The freckled Omega let out a soft sigh and grabbed for his keys buried in his pocket, a light frown situated upon his lips while he pushed open the door to the apartment, his movements laced with tiredness. It had been an extremely long day, even if he had been able to come home early. His boss's client had been far too handsy for his liking during their meeting, and it didn't help that his heat was nearing at an annoyingly rapid pace, leaving his instincts fighting to take over. He was completely on edge. Every small sound and each sudden movement left him a panicked, snappy mess, hardly able to do anything. Stupid instincts. All he wanted to do was curl up in his nest with his Alpha and let the man's pheromones wash over him. Izuku couldn't help but smile fondly at that thought, even if it would likely be impossible. He missed Shindo dearly. The Alpha hadn't been home in a few nights, instead devoting his time to working late and taking extra shifts in order to have his heat off. Being as it was the first heat they would be sharing, Izuku understood the restless working. It was endearing how caring his boyfriend was. However, that also meant their time together the past week had been sparse. Even though he made it home earlier than usual, he doubted he would be able to see the male before he left for work. It was sad, but he knew it was necessary. Dainty fingers slowly reached to hang his keys up on the hook, sparkling green eyes widening in excitement when he realized another set was beside his own. The boy was quick to kick off his red shoes, setting his bag down and rushing towards their shared bedroom with a bright grin. He was home! Did Shindo decide to surprise him?
"Yo!" He giggled, his socks making him slide slightly on the linoleum floor before the Omega was stopping in front of their bedroom. "I'm home!" His voice rang in a lilted fashion throughout their apartment, the hurried sound of the bed creaking and hushed whispers making him tilt his head. Did he have company? Why didn't he tell him? Izuku pushed open the door as slowly as possible, still smiling lightly, and stepped with reluctance into the room, scanning it momentarily before concluding it was just Shindo. Perhaps he was imagining it. "You're here!" The other man plastered a forced smile upon his face, his cheeks red and his body mostly covered by the blanket.
"I-Izuku! Baby, what are you doing home so early?" The Omega giggled, skipping over to sit on the bed and reaching a hand out to touch his lover's cheek. Shindo huffed lightly, visibly out of breath as he stared at the smaller boy. A pillow rested in his lap, his dark eyes wide.
"I wanted to see you..." Izuku muttered, glancing over the Alpha's condition with a huffed laugh. He knew the man was likely pent up as of late... It was easy to decipher the situation. "Were... You watching porn? Yo, sweetheart, you didn't have to hide that! I don't care. I know our schedules have been stressful lately..." The Alpha's eyes widened, a nervous chuckle leaving his lips.
"I-I know, baby! Just awkward... Why don't you go run us a bath, okay? I'll join you in a few minutes." Izuku grinned with a pleased purr, leaning in to kiss Shindo's cheek. Spending some alone time with his boyfriend sounded like a dream. Maybe after bathing they could curl up in their nest for a nap, or perhaps even some more... intimate activities. They had only had sex a couple times in the two years they've been dating, but Izuku could confidently say he craved it often. He didn't think he could ever experience anything better than having Shindo mate him. No other Alpha could ever compare. "I've... Missed you, Izuku." The boy could only nod and bite lightly at his bottom lip, letting the man caress his flushed freckled cheek for only a moment more before shifting to stand. As he moved to stand, his eyes crept off the bed to the floor, his smile faltering. He stood with hesitance, grabbing for the pink bra barely poking out from under the bed and freezing. Oh dear. Was this really happening?
"Yo..." He mumbled, looking towards the man with hurt reading across his chubby face. The Alpha stared dumbly, sitting up straighter before momentarily glancing towards the closet. Izuku wasn't stupid. He graduated top of his class, after all. He had wanted to give his boyfriend the benefit of the doubt, he truly did. But he couldn't foolishly ignore the signs. The evidence was clear. "What is this?" Izuku was sure his voice was cracking as he struggled to keep himself composed. The man reached out to pull him close, his hands stroking along his little arms before the Omega recoiled with a lowly hissed warning.
