- spam ig?
I feel wonky but. I cant do much about it so spam!
oh my settings are back pon y the way, hence the wonky computer formatting
I really wanna say certain people are cool but im worried about messingup names or coming off weird so if you get a rush of good vibes? I sent em ur coo
theres a shit ton of songs I cry to from the su movie and lik.e ive never watched the show and ive only sene parts of the movie so what Am I doing
oh god oh fuck I feel like. a rush of bad things over something
its that One thing I talk about constantly even if its no bgi deal if you know the thing I mean
"holy fucking shit if youre not pro for anyone but yourself, whyre you posting these things places where vulnerable people can read it?????" I say, as I willingly become a vulnerable person who is reading it
in related news why cant I find Really Fucking Angry meanspo. that's directed at the reader. like I don't need literally everything in that tag I need someone to fuckin yell at me for being a stupid fat undedicated bitch who cant do enough and who broke her rules
like dead fuckin ass I could've not eaten anything today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nobody made me eat two waffles and nobody made me eat bread with Nutella, and my rule is I don't ea t unless someone maeks me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and yet I ate those things anyway like a ~~dumb bitch who misses easy oppurtunities~~ and only skpped lunch and breakfast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
honestly I really wanna write something like one personal favor because theres a lot of stuff that I really don't lik eabout that fic and they always bug me when I read it BUT a fic where taka has interactions with every other character and those dynamics are explored?? god tier concedpt I love it I should write smth with it jfsjfd
im really tired but I have to write a fic ill lose the ideas soon and ive had them in my head for like a week
its just a dumb oneshot with mckinley being a pining dumbass but. itll bug me
I love you!!!!!!!!!!!
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