Chapter Nine
Chapter Nine
As I came to, the first thing I noticed was Edwards cold hand in my extremely hot one, providing some much needed comfort.
"Alice." His velvety voice spoke my name as if it was a prayer.
"Hey." I responded, keeping my eyes shut. "So? How bad is the damage?" I asked comically.
"You had to have some pretty serious surgery on your neck and you also had to have your head stitched up. Carlisle said you'll make a full recovery though with some physical therapy. You're very lucky Alice." Edward responded.
"I don't feel very lucky." I smirked, feeling the pain currently radiating throughout my head and neck slowly traveling all over my body.
"How are you feeling?" He asked me.
"I have a headache." I giggled, then recoiled from the pain that giggle sent through my head and neck.
"I'll let Carlisle know." He went to leave.
"No!" I cut him off, forcing my eyes open for the first time. "Don't leave me." I pleaded with him as my eyes adjusted to the light.
"Okay." He nodded. "I won't." His golden eyes practically sparkled as he looked down at me lovingly. "I was so scared Alice." He admitted to me.
"Why?" I asked him curiously.
"Seeing you lying so still and so unresponsive, your blood staining the gym floor, it seemed like one of my worse nightmares." He told me quietly as he ran his hand up and down my arm, providing some relief from my excessive heat.
"I didn't see it in time to stop it." I sighed, hating to have upset him.
"I know. Emmett thought otherwise at first but he agrees with me now as well. We knew you would've found a way to stop it if you could." Edward smirked at me. "My little physic girlfriend." He chuckled and I couldn't help but giggle along with him.
"She may be crazy but she's still always right." I giggled, sending another shockwave through my body. "You know, on second thought, go get Carlisle. This headache is starting to kill me."
I groaned.
"I'll be back very soon." He promised me, kissed my head, and left the room.
Edward was only gone for half a minuet before my lungs suddenly constricted painfully, sending my heart beating wildly and my every memory vanishing from my mind.
I blinked rapidly as I looked around the strange room, not remembering how I got there...or who I was. I realized I had several needles in my arm connecting me to several different terrifying machines and I went into a panic as I tried to remember how I got here.
Suddenly two men stepped into the strange room, both smiling.
"This pain killer will eradicate that nasty headache of yours in no time." The blonde one smiled as he put something into one of the funny bags connected to my arm.
"Who are you?" I asked him.
He froze for a second before looking down at me, a expression of complete worry and panic on his face. "Do you not know me?" He asked.
"Who are you? Where am I?" I asked frantically.
"Calm down sweetheart. I'm Carlisle, you know me, and you're in the hospital." He spoke calmly but I could still see the worry in his eyes.
I paused for a minuet.
"Who am I?" I asked him and his face morphed into shock and sadness.
"Alice, look at me." The other man told me and I turned to face him for the first time.
"Alice?" I questioned.
The intensity in his golden eyes shocked me, sending me reeling as I tried to calm myself down. His eyes told me that he knew me, he knew me better then most apparently, it was almost as if his soul spoke to mine, telling me everything I needed to know about myself as well as him.
"Edward." I gasped as I remembered myself. "Carlisle." I reached a hand to each of them and they both took it, helping me to sit up a little as I tried to regain my breath.
"Alice, are you alright?" Carlisle asked me.
"I-I think so." I told him. "I was so scared." I cried and Edward quickly moved in to comfort me.
"It's alright Alice." He cooed.
"No, it's not." I snapped at him. "This can't keep happening Edward. What if I end up not being able to remember?" I asked him worriedly as tears leaked from my eyes.
"We will find a way to stop these episodes Alice, I promise." Carlisle spoke soundly. "I'm going to go review your scans, maybe I missed something important." He sighed as he squeezed my hand and left the room.
Edward sat next to my bed again and took my hand in his, kissing my knuckles sweetly.
"I'm so sorry Alice. I don't mean to make things harder for you." He sighed.
"I'm sorry for yelling at you, I don't mean it." I sighed.
"I know, you're just under a lot of stress." He nodded, already having forgiven me.
"I don't deserve you." I chuckled humorously.
"Alice, stop talking nonsense." He ushered me. "I love you and you love me. Plain and simple. Passionate and complex. Our love may be a little messy, but it's real."
"It's meant to be." I nodded.
"Hmm, I like that." He smiled brightly at me. "It's meant to be." He nodded and kissed me tenderly.
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