"Can I see him now?"
I had lost count of how many times I had asked to see the horse they had kept me away from, and I could tell Petra's patience was wearing thin by the way her eye twitched.
"Fine...The stable is at the far end of the training compound...You know the room you're staying in, and there are guards at each entrance to ensure you don't make a run for it..." She sighed; placing her hand on my shoulder. "I know it all seems like overkill, but you just have to bear with us for the time being, okay hun?"
I didn't hate Petra...but I didn't like her, either, simply because she was keeping me detained. The only people I genuinely liked so far were Marco and, surprisingly, Eld, who had actually suggested to Levi that they let me go at one point.
"Uh-huh..." Distracted, I raced away from the woman as fast as my legs could carry me, all the way across the compound to the stable.
When I entered, the scent of hay and manure was a little overwhelming, but so were the countless rows of stalls.
Where are you, Boy..?
Starting to walk down the centre slowly, I puckered my lips and whistled a loud whip-crack call (*see header*). The moment I heard a familiar whinny, I sprinted towards the noise; almost skidding right past the stall I needed to reach thanks to the scattered straw on the ground.
"My sweet Boy!" I didn't hesitate to jump the stall door and fling my arms around the horse's chocolate coloured neck, and in turn, he nuzzled into the back of my shoulder. "Did they treat you okay? Have they been feeding you well? Nobody hurt you, right..?" I went on to check him over, head to hoof, until I was certain he was in top shape. His coat was clean and free of filth, and his mane was now untangled and almost shiny.
"So, this is your wild one?" Instinctively, I pulled myself up onto the stallion's back when I heard an unfamiliar voice, and the man who was standing on the opposite side of the swing-gate perked a brow in confusion. "Well...I guess it makes sense now..." The man who had interrupted our reunion was tall, blond, and built like a beast. His square jaw twitched as I glared down at him.
He kind of looks like a Titan...
"Calm down...I just heard you talking and thought I'd come introduce myself. Reiner Braun. I'm in the same cadet squad as you. (Y/N) (L/N), right? The one introduced at dinner?" I still didn't answer him. He didn't seem anywhere near as approachable and Marco did, and I didn't want to let my guard down. "What's his name? I've just been calling him Blondie..."
My tune changed instantly as he reached out and rubbed my horse's forelock. He was only used to me. Before Levi and his squad came along I had been the only human contact he had ever know.
"He...let you touch him..." I murmured, and Reiner nodded as he continued to comb through the flaxen tuft.
"Yeah, he isn't too fond of many of the other cadets...Kicked one of them right in the groin the other day." He chuckled in amusement as he recalled the memory.
Maybe...he isn't that scary...Maybe...
"B..Boy..." I tried to keep my voice from shaking too much. "I...haven't really named I've been calling him Boy..."
"Boy, huh? Fair enough." Reiner leant on the stall door and looked up at me with his golden eyes. "You gonna get down from there, or are you trying to assert your dominance..?" Even if I wanted to, there was no way I could possibly dominate somebody like him, so I slowly dismounted Boy, but kept myself pushed right up against his flank.
" startled me, is all..." I admitted in a stammer, and Reiner frowned.
"Sorry, that wasn't my intention. I was just wondering who was out here so late. Come here to think, myself." It was strange. Back when I lived behind these walls as a child, nobody had treated me as kindly as the people I had been forced to deal with, save for Levi. I didn't know whether to trust it or not.
"I...just wanted to see him again..." I murmured as I ran my hand along Boy's smooth back. "S..sorry if I disturbed you..."
Reiner held his hands up and shook his head.
"No, not in the slightest. I was actually thinking about coming to introduce myself at dinner, but my friend and I were pretty deep into planning our extra training regimes." He stepped back to undo the latch of the gate and opened it; stepping inside and receiving a friendly nudge from Boy.
"'s nice to meet you, Reiner..."
It felt strange. There was a slight tingle running up the back of my neck, and it got stronger the closer I got. My palms felt clammy, and I shuffled my feet nervously.
" you think I'd get in t..trouble for sleeping out here..?" I questioned, and I flinched back when the man uttered a strong, thunderous laugh.
"Honestly, you'd probably get your ass handed to you by Shadis. He'll be fine here, especially now that he knows you're close by, right, big guy?" Boy responded by beginning to chew on the collar of Reiner's shirt, and I almost chuckled. Almost.
"Well...I should get going then...I have to start training tomorrow...I don't even know what to expect..." I sighed; once again curling my arms around the horse's neck and giving it a soft kiss.
I love you, Boy...I'll come back as soon as I can...
"It's rough, but I'm sure you'll do just fine." Reiner freed his collar and gave me a half smile. "How about I walk you back to the women's block? Can't go in, but I don't really like the idea of a young lady walking on her own in the dark." He offered me his hand, but I couldn't take it. My nerves were already at an all time high before he showed up, and I just wasn't able to push them aside.
"Th..thanks..." I let him lead the way, and I kept looking over my shoulder at Boy, who was leaning his head out of his stall and staring after me.
"So, you've joined the training pretty late, haven't you?" Reiner tried to keep conversation going as we walked, and I wasn't exactly thrilled. "Are you supposed to stay after we graduate, or..?"
"I don't think so...L..Levi said I had to learn doubt it..." I muttered as a kicked a stray pebble out of my path.
"Levi?" Reiner tilted his head as he looked back at me, but I kept my eyes dead ahead. There was something about the colour of his eyes that made me feel...kind of lost.
"Uh, he's a captain, or something..." I explained whilst we rounded the corner, thankfully not too far from the women's side of the barracks. "Dead eyes...Big ego...Maybe half your height..." I felt my face heat up when Reiner laughed, but it wasn't as loud and startling as the one he had let loose before.
"I haven't met him, but he sounds pretty interesting." The rest of our trip was made in silence, and it was broken only when we reached the door to my shared quarters. "Make sure to rest up, because tomorrow is gonna be harsh, kiddo. Stick by me if you're having a hard time, okay?" I didn't know how to react when he reached out with his large hand and ruffled my already messy (H/C) hair. It was big, warm, and sent a strange feeling bursting from the cavity of my chest.
"Uh...y..yeah...Thanks..." I quickly spun around and fumbled with the door handle. "G..goodnight..!" Once I had entered the barracks and slammed the door shut behind me, I released a long, shaky breath.
I swear...I'm gonna die in this place..!
***Reiner is a beautiful buff baby boy and nobody can change my mind. I want him to crush me between his thighs***
(this is what Boy looks like, btw)
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