"Baby, I-!" A sudden bang rang throughout the bedroom, both sets of eyes flickering towards the closet before meeting once again nearly a minute later. Izuku huffed out a bitter laugh, quivering hands gripping harshly at the lacy fabric between his fingers before slowly gazing back up at his mate-to-be. "Izuku, please!" Shindo pleaded, trying to keep the boy's attention completely on him. Tears bubbled up in the Omega's green eyes, wobbly legs moving him towards the closet before he could even think twice. This was it. A single door was the only thing separating him from the truth. Did he really want to know? He could easily choose to live in blissful ignorance, all he had to do was turn around and go run them a bath. But Izuku knew he couldn't do that to himself. Without anymore hesitance, he threw open the door and looked down at the brunette Omega that merely stared back with horrified brown eyes, her hands struggling to cover herself.
"Ochako?" Izuku breathed, pain filling his voice and water flooding down his cheeks. He couldn't believe it. Shindo really betrayed him. He should have known better. The Alpha wasn't working late, he was out knotting his best friend. The longer he took processing the situation, the angrier he became. "I-I can't believe you two! How could you do this?" The boy yelled, his lips curling up to bare his little fangs with rage despite his rapidly flowing tears. How stupid could he be? How could he have so foolishly trusted the man? He wished he had seen the signs sooner. No wonder Shindo and Ochako were always so close. He momentarily pondered who made the first move, his teeth grinding with fury.
"Izuku-kun, I'm so sorry! I never meant for this to happen!" She shrieked, the boy shoving her bra at her. "I don't know how this happened! Please forgive me!" She clipped the bra into place as she spoke, the stench of sex still covering her chubby body and forcing its way into his lungs. It revolted him, his skin practically tingling with unexpressed rage. Izuku looked down at the floor while she dressed, her indecent state filling him with disgust as he outwardly sneered. He had been fooled by them both. He couldn't bear to listen to her lies.
"Get out..." The girl stepped forward, reaching out to touch him. "I said get out! Get out of my apartment, you slut!" Izuku didn't know why he said that. He didn't think that of her. He could never. She's been there for him since high school. But he was blinded with anger. She gave a stiff nod, weeping apologetically with tears spilling from her chocolatey eyes, her makeup now ruined. Izuku watched her get dressed with haste, the boy only turning to his Alpha when she was finally gone. "You lied to me... You... You said you loved me. That you were working overtime to... Share my heat with me..." Izuku sobbed, clutching harshly at his chest. The foul taste of venom coated his tongue as he glared at the man through teary eyes, his entire body quivering with fury. He was such an idiot for believing the man.
"Izuku, baby, I do love you! I-It was a one time thing! It meant nothing!" The man cried out frantically, reaching to grab onto the Omega. Izuku jerked back, growling warningly at the Alpha. Shindo withdrew his hands immediately, staring at the boy in shock as the sound rumbled from the boy's throat, the man's mouth agape. Izuku had never growled around him, yet here he was snarling at his own boyfriend.
"Nothing? It meant nothing!?" The green eyed male gnarred, throwing a pillow at the Alpha and clenching his jaw. "It must have meant something if she was in our bed! If you really loved me, you wouldn't have ever even thought of cheating on me! I was going to give myself to you, you jerk! We were going to heat share! I hate you!" Shindo only stared stupidly at him, gaping in surprise. "I-I... I'm leaving... Be gone when I get back... It's the least you can do..."
"Izuku, please, can't we talk about this? I love you!" Izuku shook his head in disbelief, laughing softly as the man stared with wide, panicked eyes. He knew Shindo had no right to be upset at his own actions. This was his own fault. The boy could care less if the other male had nowhere else to go. Izuku's tears fell freely now, the Omega far too exhausted to attempt to dry them any longer. He needed to get out before he did something stupid. He couldn't take the pheromones any longer. It was all too much.
