Nothing happened.
I kept my head down, despite the steam billowing through my hair, uncomfortably hot. It was selfish, but I wanted Reiner to hurry up and regenerate, at least to the point where he had a mouth. Then I could beg him for answers.
"Get away from him..!" I flinched when I heard someone land behind me, the familiar voice causing my chest to ache. Instead of scrambling away like any sane person would do, I slowly looked up, meeting Bertholdt's eyes.
"Do you seriously think that I want to kill him..?"
It has to happen...but I won't be the one to do it...
The man glared at me, his entire body tense, hand flexing by his gear, ready to draw his blades if need be. It looked like he was considering it anyway, whether I attacked or not.
"I don't care. I told you to get away from him, (Y/N)..!" Was this really the Bertholdt I had known? He sounded so much more assertive. Brave.
I stood up, but I didn't step away, raising my hands to show him that I wasn't going to try anything funny. Still, he remained ready.
"I was just making sure he was alive, Bertholdt. He spared me, so I wanted to at least return part of the favo-"
When he drew his blade, I raised my hands higher. I had to be careful. One wrong move, and I wouldn't be the only one to die by his hand.
"He should've killed you! I told him, over and over again!" Bertholdt hissed, advancing a single pace. "He wanted to save you, but that can't happen! You, everyone else behind the walls...This is it for you, understand?!"
No, that's the problem...
If I hadn't been aware of the danger he posed, I likely would of pressed him for answers instead of Reiner, but I chose not to. Instead, I motioned to my gear, swallowing thick.
"Th..then, I'll do as you say. If this is what you gotta do...then go ahead, but don't think we won't fight back..." When I noticed his blade lower, just a fraction, I took hold of my own, making sure they weren't pointing towards him. "Y'know, I really thought we had been friends...Sorry for the mistake..."
I held my breath when I launched away, only releasing once I was a great distance from the pair. Attempting to take him down would have been a bad move, and I knew everyone else would agree. Things were looking grim, and I was torn. I knew I had my orders, but I wanted to be on the other side. I wanted to help Levi and the new recruits. I wouldn't feel so confused over there.
Spotting Eren first, I sped over and landed upon his head, crouching and using a strand of his greasy titan hair so I wouldn't slide off.
"That was a risky move, (Y/N)." Moblit addressed me first, and I focused on him instead of Jean's worried gaze.
"I'm alive, aren't I?" I sighed, ignoring the throbbing of my old injuries. "I checked Reiner's vitals. He still has a pulse. It didn't kill him. Bertholdt chased me off. Didn't seem too keen on a trip down memory lane."
Eren plucked me from his scalp and set me down on his shoulder, opposite to Jean, his large, almost beady eye meeting mine for a moment.
"What do we do now..? Bertholdt is a ticking time bomb..." Sasha mumured, fiddling with her cloak button nervously.
"Well, that ticking time bomb is headed this way!"
Moblit directed our attention towards the figure quickly approaching, and Hange drew their weapons again.
"The plan is as follows! Armin, you take control of Levi squad and protect Eren! Everyone else, cone with me! We've got two targets we need to eliminate!"
I was completely fine letting Armin take charge. He was smarter than me, so it only made sense.
"Hange, Armin. I'm gonna go on ahead, back to Reiner. If he's regenerating too quickly, I can put a stop to it." Could I though? Yes, I was sure I could. Emotional attachment or not, this was war, and I had to pick a side. If I was forced to fight, to kill, then I would.
"(Y/N), that isn't-" Both Moblit and Jean spoke at the same time, but I silenced them by holding up my blade, a tired smile directing towards them as I launched my grappels.
"Quit worrying about me, and just make sure you stay alive, 'kay?" I hated saying that. It still felt like a curse when it came from my tongue, but there wasn't anything else I could say.
I gave Bertholdt a wide birth as I set off, whipping through the streets instead of ovee rooftops, just in case Bertholdt decided I was too big of a threat. The loud crashes in the distance made me feel nauseous. What was the Beast Titan doing? Was Levi alright? Was Erwin still safe upon the wall?
I very nearly tripped upon the air as I reached the Armoured Titan. It had turned over, face to the sky now, very little steam emitting from the nape. Confused, and incredibly cautious, I landed upon the armour of it's chest, the slight rise and fall telling me to keep my guard up.
" can hear me, right..?" My voice was soft when I spoke up, taking a single step closer to his face. There was no response, audible or physical, but I could tell. The warrior was conscious and all ears. "I many things I wanna ask you...but now that you're here...the only question that I can think of is...why did you murder Marco..?"
Why did he have to die?
He tensed beneath me. It was faint, but I definitely felt it. Closer again, my blades quivered by my sides, though my head remained high.
"Why did Annie have to murder Eld..? And Petra, and Gunther, and Oluo..? killed my killed my Boy...Everyone has lost so much because of you...Why..?"
