What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck what the FUCK?!
Either I had hit my head something bad, or Ymir just turned into a titan.
It really wouldn't have surprised me if the former was correct. I had been thrashed around among the sea of titans, and I barely had a lungful of gas remaining. It was sheer luck that they were all packed so closely together, otherwise I would have been dead already.
Ymir was laying into the largest cluster of titans, closest to the tower, and I felt a slight sense of relief as I did my best to round up and slay the stragglers.
At least when my gear cuts out...they'll all be distracted...
Reiner was on my mind as I cut into another nape, barely slicing deep enough. He kind of reminded me of my late lover, in some strange way. He was always watching out for me, and showing me such kindness, which didn't unsettle me. In fact, it made me want to get out of this alive.
I should have known better than to get lost in my thoughts, as I didn't quite notice the large, flabby hand swiping for me from my right. Amidst my attempt at dodging, it clipped me in the hip, sending me flying into the collapsed support stones that Nanaba had accidentally obliterated before her death.
Dammit..! Is it busted..?!
Without much time, I ignored the pain in my side and opposite shoulder, quickly checking the right rig of my odm gear. The gas canister was cracked and whistling, and it looked like the grappelling base had been dented so badly that there wasn't any hope of being able to shoot from that side.
Fuck my entire life..! Is it possible to use just one of them properly..?!
There wouldn't be a chance for me to think it through, as there was a titan clambering over the rubble, straight towards me. Holding my breath, I sprung to my feet and said my prayers, launching my line towards one of the larger titans dealing with Ymir, who looked like she didn't have much longer left to live.
Complete control of my movements was out of the question, but I was doing the best I could. If I could just make it over there, I would likely be able to use the last of my gas to get back up to the roof, to Reiner and the others. It was decent plan, but I was forgetting one minor detail.
The world had it out for us.
Whiplash was unavoidable as I was yanked backwards in the air, helping out as my straps tightened around my chest and thighs. The bastard who had been rushing towards me before lifting off had been an abnormal, no doubt about it, and it had grabbed hold of my cables.
Struggling wildly, I tried to unfasten the buckles holding me in, but my bumbling fingers weren't cooperating. Before I knew it, I could only see blurs, as I began to spin. At first, my panicked mind thought it could have been another piloted titan, but the way I was being whirled around was anything but organised. I had become some kind of shrieking lasso, spinning round and round, being toyed with before it decided I was scrambled enough to ingest.
The sounds of crumbling stone told me that the tower was collapsing, but I was helpless. I didn't even have fumes left, at this rate, and my swords were barely six inches long, dull and blunt. I could almost hear the crack of a whip as the titan jerked me back towards it, and when it dangled me before it's face, all I could do was hang there, emptying the bile from my stomach and gasping for breath.
I was so close to the rest of them. The shadow of the castle topped right at the crown of the fleshy abnormal's head, as it lifted me up at arms length. The sight of yellowing ivories lining the inside of its jaw caused me to feel something I hadn't felt in a long time. It was as though I had reverted back into that pathetic, wailing little child, cowering beneath the hateful eyes of those who had ruined me.
"P..put me down..! Let me g..go..! Stop..!" My screams of despair were broken and shrill, and I thrashed wildly in a futile attempt to escape my fate. Now I knew how Mike had felt. How anybody; even the strongest willed, could ever remain sane in such a scenario truly escaped me. All I could feel was pure, unadulterated terror as I felt its scorching breath against my skin, and I counted my breaths before it sent me into the next level of hell.
That was before I heard that crack.
Since forever, I had always associated that sound with death, but this time, that wasn't what followed. My eyes were squeezed tight as I felt myself flying, crying out as hard, rounded objects bounced off my skin, before I crashed hard into the ground. I felt like I rolled for a millennia, but when I finally stopped, I managed to open my eyes.
Through the thick settling of dust, all I could see was the vast horizon, still soaked in the vermilion hues of the sunrise. Roars and screeches were deafening behind me, but I couldn't force myself to turn around. There were human voices, that was for certain, but I couldn't tell if they belonged to anyone worth caring about. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't think of a way any of them could have survived the collapse.
