Chapter 3
I was walking to class as some people stared at me and whispered,"Did you hear about the new boy he's working in music I feel bad for him?" They said loudly i ignored them and continued to my class music,"Morning miss Gee!" I said as i set my bag down and began setting the chairs up,"Morning miss Phoenix." She said to me. When I finished I began writing today's lesson when the door opened a boy walked in he looked like me but a tad shorter and had a great beanie on and dyed Crimson blue hair and velvet eyes,"Hello I'm the new helper for music." I finished writing then put the cap on the market, I set it down and walked to my desk and sat down,"Sup newly."
"Newly?"I have him a blank look,"Sigh, my names lilithan but as a teacher Miss Phoenix. this is Jully or Mrs. Gee."
"Well my names Aiden but I guess my teacher names Mr. Zalgo." We looked at him,"Mr Zalgo?" He nodded, the bell began to ring as the students began rushing in like waves I walked on the mini stage and looked at them,"Morning class." They all said morning,"Today we have a new teacher assistant." I motioned for Aiden,"Hello I'm Mr Zalgo." The class was silent. I pushed him of stage,"Today we are learning about the stringed instruments today is the history of the violin." I loved to the side showing the board, I grabbed my violin. I talked about the history then the music and played a few songs.
Time skip a few hour.
As the last class left I closed the door and sat down at my computer,"There's a meeting at my house again next weeks it's Crimsons house."
"Ok. What time?"
"Umm." I flipped threw my schedule book,"It's at five ending at eight thirty and tomorrow's Saturday so that's why.Hey blondy here's my adores for the meeting." I handed him a paper and pointed at Amina's I was half way threw the door,"And don't be late!" and I darted threw a portal and onto my poach I reached for the door knob wen I stopped hear arguing, I frowned and opened the door I was Toby and Charlotte arguing their babies crying, I picked the crying baby up and cradled it until it stopped,"Wow. Some parents you are!" They were still angry and charlotte looked at Toby and walked away,"Sigh. She's just mad about me spending most of the day and night with someone else and she's calling a." He stopped as tears filled his eyes and I felt jerk backwards like I was being pulled I held the little child in my arms as I tripped backwards and fell into a portal by slendy and I found myself in the under world the elders looking at the mess of an teacher and mother of two, but I still looked like a normal teen. My eyes widened and I looked at the elders as the baby broke the "silents" it was the loudest crying in the whole underworld I began cradling it making it stop crying and clicked my foot teleporting me home I handed the baby back but my two sons grabbed me but before I knew it I was teleported back but with furry in my face,"DAMNIT!" I said my two bus laughed at me,"Lilithan you have been called here for seriousness not goofing around!" Yelled one of the elders,"Sorry IM JUST HELPING TOBY AND HIS WIFE BECAUSE SHE CALLED A F***ING DIVORCE!" My two sons went quiet. All eyes were on my face I frowned,"Just give me a moment elder Phoenix."
"Young lady don't discarded your family name!" He yelled at me as we walked to the elders "Castle" and walked to my old room I snapped my fingers letting three pairs of outfits mine and my sons we got dressed and helped them with there masks and we walked back their masks in their hands mine on the side of my face a grin and they fear in their eyes is what scared everyone,"Lilithan not here infront of your own children!" I frownd and take my mask of letting it hand like a necklace,"You've been called here for a war. We need our leader back." A frown appeared on my face,"No."
"I said no. I have two children and I'm a single mom." I pointed with both hands at my children,"Then will help with that.Death is the answer for your children."
"Your old. And I'm a f***ing mystery creature I'll kill you with a snap of a finger." He did not care,"Fine let the underworld fall into chaos." I looked at slendy and pushed my kids near him and walked away I put my mask on as a tear streamed down my cheek I was greeted with a army of demons and cps I scanned the crowd,"He-Hello." I didn't finish my sentence just a blank face with grief on it,"I'm your leader."I stopped as I heard a familiar voice it was Zalgo he walked onto the stage,"The humans have gone to fare so the means war." I felt a shiver go up my spine as I thought of my peer human children my eyes widened with fear the whole time until they finished talking,"Zalgo." I said as I walked off with him,"The elders told me their gonna kill my human children." Zalgo put his arm around me,"I won't let them." I leaned against him,"They also told me im your commander."
He smiled and kissed my head,"Zalgo."
"Would you leave your daughter whose The underworlds new queen in a few days. To live with me and everyone else?"
"No." I stopped walking and looked at him the. Turned around to see slendy,"NEVER EVER!" I began to go pale and collapsed into another portal I was my colour again and found myself at the airport I looked around,"WELCOME ALL MYSTERY CREATIRES." Charmed the voice I looked around me but someone was looking at me, and walked closer to see a statue of me and looked down,"ITS THE LOST-" and they were cut off I turned around to see millions of people around me my mask on I pushed it to the side of my face hiding my eyes. I felt someone ripe my mask off, I turned around and yanked it from a tall boys hands only five feet tall and in seven feet,"I'm no one important just a killer who enjoys it." Everyone gasped and backed up,"Yep." I felt two hands rest on my shoulder,"Nontouching me." I said as I reached for my gun I pulled it out and turned around to see a man much like my adopted father but only looking like a leader of a whole universe,"My daughter." I backed away,"I'm not your daughter i am a SLENDERMAN!" And at those words fear was in their eyes,"Haunting your dreams making you go mad and insane until you think your alone but your not because that's your last night alive." I heard swords unshaven,"I'm not princess and if I find myself here again I will kill." And I taped my foot summoning a Portal and jumped towards it feeling a yank backwards,"The hell!?"
"Your not leaving." I turned around eyes widened,"Slenderman shall pay for taking you,"
"LET GO OFF ME FREAKS!" I ripped my arm away and stood up,"I kill for fun and." I covered my mouth as someone teleported here slenderman trenderman trenderman offender man Splendorman all of them there ready to kill I heard a sword unshaved,"IF WE CANT HAVE OUT PRINCESS NO ONE CAN!" And with that words I felt my arm cut but I teleported in time away from him he looked mad,"LILITHAN BIRCH PHOENIX IS NOT A SLENDERMAN!" And he threw the sword at my chest it hit me and I collapsed everything became blurry I closed them then felt something cold being pulled out off my chest and arms rapping around me,"Fuxking hell."
I coughed up blood,"If i die know I'll know I died a great mo-ther." And everything went black I wasn't died though I heard another portal being opened and found myself in a room blood in my eyes,"everything's red and white?" I said trying to look around I felt a bandage around my eyes,"The hell happened?"
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