Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Sixteen
"Marry me." Edward pleaded softly for the hundredth time.
"No." I giggled for the hundredth time.
"Marry me."
"Sure." I shrugged.
"Really?!" He shot up.
"No!" I laughed. "How many times do I have to tell you no?" I sighed.
"I just want you to say yes so badly." He smirked, kissing me passionately.
"Sorry." I shrugged again, turning away from him and resuming my cleaning of the kitchen.
Edward caught me around my waist and sat me on the kitchen island. "What if we just signed the papers? Hmm? That will be it, no big wedding, no big fuss, just sign a piece of paper and I'll call you my wife till death do us part." He smiled and I froze. "Alice? Are you having another vision?"
"Till death do us part?" I gasped, jumping off the counter and stepping away from him. "What exactly does that mean?"
"Well, it's part of the traditional vow. It symbolizes that-"
"I know what it symbolizes!" I exclaimed. "You're going to keep me human?!"
"Well of course." Edward nodded, acting like this was the most normal thing he's ever discussed.
"So let me get this straight. You want to keep me human, while you stay perfect and never look a day older, you want me to age and grow old and die? How can you think that that's okay?!" I cried.
"I want you to live your life." Edward responded.
"I can't live my life if the person I love is frozen in time!" I stressed my point. "How can you promise me that you love me and want to be with me forever if you're just going to let me die in a couple of decades? Or even sooner?!"
"Don't think like that." Edward shook his head.
"People die all of the time Edward, how can you be so calm about me dying while you live forever?" I asked, putting my head in my hands.
"Well, I wouldn't be far behind you." Edward touched my shoulder.
"What?" I cried, looking at him in shock.
"I'm not planing to live without you." He shook his head.
"So you-you're just going to do wh-what exactly when I d-die?" I stuttered.
"Go to the Volturi and ask them to end my existence." He responded casually and I dropped to the floor.
"Alice!" He cried, catching me in his arms and sitting on the floor with me draped across him, my head in his lap.
"You're going to k-kill yourself?" I asked, my head swimming and making me feel like I might pass out.
"I can't live without you." He told me sincerely.
"And I don't want to see a world where you don't exist! I might not live forever, but Carlisle and your siblings will still be here after I'm gone! You can't go kill yourself! You'll destroy them!" I sobbed, tears streaming down my face.
"I'm not going to live without you, if you can even call this a life." Edward wiped away my tears.
"Then bite me!" I screamed at him and got up onto my feet, storming out of the kitchen.
"And take your soul? Reduce you to this existence? I would never do that." Edward followed me closely.
"Then I don't know what you expect me to do!" I screamed at him. "I can't keep living my life like this! I can't keep being your fragile little human freak show!"
"Alice, please calm down." Edward begged.
"No! I don't want to see you right now." I grumbled as I climbed the stairs, Edward following right on my heels.
"Please Alice, we need to talk about this." Edward pleaded me.
"No. We'll talk later." I spoke soundly and knocked on Carlisle's office door.
"Come in Alice." Carlisle responded and I entered and locked the door behind me before Edward could follow me. "Can I be of any help sweetheart?" Carlisle smiled sadly at me as I sunk into the leather chair in front of his desk.
"Not unless you can convince your son to change me." I sighed.
"He's very stubborn, but also has a good mindset." Carlisle chuckled. "He believes that as we enter this existence, we lose our souls."
"Okay, and?" I prompted him to continue.
"Could you take Edwards soul if you believed the same?" Carlisle smiled softly at me.
"That's a hard question." I sighed.
"Exactly my point." He nodded. "But you also have a good mindset as well, why should you have to grow old and die when we will stay the same and exist as we are forever? If Edward truly loves you shouldn't he want to change you and ensure that he gets as much time with you as possible?"
"Exactly my point." I smirked at Carlisle, playfully repeating him. "So what do I do? What can I do?" I asked him.
"Try and convince Edward to see your point of view sweetheart, especially if you want to marry him with even a fraction of the intensity that he wants to marry you." Carlisle smiled softly at me.
"Thank you." I hugged Carlisle tightly.
"Of course." He hugged me back.
I made my way to Edwards room at the end of the hall and knocked quietly. "Can I come in?"
"Always." Edward opened the door and smiled at me.
I nervously sat on his couch and watched as he took a seat beside me, keeping a little room between us.
"I'm so sorry Alice." Edward sighed. "I never meant for you to get so upset."
"I'm sorry too, I may have over reacted a little." I apologized, looking down at the floor.
"No, no you didn't." Edward shook his head. "I'm the one who's being so difficult."
"So...does this mean that you'll change me?" I asked hopefully.
"I'll make you a deal. I'll change you, if you marry me." Edward smirked.
"Marriage in exchange for extreme pain and suffering and countless lifetimes of bloodlust?" I raised an eyebrow up in question at him.
"Fine, okay I see your point there." He chuckled. "Is there something else you want? Something you want to do before you're changed?" Edward asked.
"I don't really know." I said truthfully. "I think I'd like to celebrate my eighteenth birthday as a human, just to say I'm way older then I look, other then that I don't know."
"So, you don't want to get married until after July the fourth?" He questioned.
"Yep, is that okay?" I asked.
"Does this mean you'll agree to marry me?" He asked and I nodded.
He was so happy he couldn't even speak, he just kissed me deeply and rushed into his closet.
"What are you doing?" I laughed at him.
"Here, this was my mothers." Edward came back quickly, showing me the beautiful engagement ring.
It was a large oval, encrusted with many small diamonds that made the light reflect off of it perfectly, reminding me of Edwards skin in the sunlight. It had a thin silver band to it, which I saw the perfect representation of myself. It shines like Edward and is elegant and tiny for me.
"Mary me Alice, I will love you for eternity, and not a day less. I promise to forever stand by your side, in any trials we may experience I will trust you to find your own way out and I will happily obey your every command. I will never doubt you, never call you a freak, and I will never cause you to have any distrust in me. Will you allow me to love you forever? Will you marry me?" He asked me from down on one knee, I smiled brightly at him and nodded my head.
He swept me up into his arms and started kissing me passionately, his happiness evident as he kissed and nipped at my skin and smiled against my lips as he kissed me.
As he slipped the ring onto my finger I felt the puzzle pieces of my life finally fitting together.
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