Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Liam picked me up and just held me, staring into my eyes. "What?" "You just look really beautiful..." He said as in awe. "As if..." "No really. You are. I could look at you all day. In fact..." He pulled out his phone. "Smile babe!" I smiled and he took a quick picture. He started to hit buttons then showed me the screen. I was his wallpaper. I smiled and kissed him. He held me with one arm and brushed some hair out of my face. "How?" "How what babe?" "How are you holding me?" "You're light." "No I'm not." "Yes you are!" "I bet it's these." I said, touching his muscles. "Mhmm sure." He leaned in and kissed me. "Um, Li?" "Yeah babe?" "I've got a question, but you don't have to answer it if you don't want to." "Okay shoot." "What happened with you and Danielle?" "Oh I uh..." "Babe, you don't have to tell me it's fine." "I will. It's fine. Um, well we just fought a lot. She was sweet, but she flirted with other guys. So I ended it." He seemed upset talking about it. "Oh..." He kissed me and slipped an arm around my waist. "Amy, what do you wanna do?" "Umm..." I bit my lip, thinking. "Would you wanna...just-" "Kiss? Why yes I would." "Liam! No, I was gonna say play random games." "Okay, I guess that'll work too."
"Liam, I should be getting home. It's late." "Why can't you stay? It's not like you have a curfew!" "I want to babe, but I can't." "Are you sure?" "I'm sure." "Fine." "I'd rather stay but I can't. I promise babe." "Alright..." He led me out to the car and hopped in. I grabbed his hand. We sat in silence the whole drive. Not an awkward silence, just a silence. As he pulled into my driveway, I saw my bedroom light on. "Oh, I thought we turned that off." "Ah well. I guess not. Bye babe." I said kissing him. It lasted for a while until he pulled away. "Bye Amy. See you tomorrow?" "Alright." He kissed me again. I stepped out and waved as he drove off. I sighed as I walked in and made my way to my room. Nathan walked out. "Glad you listened." "I didn't really have a choice." I grumbled. He grabbed my arm harshly. "C'mon." He pulled me over and sat me down on the bed. "Shut up or it'll be worse." I nodded and he hit me. "That's for leaving me." Tears started coming down my face. He hit me again, but harder. "And that's for being a little slut and sleeping with that idiot." "I didn't sleep-" He pulled his belt off and smacked me with it. "WHAT DID I SAY?" He hit me across the face with it, surely leaving a mark. "I'll be back tomorrow. Remember, don't tell him or you're dead." I nodded. The blood was coming down my face, but drowsiness was taking over.
I woke up and took a shower. As I got out, I saw a message on my phone. It was from Liam. "Morning beautiful!! I'll come pick you up at 12 if that's alright. We're gonna go hang with Louis and Harry. :) Xx" "Alright babe. That's fine! :))" I sighed and dried my hair. I got dressed and spent the next hour trying to hide my cut and many bruises. I heard a knock on the door and ran down to open it. "Hey babe." "Hey Liam." He pulled me into a hug. "Hey, have you been crying?" "Uh-no. Why?" "You're eyes are a little red...you also don't look like you got much sleep. Everything alright love?" I nodded quickly. "Yup!" "Alright??" He said unsure. "Let's go babe."
-Liam's POV-
Something's wrong. I can tell. Why would she have to leave early? Why didn't she get any sleep? Why had she been crying? More importantly, what's so bad that she had to lie to me? I grabbed her hand and she looked up at me with a small smile. "Babe, are you sure everything's alright?" "Um, y-yeah." I leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.
As we entered through the front door, the two ran up. "Hey Harry. Hey Louis." "Hey Amy!!" They said in unison, hugging her. We walked over to the couch. "Hey Liam? Could I talk to you in private?" "Uh sure Lou." We walked into the kitchen. "Yeah?" "What's that on her neck? You didn't hurt her did you?" "Of course not! What are you talking about? I didn't see anything." "Look when we go back in there. It's below her left ear." I nodded. We walked back in and I studied her neck. I saw it. I looked to Louis and nodded. It looked as if makeup was over it. I reached up and wiped the area. She turned. "Babe, what's this?" "Oh, it-it's nothing." I gave her look. "It doesn't look like nothing." "N-Not now. Later..." I nodded and grabbed her hand. The rest of the day passed slowly. Finally though, we agreed to leave. I took her to my house and as we entered, I picked her up and sat her in my lap on the couch. "Babe, tell me what's happening." "Well, Nathan-" I tensed up as she said his name. "-he's coming over at night..." "Why?" "To get revenge." "What'd he do?" I growled. She sighed and started rubbing different parts of her face until all of the makeup was gone. Her face was covered in purple bruises and she had a cut on her arm. "Why would he do this?" "He's mad I left him. He apparently wants two girlfriends." I nodded. "Babe, is he coming over tonight?" She nodded. "I'm coming home with you." She shook her head forcefully. "He'd kill me." "I won't let that happen. You stay at Louis' tonight and I'll go take care of him." "You'll get hurt." "I'll be fine." "Liam please-" "Babe, I can't let you get hurt. When does he want you there?" "8:30." He nodded. "I'll drop you off at Louis' at 8:15." "Fine..." "I just don't want you hurt honey..." "I know..." She laid her head on my chest and I played with her hair.
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