- have dangan ocs
uhhhhhhhh yeah, forgot to post these the other day
they have their updated descriptions, some are just from the original post but some are different? i have a color scripted one for references but iiiiiii don't feel like posting it cause it's messy?? if you wanna draw them i have it but i don't expect people will so like. it's secret for now
he's pretty anxious and doesn't really have many friends, so he wrote characters for him to be friends with in a way. eventually he decided they deserved stories and he wrote them- and they were pretty damn good. this thrust him into fame at a young age, which kiiiinda wrecked his mental state, and made his anxiety a lot worse. he doesn't talk most of the time, and generally keeps to himself. he cries very easily and over a lot of things, and he hates it because it's loud and draws more attention to him, which stresses him out more and makes him cry harder.
she has.,,.,,,,,...., a lot of stress and anger built up in her. she's just very high strung, always has been. she's pretty nice to be around when she's gotten her energy out (usually though swimming), and she doesn't mean to hurt people, but her impatience and frustration when she hasn't gotten it out somehow tends to make her lash out and hurt people.
she doesn't have a lot of confidence, especially socially. this upset her quite a lot, as she wanted to make friends but couldn't because of the fear of doing the wrong thing. so, she put her tech skills to work and created a device that could basically read situations and use the information to find out what the proper thing to say and do should be. her social skills improved exponentially with this, if because of confidence rather than the tech. it does mess up, and she's very afraid of these mistakes, so whenever she feels she's made even a minor faux pas she always apologizes immediately, frantically, and typically more than she needs to. she looks like tsumugi shirogane which is annoying but i didn't know she existed when i made her so ignore it- nah nvm they don't look that similar we good
he's,,,,,, a total asshole. he manipulates people and makes a shit ton of unwanted sexual advances and is just kind of a total prick. he's like every problematic™ celebrity you can think of. but for some reason he appeals, and his music is (irritatingly) kind of good, so he has a lot of fans, some of whom don't know how much of a shit person he is and some of whom don't care. he dies.
yanno that line about how the tighter wound you are, the harder you snap? she's like that, except she kinda already did. she was basically like taka previously, except the pressure got too much and now she just,, doesn't care. about anything. she's blank, and she doesn't reallt care as much about enforcing rules and morals anymore. it's a wonder she still got in. the whole trapped-in-a-killing-game thing doesn't help this at all. it does give her something of a passion though in finding justice and getting the killers found out, and she does kinda get somewhat better and become the ultimate hope. she's the protagonist.
...ultimate lucky student. ultimate lucky fucking student. are you kidding her?! she's worked so hard to get into hope's peak academy, it's been her one goal in life since she first learned about the place, and she only got in because she was lucky?! she guesses its better than not at all, but still. she harbors a lot of resentment for her fellow classmates, and honestly seems like a ticking time bomb. she admires the ultimate fashionista a lot and follows all his trends.
she's sweet and optimistic, and basically just wants the best for everyone. she's just a ray of sunshine, man! she's a formidable fighter and could probably take down anyone, however she also has a strict moral code, so she wouldn't hurt a fly outside of an agreed upon fight with rules. she tries to see the bright side, but she's not very good at coming up with ideas on how to fix things that don't have one. her and the ultimate fanfic creator are like sakura and aoi except they're both aoi.
she's a total flirt. she just enjoys it, it's fun and she likes how people react to it. speaking of reactions, she's really good at reading people's feelings. like, really scary insanely good. to the point where she might understand how you feel about something quicker than you do. hence why she gambles so much- she might as well make the most of it. she doesn't talk much, but when she does she's either flirting in a saccharinely sweet way, or she's being weirdly serious (a far cry from her usual demeanor).
he has a lot of feelings, a lot of which would go against his image. so, he tends to repress pretty much every genuine thought he has, just to make sure the image for himself is intact. he's actually a really good actor- you wouldn't know that everything he says is fake and scripted unless he told you. he's pretty close to snapping and yelling about how much he hates the person he is and how the clothes he wears are pretty much the only thing that's really him- but you wouldn't be able to tell. his whole Thing is heart shaped glasses, but he needs prescription ones, so he can't see for shit half the time.
she has a lot of passion, and really REALLY loves showing it. she could talk for hours, and probably will unless you stop her- and she could talk for days about her favorite interests. she's incredibly hard to embarrass humiliate or shame, and she has very few insecurities. she's actually pretty pessimistic, but this doesn't seem to bother her too much. she's pretty well-liked.
he's possessed by a demon-ghost-type-thing. this ghost can see the future, and sometimes elects to take over his body and share this knowledge, although not very often. the incident that involved the possession has wrecked his mental state, and it's unclear (and heavily debated on internet forums) if he's hallucinating the ghost due to this or the possession has caused it. (in truth, the ghost story is just that- a story, that his family made up to cash in on him. he just has intuition like sayaka, but for the future instead of people's thoughts. his parents also work to keep up his haunted image- they play off his mental state as from the haunting, and put stuff in his food to keep him sick so that he seems 'creepier'.) either way, his predictions are the most accurate around (roughly 60% can be proven as true and taking account for the amount that can't be proven would presumably raise those percentages). he always wants the best for people, and takes it upon himself to try and fix things for others- a little too much so, to the point where it hurts his already bad mental health. he looks like nagito komaeda and it pisses me off but i made him before i watched dr2 so cut me some slack
all i have for her is that she runs a dykes with bikes type thing so send ideas blease
honestly idk for her either drop ideas 😳
her family is Famous As Fuck, and for good reason. the great majority of her family for generations back have been ultimates invited to the school, and there's a lot of pressure to keep it that way. she hasn't seen her older sister in years because the girl wasn't invited to the school. so, she's been terrified all her life of not getting in, and has always wanted to have some super amazing talent so people will be in awe of her for that instead of just her family- so she's pretty pissed that her whole title is literally just being a part of that family. it's not as bad as not getting in at all, but still. so, she acts with a ton of bravado and pretends she's super amazing at everything, even though she's kind of shitty at most of it and gets super defensive when she fails. she can't really stand any of the other students- except for the detective, of course. how could she not take a (purely platonic and heterosexual) liking to someone with such soft-looking hair and such a pretty voice and such a lovely personality? she's pretty sure that would be impossible. hence why she's decided to protect the beautiful detective with her life- hopefully she's not incompetent at that too.
i'm still working on her,, i have stuff planned but i'm deciding between a few things so yeah
uhhh bye im tired
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