"O..Oi, Con, gimme your boot. I think I'm gonna throw up..."
Slack jawed and brows pinched, I just stared across the courtyard of the barracks in disbelief. There was no way I was seeing this, right? It couldn't be real.
I absolutely wasn't seeing Floch Forster with my sister hanging from his arm, was I?
"Get your own boot..." Connie muttered, just as distracted as I was. "So, what's the plan? Haul her ass outta here? Go tell Hange? I'm not into beating up girls, but from what you've told me, she's more of a hog."
All of the above, preferably.
"Mama, why does the hog make you wanna frow up?" Odette tugged at the hem of my shirt and I lifted her up, quickly passing her to my companion.
"Because she's rotten. Hey, Uncle Connie is gonna go take you to look at the pretty ponies for a little while so I can handle some grown up business, okay?"
Settling the four year old easily on his hip, Connie looked between me and my sister, cocking a brow.
"Grown up business, or (Y/N) business..?" I knew that was his way of asking whether he should be concerned about me possibly being arrested, and I waved him off quickly.
"Grown up. I'm not as bad as I used to be." I declared, pouting when my friend snorted, rolling his eyes as he started off with my daughter.
"Heh, we'll believe it when we see it, won't we, Odd?"
I can't even be mad, because he's justified.
Once they had left, I hiked up my big girl panties and strode my way over to where the pair were standing. The closer I got, the more disgusted I became. She was all over him in the most vulgar of mushy displays, goo goo eyes and all. Sickening.
"Floch, could I have a word?" I made a point to not even acknowledge the tightly cinched woman, who smirked knowingly and dragged the ginger's arm closer to her stuffed bosom.
"Oh, it's you, dear sister. I didn't think you made it out of Shiganshina after hearing about all those casualties."
Liar. Our names were the talk of the entire island when we returned...
Keeping up my unphased facade, I gave her a blank stare, though my fists were closed tightly behind my back.
"Yep. By the skin of my teeth. Floch, as I was saying, a word? Priva-"
"My sincere condolences about Commander Erwin. Such a pity, what happened to him." Felicitas' eyes flashed with bona fide malice as she continued to claw at my defences, begging for some kind of rise out of me.
"I had no idea you two were sisters. You're...absolutely nothing alike.' Floch glanced between the two of us and I internally thanked him for saying that. If I had been anything like her I would have begged for a bullet between the eyes. "Fel, could you excuse me for a moment? Y'know, responsibilities."
Giggling like she hadn't a thought between her eyes, Felicitas gave his arm one final squeeze before turning to float herself away, looking back over her shoulder.
"Okay, but don't keep me waiting too long~"
Yeah, I should've fought Connie for that boot...Disgusting.
Once she was well out of our sights, I grabbed hold of Floch's collar and dragged him around the corner, pinning him up against the wall. The poor guy had no idea what was going on.
"Care to explain, Forster?" I asked through gritted teeth, and the man looked back to where we had come from, smirking to himself.
"Isn't she just perfect? We met a few weeks ago and she's" He gushed, causing me to very nearly lose my lunch right into his face.
"Okay, let me stop you right there, pal. Remember me telling you I had a really shitty family, and the whole being thrown over the wall as a pre-teen thing?" I waited for his dopey nod, then pushed him further back into the wall. "She was a great big part of it, so, again, I ask, care to explain?!"
One, two, three dumbfounded blinks later, and it finally seemed to click in his head, his mouth popping into a small o shape.
"O..Oh, well damn...Was she the one who threw you over? She doesn't seem to have a bad bone in her body..."
Finally releasing him, I couldn't help but dust the bitch-grime from my hands, still being able to smell her putridly potent perfume all over him.
"No, but she knew, and she beat the actual living shit out of me every day. Hell, she bitch-slapped Levi and tried to say he groped her or some crap. She's banned from the barracks, man. She can't be here, and if you have any sense you'll drop her like horse shit."
Leaning on his place against the wall, Forster let out a long puff of a sigh, sucking his lips inward. I knew from that alone that I was about to positively despise what was about to come out of his mouth.
"That'd be kinda hard since we're a little sorta maybe slightly very much, uh, married..?"
Reiner, I've changed my mind.
