- spammio
uwu hours
i Really need to decide on my halloween costume today but im indecisive so send help
ma'am are you Sure
religion is weird because i believe in something but i cant tell what organized religion it would gall into if any bevause idk how to do research
i wanna draw bur idk what
hopcore is wlw culture
rawr uwu
one of the reasons i fucking LOVE triptych is that it makes things click. like- one of the best things about wtnv is how it pulls things together?? like- throwaway lines and running gags become plot points, it ties things together- its great. and triptych is such a good example of that because it puts so many things about kevin into perspective and makes you appreciate his chatacyer in a different way and i love it!! some of his prior lines are explained, you get context- its so good
like the most obvious example is kevin's line in old oak doors about the most reluctant of radio hosts- we now that its him. but there's other examples- like one of them is his aversion to being referred to as a longtime radio host in company picnic, which kinda fits considering how his voice seems shaky and frightened when asked about what he remembers abot jis past. if the whole "we are all now" thing is a strexcorp thing then the reason kevin is so nervous about it is might be because he's afraid of some kind of retribution for bringing up the past and is scared of strexcorp punishing him for thinking that, and it would also make sense why he would immediately admonish lauren for calling him a "longtime radio host" and pointing out that he's been a radio host for a long time and was a radio host before strex (which also makes the line "they suggest there was a past before me" interesting)- AND this shows that kevin is, to some extent, afraid of strexcorp (which pre-strex kevin oddly didn't seem to be- he just seemed to reallt hate it, but not be particularly afraid, and in fact seemed rather confident that he could take them down? you'd think it'd be the other way around because the changes would take that fear away, but considering we know they used "ethically brutal methods that left [him] forever physically changed" that makes sense) which afds a really interestinf layer to his character and makes you wonder how that interacts with his love for them and how much of that is real and makes his lines so interesting and i jUST LOVE TRIPTYCH
how are y'all?? tell me stuff ily
the hoodie scene is cute and i like it a lot and i cant place why but its Good
in other news naeishi is uwu hours
honestly all healthy taka ships are uwu hours in my book but naeishi (and ishimondo come to think of it) is good hours In Particular
teachers every now and then: its a pretty easy project! there's not a lot of guidelines, just do whatever as long as it meets these two criteria!
me, crying and shaking: Ma'am Please I Need Lots Of Rules And Step By Step Instructions Written Down On Paper Or I Will Die
it is possible me and taka are the same person actually
kevin db is good as fuck ans he makes me happt and i would die for his happiness
naeishi 🤝 ishimondo 🤝 naegiri 🤝 ikuzono 🤝 sakuraoi 🤝 soapies maybe 🤝 fuyupeko 🤝 komahina maybe 🤝 taka x living
being good and valid dr ships that i would protect with my life
prodigy x progeny 🤝 celefumi
not that
was gonna make rhis spam be not about my interests so im noy annnpying but i didnt know what to say so i was gonan felete it but i didnt wanna do that so uhhhhhhh ending it here
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