three ; royals
It's early, when Wooyoung's eyes snap open, and it's painful when the morning sun blinds him instantly. Mingi had been shuffling around for a couple minutes now, the usually calm and silent room now full of static noise, and it annoys him to the point he sighs, but gets up nevertheless. It's all graceful dancing and shuffling when they're getting ready, waltzing around the small bathroom in perfect patterns preventing them from crashing into one another as they go through their morning routines. They pull on their uniforms after that, and help each other with putting on their shoulder insignias, seeing they were adorned with tiny chains that like to get tangled often. Unlike Mingi, the Captain held many tiny medals and badges on his left breast, some of which were of honor, some of his ranks, and they felt heavy when Wooyoung had clipped them all on. They weren't that many; only about seven small, golden medals, and it's not like the woolen medal ribbons clipped just above the medals were any heavier than a feather. Despite wearing colorful patches and shiny medals, Wooyoung's favorite part of his uniform were the dangly, silver chains that would shine and sparkle underneath the hot sun; they made him look higher positioned in a way, as if he were someone big.
"Wooyoung, we've got the pass into the Generals only dining room," Mingi had pulled Wooyoung out of his daze, and the blond's gaze snapped up to meet his friend's excited eyes, scrunched up in tiny crescents as he gave him a large, toothy smile. Mingi's all teeth but no bite then, when he drags the man out of the room after he takes his time spraying some cologne over his neck, and they speed-walk through the camp toward the dining hall, already full of people. Wooyoung also smiles when they pass by the runway, where they met the expecting gaze of one of the other Generals the pilot recalls as Jaeyoon. He's new, but he's pretty nice, but who was Wooyoung to tell - they hadn't met that much. He'd politely nodded at him when they were passing by and let Mingi drag him over to the cafeteria. It's funny how the taller's so eager to eat, but then he feels his stomach twist painfully and realizes he might be just as hungry, too.
Everything had seemed to be in a blur the second they actually set foot into the cafeteria, and especially the Generals only section they've never been in. It's only meant for the higher ranked men, and it's a new experience to the two young pilots who were used to the usual morning bicker of their other crewmates and gossip all around them. This area seems mostly silent, sounds from the outside blocked out rather nicely and Wooyoung feels at peace, eating his brakfast at one of the tables put further away from the Generals.
After they ate and checked in at General Lee's office ten minutes earlier, they were requested to pick a car to take to the castle. It's not hard to pick; all cars were the same - long limousines they would use only for very special ocassions, and the two lower ranked pilots had finally taken seats when they were bid to do so. The lower ranked men were not allowed to sit in the same car as the higher ranked pilots due to safety reasons, and they both understood and took their time settling in. The road to the castle was long and maybe if they were to close their eyes and doze off for a couple minutes, nobody would care. They wouldn't, right? The thought of the Generals ending their career so early had kept the two young pilots awake and on their tippy toes all night long, needless to say they had gotten about three hours of sleep at most, so a little nap wouldn't hurt anyone, would it? They were accompanied by General Lee, he surely wouldn't mind.
It felt almost surreal, when Wooyoung woke up. The car was just about to park amidst the gardens of the royal palace, and there were the guard to help them around already waiting for them, along with the prince standing in the middle of the four men. It's breathtaking, he thinks, because the flowers are in full bloom, and the prince himself was dressed in his all white uniform, and he's all bling and shine underneath the hot sun, with a pretty chain draped around his head to replace a formal crown. There's some beading adorned with gems and precious stones hanging down the middle of his face and resting atop the bridge of his nose and even from the darkened backseat window, Wooyoung thinks him more than beautiful.
He waits for the guard to open the door for them and feels like a royalty himself when they do, and he thanks the guard after stepping outside the vehicle, smoothing out the wrinkles on his coat. He then walks around to join his Generals and Mingi to greet the young royal, politely bowing to him with a serious face. It's a pity he couldn't smile at the man, be friendly and strike up a conversation; he genuinely adores the prince and thinks that a smile and a couple of friendly conversations could make them great friends. Yet, there's still that stupid codex stopping him from being that friendly; it needs him to remain proffessional. And it's draining, but he tries his best even now, when he follows the two familiar royal guards down the gardens, opposite of where their Generals had gone with the prince. They were separated now, free to run away even, but the pilots remain professional and calm, when they walk among the many tropical flowers.
He thinks it unreal, when they finally stop at an atrium made of crystal clear glass, plants snaking around beams and lining the pathways. They're at a clearing and the two guards stand before them in their own dark navy suits, looking as handsome as ever, and it's when they finally take their time to formally greet one another, when Wooyoung is stunned. When it's their turn to bow to one another, him and the cocky Colonel bump heads and it would hurt a tad bit, if a full on zoo wouldn't have erupted in the pit of the Captain's stomach, and there's a bashful smile up on his lips when he stands, because Colonel Choi had just showed him respect, it's never happened before, and it makes him feel some things. It's again formal when they straighten up their postures and apologize to one another, ignoring the teasing remarks from their giant friends standing nearby, already too friendly to Wooyoung's liking. The Captain's cheeks were painted a gentle rosy pink, same as San's, and he thinks that maybe after years upon years of teasing and sarcastic remarks, there might just be something going on between them. Finally, he thinks.
"Lieutenant Song, your cuts are healed now!" The Colonel exclaims, trying to loosen up the slightly awkward air around them, and smiles at the redhead who nods eagerly. Wooyoung grins also, upon seeing the gentle smile up on San's lips, and they follow the two royals toward the castle through the tropical greenhouse. They met up with the rest of the crew shortly after, and Wooyung hums in content silently, when there's General Park standing on General Jung's usual spot. It's nice seeing Seonghwa here; definitely nicer than seeing the grumpy, older man. Seonghwa was a lower ranked General and he's the leader of the Tower Crew; it's pretty unusual for him to attend royal meetings, but it's a nice change now. Jaehyun, as good of a leader as he was, didn't really marvel at social interaction. Last time he'd gone to an event like this one, it had resulted in a small catastrophe - there were broken glasses, tons of shouting and scolding. Everyone felt content with him staying behind today, it seemed.
There's a groan and a huff, and with an eyeroll, Wooyoung looks over at his tall friend. They're at the end of the line, hidden by their generals, and he snorts at the Lieutenant. The tall man is currently struggling with the belt that's holding his suit closed, and it seems to tighten up more and more with every single move he makes; it's amusing to watch, and Wooyoung then proceeds to tease the man with a "So much for being a skillful pilot, aye?" Mingi then scoffs and strikes an exhausted gaze Wooyoung's way, fingers giving up and instead hooking under the belt as if he's trying to pull it off that way. "Told you to wear the one with buttons, you idiot," he then adds, still laughing at the way his friend struggles and he doesn't notice the confused stares and worried glances thrown their way as they walk.
It's when they settle in a dining room, when Wooyoung's mind comes back to San's remark about Mingi's scars. He blocks out the queen sitting at the head of the table, completely ignores the worried glances his Generals throw him, and gets lost in his head, beacuse the incident had happened months ago, and the entire base had agreed to keep it a secret from the public. How's it possible that the Colonel knows, how's it possible that anyone aside from the crew present knows, at all? It's scary, when he thinks about the possibility of being followed or monitored, but he shruggs it off and raises a toast along with the other people at the table.
Wooyoung doesn't know many things, but he for sure knew that something was off here.
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