"Please, don't make this any harder..." His vision was blurred, his labored voice breaking as he took a deep breath to ground himself. However it only forced bile to his throat as the man's citrus scent swarmed around his head and completely filled his lungs, the boy forcing himself to slide his shoes on and grab his keys from the hook. The urge to whine and crawl right back to his Alpha was overwhelming, but he bit harshly at the inside of his cheek and pinched his palm. Shindo didn't mutter a single word, the Omega scrambling to grab his wallet from the counter and keep his head lowered. He didn't know if he could keep his composure if he looked at him. It was too painful. A soft whine left his lips the moment he stepped outside the apartment, his head shaking rapidly as soon as the door clicked shut behind him. "Stupid..." The words filled the silence before he could even think, small fingers gripping tightly at his wallet. He didn't even know where he was going, he just knew he had to get out. Maybe he could crash with his friends tonight. Surely Shoto and Inasa wouldn't mind if he borrowed their couch for the evening. Then again, they would likely try to pry. It was Ochako, after all. How would he explain that? 'Oh, my boyfriend cheated on me with our best friend. Can I sleep on your couch tonight?' Izuku shook his head while laughing dryly, walking away from the apartment while his trembling fingers smoothed out his wrinkled clothes.
No, he couldn't do that. It was hard enough trying to stay levelheaded enough to think, he didn't know if he could reasonably retell the entirety of the day's events without falling apart. So where was he supposed to go now? Sure, he could probably go splurge on new nesting materials, or even just walk around for a few hours. It would be nice to clear his mind, but... "I... Really need a drink." His lips spilled the words before he could even stop himself, green eyes widening as he leaned cautiously against the stair railing. He couldn't believe himself. The urge to drown his sorrows with a bottle of cheap liquor was becoming increasingly more tempting, Izuku letting out a low breath. Would it really be that bad to let himself indulge with a bit of alcohol? Sure, it could mess with his upcoming heat, but it was a risk he was more than willing to take. He wanted nothing more than to bury his feelings and allow himself to forget the hellish day.
Izuku smiled softly, clutching tightly at his sleeves. Swallowing down the memories could be refreshing, he supposed — well, as refreshing as finding himself at the bottom of a bottle could be, anyway. He sighed, stumbling forwards and rushing down the stairs in quick, determined strides. He could let himself drift away for the night. It couldn't be too bad. Worse comes to worst and he does get too drunk, he could always call Shinsou. The Alpha never really pried, so he knew he could get away with not telling him the truth if it came to that. While he could sleep over at his place, he really didn't feel like getting questioned by the male's parents again. He shuddered at the thought, remembering their gushing and cooing the last time he came over. They had assumed they were going to have sex and gave them an entire lecture on courting and mating, which left neither of them able to look the other in the eyes for weeks. It was... Awkward, to say the least. But it wouldn't hurt to let Shinsou take him home after drinking away the pain. He was his only option at this point, anyway.
Asui was in another city for work, and Tenya was Ochako's mate. He let himself wonder for a moment if Tenya knew of the girl's cheating. That was certainly something. Seems she may have ruined two relationships today. Oh well. Wasn't his problem anymore. Shindo would be gone when he returned and life would go on. Even though he knew there was nothing else he could do, the seething ache in his chest refused to diminish. It gnawed away at his guise of bravery, the whispering reality carving its way straight through his pounding heart. He couldn't bear it much longer. He needed a drink now.
Izuku's green eyes flickered left and right with caution, heart pounding rapidly in his chest as he stepped into the crowded bar. The putrid scent of sex and alcohol hit him almost immediately, the faint smell of cigarette smoke and Alphan pheromones burning his nose while he inhaled with a curious huff. Both of his feet halted, glancing around the noisy room with wary eyes while his fingertips danced mindlessly across his palm. The neon signs and lights, though dim, glared brightly overhead and filled his chest with an immense dread, a soft sigh leaving his pink lips as he hugged his wallet closer to his body. This was it. No turning back now. The stools lined along the bar were mostly empty, so he chose to hurriedly seat himself in one as the bartender smiled and greeted him with a cheerful wave. "Hey! Nice to see a new face in here. What can I get you?" The larger male grinned, leaning over the counter while waiting for the boy to answer.
"Uh..." Izuku suddenly wanted to cry. He never drank. The only few times he had, his friends had ordered for him. He didn't know the first thing about liquor. "I don't really know... Just give me something kinda strong, please... And keep it coming..." The Omega mumbled as he pulled out his ID, his chubby cheeks burning with embarrassment. This was a stupid idea.
