(unfamiliar faces)
VERONÍCA STUMBLED ALONG the tracks, she didn't know where she was going. She just hoped the dehydration hallucinations would stop following her around.
"You killed me, man."
The woman no longer bothered replying to T-dog, after hours of begging the man to stop. She had enough, she knew deep down it wasn't T-dog. Yet, that didn't make his words hurt any less.
"She killed me too.. Hell, she ripped me apart.." A new voice emerged making the woman turn around. Wanting to see who had joined her.
The Governor.
His usual eyepatch was still there, along with the long wound that she had made. The one that when from his ribs to below his belly button. The one that made him begin to bleed out.
"You deserved it." Veroníca mumbled, knowing that the man wasn't actually here but still feeling the need to reply.
After all, she had no one else to talk to, so she figured talking to her dehydration hallucinations was better than feeling lonely. Even if none of them were actually here.
"Did I deserve it?" T-dog asked again, this time making Veroníca stop in her tracks.
"No, no.. You didn't."
The women's words seemed to mean nothing, seeing as T-dog continued to ask the same question. This time in a much louder voice.
So as he yelled the question over and over at the exhausted woman, she couldn't help but cover her ears. Hoping eventually it would stop.
Unfortunately for her, as soon as his voice stopped a new one filled her ears. This one only saying one word.
Glenn stood outside a tunnel, feeling the wet walker blood as he spoke. "We're gaining on them. It's still wet."
"We sure as Shinola can't go up and over.. How 'bout around?" Abraham asked Glenn, making his way to stand beside the man.
"No.. That'll take a day, maybe more.. If they went through, i'm going through. We're close. The sooner we reach them, the sooner they can help me find my family."
"Shut up a second." Abraham commanded, making the group listen. Faint walker snarls filled their ears before the redhead continued. "You hear that? That there is a long, dark tunnel full of reanimated corpses. I don't have full certainty that I can get Eugene through there alive. My recommendation would be take the day, make the detour and play it safe.. But I know you're not gonna do that. So, this is where we gotta part ways. I'm sorry. You're on your own."
"No, you're not." Tara added, limping closer to Glenn as she did so.
Glenn smiled at her, hating the guilt he currently felt. He knew she felt bad about what happened and he had used it to get help finding them. Glenn knew it was wrong but it was too late to change it.
His guilt only went away when two cans were shoved at him, he glanced at both the cans for a second before shaking his head. "No, no, no. Those are yours. You guys will need them for your trip."
"You will, too." Abraham insisted, keeping the cans in Glenn's face.
While Glenn refused to take them, eventually Tara stepped up. Mumbling a thank you for the food.
Abraham then handed Glenn a large flash light, adjusting the straps on his backpack as Glenn spoke. "Sorry, I.. Uh—Hit you in the face."
"I'm not. I like to fight."
Glenn cheekily smiled at the redhead's remark, glancing at the floor before Rosita approached him.
"Good luck. Try not to be an ass." The woman spoke, pulling Glenn into a hug before moving on to Tara.
Rosita then gave Tara a tight hug, while Eugene said his goodbyes. "You're both good people.. I have to say that you are seriously hot, Tara."
"Yeah, I like girls." Tara answered, making Glenn smile downwards. A light pink tint coming to his cheeks as he giggled to himself.
"I'm well aware of that." Eugene replied while Tara walked closer to the tunnel. No longer interested in the conversation at hand.
"Say you get into trouble in there. You turn around. We're doubling back to the first road we crossed, maybe you find us before we find the right ride."
"Thanks." While Glenn knew the offer was sincere, he also knew it would never happen.
If he didn't find his family, he didn't know how he'd make it. He wouldn't be able to just leave and head to Washington.
Despite his thoughts, he still sent the stranger a smile and began his way into the dark tunnel. Knowing there was no way he'd ever see the strangers again.
Veroníca squinted in confusion as she looked around. A group of men surrounded her, all of them looking like complete assholes.
Despite the fact that it was clear the woman was in no shape to fight, the men still had their weapons prepared. Incase she ran.
There was only one man who didn't have his weapon ready. His eyes held a hint of happiness as a tiny smile found its way onto his lips.
"Come on man, we can take turns.. Can't we?" Another member of the group spoke, making Veroníca's head shoot towards him.
The woman who normally looked intimidating, looked quite the opposite at the moment.
The way her eyes bolted between the group of men gave her the appearance of scared rabbit. One of which was also sweaty, wounded, weak.
Yet the men didn't seem to care about that, they didn't care about her looks. They didn't care about her hygiene or her bloody bandages. They didn't care about her at all. They just wanted to sleep with someone.
"Ain't no way." Daryl replied to the man, his familiar voice calming Veroníca down for just a moment.
"Daryl claimed her. Fair and square. Keep it moving." An older man, who seemed to be the leader of the group, spoke.
The rest of the men let out a few different sounds of annoyance, all of which was ignored by their leader.
Ultimately the group continued moving, Veroníca waited until the men were further away before pulling the man in for a hug.
Daryl immediately hugged back. Her arms wrapped around his neck as she spoke to him. "I thought everyone was—"
Daryl didn't reply, instead, the man cut her sentence off by pulling away from the hug.
He examined her state for a moment trying to not make it obvious that he pitied the woman. "Need me to carry ya, or somethin'?"