A large, coarse hand on my arm scared me out of my wits, and I squeaked out a pathetic yelp before I was turned on my side.
" stupid little idiot..!" If I hadn't known any better, I would have sworn Reiner had tears in his eyes, but that could have been my own, clouding up my vision. Both Bertholdt and Nicholas were crouched by his sides, looking equally as distressed.
"R..Rei..." I whimpered the beginnings of his name, letting my tears overflow as he lifted me into his arms. I expected an embrace from the wounded softy, but definitely not his lips pressing to mine. It was a quick kiss, but the moment we pulled back, I could confirm that he was, indeed, trying to hold back tears. "E..ew...I threw up...That's g..gross..."
The two other men, who had seemingly been overlooked, didn't look overly impressed by that sudden display of affection, but they didn't say anything about it, only urging Reiner to hand me over to my brother so we could all get to a safer distance. Reinforcements had arrived not a moment too soon, and everything was going to be alright.
When I spotted Levi, lingering back from all the commotion, I felt little remorse for the way I elbowed and kicked out at Nicholas to release me, and I found myself racing towards the captain, throwing myself into his chest. For the first time, his arms didn't hover about me in disgust, but instead closed loosely around me, filth and all.
"You look like you've been chewed up and shat out...We've been through this, kid..." The ravonet sighed, leaning back and using his cravat to dab at the murky tears and other unsightly fluids running down my chin. That action alone made me weep harder, and I felt myself fall apart as I crushed into his body again.
"M..Mike's d..dead..! Na..naba a..and the others are...d..dead..! Th..there wasn't anything I could! I'm so sorry, L..Levi..! I t..tried so hard..!" I felt like I was eleven years old again, and I hadn't the power or skill to stop myself from spilling everything out. The elder man just patted my back; albeit stiffly, and hushed me with soft puffs of air.
"Don't apologise. I know you did your best." wasn't good enough...
"(Y/N)...if it hadn't been for you...and Ymir...we would've all died...You saved us..." I heard Reiner shift closer, and the warmth of his hand hovered over my back, but the captain's sharp cough warded him off.
"I want you and these other two to assist moving all unarmed recruits and injured soldiers to the back lines. I am more than capable of babysitting the girl."
Why do you protective..? It's not a good look on you...
Begrudgingly, Reiner muttered his submission, stomping off and away with lighter footsteps trailing behind.
"I'll check on you later, sis...You're incredible..." Nicholas murmured, hurrying to follow and leaving me alone with my captain.
"Do you need medical attention?" Without an audience, Levi's voice became somewhat softer, which had my already spinning head switching up a few extra gears.
"P..probably...I think I have a concussion...cuz you sound like you're being n..nice..." I whimpered in response, whining a weak complaint as he tried to pry off me. "I..I'm serious, though...I hit my head a few times...and my whole body got smashed around...I was a human lasso..."
Everything's still spinning...but it got worse when Reiner kissed me...and when you held me like this...
That had definitely been the case, but that was before Levi pulled my head back and touched his forehead to mine, sending me into a frozen state of panic for all the wrong reasons. His eyes; the colour of a foggy winter morning, stared straight into mine, and I swore I was having some kind of fatal stroke.
"You're fucking freezing, you dumbass..." Finally taking a step back, Levi impatiently pulled off his thin over-shirt, tossing it over my shoulders. "Warm up, bratsicle. You able to walk? Or do I have to carry you again?"
Even though everybody insisted I felt cold to the touch, it really seemed like my skin was burning as I stared at him, swallowing thickly and shaking my head.
"Uh...I'm fine...You're a cripple, anyway..." Levi shot me his patented glare, but there was very little edge to it. Nudging me carefully on the back, he began to walk ahead with a slight limp.
"That makes two of us. Come on, let's get you checked out..."
***I rushed this because I had no idea how to write Ymir in properly ugh. But also precious moments with our Nuggie Boi and Gremlin King. Now, when will my Jean-boy return from the war..?***
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