"You don't drink much, do you?" The redhead chuckled, though he continued to reach for a bottle after verifying his age. Izuku watched the Alpha pour the drink, his mouth slightly agape in awe at his fluid motions. It wasn't long before the man set a half-full glass down in front of him, giving him a little wink. "If you don't like it, I can make something else. You look kinda miserable so I assumed you'd take my head off if I gave you something too fruity..." Izuku smiled lightly at the man's presumption, his trembling hands grasping for the glass and bringing it up to his lips. He hesitated, sniffing at the foul smelling liquid before leaning his head back and taking a long gulp. He wanted to cringe at the flavor, the slight burn of it flowing down his throat filling him with disgust. But... He liked it. He liked it a lot.
"Thank you..." He muttered, glancing to the man's chest in search of a name tag.
"Kirishima Eijirou," The man grinned, reaching his large hand out for a handshake. "And you?"
"Midoriya Izuku." The boy smiled appreciatively at the redhead's friendly attitude, the two shaking hands before the man went to take another order. He watched the Alpha for a few moments, quietly observing him and taking in his features. He was nice, and certainly handsome. Izuku noted the presence of a scarred mark peaking out from under the bartender's shirt, Izuku smiling knowingly. The Omega continued to watch for a few lingering moments before turning his attention back to his drink. The man finished taking the order a few moments later and Izuku realized with a raised brow that hardly anyone was stepping up to the bar. It seemed the majority of the patrons were already too drunk to order any more drinks. He didn't mind. He was completely fed up with people for the day, anyway. Izuku hummed, downing the rest of his drink in one go and laying his cheek in the palm of his hand. His head felt fuzzy already. Being a lightweight had never been a problem before, but he knew that just a few drinks would leave him a wreck. It was a shame he couldn't indulge more. Another drink slid in front of him before he could even ask, his head shooting up to look at Eijirou. "Oh, uhm, thank you."
"Of course, man!" Izuku reached for the glass, grasping it carefully between his little hands as he peered inside at the liquid. He assumed it was a type of tequila mixed with something slightly fruity, though he wasn't quite sure what the drink actually was. Hopefully it wasn't too strong, he'd rather not get drunk after one drink. Plus it didn't taste awful, and he was extremely thankful the citrus didn't mask the taste of the liquor. A low grumble left his lips nearly a minute later, memories of Shindo flashing through his mind until he forced his eyes shut with a soft growl. Shindo's scent still clung to his sweater slightly, the taste of his drink nearly identical to the man's pheromones.
"Shindo... That cheating bastard..." He quickly leaned his head back and chugged the entirety of the flavorful drink, setting the glass down and sighing while lowering his head with a frustrated groan. The boy's dainty fingers threaded through his thick curls and tugged slightly at the roots, his eyelids fluttering closed. He hated to admit it, but maybe catching his boyfriend cheating hurt him a lot more than he thought. Whining lowly, the Omega fiddled with the long sleeves of his oversized sweater. "Stupid Shindo..."
"Hey, Shitty Hair!" Izuku raised his head a bit to see who was yelling beside him, his green eyes rolling in annoyance. Ugh. Another Alpha. A very loud, obnoxious Alpha. The subtle pounding in his head increased slightly as the man shouted, his nose twitching with interest at the heady pheromones suddenly swarming around his head. Sweet caramel and overwhelmingly rich Alphan musk, with an undertone of campfire smoke and roasted chestnuts. He smelled... Decent. It was perfectly sweet with just a little bit of cinnamon spice, and all Alpha. A Prime Alpha. Eijirou smiled brightly at the taller man, stepping up to the counter before crossing his arms over it, one brow raised in question.
"Oh, Bakugou! Why are you here today?" Izuku chanced a subtle glance at the two, watching the redhead check the date on his phone. "It's only Tuesday..."
"Yeah, well, I'm collecting now. Pay up." The bartender chuckled, standing up straighter and reaching under the counter to grab out a thick, white envelope. He handed it over, the blond snatching it and quickly checking inside before humming approvingly. Izuku raised a brow curiously, staring at the envelope while the blond scowled and turned to leave. What was going on? What was in the envelope? Crimson eyes suddenly locked with his own, the boy gasping and quickly turning his head back. He wanted to groan. How had he let the Alpha catch him?