Veroníca shook her head at his words, placing her arm over his shoulders as he immediately caught on to what she was doing.
Daryl then placed his arm onto her back, helping the woman balance as the pair began to walk after the men.
Veroníca didn't trust the men whatsoever, but she did trust Daryl. She trusted the man well enough to know that there was no way he would let any of the men hurt her.
Daryl rolled up two old car tarp, making two separate uncomfortable pillows.
As he did so he would occasionally glance up at Veroníca, who still seemed majorly out of it. The woman was eerily quiet, her eyes seeming empty as she stared into the distance.
Daryl guessed it had something to do with the war at the prison. While he wasn't sure why she wasn't with the other sick members, he didn't bother asking.
Instead, he situated their spot in the middle of the warehouse, handing her one of his water bottles.
She nodded in thanks, beginning to quickly drink the water while Daryl laid down.
He had laid about two feet away from her. Far enough so that they wouldn't touch each-other, but close enough so that he could be sure none of the men were being creepy.
Normally Veroníca would've been able to take care of herself. Yet, due to her current mental and physical state, it was clear now wasn't the time.
It also didn't seem like now was a good time to talk to the Hayes woman, she looked like she desperately needed sleep.
So, as Daryl silently laid on his back, his arm resting over his eyes. He was a little bit shocked to hear Veroníca's quiet mumbling. "I killed him, you know?"
Daryl removed his arm from over his eyes, looking over at his friend who stayed sitting criss-cross-applesauce. "Who?"
"The Governor."
"You serious?"
"Mhm." Veroníca replied, nodded her head slightly as she laid herself down. Getting more comfortable.
Daryl stared at her for a moment longer, looking away as he replied. "Good. He got what was comin' to 'em."
Veroníca nodded, feeling her sleepiness begin to weigh heavier on her eyelids. "Yeah.."
"I gotta take a piss." Daryl mumbled, unaware his friend was already slowly falling asleep.
Daryl then stood up, taking one more glance around the warehouse. He made sure all the men were occupied with themselves before beginning to exit, prepared to be as fast as possible.
Daryl reentered the warehouse, relief filling him when Veroníca laid in the same position. Unharmed. He laid in his spot again, this time preparing to take a short nap as well.
Unfortunately, before the man could fully fall into a comfortable sleep. A familiar voice filled his ears. "You gotta be kidding me.. Give it here."
Daryl sat up at the sound, prepared to fight if the man tried anything. "You step back."
Veroníca shifted uncomfortably, slowly waking up at the men's loud voices. "My half was in the bag, now it's gone.. Now ain't nobody around here interested in no half a damn cottontail except you.. Ain't that right?"
"You're the only one still thinking about that crap." Daryl replied, now standing on both of his feet as he stood in between the man and Veroníca.
"Empty your bag."
"I said step back!" Daryl yelled, ripping his bag off of the floor as he glared at the man.
As Veroníca rested her weight on her elbows, still mostly laying down, another man joined the small circle. The leader, the same one from before.
The gray-haired leader took Daryl's bag from him, holding it as he spoke to Daryl. "Did you take his rabbit, Daryl?—Just tell me the truth."
"I didn't take nothing." Daryl replied, keeping his angry eyes trained on the annoying man.
The leader nodded, beginning to pour the bag onto the ground. Right in front of an exhausted Veroníca.
The bad didn't have alot. Mainly just a water bottle, one granola bar as well as a few arrows. So, when the front half of a rabbit fell out, it took Daryl by surprised.
Daryl paused for a moment, Veroníca still confused by what was happening as her friend yelled again. "You put that there, didn't you?—When I went out to take a piss! Didn't you!"
"You lied. You stole.. We gonna teach this fool or what, Joe?"
The leader then intervened, stepping in between the men while Veroníca sat up fully. Subconsciously moving herself backwards
"Now, now.. Daryl says he didn't take your half of the rabbit.. So we got a little conundrum here—Either he's lying, which is an actionable offense—Or.. You didn't plant it on him like some punk-ass, cheating coward cop, did ya? 'Cause while that wouldn't be specifically breaking the rules, it'd be disappointing.."
"It would.. I didn't." The man agreed, clearly hiding something.
"Good." Joe patted his shoulder, glancing at Daryl once more as he continued. "Well.."
The leader then whipped around, delivering a harsh punch to the liar's cheek. The man fell to the ground at the impact, groaning as he did so. "—Teach him a lesson, gents. He's a lying sack of shit and i'm sick of it... Teach him all the way!"
The group immediately listened, surrounding their fellow member as looks of anger filled their faces.
As the sounds of the man being beaten echoed throughout the warehouse, Joe walked back over to Daryl. Not bothering sparing a glance to Veroníca. After all, she was just an object to him. "I saw him do it."
"Why didn't you try to stop him?"
"He wanted to play that out. I let him... You told the truth, he lied. You understand the rules, he doesn't." Joe explained, finally looking down at the sitting woman. "Mind passing that to me?"
Veroníca stayed silent, handing the older man the head of the rabbit which he gratefully took.
Joe looked at it for a second before tossing it to Daryl. "Looks like you get the head, too."
The older man then joined in on the beating, leaving Daryl and Veroníca to clean up the items he had poured out.
a/n ! short chapter buuut terminus soon 😈😈 hell yeah
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