Chapter 3 - The New Beginning (continuation 3)
Angie and Gérmen, who continued to grumble, furious, shut themselves in the office. He sits down and she looks at him, smiling, waiting for him to calm down; he whispers, muttering for everything and nothing: for the kiss, for Violetta's attitude, for what she told him, what could have happened if he had not come in, for what it might have happened during the tour and he does not know, for Leon's attitude; for the attitude of Angie herself, for what she could have done and did not, for having allowed that courtship. When she finally sees that he was less nervous and agitated, because while he was like that nothing was worth saying, and for him to calm down it still took some time, but when she feels that Germen has already discharged all isr "rage" she approaches him and kisses him: a brief, slow-onset kiss with almost no time to feel their lips touch. Suddenly Angie walks away ...
- Germen, you can not be constantly beating yourself with Violetta. All this just for a kiss?
- Just a kiss! Angie, just a you find it little?
- It was a kiss ... - and getting closer, she gives him a passionate kiss.- It was a kiss just like this one, can you tell me what's so wrong about it?
- In this kiss nothing. Among them a kiss everything. All wrong.
- Germen ... they are young, they are in love, and it was a kiss, it was not ...
- Who knows what they would do more if I had not come. She's still a girl, I should never have allowed this courtship.
- Germen, no matter how much it costs you, Vilu has grown up, and she isn't a little girl any longer, she is a young woman and she is in love.
- She's my girl, and she's not old enough to date. No, this is going to end, it has to stop. I'm gonna end this today.
- Germen, you're not making sense ...- Germen begins to lose his temper.
- Am I not making sense? No this courtship does not make sense.
- My love you're missing the little reason you could have just ...
- Ah! So i'm right, you also think this dating thing, the kisses are wrong and...
- Yes and no, don't put words in my mouth. Vilu has grown and no matter how hard it is to accept it you have todo it. She as boyfriend and you have to deal with it the best way possible. But I also agree that we have to put limits, but it is not forbidding the courtship between them that you will be able to do .
- She's a little girl, and she's not yet old enough to date, what do you think about that as limit?
- Honey, she's not a girl anymore, and you're going to have to learn to share her love with others, and in this case with Leon. - And hold him.
Germen lets himself be embraced by Angie, who with all her love tries to comfort him. Although he does not want to admit it, he knows that Angie is right: Violetta is no longer a child, she is no longer his little girl. She has grown and he will have to accept that. More and more she will make her life without consulting him, without needing him, but for him who always lived for his daughter, it was difficult to have to let her go, to have to see her "fly" without being able to do anything to prevent this "flight". Angie realizes her anguish, for she herself had been through this feeling last year, and realized that Vilu no longer needed her to solve her problems but she realized, though Violetta did not need her every day, she knew she had a safe harbor in Angie. And this was what Germen would have to learn to do: to become a safe shelter for her daughter, someone who would be there whenever she needed it, and not someone who prevented her from living her life, no matter how many mistakes she made, no matter how many falls she gave. What he had to do was to be there: to support her in the falls and to hold her in the rough hours.
- I'm going to lose her, will not I? Am I going to lose her to Leon?
- No, you 're not. She will always be your daughter, and she will always need you.
- No, she does not need me anymore and I'm going to have to learn that it's really like that, is not it? That I lost her ... to Leon ...
- Do not be melodramatic, she'll always need you ...- Angie laughs as she remembers that many years ago someone had had the same reaction.
- Why are you laughing, I'm being so "pathetic"?
- No, my love ...- and he laughed again at all that melodrama ... - I just remembered my father having the same reaction as you.
- Seriously? I did not know, Maria never said anything to me ...
- Because Maria never attended any of these conversations. Mom would always talk to my dad after she left.
- But Maria was older when she started dating me.
- No, she wasn't. She was the same age as Vilu or even younger.
- No ... I'm sure Maria was older.
- Germen!
- Well maybe ... maybe a little bit younger ... but a little ...
- Germen. I remember as if it were today: Dad made me stay with you and Maria because he did not want you two to be alone.
- Maria was always furious with your father; but she always ended up getting you to leave us alone ...
- It did not take much to convince me: a trip to the movies, a trip to the park ... I was not very picky at the time.
- I remember that she promised you always a candy ...
