Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Four
Is This the End?
Teddy finally went to sleep sometime around one in the morning, I however never fell asleep. I just held him the entire night. I gently laid Teddy into his crib after kissing his head goodbye and left him to sleep as I went into the bathroom to change.
My every muscle hurt as I frantically threw on clothes and rushed downstairs, I was quickly met by angry looking Carmen however.
"What do you think you're doing?" She cried. "You need to rest! You've just had a-"
"Yes! I know what I had!" I snapped. "But they're coming, right now, and I have to get as far away from you as I possibly can. I have to keep everyone safe." I spoke frantically, pushing my arms into the sleeves of my jacket.
"But Alice, you can't do this alone! You'll get yourself killed!" Carmen cried, following on my heels as I ran to the backdoor, and she quickly grabbed my arm, stoping me in my tracks.
"I have too." I told her sincerely.
"No you don't, let me change you." She spoke determinedly, a new fire in her golden eyes.
"There's no time for that." I shook my head, turning down the one thing I've wanted more then anything for the past six months.
"Alice please." Carmen begged and I turned to fully look her in the face.
"I have to go now if we are to survive their attack." I told her, hugged her tightly, and opened the back door.
"We're still meeting at the same place right? You're going to be okay and I'll meet you later at the creek, right?" She begged.
"Of course Carmen, I'll see you tonight." I smiled at her and rushed down the back steps.
I ran through the woods, trying my best to outrun the nomads that I knew would begin to chase me any minuet.
I remembered my vision of James chasing me, solely focused on the want for my blood, standing over me and ending my life in these woods.
I knew that I wouldn't survive this, I had only reassured Carmen so that she would let me leave. I would not be meeting her at the creek at nine thirty seven tonight, I would never see her or my baby again.
The pain radiating from my stomach was shooting all over my body, causing my running to slow as I couldn't catch my breath.
"Well, if it isn't little Alice." A dark skinned vampire with long dark hair suddenly stood in front of me.
"Laurent?" I questioned, not remembering him being in my vision.
"Victoria and James are coming for you." He told me quickly.
"I know, why do you think I'm running?" I smirked and he chuckled.
"Such a stubborn human you are." He laughed. "Are you in pain?" He asked worriedly and I nodded.
"It's been a very...eventful few days." I nodded.
"They're gaining closer, they will be here any moment." Laurent sighed.
"I know." I nodded.
"How are you so okay with the fact that you are going to die?" He asked thoughtfully.
"Edward and the Cullens left me." I answered him. "Plus, I hate to admit it, but I'm finally going insane." I giggled and he looked at me with wide eyes.
"I always knew you were a But I don't think you're crazy." Laurent shook his head.
"If you could see me these last few months, you'd think very differently." I laughed and he slowly nodded his head.
"Perhaps you are right." He agreed with me.
Branches suddenly snapped behind me and the next thing I knew I was sprawled out on the ground, pain radiating through my midsection as James towered above me with a victorious smirk on his face.
"I never lose." He smiled widely.
"I hate to tell you this James, but-" Laurent paused as he looked down at me with sympathy filled eyes. "This is one game that you will not win." Laurent spoke determinedly.
Suddenly, Laurent picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, running quickly through the woods before coming to a halt on the other side of the creek.
"We can't be here this is the werewolves territory, what are you doing?" I scolded Laurent "Why didn't you just let James kill me?"
"Because Alice, you are far too special to be killed so viscously." Laurent sighed and gently took my hand in his. "Forgive me." He whispered in my ear before sinking his teeth into my throat.
I cried out in pain as fire started spreading through my veins, and Laurent lowered me to the ground as I thrashed and writhed in his arms.
"Laurent! What have you done?!" James roared, he and Victoria finally catching up to us.
The fire took over my body as my thoughts turned solely focused on the pain, and I couldn't hear the rest of their conversation. I only knew when James and Victoria started chasing Laurent through the woods in anger.
I screamed out as another wave of pain and fire took over my body. A howl alerted me to the presence of the werewolves nearby and I knew that they wouldn't waste any time in ending me, I could only hope that Carmen would be able to successfully hide Teddy like we planned.
A familiar wolf walked up to me then and stood over me, a deeply sad expression in its large brown eyes.
"G-go ah-ahead." I spoke through my teeth, fire still burning through my veins. "K-kill me Tom."
He whined and instead of ripping my head off he laid beside me and put his snout on my shoulder and chest.
Even after all of the hell I've put him through, he still cares enough about me to stay with me, even as I'm turning into his biggest enemy.
"T-thank y-you." I shuddered and he whined again. "I'm s-so sor-ry." I cried and soon slipped unconscious.
When I opened my eyes, I was immediately surprised by the sunlight. Everything was so bright, so vibrant, like I had never seen the world before.
Have I ever seen the world before? I don't remember anything...
I stood to my feet quickly, trying to remember anything, something, to tell me who I was and what I was doing here. I had no memories, no name, not even a general idea of what happened to me.
Fear and panic quickly bubbled up in my chest and I started pacing the length of the field I was in, treading over wildflowers as I frantically walked back and forth, trying to remember myself.
My head felt funny as my vision glazed over and was replaced by something else entirely.
"Alice!" A bronze haired boy smiled brightly at me, like his whole existence revolved around me.
"Edward!" I giggled happily and wrapped my arms around his neck lovingly, my green ball gown flowing around me perfectly.
So my name is Alice...probably. And the boy in my vision is Edward.
He's so cute and charming, so captivating, and something in the back of my head was screaming he was my mate the entire time I was having Yes, vision is the right word for it.
I have to find him. No matter what I will find Edward and we will be together, it's meant to be.
Now, all I have to do is figure out exactly where he is. That doesn't sounds so hard...does it?
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