch you guys later. Maybe on the field if this meeting doesn't last too long!" as she walked down the hallway.
"Bye Lydiaaa!!" Kira screamed as Lydia walked into the room to her right. "Ah I love this girl. She's my favorite person." Kira giggled to herself.
"So Ryland. You going to lacrosse tryouts?" Liam asked me.
"Yeah dude! I wouldn't miss it for the world!"
"Awesome! Kira you gonna be at the stands? Scott's trying out for captain again." he said as he turned to face Kira.
"Yeah of course. Not gonna let my boyfriend bathe in the all the glory himself now am I?"
We all let out a chuckle and walked over to the locker rooms together.
Liam and I walked into the locker rooms while Kira went a separate way towards the stands. The locker room was full already. The team was getting changed and getting ready. Liam saw Scott and Stiles and pulled me towards what they called their little 'corner'. He told me to stay put as he walked over to coach to ask for some spare gear. He's such a good friend, so lucky I found someone like him to help me through school. In a way he reminded me of my good friend back in Island. I kinda missed a lot of my friends back there. I don't know if they still thought of me as friends but I'm just going to stay positive. Didn't really want to break out into a sweat again.
"You're Ryland right? Captain of Island High's lacrosse team? Nice to meet you! I'm Stiles and this is Scott." Stiles said as he pulled up a peace sign with his fingers. Okay...
"Yup! When we had a lacrosse team that is haha." Scott seemed a bit anti-social. He just kept putting on his gear and didn't really seem to notice me at all. "Is Scott alright? He seems a bit disturbed by something."
"HAHA! Don't worry about him, he's just in the 'zone'. He really wants to keep his captain status for the lacrosse team." He leaned in closer towards my ear. "This is between me and you but I feel like he's a bit intimidated of you, we all heard you're amazing on the field."
"Good god no! I would never. I can't try for captain. I honestly don't feel like I can handle the responsibility."
"You don't have to hide it. Liam told us what happened at Island and you know what, that sh*t's the past, you don't have to worry about it anymore. We're all in the now, and all we got to do is do our best, and play our best. Nothing else."
"Gee thanks haha!" Why is everyone so nice... Is this a plot to ruin my life later? I had a million thoughts going through my mind, I just decided to ignore it. I got pretty good at suppressing thoughts, I had enough practice last year. Soon enough the coach walks over with a great big smile on your face.
"Ryland! You're here! I knew it!!" he blurted. He gave me a pat on my back. More like a smack, that's a hand print that's never going to leave. "So glad you're here. Just remember, the captains position is open! It's open, for everyone!." He turned around and stepped up on a bench.
"Listen up everyone, it's a new year, some familiar faces, some new faces but I'd just like to welcome everyone to the lacrosse team tryouts. Beacon Hills has had a history of amazing plays and for holding one of the longest winning streaks that the world has seen to date! We're in the tryouts, all the roles are open and open to everyone! So let's get out on that field and do our bests! Don't stop when you are tired, stop when you are done. Stop when you've reached your goal. Now gear up, and let's get on that pitch and play your hardest. Remember, lets keep it clean out there!" he bellowed. He stepped back down onto the ground, passed me my gear and walked out of the room.
"Ryland, I'm gonna go out with Scott now, see you on the pitch yeah?"
"Cool." I said putting on my gear. Liam walks over and offers to help lock me in place, he somehow knew that I haven't been in gear for ages.
"Here, let me do that for you." he said gently. He straightened my shoulders and clasped everything into place. "That should do it." He passed me the crosse and the helmet. "Have fun man"
"You too!" and I walked out of the room.
The field was massive. The spotlights shone brightly onto the bright green pitch. The grass looked so soft and the white paint on the ground was so well defined. It looked fresh and brand new. My level of excitement started to grow, I was getting happier and happier by the second. Just as I was about to start walking around to have a look at the pitch coach yelled at me. "Calix! Put your damn crosse on the ground and join the team. 5 laps around the pitch for everyone! Chop Chop! Keep those knees up. Greenburg! My grandma can run faster than you. Speed it up!"
