CHAPTER SEVEN: Momentarily
I was counting my lucky stars when I discovered that it wouldn't just be myself and Levi going out that morning. Both Eld and Oluo were going to be joining us, so at least I would have one person there who I didn't resent completely.
"Aren't you going to tack up your horse, kid?" Oluo questioned me as he walked past, leading his mare by the reins. I gave him such a clueless look, I'm sure he must have thought I was stupid or something.
" He's never had a saddle or bridle on before...I wouldn't force Boy to wear something so uncomfortable..." I trailed off as I rubbed my nose against Boy's, and the elder Scout scrunched up his face.
"I really must insist that you-"
"For crying out loud, Oluo...Give the girl a break. If that's how she rides, then that's how she rides. It's pretty cool, if you ask me. If I tried to ride this old boy without a saddle I'd slide right off!" Eld jumped to my rescue as he patted his gelding beneath him, and I gave him a small, appreciative smile.
"What are all their names?" I questioned curiously; their attention mainly caught by the fact that my voice wasn't as quiet as usual.
"Names? We don't give them names, silly girl..." Oluo scoffed, but I knew he didn't intend it to be quite as rude. I hadn't had much to do with the man, but I could already tell that he often tried to imitate Levi. That, and Petra hadn't stopped bitching about him one night in the hospital.
"That's stupid. I'm calling yours...Petal...Because she's pretty, like a flower..." I pointed to the older man's mare before I turned my attention to Eld's horse. "He'll be...Rasputin...because I read that name in a book somewhere...and..."
"Wait, why does his get a cooler name than mine?!" I ignored Oluo's little tantrum as I spotted Levi upon his own horse.
"...and Levi's horse is now named Mire." I smiled; feeling accomplished, whilst Levi glared at me and narrowed his eyes.
"Mire..?" He sounded displeased, but I wasn't budging on the matter.
" in soft mud or dirt. That's his name now. No changes." I didn't wait around to get my ass kicked by the testy little man, and I sprinted back over to Boy; literally vaulting onto his back. "Can you hurry up? I wanna go!" The three men shared unreadable looks before nodding, which was the only green light I needed. With a cheerful yell, Boy shot off into a gallop; leaving them all behind in the dust.
I knew I couldn't go far. There was barely any space to ride around the back end of the training grounds, after all. The most I could do was ride around in circles until I allowed the depressing reality of my limitations set in. It was still magical, feeling the air rushing through my hair and the strong, comforting muscles of Boy's back beneath me. I hadn't felt so alive since the day they had swept me away. The feeling didn't last very long, though, as the moment my horse realised there wasn't really anywhere to go, he slowed down to a trot, which had me disheartened.
This isn't the same...
"Aw, where'd that bright smile run off to, kiddo?" Eld pulled up beside me when I had finally come to a stop, and I leaned down to lay upon the back of Boy's neck.
"This is a cage..." I sighed sadly; trying to hide the frown on my face with ruffled flaxen. "I don't like it here..." The blond reached out and patted my back gently, and I didn't make a move to flinch away. Though, Boy had other plans as he quickly spun his head around and made a swift attempt at biting that hand. Eld didn't really seem to mind, but Rasputin snorted in annoyance.
"I know it's...shitty, being confined in such a small area when you're used to wide open spaces...but the wall keeps us all safe...and It's keeping you safe, too. You might see it differently, (Y/N), but I'm...we're...really glad we found you that day..." It seemed as though he was struggling to find the right words, and when I turned my head back towards him, his was facing the other direction. "Once you're officially a Scout, I'll take you outside of the walls. Yeah, we'll have to come back...but I wanna see that smile again, even if it's under the circumstances of a mission..."
His ears are red...
"Hey...Eldy..?" That colour only intensified as I called him that way, and he slowly turned back to look at me. It was like the colours of the sunrise had made their home upon his cheeks.
"Yeah..?" He coughed away the odd pitch in his voice, and I sat myself up; taking gentle hold of Boy's flaxen tufts.
"Race ya!" I laughed loudly; freely, as Eld yelled out his complaints about me not being fair as my companion and I galloped back towards where I knew Levi and Oluo were slowly trotting along. I definitely didn't like it behind the walls, not one bit, but at least there was something I could do that made me happy. I wasn't going to let myself put a damper on that.
"How you don't come flying off that hooligan, I'll never know..." Oluo muttered as I pulled up in a skidding halt in front of the pair; making their horses startle slightly.
"Quit your mumbling, Olu...She may look tiny, but I'm betting my left nutsack she could crush your skull between her thighs if you pissed her off enough!" Eld laughed as he pulled up next to me. A faint heat crept up the back of my neck, but I pinned it on the fact that I just wasn't expecting to be complimented at all, let alone so bluntly.
"As much as I hate to join in on your bickering, Eld has a point. I don't doubt that she could." I almost choked when Levi spoke, as did Oluo, who turned his horse around and began to trot off back the way we had come.
"I didn't come out here to be attacked by smitten assho-" When his teeth come down upon his tongue, I flinched. Even I knew not to try to be chatty when doing a rising trot, but the poor man just didn't have much common sense. Neither of the others reacted, so I just assumed it was normal and started off myself.
I never really thought this could happen...actually willingly hanging out with isn't so bad...
"(Y/N), once we water the horses we're making up for lost training." Levi called out to me from a ways back, and I deflated. "One month is all I'm giving you to be prepared...I expect you can handle that?" My only response was a slight shrug of my shoulders, and I kept my eyes ahead as I felt someone pull up beside me.
"If you need any help, I'd be happy to give you a hand." Eld offered, and I could hear the smile in his voice.
"Quit trying to hit on the kid, you creep..." Oluo muttered under his breath, and that damn heat was creeping up again.
"I'm so not! I'm just...trying to help, is all!"
"Then why are you red?!"
"Why are you a dick?!"
"Captain Levi, Sir, permission to beat his ass?!"
"God, I pray for the day you bite your tongue all the way through..!"
I take back my earlier thought...It's bad.
***Quick filler, I guess? I dunno, I just love Eld so fucking much and he, along with the rest of the LEvi Squad, deserve sooooooo much more love and attention***
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