The man continued to stare, Izuku swallowing hard. "Want a drink, Bakugou?" Izuku held his breath and silently hoped that the man would say no, his grip becoming painful as he squeezed at his own palms. Why was the man staring at him so intensely?
A new drink was placed before him as the redhead awaited the blond's answer, the Omega whispering a quiet 'thanks' before downing it in only a few seconds. The drinks were hardly being filled, so it wasn't hard to swallow it down so swiftly. His head throbbed as the liquid streamed through him, his entire body tingling perfectly. "Yeah. Get me a drink, Shitty Hair. Scotch." A low, rumbled laugh rang in the boy's ears, his breath halting and his fingers clasping tightly at his glass as the Alpha sat beside him. "Mm... Who are you, Gorgeous?" Izuku inwardly groaned at the flirtatious tone, shifting his worried gaze to the Alpha eyeing him. His sharp eyes were almost predatory, sparkling with something unknown. Oh dear. Izuku wasn't sure he liked that look.
"I-I'm not interested." Izuku muttered, raising a trembling hand to the bartender before sliding his glass forward.
The man chuckled and took a leisurely sip of his own drink, still gazing down at the Omega through thick lashes. The boy was beginning to feel the effects of the alcohol fully, his cheeks heating up and his heart pounding erratically in his chest. Couldn't this man just take a hint? "Hm, stubborn... I like that. I'm Bakugou Katsuki, sweetheart." Izuku hummed disinterestedly, holding his head in his hands while moaning quietly in displeasure. Oh no. His head was pounding. He didn't know if he could deal with this man. Izuku sighed thankfully when yet another glass slid before him, the blond Alpha snatching it up before he could even grab it. "What's on your mind? Surely someone like you doesn't drink this shit for the hell of it." Izuku hated that the man had so accurately read him, the boy watching as Katsuki swirled the cup teasingly.
"Y-You don't know me..." Izuku pouted, quickly grabbing it from the man's large hands and cradling it close to his thin body. He took a small sip just to taste the liquid, clearly wary now that an Alpha had held it. What if he planned to drug him? A shudder wracked through his spine at the snickered laugh that bubbled from the blond's lips. Was he really laughing at him?
"Calm down, Omega. If I wanted to harm you," The man leaned closer and closer until their faces were mere centimeters apart, his sharp fangs on full display as he smirked. "Then I already would have." Izuku stared into the Alpha's blazing eyes with clear shock, forcing himself to swallow the growing lump in his throat as the man grinned with blatant amusement. The boy was sure his freckled face was likely bright red, his fingers gripping tighter at the cocktail in his hands. Izuku forced his viridian eyes away from the Alpha's hypnotizing stare, struggling to keep his gaze locked on the counter while he gulped down another long sip. When he swallowed he placed it back on the bar and hid behind his sleeves, sneaking a minutely glance at the man still leering darkly at him. He wore a sleek suit, his black slacks showing off his powerful legs as his matching jacket bulged with the apparent muscles underneath. A white dress shirt was tucked beneath the man's jacket, the collar carelessly folded with the first two buttons undone. It was rather... Improper considering the rest of his ensemble. But god did it look good. Izuku returned his attention to his drink immediately as he found himself ogling, chubby cheeks dusted pink. He had to admit, the man was handsome. Oh dear, the cocktails must be affecting more than he thought. He was already feeling tipsy. It wouldn't be long until the light buzz took over completely.
"Uh, Midoriya, you've drank a lot already. You sure you want more?" Izuku lifted his head at the redhead's question, smiling shyly as his face warmed up. He wasn't nearly done. Besides, the man was hardly even filling the drinks.
"Yes please..." The bartender gave a hesitant nod, the prime seated beside him sighing dramatically.
"That's quite unfair, Omega... I don't get to know your pretty name?" Izuku frowned, turning swiftly to look at the Alpha before huffing and picking at his nails with annoyance.
"No, you don't. Leave me alone." Izuku couldn't help but bite his lip angrily at the Alpha's entertained chuckle, upset that his words weren't being taken seriously.