If I had had the strength, I would have flipped that tintanous body over and cut him out, forcing him to talk, but it was impossible. I was stuck with a strong silence in our bubble, the shouting and the crashing all white noise in the background.
If you really did care about me...then why did you guys kill everyone I loved..?
With a shriek, I drove one of my blades down into his chest, shattering it on impact. The force and resistance jarred my shoulder badly, but I didn't care.
"Don't be a fucking coward, you asshole! Come out and face me! to me..! Tell me why I can have a reason to let go and kill you..!"
My last words were in unison with the brightest of golden flashes, my shadow casting over the bumpy, stone-like armour. It was no doubt Bertholdt, and we were too close. That was why he had turned over. So his nape wouldn't be exposed. I was going to die.
That was my only thought until I was blanketed with darkness.
Did...I die..? No...I can still hear it...It's still so hot...
It sounded like hell had risen from the underground and swallowed the earth, the faintest glow leaking through the cracks of my fortress. The solid structure beneath me rose and fell in a slow, yet steady rhythm, and I suddenly realised.
Reiner...saved me...
It felt like a thousand years had passed since it had begun, but finally, the glow faded away, and my shield cracked apart, Reiner's hands falling to his sides once more. Shaking, and completely speechless, I hesitantly rose to my feet, coughing as the smoke became thick in the cityscape.
Reiner still showed no signs of getting up. Was he still regenerating? Had he used the last of his strength to protect me? I despised it. I wanted to hate him, like everyone expected me to, for the sake of the people he and his comrades had stolen from us, but after that? It was messing with my head.
My breath shallow and quivering, I took slow steps up his chest, hissing as I scaled his chin, my shoulder begging for me to leave it to rest. Once on his face, I crouched down over his eye, pupil no longer visible. The only thing I could see being my own, mangy reflection.
"I..I'm sorry...but you're going to regret that..."
Had they glistened just as I launched off, in search of anyone who had made it? I wasn't sure, but I didn't want to know anyway. Bertholdt had transformed, and I needed to find someone. Anyone.
Please...Not everyone...They had to have survived...
I flinched as debris began to rain down nearby, the colossal hands of the most feared titan scooping up and throwing whatever they could carry, further destroying the already decimated Shiganshina.
After a lengthy time of searching, I finally spotted Eren, and several other survivors.
"O..oi..!" I sped over as quickly as I could, landing beside Jean on the titan's shoulder, and I yelped in both shock and pain as he threw his arms around me.
"You're okay..?! I..I thought you...that you'd..?!" Was he starting to cry? There wasn't time for it. When I pulled back from him, I noticed both Sasha and Connie were teary eyed and staring too.
"I...had cover. Look, did everyone else get to safety? Where's Hange and Moblit's crew?"
Their somber expressions said it all. I had seen that exact face many times, and my heart tried to jump into my throat.
"They...were right under the blast..." Mikasa murmured, gazing out at Bertholdt. "There's no way..."
I can't break down now. Just wait...
Sucking in a deep breath, I began checking my gas cannisters. I didn't have too much left, but it was enough.
"R..right...I'm gonna go relay this to the Commander. They may be able to spare some men for...this..." I tried to not look towards the colossal titan, but it was difficult. "Reiner flipped himself over, so I bet he'll be back on his feet shortly. I won't be long. Armin, you have this covered, right?"
'U..uh-huh..." The blond looked traumatised, but he managed a stiff nod, and I turned to place a hand on Eren's face, past Jean's chest.
"If things go beyond saving...Take whoever you can and get the hell out of here, Eren. That's an order."
His pupil shrunk once he realised what I was saying, but he still responded with a single nod, which was enough for me. Before I could launch off again, Jean grabbed me by the wrist, pulling me a little closer, eyes filled with fear and something a little more personal.
"S..stay...We need you here...I...need you where I can see you..." He spoke in such a soft murmur, I wasn't sure anybody else heard, which was preferable. I had to go. I needed to check those noises out for myself, and with my current state, I wasn't going to be able to go up against Bertholdt. He was willing to kill me. Reiner was the only person - titan - that I had a one hundred percent chance of surviving.
Lifting my wrist, I pressed a small kiss to Jean's knuckles, shaking him off, despite the terrible pain that shot up towards my shoulder. My smile wasn't happy. It was grim, but it was certainly full of truth.
"I promise...I'll be back before you know it..."
***I don't feel well and this chapter is proof ugh. My left side is numb again, and my hypochondria goes brrrr (This happens a lot due to nerve issues and sensitivity to foods and chemicals).
I checked out the s4 dub earlier and Reiner just...hhhhhhhhhhhelp I'm in love with him again. (Don't worry, I won't give him special treatment).
Next Time: Pride and Lament***
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