- insert original spam title
school spam uwu owo
im starting it devours!!!!! aahdkahdkaha overly excited hours
i have an appointment so im out of school for a bit and im reading it and i like it so far even tho i javent even met the main character yet
what're some like. minor details and quirks about me
i like this book cause every time they mention one of the main characters from the show i go all !!! because like. fuck yeah carlos is a great scientist i fucking love that guy!! i KNOW that guy!!!!!!! i listened to his wedding!!!!!!!!!!!! its like having a mutual friend
ive decided i like nilanjana
cARLOS!!!!!!!!!! HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"that was where he did his own special experiments, ones that involved the saving of night vale from the various supernatural threats that besieged it, and also where he put together construction paper collage love notes for his husband." im somft
i should really be saving my battery but this book,,,,, good
also!! i love carlos he's my second favorite character next to kevin????? and ive missed him so this book is making me good and happy
i jusg had some twix and im feeling good uwu
"nilanjana had no interest in carlos and anyway, he was married to the local community radio host, cecil palmer. still, she couldn't not notice that he was, in his way, stunningly handsome. even his frown was perfect, and he ran his hands perfectly through his perfect hair." is everyone on this planet attracted to carlos???? like wh
"nilanjana knew that his husband, cecil, sometimes faced serious dangers as a reporter in a town as full of terrible secrets as night vale, and those dangers sent carlos into a worried stupor. he would pace about the office, trying not to call the station to ask if cecil was okay. not much got done in the lab when carlos fretted for cecil's safety. she could tell when carlos had a date night planned, because he put gel in his hair and wore his most striking lab coat." fuck all other married couples cecilos is the only valid relationship that has and will ever exist
"carlos interrupted this reverie by pulling down a chart that said in large letters SCIENCE. "today's topic of discussion is science. i've provided a visual aid."" ligjt of my life
this whole spam can be summed up by "regan uwus for carlos"
seriously tho he's good and relatable and uwu
i was going through my spam and have a throwback to the time when the game i was playing threw Gal Pals™️ at me
ikuzono!!!!!!!! good
i wanna do cosplays but i cant so can we get an f
i could be michael mell ig but thats it
ok i dont wanna run out of battery so bye!! spam now
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