"Oh, come on. What's wrong? You think you're too good?" Izuku clenched his fist, his jaw tightening with fury. He held his tongue, however, and instead busied himself with sipping at his drink. "Coming here to get drunk, especially smelling like that? Seriously? And alone, no less. You obviously wanted something, eh?" Izuku growled at the joke, his head turning quickly to snarl at the Alpha taunting him. His eyes were teary and his cheeks were red as he trembled, lips curling up enough for his pitiful fangs to be fully bared.
"I'm not interested, you j-jerk! L-leave me alone!" Tears streamed from his eyes rapidly now, the man pausing to stare at the little Omega in surprise, his drink still pressed to his lips as he froze. "I-if you must know," he sniffled, fruitlessly trying to wipe his eyes. "I got cheated on!" The Alpha muttered out a curse, his red eyes lowering in shame. "So if you could j-just leave me be..." Izuku couldn't bring himself to say anything more, both of his balled fists shaking against the smooth surface of the counter. Stupid Alpha.
"Shit..." Izuku turned back to his drink as his bottom lip wobbled, wiping his face and sighing before reaching for his wallet. He handed the bartender his card, downing the rest of the cocktail and standing to leave the bar when Eijirou handed it back. The Prime Alpha grasped his teeny wrist suddenly, emerald eyes shifting down to meet apologetic red ones. "Look, I'm sorry. Sit the fuck down. Let me buy you a drink or some shit, you fucking need it." Izuku took in a sharp breath at the request, flickering his eyes between the two Alphas before relenting hesitantly. He didn't want to go home yet. Shindo was likely still there. So he slowly sat back down and clutched his hands close to his chest. It was just for the booze — And to stay away from his apartment. At least, that's what he tried to convince himself. He really should have been worried about the husked tone and the Alpha's narrowed red eyes.
"Fine..." Katsuki raised a finger towards the redhead behind the counter, the two Alphas sharing a knowing glance before the bartender slid something different towards the boy. Izuku was thankful, yet increasingly wary. Why the different drink?
"Man, if I had known you got cheated on I would've given you this from the start." Eijirou muttered, walking all the way down to the other end of the counter to give them space.
"You... You're fucking feisty, Omega." Katsuki purred, crossing his arms and taking a large sip of his scotch with a pleased grin. The white envelope was now neatly tucked into his chest pocket, his bulking body slightly hunched over the bar to make their size difference less prominent. Even while tipsy Izuku could recognize an Alpha trying to appear harmless for a frightened Omega; Not that it really did much though, the man's presence alone was terrifying. "I like that... Hm, never seen an Omega so damn wary. I wonder why you're so untrusting?" Katsuki mused, gesturing towards Eijirou for a new drink. The man's glass was refilled within moments.
Izuku shrugged while grimacing, swallowing down half his shot and taking a slow breath at the intense sensations overtaking him. Wow. That was strong. It was... surprisingly delightful. He fished his cellphone from his back pocket, intending to call Shinsou to pick him up. Another drink or two and he'd be out for the count for sure. But all he saw was several missed calls and panicked messages filling his notifications, his eyes watering. Fucking Shindo. He choked on a sudden sob, swallowing the lump in his throat before slamming it back down and chugging the rest of the vodka in his glass. The alcohol wasn't enough anymore. He needed something else, anything at all to get his mind off the Alpha. Shindo and his stupid face!
"Shindo?" Katsuki hummed, resting his cheek against his palm and reaching out to calmingly pat his fluffed curls. "You don't mean Shindo Yo, do you?" Izuku's wet eyes went wide, his mouth falling open in realization that he had been muttering again.
"Yeah... That's him..." The blond grunted in acknowledgment, swiping his own phone from off the countertop and hurriedly typing out a message. He set it back down after a few moments, his mouth curling into a delighted smirk.
"Consider his life ruined, sweetheart... He works for me!" The man cackled, Izuku going rigid. Shindo works for this man? But he just works at... Well, he actually didn't know where he works. Shindo never really told him. "How pathetic. Cheating on an Omega as gorgeous as you? Hah! His loss, sweets. Hm, if you were mine..." Izuku didn't hear the last words, his eyelids suddenly feeling heavier.