I dropped my crosse onto the ground and joined the team with laps. While running these laps, only then you actually notice how large the field actually is. He didn't make us run the inside circle, he made us run outside of the pitch and boy was 5 laps a long long long time. By my fourth lap I started to draw my breath a bit harder but I kept on going, I was here to impress coach, not to make him think of me as a fool. My positive reputation at Island still had a high standing and I wanted to make sure that coach didn't second guess me. It's important that I leave a good impression on him, I didn't necessarily want to be captain, I just wanted to be on the team, to play with my dream team, to play with the best of the best. Ever since I got into lacrosse, this has been a lifelong goal of mine, and being able to make this dream a reality was a great feeling. I looked towards the stands and I saw Kira sitting there, directing Lydia to sit next to her. Coach told us to get into a line and he directed Scott into goal. He swapped out his crosse and walked towards goal. I was near the end of the line and we were having shooting practice. So far, practically no one has scored a goal, Scott caught the balls left and right like it was no big deal. I could see why he's captain every year, it made perfect sense didn't it. I wasn't going to let him catch mine though. Yeah I didn't have much practice, but I never missed a shot back in Island and I'm not planning on letting that end. He's gonna get it coming to him. It was finally my turn, I flicked the ball into the net of the crosse and prepared the shot. I was about to throw the ball as hard as I could, but I thought, he's caught every ball, fast or slow so it might be a better idea to use another tactic. Something my old coach taught me, aim low but shoot high, and fast. I paced myself closer towards the goal and shot. I tried to track the ball until I felt something land on my feet. Great.. The ball never left the crosse. Perfect timing Ryland. You messed it up. You messed it up reeal good. I turned to look at coach and he had his face in his hands. Everyone stared at me and started to laugh. Some of the players at the back were mumbling; "How did he get captain at Island. Are the players there that bad?" I started to fume as I clenched my fist. My face went red with anger. No. I'm not taking this, I said to myself. I stopped the next player from having his turn and took back the ball. I was going to make it this time. That'll teach them. I stuck to my original tactic. Aim low, shoot high and fast. I arched my arm back over my shoulder and with one swift motion the ball shot straight out of the crosse. To everyone's disbelief, the ball entered the goal. My face lit up, I turned to coach as he had a blank look on his face. His eyes were bulging and his jaw dropped. I broke a smile as Liam and some of the other players started to cheer for me. Scott lift his head up, tilted his head slightly to the side, something like a wolf or a dog. Stiles ran over to Scott and started to talk to him. I couldn't really see or hear what was happening. I shrugged it off and walked to the back of the line, people were patting me on the back and saying congratulations all around. Liam popped out of the line and punched me lightly on the shoulder. "Nice shot man, never expected anyone to get anything through Scott. I see why everyone's scared of you now heh!" he congratulated. I tapped his helmet with mine, gave him a smile and walked to the end of the line. By the time I was there the coach eventually snapped out of it and he gave out a yell. "STILES. SCOTT. PAIR UP! You're playing defenders. Don't let anyone shoot that goal!"
I've never done training like this before, seemed exciting. I took a step out of line to have a look at what was happening. The first kid Zach ran up with crosse and ball in hand. He started to run towards the defenders, by his physique I could see he was the agile type. He looked like he was going to dodge them but without any notice Scott runs up and whacks him with the crosse. I watched in agony as Zach flew up and back down onto the field. I didn't blink for the next 5 seconds. I was so shocked, so much for playing clean. I didn't notice Liam walking towards me. He flailed his hands in front of my face and gave me a whack.
"Dude! What was that for?" I groaned.
"No man.. This was exactly what happened when I first joined the team." Liam stammered.
"What? What?? What are you talking about?" I was so confused, I didn't understand anything he was saying. I started to rub my arm. Why does everyone punch so hard?
"When I tried out for the team, coach did the exact same drills. It was my turn and that was the day I broke my ankle after Scott flung me into the air."
"What? Just like Zach?"
"Yeah.... Just like Zach... They took me to the hospital and my dad brought me into the room. He took a look and he told me that it would never heal, or even if it did, I would never play lacrosse again.
