CHAPTER ONE: False Comfort
"Are you hungry, kid?" I didn't even bother to roll over and look at the woman sitting beside me. At some point during the two weeks I had been imprisoned in the hospital behind the wall, I had learned her name was Petra. She sighed once she realised I wasn't going to answer her, but it was to be expected.
Just let me leave...
"You know...if you just cooperated with us, you wouldn't be stuck in here...You're pneumonia free and would've been discharged a few days ago if you'd just talk to us, kid..." She explained softly, for the umpteenth time.
"Hey, no progress?" I shrunk further down under the sheets as I heard two pairs of footsteps enter the room, and I gritted my teeth.
"Nope...She's being difficult..." Petra muttered; standing up from her seat beside my bed.
"No, she's just being a fucking brat..." I sat straight up when I heard that voice, and my enraged (E/C) eyes met steel.
"Don't be so harsh, Sir...She's a kid...She's probably just confused and scared..." The one I knew as Eld rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly as he stepped between us. "L..look! She's even clean, now! Let's just try to talk this out, yeah?"
"I'm not a kid...and I'm not confused..." I finally found my voice as I glared straight through the blond scout, right into Levi's stoic face. I was terrified, that was for sure, but I couldn't let them see that. They would use my fear to their advantage.
"Good, then you'll be able to remember everything to tell the commander. On your feet. I won't be carrying you this time." Levi, despite his short stature, seemed like the biggest person in the room, and I didn't like it one bit. I didn't want to go see this commander of theirs, but I didn't want to stay in the hospital room either. Not breaking eye contact, I climbed out of the bed and held myself as though I was cold. I wasn't, but I just couldn't shake the chill that ran down my spine as I forced my bare feet to shuffle across the floor.
"Here, put these on, kid. Don't wanna risk you getting sick again." I flinched as Eld held something out to me, which ended up being a pair of boots.
Without a word, I nodded and bent over to slip them on. They fit well, which was a strange feeling after being used to wearing Scout boots that were five sizes too big for me. Once I followed Levi out into the hallway, I cleared my throat.
" my horse..?" I asked in a timid, scratchy voice, but the captain didn't turn around.
"Alive. He's a violent bastard, that's for sure...He's been in the care of one of the trainees in the stables." He explained, but that was it. The rest of our trip was made in utter silence as I kept my head down, until we reached a new building and a large, wooden door.
"You need to show the commander respect, even if you don't actually mean it. If you don't, I will personally punish you." Levi said in threat before he rapped on the door.
"Enter." A voice called back, and I was led into a large office. There, standing behind a desk in the centre of the room, was a tall, well dressed man. He had slicked blond hair and a polite smile on his face. "Welcome. I've heard a lot about you over the last couple of weeks. I am Commander Erwin Smith. Please, take a seat." He motioned to the chairs in front of his desk, and I hesitated before finally sitting down.
He's big...and his eyes...they're almost glowing...
"I understand that this must all be a lot to take in..." Erwin also took a seat before meeting my eyes. "...(F/N) (L/N)..." Every cell in my body froze up when he spoke my name, and I gripped at the arms of my chair, ready to bolt.
"It wasn't difficult for me to place you, (Y/N) . You look so much like your mother...and your (E/C) eyes match your father. Though, I must say...seeing you a shock." The commander leant back in his seat and folded his hands in his lap. "You can't blame us for wanting to know what happened to you. You and your elder brother disappeared seven years ago...and now, here you are."
I was rendered speechless. Just like that, he had confirmed my identity. Beyond terrified, I refused to continue to meet his gaze and felt my nails carving into the wood of the arm rests.
"D..does it matter..?" I whispered; wanting nothing more than to burst out in tears. "I shouldn't be here...I shouldn't have been brought here...I just wanna go..." Sharing a look with Levi, Erwin sat forward and dipped his head to try and look at my face.
"It matters to us. We just want to figure out how you ended up out there...and reunite you with your family...It-"
"No!" The chair tipped backwards as I sprung to my feet; (E/C) eyes wide and panicked. "Never tell them I exist! Ever!" I couldn't stop the tears that began to drizzle down my cheeks, and the commander stood to round his desk.
"Calm down, (Y/N)...If that is something you'd rather avoid, then...I won't send for them. At the moment, your comfort is our priority, and getting to the bottom of this..." I felt useless as I allowed him to place his large hand on my shoulder and lead me over to the leather sofa that sat to the far side of the room. "Levi, forgive me for asking this of you, but do you mind fetching us all some tea?"
"Fine...We all know you make a shit brew anyway..." The captain muttered before striding out of the room on his new mission. Once Erwin had me seated, he took a place to my right and watched me closely.
"I know I can't force you to talk if you don't wish to, but you need to understand that this is a big thing. Never before have we found someone living outside of the wall, let alone surviving for so long. It would be mutually beneficial to share your story with Levi and myself, (Y/N)."
There was something soft about the commander once you looked past his intimidating stature and rank. His crystal eyes were filled with intelligence and concern, along with an almost whimsical curiosity.
"If..if I choose to speak...will you let me go..? Can I go home..?" I lifted my head and gave him such a pathetic, pleading look, and he was visibly stirred.
" not up to me...But we can try to work something out..."
"I mugged another officer who was fetching tea for Pyxis and his company..." Levi wandered back into the room with a tray and set it down on the table before taking a seat across from me in an arm chair. "Now, tell us everything. Spare no details, brat."
"Levi, have a little bit of compassion, for heaven's sake..." Erwin muttered before turning to me. "Only if you're willing, (Y/N)..."
False comfort...False respect...
"Fine...I'll tell you...everything..."
***I don't have any idea what I'm doing but have this***
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