"Just step on her."
"Sir, that's low, even for you..."
Gunther stepped over my crumpled form as I groaned loudly, trying to stretch out my back so it wouldn't be curved into a permanent hunch. I had been cleaning since the ass-crack of dawn, and it was barely lunch time. Levi hadn't been lying when he had said I would be in for a world of pain, and I wanted to bite his ankles as I laid on the stone floor, cursing out his existence.
"Get up, girl. The windows need to be wiped down. I want birds to break their necks because they can't see the glass." The devil rolled me along with his boot, and I released a half-joking sob.
"But Leviiiiii...they're stained glass..." I wailed, crawling away from his assault and using Gunther's leg to pull myself to a stand.
"Did I fucking stutter? Make it happen." The ravonet barked, but I could hear the sadistic pep in his voice. The sick little freak was enjoying every second of my suffering.
"Make it happen...nyeh nyeh nyeh..." I mimicked him under my breath, grabbing a clean cloth and my bucket of water, lugging it over to the already spotless window pane.
This sucks...He cheated...but...I guess I have to deal with it...He did give me some decent advice after all. I guess it's thanks to him I managed to take the next step with Eldy...
As I lazily rubbed circles against the glass, I spotted something through the ripples. I was lucky Gunther had such astounding reflexes, as he managed go catch me by the collar when I busted the window open, nearly toppling over the edge when I leaned out.
"OIIIII!" I yelled out to the new arrivals below, waving both my hands about in greeting and putting absolute faith in Gunther's grip.
Armin was the first to notice me, waving back and giving me a kindly grin before some of the others followed suit.
"(Y/N), where is Eren?!" Mikasa was the first to call back to me, and it didn't surprise me in the least that she was searching for her angsty teen counterpart.
"Beats me! Try the stables, or with Hange!" I replied, quickly spinning around and headbutting Gunther's broad chest by mistake.
"Easy, tiger." He laughed, stepping aside and letting me dash over to Levi, who looked like he was about to have an aneurysm as I grabbed hold of his cravat with soggy hands.
"I'll be your cleaning bitch for a whole month if you let me off early! Come on, Ackerguy! Pleeeeaaaasseeee?!" The vein in his forehead looked like it was carved in stone, but my heart soared when I heard that defeated tongue click.
"Step off and fuck off..." He muttered, avoiding my eyes as I squealed in delight, letting him go and almost knocking him over when i raced out the door. After going head over was down the stairs more than once, I was a little scuffed when I reached the outdoors, but that didn't stop me from sprinting over to the lined up group of ex-cadets and launching myself onto Reiner's back.
"Shit, (Y/N)'re lucky I heard you coming..." He laughed loudly, patting the arm I had loosely hooked around his neck.
"Boy missed you! He specifically told me so himself! He said..." I cleared my throat and put on a ridiculous voice. "...I miss my main man, Braun."
"You sure seem spritely, (Y/N)." Bertholdt laughed timidly, giving me a wonky smile when I craned my neck to look at him over Reiner's shoulder.
"Well, yeah! I've been stuck here being put through my paces by the devil himself, so it's great to finally see you guys again!"
Sasha yee-haw'd as she leapt on my back, to which Reiner yelped his complaints, but neither of us let go.
"I missed youuu! Nobody would hunt with me when we had time off! It was awful!" She wailed, smooshing her cheek into the back of my head. For once I didn't seem to be annoyed by her, or anyone, for that matter. After losing Marco, I could see how important these people were to me.
"I missed you too, Sash." I giggled, adjusting my grip on the blond as the girl hopped off. "Connie, you get a haircut?" The shaven boy stuck out his tongue, but I could see the hidden smile behind the gesture.
"Shaddup, bigshot!" Then, I saw Jean, who looked a little less lively than the others. Even from a distance I could see the bags under his eyes, and his head was lowered, not showing any signs of lifting.
Slipping off Reiner, I jogged over to him, tapping his shoulder to gain his attention.
"Hey, Jean..." My voice was softer in this particular greeting, and he slowly turned his head to meet my gaze. "It's good to see you."
I mean, you're still a jackass...but I know how you feel...
"Yeah..." He mumbled, coughing and straightening up. "You look like shit. I thought you'd at least change a little after being away..." Partially offended, I gasped, punching him lightly in the chest.
"How dare you come into my sanctuary...and insult my honour, you undercut slu-"
"-tte. Her name is Charlotte!" I could tell Dita, our resident horse expert, purposely cut me off by speaking louder, as he spoke to the new recruits. At least those of who were paying attention. Huffing, I went to continue my petty argument with Jean, but a top of blond caught my eye. Completely dropping the verbal battle, I skipped over to Eld, grabbing his arm and swinging off it cheerfully.
