CHAPTER SIXTY: Secret's Safe
Levi had told me to keep my 'crippled ass' in bed... of course, I was right behind him in the ruins of the Reiss church, purposely stepping on his heels.
"Do you do this on purpose? Do you wake up in the morning and think, hey, I'm going to actively set out to make my captain's life a living hell?" He asked me sarcastically, stopping so that I would crash into his back.
"Guilty." I sung, balancing up on the toes of my left foot, leaning over his shoulder. "What're you gonna do about it? Step on me again?" It hadn't meant to come out the way it had, but it was too late to take it back. Turning his head to look at me, face close, he narrowed his eyes.
"I'll do more than just step on you. Back up, we have work to do. I can punish you later."
Ah, shit.
Nearly falling flat on my face when he began moving again, I limped along after the man, turning my focus to the rubble, in case there were any survivors. It seemed unlikely.
"I heard you saved some nosey brats from getting crushed." Surprisingly, Levi continued speaking to me, and I nodded.
"Yeah, I couldn't let them die. Now I've got myself a little fanclub." I snorted, carefully stepping over large clusters of stone and crystal.
"So, you're fond of brats, huh? Didn't take you for the motherly type." He hummed in response, crouching to push aside a clump to reveal a dented pistol.
"Not particularly. Never really seen the appeal..." I mumbled, pursing my lips as I found my own evidence of death. A twisted boot. "Who'd wanna bring a kid into a world like this? Besides, after my experiences, I don't think I'm cut out for that kind of thing. Don't wanna accidentally smack it with a broom and traumatise the little shit, y'know..?"
After a while of silence, I turned to find Levi staring at me, his expression not quite a glare. I responded with a simple shrug.
"I completely agree with you...minus the broom aspect..." He clicked his tongue and continued on, pushing us into a relatively comfortable silence.
"Captain Levi, Sir! We've found Kenny the Ripper! He's still alive!" One of our comrades called out from over the esge of the ditch, and even though I was several feet away, I swore I still felt the man flinch.
It was difficult to keep up with them until they slowed at the base of a hill, and I likely ruined the dramatic mood with my canine-esque panting. Keeping my groan to myself, I followed them up the slope, hooking my thumbs into my belt when they drew their guns, seeing as I didn't have one of my own.
"Kenny..." Levi spoke his name once we had stopped before him, and I immediately pitied the guy. The right side of his face was badly burned, and his stomach, where the captain had slashed, was still heavily bleeding. Opening an eye, he looked up at us, breath ragged.
"Ah...shit...not you agai-" The man's words were cut short as he began to cough and splutter, blood almost pouring from his mouth.
"We found what was left of your squad. They were buried in the cave in. Looks like you were the only survivor." Levi seemed indifferent, but I could feel the weight.
"Mmhmm...sure looks like it..." Kenny sighed, not an ounce of fight left in him. The captain's brow creased, and he pursed his lips, not taking his eyes away from the serial killer for even a moment.
"Report back. I'm fine alone..." He ordered, and the recruit nodded, turning to leave. "(Y/N). I'd like to speak with Kenny alone. I'd appreciate it if you would step away."
Yeah, it isn't my place to listen in here...
"Sure thing. I'll be down the hill." Giving Kenny one last glance, I turned and limped back down the slope, thankful that it was easier than the hike up. Once on the flat, I just stood there, back to the pair of them, who were completely out of earshot, besides the occaisional hacking cough.
There had obviously once been something deep between them, but it didn't feel right to ask, especially now that the Ripper was wiping his feet on death's doormat. I could have followed after the recruit he had sent away, but I wanted to be within shouting distance, just in case.
Biding my time by scuffing my boots against grass blades, I waited for an age, head down and hands fidgeting behind my back. Historia would have been getting crowned by now, but I was glad to have missed it. Fancy suits and drawn out speeches weren't my cup of tea.
But apparently playing hide and seek with cadavers is...
Hearing footsteps, I finally turned around, spotting Levi walking towards me. His head was hung low, and against his chest he clutched a wooden box.
"Everything alright..?" I asked cautiously, eyes flickering up behind him to spot an unmoving Kenny.
He stayed silent for a while, moving over to the treeline to sit, back against a gnarled trunk. Placing the mysterious box to his side, he covered his eyes with his hand, the other resting atop his knees.
