Dedicated to @ofmiceandleslie for being an awesome supporter of my stories from the beginning. :D Thank you so very much. You were the second person ever I've talked to on Twitter. ;) The first one's a secret. Oh, and YAS! SHIZUO IS BAE! XD
So what's the problem with your so called boyfriend? And before you answer that, can I ask you if you paid him to go out with you?
Ouch, Charlie. That hurt. But honestly, I'm not so bad looking.
Yes, I'm sure you're very charming. Personality wise, maybe.
.... Do you want me to prove it to you?
Prove what?
That I'm not that bad looking.
Are you gonna send me nudes?
I thought that was Christian Grey's job.
>__< God, you're never gonna let that one slide, right?
Never. :3
But yeah, anyway, my boyfriend's been acting weird lately. Do you think that as a specimen owning the same organs as my boyfriend, you could probably tell me what he's thinking?
Janette, you do realize that not all guys think the same way simply because we own the same organs, right?
Just hear me out, okay?
Do I look like a walking relationship helpline to you?
There's a helpline for that?
I dunno. There might be...
We're getting off topic, aren't we?
Whatever made you realize that?
Just listen. Okay, so um, almost all the time he doesn't reply to my texts. Whenever I call him, he hangs up quickly and seems in a rush to get away. But when we're together he seems fine but lately, I noticed that he's been a bit distracted. I dunno. I try to point these things out but he doesn't want to talk about them.
.... Oh, poor Janette.
Janette, oblivious naive Janette. It's pretty obvious actually.
What is?
.... I dunno how to say this but have you ever thought that he might have wanted to... you know, end things?
You mean, our relationship?
Why would he? I mean... I don't see what the problem is... I... I don't pester him too much... And then he suddenly changed like this... Why?
I think that's a question only he can answer.
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