"Then how are you playing now?"
"Well. Something weird happened at the hospital. Everyone left and I heard a lot of noise so I decided to check it out, I walked out of my room and I saw the ceiling lights hanging..." he stopped himself before he could finish. "Ummm.. Sorry I got to ask coach something. I'll be back soon alright?"
Well that was suspicious. He could have at least finished the story. Whatever, I decided to stop thinking about it. It was my turn anyway. I started to sweat, it was kinda of nerve wrecking, seeing all the guys fall on their butts or face first into the grass. I mean, I wouldn't expect it to hurt too much, at least it wasn't AstroTurf like it was back in Island. It's just the idea of Scott and Stiles being so aggressive and just nearly killing everyone trying to get past. I just joined, I don't want to die, not yet. I assessed the situation, Scott always stood behind Stiles, just in case he missed any of his tackles. It was a very wolf like thing to do, kind of like what wolves do in their packs. If one wolf failed to do the job, there would always be one to back them up just to make sure the job is done. They'd never leave each other. I have absolutely no clue what to do. I've never seen a play like this in my life, It's so coordinated and so well put. "MOVE IT RYLAND! YOU'RE HOLDING UP THE LINE!" barked Scott. Okay, my time is up, it's now or never. I started to run, and I ran fast, picking up the pace as I veered closer and closer towards Scott and Stiles, they too started to move towards me. I could see the anger in Scott's eyes, it felt and looked like he was going to kill me. He started to lean forwards, ready to pounce at me. A bit like a cat don't you think? Stiles started to run, he faked a right and swung his crosse towards my head, I crouched and did a little tumble on the ground. I could feel every eye on me, it fueled my determination to make this play count. Scott's head shot up and I could feel the glare, he started to run towards me keeping his body posture low, quite near the ground. We we're about to crash into each other as he leaped forwards, crosse laid back and ready to be swung straight at me. I made the half a second decision to get on my knees and slide right under him. It worked for the first second, until he swung his crosse down slamming straight into my back. I heard a crack, I couldn't tell if it was the crosse or my back but it didn't mater. My feet dug into the ground from the excruciating pain and my slide slowed to an eventual halt. I turned my head to see Stiles running straight for me, he was going to take the crosse off the ground and away from the net. With a final push I lunged forwards in an attempt to grab it, I pulled it towards me and rolled on my side, the momentum was just enough to slide the ball out of the net, and you know what. Into the goal. There was a sudden roar of cheers and before you knew it, I blacked out.
I winced my face as my eyes started to part slowly, I saw a pair of dark brown eyes staring straight back at me. It was coach.... I tilted my face over to the left to see Liam running towards me to be stood right behind coach. "Ummm... Coach? I'm pretty sure Ryland's a bit too young for you." he joked. Coach shot straight back up and stared at him, a cold, dark, soulless stare into his soul. I saw Liam shiver. Coach eased backwards and Liam walked over to help me up off my back. I looked around, I was on the stands, the seats just by the field. I turned the other way to see Lydia and Kira waving back at me. I tried to smile back but I returned a face of disgust. The pain was too much. Liam grabbed his water bottle and moved it towards my mouth. I took a few sips and eased the water bottle away from my face with my hand. I let out a little grunt, it hurt to move my arm. "That was quite a blow you got there dude." he said. "But you know what, I heard Coach talking to Zach and I think he's planning on giving you the spot for captain."
"No... No!!! I can't... I can't take Scott's place. I refuse to." I protested.
"Okay okay! Calm down, I'll get coach over here and you can tell him yourself ok. I don't make the rules." he said reassuringly. He yelled for coach as he walked over slowly.
"You feeling better Ryland? Wanted to ask me something?" coach sputtered.
"No not really, but you got to give Scott the role as captain. I can't take it, I refuse to take it coach." He looked at Liam as if he were to hit him.
"Why don't you want the role of captain? You were captain in Island High, why not now?"
"I just, I can't take the pressure that this role gives. It's too much to worry about and it's just, such a big role. Furthermore, I haven't really -" I let out a cough. Ugh my back is killing me. "I haven't really had much of a leadership role ever since the team was disbanded. Just let Scott have this. He's better suited for it."