"He was my uncle. Apparently..."
There was an unnerving waver to his voice when he finally did speak, and it was almost scary. I had never heard that kind of tone from him before.
"I..I'm sorry..." I replied, unsure of what else to say. Slowly, I moved closer to him, struggling to crouch down. If he was actually crying, he wasn't letting me see it.
"It's almost laughable. Here I was, believing I had been without family for the majority of my life...yet my uncle raised me. He never even hinted at the fact..." He curled in on himself a little more, eyes still covered. "I should be pissed off...Why the hell aren't I..?"
Chewing on my lip, I considered my possible answers, but it was a difficult question, even if it had been rhetorical.
"I...don't know. I mean...I thought I would have been happy when Nicho died...but...I guess we don't really have control over how we process things..." I doubted I was making sense, but I continued nonetheless. "Even if you never knew, he was still family...and by the looks of you, and how you turned out...I'd say he did a good job, even if he wasn't always there..."
Scoffing flatly, Levi blew out a puff of air, making me think twice about removing his hand from his face. He didn't need a hit to the ego on top of everything else.
"Did you really just compliment me? If so, you likely gained a concussion when you fell..."
No...I just...
Reaching out, I placed my hand on the arm that sat upon his knees, keeping my grip light.
"My head's fine. I mean, you're an asshole, Levi, but you're still an incredible person. I have no idea what you went through, but I'm glad you got through it...and even though he tried to kill you...I'm glad Kenny was there for you...even for a litte while..."
I wasn't expecting him to yank me forward, but I allowed it, chin on his shoulder and both of his hands on my back. His face was now uncovered, yet I still couldn't see it.
"This is what you wanted, right? To console me?" He mumbled, sounding exhausted. "I'll oblige, but you aren't permitted to tell a soul..."
Shifting so that my right leg wasn't bent to a more painful angle, I held him back, my fingers tracing the shortened hair above the base of his nape.
"Yeah yeah...secret's safe..." I chuckled softly, feeling his hands close tighter around the material of my shirt.
I wasn't sure how long we stayed like that, but I didn't mind in the slightest. It was nice to see a softer, more vulnerable side to the captain, and I was also glad that I was able to be there for him, just like he had been there for me.
"We need to be getting back. We should at least make a brief appearance at the crowning..." Levi sighed, yet he showed no signs of moving. My legs were numb, at this point, save for the dull ache of my wound.
"You gotta let go if you wanna leave, y'know..?" I half chuckled, giving him complete control over when to break apart.
Levi dipped his head into the crook of my neck, but I kept my mouth shut about the slight dampness of his face, for his sake.
"Personally, I don't give much of a fuck. I despise ceremonies. Being alone is preferable to that nonsense..."
Turning my head a bit, I could only really look into the raven shade of his hair, lifting a brow.
"You're not alone, though? We're literally nearly merging together." I scoffed halfheartedly, shivering against my will as his fingertips traced circles against my back.
"I suppose you're right...and I don't quite mind it..." He murmured, causing my face to heat up. Not giving me much of a chance to respond, Levi's arms tightened around me as he grunted, standing up with me in his arms. There was a strangely long pause before he slowly set me down, giving me a chance to make sure my leg wouldn't take too much of my weight.
"Wh..what...don't mind that we were so close..?" After he straightened back up from fetching the mystery box, he reached to caress my face, fingers travelling down to gently tilt my chin upwards. It always caught me off guard when he did that.
"No. That you were right, for once. Gives me hope that there actually might be a brain between those (E/C) eyes of yours..." He made sure that his thumb brushed against my bottom lip as he pulled away, turning to start back towards Wall Sina, leaving me a burning, stupified mess. "Hurry it up. Don't think I won't leave you behind, brat."
Blinking myself out of my daze, I hurried to catch up, very nearly tripping due to numb legs and a dizzy head. Once I was by his side, I glanced over to him once more, matching his stride as best as I could with my temporary limp.
I don't think I'll ever begin to understand him...but for once, I'm glad he caught me...
***Levi simps, come get yall's juice.
I spent $150 on a Jean statue and best believe I'll spend another $150 on the other one...
From here to when the Shiganshina expedition begins, I'll be running rampant with alternative plotline. Expect more romance (and otherwise) content.
Next Time: Next To Normal***
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