My hands threw themselves up on their own in a fit of exasperation, coming down hard to slap against the fronts of my thighs. A stinging action to stop myself from straight up one hit K.O-ing the guy. Taking a long, composing breath, I pinched the bridge of my nose and chose my next words carefully.
"When?" It was all I could get out, without inventing an arsenal of new curse words.
"Four days. She's, uh, moving to the military settlement nearby." I wasn't sure what was most unsettling. The fact that he had foolishly married my cow of a sister, or that, all of a sudden, Floch was now technically my brother in law.
"Okay, you know what? I'm not even mad at you. Amazed by your stupidity, yes, but not mad. You do realise she's only done this for the perks, right? No offence, but it's true." I cared for Floch, especially since he had been the only one to really have my back in fighting for Erwin's life, but this would definitely be an issue.
"Possibly, but she's gorgeous. Is it really so bad?" Oh, my hand flew to my mouth quickly so I could bite down on it, knowing that if I didn't, I'd either cuss him out or pummel him to death. Closing my eyes, I turned and stomped away, to spare myself the fate of a public conniption.
Once I was inside the command centre, with nobody around, I picked up the nearest object, which so happened to be an end table, and threw it as far as I could across the corridor, which honestly wasn't very far.
"Fucking fuck shit piss bitch mother fucking cock sucker whore!"
"Now, I know you can do better than that." Spinning around, I saw Levi leaning in the doorway, arms crossed and face blank. "What's gotten you so pissy?"
Muttering more obscenities to myself, I made a move to retrieve the end table and put it back in its proper place, leaning on it with both hands once I was done.
"Forster married my sister and she's out there, as we speak, rubbing her tits all over him like a bitch in heat."
Levi remained where he was, head tilting a little to the side as I explained the reason for my episode.
"Just to be clear, your issue is with her being here, not the fact that Forster's off the market, right?"
The revulsion on my face when I looked back at him was enough of an answer to that, and I groaned, turning around and leaning on the piece of furniture I had abused.
"I guess that ban died along with my dad...Their marriage kinda trumps it anyway. Ugh, just when things were starting to feel next to normal, too..."
Each click of his heels as he approached made me recall the time he had stepped on me, all those months ago back at the safe house, and I only regained my sense of reality when I felt the nudge of his elbow against my arm.
"You've got a village to back you up. If she starts stirring shit, I won't be the only one to make her pay for it." His eyes were sincere, and I offered him a tiny smile in return.
"Thanks...I just, God, he's my friend, but Floch is a literal idiot. His only reasoning is that she's hot. Men who think with their dicks are just...gross."
My fellow captain hummed, taking a few steps and looking towards the extension of the hallway instead of me.
"All men do, whether it's all the time or just when they see someone like..." He glanced to me quickly, but that singular glance told me so many things all at once.
Deep, carnal, unadulterated desire, and it really had my skin aflame.
"Someone like what? I didn't take you for such a horny old man, Sir." I was out to ruffle his feathers, and I knew I succeeded when he fixed his posture, continuing down the hall at a slow pace.
"That reminds me, shouldn't we go over the plans for the new Western Encampment?" He asked, not turning to look back at me, but I knew exactly what he was proposing. I wasn't oblivious anymore.
I hesitated. There was a part of me that wanted to follow him without a second thought to what would be a very satisfying rendezvous, but another part of me was being chewed up by guilt. Whilst I was enjoying my freedom, I knew Jean was being patient. I'd even urged him to test the waters with other women, Levi too, instead of laying their loyalties to me, but both had promptly refused.
The longer I waited to make a decision, the harder it became, and the stronger my love for the two of them grew. I was now so deep down the hole I wasn't sure whether I could claw my way back out of it.
"It's your choice, (Y/N). Merely a suggestion, if you're interested. In planning, that is." Levi called to me again from further up the hall, and before I knew it I was tailing after him, like old times.
"Sure...Planning sounds fun after the day I've had..."
***Me, just going ham with the plot and making drama for drama's sake? Absolutely.
The street cat I mentioned adopting in earlier chapters sadly passed in October last year (suspected stroke), but now I've began feeding a colony of cats that have made their home in my neighbourhood, and have legally adopted one already. I like showing her off so this is my little lady, Perona.
Next Time: One Problem After The Other***
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