"You... Why are you doing this?" The Omega was breathless, his heart hammering away as he was filled to the brim with anxiety. What reason did this man have to help him? It seemed absurd. Someone of Katsuki's status had no business offering his assistance to an Omega like Izuku. He was just a broke journalist. Katsuki was clearly well off, and his blatant collection of what he assumed was dues from the busy bar led him to believe that the man was considerably powerful. He wasn't sure he wanted to involve himself with such a man like this. He didn't know what Katsuki did for a living. Hell, he didn't even know anything about the Alpha aside from his name!
"Let's just say I like what I see. And between us, Shindo... Owes me some money." Izuku wasn't sure he wanted to know what that meant. He kept his mouth shut, silently dwelling over the Alpha's words and attempting to decipher the unspoken message within his dark tone. "Heh, you're pretty cute when you're thinking. Hm... You're real smart, too. You're right to be cautious, sweetheart." Izuku pouted at the cooed compliment, glaring up at the man before shaking his head. It was no use fighting the man's flirtatious comments, if anything it only seemed to spur him on. Izuku had a feeling he liked his back talk. "But that's enough. No more worrying your pretty little head. I've got it covered, Omega."
"T-Thank you..." The boy whispered, gazing down at his clasped hands and nervously tapping his foot. The aching throb in his fuzzy brain suddenly roared back to life all at once, a low groan bubbling from his lips as his wet eyes squeezed tightly shut. His entire body felt light, as if he was suddenly floating, and his belly began flipping uncomfortably. He felt like puking. "Crap..." His slender fingers reached blindly for his phone, stumbling for a few moments before grasping it in his hand and pulling it closer. He paused, his tongue sliding out his mouth to wet his dry lips. What was Shinsou's number again? His eyes squinted as he stared dumbly at the bright screen, unable to remember his friend's number.
"Having trouble?" Katsuki snickered, suddenly shifting closer and leaning over to gaze down at the device. As the warm body slid against his own, Izuku couldn't help but let his green eyes seel shut with a content sigh. Several long moments passed as he basked in the man's warmth, a large hand gently touching his face before fully cupping his cheek. "Hm, Omega?" The Alpha cooed, thumbing at his freckles as the boy let his eyes open to stare into Katsuki's. They were a beautifully deep red, almost resembling a lovely wine color that complimented his neatly trimmed mane of blond spikes, the boy taking in the man's sharp features with awe. He was beautiful. Izuku froze, remembering his phone and shifting his gaze down in embarrassment. What was he doing again? "Too much to drink, sweetheart?"
Izuku nodded with reluctance, swallowing the lump in his throat before shaking his head to ground himself. "N-Needed to call... Shin... Shindo?" He muttered, grabbing for his head and whining. It was useless trying to remember. It was too fuzzy.
"No, Omega. Shindo hurt you, who were you going to call?" Katsuki whispered with a surprising softness, the little Omega hardly recognizing that he was being moved until his back was pressed against a warm chest. Oh.
"Mm... Name's Midoriya Izuku..." He mumbled, the usage of his dynamic making his heart flutter with a strange want. He was rather comfortable seated in the Alpha's lap, but he still had enough rational consciousness to understand it was just plain inappropriate. Especially considering he didn't even know Katsuki. He slid from the man's lap and staggered back towards his seat, shaking his head in an attempt to rid himself of the awful dizziness. A low Alphan grumble filled the air as he stumbled, Katsuki's large hands settling on Izuku's flared hips to gently guide him back into the seat, keeping a hand at his lower back to prevent him from falling. "I..." His throat felt dry, his mouth falling shut. Oh, right. Shinsou. "Call Shinsou. I need to c-call Shinsou." Katsuki purred, placing one hand over Izuku's before grabbing the Omega's phone.
After a few moments Katsuki handed the device back to the boy, Izuku staring at it with dumbstruck expression. "Here you go, sweetheart." The Omega's trembling hands clutched tightly at his phone and brought it up to his ear, hunching over the bar and groaning. A groggy voice answered only a few moments later.