"Thanks...I was trying not to get too jealous." He laughed, nudging my shoulder in play. That was the reason I had run over in the first place. I knew he needed some form of validation if he had seen me riding on Reiner's back.
"Don't be. They're my friends! You're my boyfriend! Big gap, Eldy!"
Gotta're cute when you get a little jealous...
"We're heading out on an exploratory expedition in one month. Kind of a test for both Eren and the newbies, to figure out the best way to get him to Shiganshina." Eld hummed, glaring at both Reiner and Jean as they passed by on what looked to be a tour, run by Dita.
"Wait, really? So soon after..." I bit my tongue, knowing if I spoke the name of Trost out loud I'd just feel like shit again.
"Yep, so says the Commander. It'll be a simple one, so killing titans won't be a priority. Only the fuckers who get too close." He sighed, starting to walk off in the opposite direction with me in tow. "I'll run you through our formation later. Because we'll be with Jaeger, we'll get a load of protection." Humming, I nodded along, but the word formation made me cringe.
"Can't I just wing it? I mean, you know I'm not so good with formations and junk..."
The glare Eld gave me told me his answer, and I replied with a childish pout. I knew he was just trying to take care of me, but it pissed me off knowing I'd have to sit, roll over and play dead for the higher ranks.
"Hey, weren't you supposed to be labouring for the captain all day..?" He questioned, and I puckered my lips, looking away and over to the window above, where I could see the man in question scrubbing at the stain glass.
"I have no idea what you're talking about..." I said in a hurry, grabbing his arm and pulling him closer. "Say...why don't we go slack off in the cellar..?"
"Don't try to deny it, (Y/N)! We all saw you getting all lovey dovey with that blondie earlier!" Sasha shrieked loudly as she shook me back and forth, and I felt my brain being scrambled around in my skull. I'd made the foolish decision to join them for dinner that night, and I was paying the price.
"He sure has a glare on him, that's for sure..." Reiner muttered, resting his chin in his hand. Everyone was looking at me now, and I had no means of escape.
"Well...Eld and I are kind of...a couple?" I flinched down before the chorus of shock even began, but once everyone seemed to cool off, Armin spoke up.
"Isn't he like the second in command?" He asked, and I nodded a yes.
"Pretty much. Gunther would be a close third...and I wouldn't really consider Petra or Oluo to be leaders just yet..."
"Is he as cranky as that Levi guy?" Krista leaned over the table, tilting her pretty little head, and I almost snickered as Ymir scrambled to make sure her blonde locks didn't fall into her dinner.
"No, not at all! Polar opposites, personality wise! Levi's a bitch, but Eld is sweet and gentle..." I sighed wistfully, and Jean pushed his meal away with a sheer.
"Lost my damn appetite..." He grumbled, smacking at Sasha as she tried to swoop in to steal it away. Feeling flushed, I looked down at the table, twiddling my thumbs together like knitting needles.
"I'm really happy to see you guys again..." I admitted, puffing out my cheeks. "...I don't exactly like that you're all scouts...but...still...I've kind of missed this..."
"Aww, baby!~" I squeaked in surprise as both Connie and Sasha cooed at the same time, making me the filling for their idiot sandwich as they hugged me from left and right.
"(Y/N), got a minute?" I swivelled around once I was released, and looked up at Eld, who was holding a bundle of papers.
"If it's to do with formations, then sorry, I'm booked indefinitely..." I irked, trying to slouch down and escape his narrowing eyes.
"Oooo, hey there, lover boy~" Connie snickered, stiffening when Eld directed that intimidating glare to him. "I mean...uh...Lover Boy...s..sir..?"
"Just because we're in a relationship doesn't mean I can drop my duties as your superior officer, (Y/N). Come on, don't make me throw you over my shoulder." I was hoping I was the only one to see that playful glint in his eye when he said that.
Oh fuck...I don't know if I can take any more after the cellar earlier...
Groaning dramatically, I leaned back and fell against his legs, folding like a card between Eld and the wooden bench.
"Did you hear that? The sound of my fucks to give? No? That's because I have none." I recited; almost poetically, feeling the collective cringe that made its way around the table.
"I warned you..." Of course I caused a scene when he bent down, hoisting me over his shoulder, just like he had threatened. Shrieking, I pounded on his back, then nearly dragging Sasha along with me when I latched onto her ponytail.
"Alas, poor (Y/N)! Taken in her prime, to suffer the slow, agonising pain of...studying!" Connie mockingly reached out for my extended hand, erupting into a bout of obnoxious laughter. I could feel Eld trying to hold it together, too. His shoulders were jostling up and down beneath me as he stifled his cackles.
***Filler chapter before the 57th expedition! I wanted to form closer relationships with certain characters, like Connie, my shiny baby boy. Plus, I think we need some light hearted fun before...yeah...***
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