"Are you sure? You're really going to waste your chances for an amazing reputation?"
"Yeah. I am coach, and trust me, I won't regret it."
"Ummm.. Okay then.... Whatever you want Ryland. Now get some rest. I'll go give Scott the good news." He left and walked over to Scott. Liam helped me up, I placed my arm over his shoulder and he carried me back to the locker rooms. He laid me down on the benches that laid around the room. "I'm going to go get some ice okay? I'll be right back!"
I nodded and leant my head back onto the lockers and closed my eyes. The peace and quiet was nice. It was serene and relaxing, it felt like forever since i've heard silence. Peace and quiet, finally. I must have spoke too soon because the door barged open. My eyes shot wide open and I saw Scott staring straight back at me. For once he looked happy.
"Ryland? Why? Why did you give up your place?" he wondered.
I would have gone with the whole story with how it's too much effort and the stupid mistake I made back then but I went with something else instead.
"Because you know what, Captain McCall sounds better than Captain Calix." I revealed. I gave him a chuckle and he sat down beside me. He looked me into my eyes, his lips were curled on one corner, revealing a sort of half smile. It was so hot. He tilts his head over to the side slightly and leans his head in. Wait. Is he trying to kiss me? What?!?!?!?!!!
Just before our lips touched Liam barges through the door.
"Ryland I got the ...-" He stopped and dropped the bag of ice onto the floor. The bag burst open and ice started to fall out of the bag. His face. It wasn't disgust or anger no, it was confusion, and somehow I sensed a bit of sadness in there as well. Scott stood up and reared backwards.
"I... I... I.... I'm sorry. I didn't..." he gulped. He was in the process of walking towards the exit when Kira bursts in and jumps onto his arms. "CONGRATULATIONS BABE!! CAPTAIN FOR ANOTHER YEAR!" she squealed. Scott caught her and leaned in for the kiss. Their lips met and they stumbled out of the room. Liam turns to look at me, he looked really distraught, he was all jumpy and cheerful, but now he looked sad and in pain. He placed the bag of ice on my back and walked out of the room. One foot dragging behind the other. Did I do something wrong? I didn't think so... Lydia walks into the room and up to me. "Anyone going to take you home?" she asks.
"Ermm.. I don't think so. Why?" I answered.
"Well, you ain't walking home. I'll drive you".
She helps me up and we walked over towards her car.
"Congrats by the way, you made the team." she congratulated.
"Oh hah.. Thanks.."
I got into the car and she closed the door for me. She ran around her car and towards to the drivers side. She got in herself and turned to face me.
"So, where do you live?"
"Oh.. Erm.. Just off the main road? Into the woods? There's a country house up there."
"So you're the one who bought that house! Nice place isn't it?"
"Yeah, quite." I babbled. I was struggling to talk.
"Get some rest, I'll wake you up when we're there."
I closed my eyes and fell into a slumber.
Someone was shaking my shoulder and I shot up. It was Lydia, I looked out the window and I saw my house. My mum was out by the porch, she put down her book and walked over to the car. She opened the door and helped me out of the car.
"Thanks so much for everything. Lydia was it?" she smiled.
"That's me! You're welcome Mrs Calix." Lydia responded cheerfully.
"Stop it you. Just call me Amanda." she replied as she blushed.
Lydia backed out of the driveway and soon after, out of sight. My mum carried me up into my room and laid me on my bed.
"Well looks like you had fun." she chuckled.
"Haha I guess you could say that." I yawned.
"Good first day?"
"Interesting, to say the least."
"Well, good night son, I'll let you get some rest. If you're not feeling too good, don't go to school tomorrow okay? Make sure you recover."
I returned a smile and she pulled the covers over me. She kissed me on my forehead, flicked the light switch and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her. I didn't really sleep immediately, I was still so confused as to why Liam acted that way. Why would his mood suddenly change for no apparent reason. Unless, Unless he li-... My thought process was ended abruptly as I saw the same pair of yellow eyes, staring straight into my room.
I passed out.
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