"Izuku?" Ah. Katsuki must have found his contact for him.
"Mm... Shinsou..." He couldn't seem to find the words. What did he want again? His mind was foggy, eyes fluttering shut with confusion.
"Yeah? Izuku, what's up? You sound awful." The boy paused, shaking his head as the man beside him chuckled.
"Can't remember..." The purple haired Alpha sighed with a chuckle, the sound of shifting fabric filling the line.
"Ah. You're drunk. Want me to come pick you up?" Izuku was well aware that he had called him, but as the Prime's warm hand stroked gently along his lower back, he suddenly didn't feel like leaving. Maybe... He could forget Shindo with something else. If getting drunk wasn't enough, then perhaps...
"No!" He shrieked, his green eyes wide and hazy. "Don't wanna go!" His friend began to refute the outburst, but Izuku quickly hung up and slammed his phone down. Sparkling emerald's gazed up to look at the tall man, his bottom lip puffed out in a pout. But Katsuki wasn't even looking at him.
"Shitty Hair, how much did he drink?" He grumbled, the bartender glancing at the boy and chuckling nervously.
"Six drinks? Uhh, but they were small! The dude's tiny so I didn't make him anything with too much tequila!" Katsuki gaped at the redhead, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration.
"Alright, I'm cutting you off. No more alcohol for you, Izuku." The Omega shuddered at the sound of his name flowing so perfectly from the Prime's lips, grappling hastily for the water that was suddenly set before him. He downed it in one go, but it did nothing to ease the fog clouding his brain as he bit his lip. The Prime leaned down to look him in the eyes, a strange expression covering his sharp face until he let a pleased smirk pull at his lips. "What's with that look, huh?" He chuckled, the Omega gazing at him silently while batting his lashes. He waited for the Alpha to speak again, his little hands moving before he could even think. "Keep looking at me like that and I won't be able to help myself, doll." Izuku flushed at the insinuation, grasping for the collar of the Alpha's dress shirt and unabashedly pulling him closer with a soft, tempting coo.
"K-Kacchan..." He mumbled, his eyes slightly teary again. He wanted nothing more than to forget Shindo. Perhaps this man could help melt away the memories for the night. "Alpha..."
Katsuki stiffened, letting out a low, rumbled growl. "You're playing a dangerous game, little one..." Izuku stared longingly, his little fingers drifting down until they snatched up the front of the man's shirt to drag him even closer, the button threatening to give way from the boy's tugging. There were merely a few centimeters separating their lips now, Katsuki releasing a low croon.
"Please..." Was all the boy could say, unable to resist sliding from his chair to press against the man's warm body. "Please, Kacchan..."
"Fuck..." A choked gnar escaped the blond's mouth as his lips curled, the man's sharp fangs protruding with a gleam of venom. "Not while you're... Fuck, you're drunk. I can't. Not yet." Izuku whined softly as the man pulled away while adjusting the collar of his shirt, the boy scrambling to grasp for the man's large hand. Katsuki allowed him, watching curiously as the boy slowly brought it down to cup his crotch through his tight jeans. The Alpha's red eyes widened immediately, a husky snarl ringing through the air. Izuku knew the Alpha couldn't resist. Gods, he's never slicked this much in his entire life — Not even during a heat. He felt so insanely aroused. It was absurd. "You're — You're fucking drenched." Izuku purred enticingly, refusing to let the man remove his hand from between his legs. He knew, deep down, that he shouldn't be doing this. Having a one-night stand to forget his cheating boyfriend was no way to cope. But he couldn't help himself. As the alcohol strummed through his veins and warmed his core, he couldn't help but mewl for the Alpha.
"Alpha... Please... Want you so bad..." Katsuki husked out a low curse, the scent of desire wafting off his bulking body in thick waves. Izuku's knees buckled from the intensity, falling into the man's embrace. "Take me..."
A low chuckle filled his ears, the man's warm breath flowing over his pale flesh as he held him steady against his chest. "Fuck... You're mine tonight, Omega."
First part, guys! 🥳 I'm obsessed with this AU :) Just a warning: This story is a bit darker than my other ones, so be prepared for what's to come!
Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes!
6629 Words
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