five ; pride and joy
Wooyoung sits in his cockpit, the tempered glass long closed over him and he hums, adjusting the uncomfortable oxygen mask over his face. He's bound to his seat already, too, and the aircraft is slowly moving around the runway, just about to come to a halt near the very beginning of the long landstrip. "Officer Jeong, Squad 4 ready for take off, over," he hums and looks behind himself, where Mingi had just pulled up with Jongho right beside him. He smiles to himself and turns around then, when the headphones beep silently, letting him know that the channel had switched succesfully.
"Tower to Jeong, Juyeon speaking. The airspace is clear, you're all set to go. Falcon on one, over," The tower replies and Wooyoung nods to himself then, finally starting the aircraft up. It's loud, almost deafening and the gears shift when he pulls on the handle and clicks on some buttons. It's chaos to the inexperienced eye, but Wooyoung's gloved hands move rather swift and graceful and soon he's pulling on the lever on his left, having the plane increse speed immediately, before tugging at it, to finally take off the ground.
When he's in the air, it feels freeing. It's like the air feels much less suffocating there, even though he still breathes from the exact same oxygen mask, and he smiles softly, eyes scanning his surrounding as he flies over the base. It would've been dead silent, if he were to block out the deafening roar of the heavy engine just behind his back, but it's Juyeon and Mingi breaking the silence, when there are keywords spoken between them to mark the aircrafts' locations. It's stupid, considering they're still just above the base, but Wooyoung understands; the Generals wanted to show the royals how it's done and that they, in fact, were an acceptable air force fleet.
Wooyoung listens to the playful bickering between the two, before he hears Seonghwa interrupt with his usual, sarcastic remarks, and the Captain laughs, accidentally pressing the audio button in process, and it sends his laughter straight through the transmitter. It's silent for a short second, before he hears Mingi respond with a chuckle himself; then, there's static. It has Wooyoung thinking, then, as he maneuvers around the base in loops, showing off the plane in various different angles and speeds. He thinks about San even then, when he pilots a heavy aircraft, even when adrenaline is running through his veins like deadly poison. He thinks how maybe, after all those years of knowing one another and holding hatred toward one another, it all might just be a little too unnecessary. They didn't have to hate each other. There's no reason to.
Yet he often finds himself annoyed by the Colonel's cockiness, by his nobleness and his upturned nose. He's annoyed by his face, his voice and his striking gaze but then again, he thinks him deadly handsome in a way he couldn't quite explain. It's in the way the Colonel talks and laughs, and Wooyoung feels himself grit his teeth and maneuver the plane a little too harsh, having the nose of the aircraft point straight up. And then, there is a questioning hum having him snap from his daze, as he just nears the limit he could get up to. He then points the nose of the plane straight towards the ground, and he hears a sigh from Mingi, and a concerned "don't do this again" from Seonghwa. It's the hammerhead maneuver, and it's dangerous when not done properly, however Seonghwa's remark was a great indicator that this was not the first time Wooyoung had done it, and it just leaves the royals to stare, faces struck with horror as they watch the plane drop dead in the air.
The pilot manages to pull the airplane back into the horizontal position meters before it hits the ground and his heart skips a beat because this was a little too close for comfort, he thinks. It's worth it, though, when he hears General Lee praise him for the skill yet again, and hears the young Colonel somewhere behind him panic, asking if this was normal for him to have people worried sick.
"It's a Jeong thing, Sir Choi. I've never met a sane Jeong in my life," Mingi answers through his transmitter and it has Wooyoung chuckling again, before he joins the formation again, index finger feeling at the transmitter button that had allowed him to speak.
"Oh, but you are totally normal, right," He exclaims with a giggle.
It's not long into the performance, when the transmitter goes off again, and Wooyoung with Jongho are in the middle of doing a loop. It's the tower now calling for them, and the pilots all listen intently; Juyeon had never interrupted like this if it weren't serious. "Tower so Squad 4, Unknown aircraft by the south-east coast, unarmed, unidentified," She speaks and Wooyoung tenses. It's not often that someone is intruding in their air territory, but when it is, it's bad news. It's always been like that. Shortly after Juyeon, the radio goes off again and this time it's General Jung speaking to the squadron, "I want Lieut Choi and General Park to stay, Commander Jeong and Lieut Song, please take care of the situation. I expect you back by lunch, over," and there's also a silent curse at the end of the command that the pilot catches, before he takes a sharp left turn to separate from the formation, followed by Mingi, who answers for the both of them. "Song to base, understood. Jeong and Song are off to investigate, over," and like that, the funny batner is over, and the pilots gather on altitute and disapppear from the line of sight.
It's the Colonel who then regains his composure, and speaks to the two Generals, asking them about the hot headed, short pilot. It's funny, Taeyong thinks, but listens nevertheless. He'd thought there might be something going on between the two juniors, thought maybe they'd be able to figure that something out, but obviously, that was not the case. "Is Captain Jeong always like this? So much of a show off?" San asks and Taeyong then finally laughs, shaking his head and offering a grin to the royals hanging around.
"Commander Jeong is quite a dedicated man, he'd been serving for more or less seven years and had spent his early twenties piloting an aircraft nicknamed 'the sacred plane of death'," Taeyong says, shifting his weight on his feet and crosses his arms against his chest, as his gaze locks on the remaining two aircrafts circling the base and showing off. "Sometimes, yes, he can be annoying, but even then, I can't recall another soldier that works as hard as he does,"
"Wooyoung, although we don't tell him often, is our best pilot, despite his lower rank. He truly is our pride and joy,"
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