- A caramelized apple ... we always adore them.
- The famous caramelized apples ... must be from the family Vilu adores them.
- I even found it amusing, and I confess that sometimes I took advantage and did a little "blackmail" with her...
- You did blackmail with Maria?
- Yes, I'll admit ... I made her give me something else, I had to win.
- I do not want to lose her. - Germen says suddenly ... - I do not want her to grow, why can my little girl stay little forever ...
- You have to let her grow, no matter how much it may cost us both.
- Even if it means not agreeing with what she chooses?
- Especially when it means that you have to accept her to date Leon, accept her decisions even if they are wrong, and the only thing you can and should do is be here for whatever she needs.
- Yes, you're right ... it's going to cost me, but you're right. I love you, do you know?
- No, you still have not tell me today ...- She leaned closer to him and kissed him with all the passion she felt for him.
- I love you ... for all you are, but especially for what you do to me when I am by your side.
- I love you ... - and kisses him again, then with a look of joy, look at him ... - and I was forgetting, Clara will grow up too ... but you still have a few years until she reaches this stage ...
- Do not even remember me ... I do not know if I can get through it all again.
- You will, yes. And then I'm here, and luckily Clara has something that Vilu did not have: a sister who will help her.
- Yes that will put me in a sense and we will have even more discussions, I do not know if I am prepared for this.
- Well then, I have some good news for you. It's just that you're going to have someone on your side to help you to... - and starts to approach him until she gets very close ... - Me... - and kisses him as if there was nothing else in that place and after a while. - And now, please, go and apoligise to her and to Leon, and be nice to him.
- I really have to be nice ...
- Germen! If you do not want to lose her for good. She has to realize that you make mistakes, but that you know how to recognize it.
- What I would do without you ...- and getting up, he grabbed her by the waist.
- Nothing ...- they hugged each other with all the love they had, but also gratitude for being who they were and somehow balancing each other for complementing each other so well.
They both left the office and after apologizing to Vilu and also to Leon, Gérmen invited him to stay and dine with them as a family, to which Leon accepted realizing that he was truly sorry. Violetta, though is still very upset but eventually pardoned him, for though she thought her father had reacted badly, she loved him above all, and knew that if he did what he did it's because he loved her, in a somewhat possessive way but he loved her and that was the most important thing. They dined in a quiet, family atmosphere until Clara gave the "air of her grace" and Angie had to feed her; Germen also get's up from the table and goes in his study to do some things, but rather politely and kindly asked Vilu that Leon's visit would not be long.
They both agreed that it would not take much longer and that they would stay in the room, so that there would be no further discussion they would exchange only a few glances, and from time to time one or another caress. Either he or she knew they had to be more careful, at least back home, but it was as difficult when they loved each other as they loved each other; So they decided to go play a little piano and sing, it would be safe because while they did they were busy and did not fall into temptations. They began to sing the first song they sang together: it was "We can", that was a very important song for them. Leon had made her think of Violetta, and she had dreamed of Leon, it was the music of her love ...
"No soy ave para volar,
Y en un cuadro no se pintar
No soy poeta escultor.
Tan solo soy lo que soy.
Las estrellas no se leer,
Y la luna no bajare.
No soy el cielo, ni el sol...
Tan solo soy."
As soon as he had finished feeding Clara and put her to sleep, Angie came down; Seeing them singing could not help thinking that the two made a wonderful pair: their voices, the complicity between them, everything combined perfectly, it was simply magical to listen to them; No one could question: they were meant to be together in music and life. When he got closer to them and started and sang in three voices:
"Pero hay cosas que si sé,
Ven aquí y te mostraré.
En tu ojos puedo ver....
Lo puedes lograr, prueba imaginar.
Podemos pintar, colores al alma,
Podemos gritar iee eê
Podemos volar, sin tener alas...
Ser la letra en mi canción,
Y tallarme en tu voz."
At that moment Angie felt really happy, as she possible never have felt in her life. She had always sung with Maria in a duet, but she had never felt that way, as she felt now when singing with Violetta and Leon, and the reason for it was obvious to Angie: her father. At the end of that song she made it clear, without saying a single word, that it would be time for Leon to leave. While Violetta takes him to the door where she bids farewell with a fleeing kiss, like the ones that happen when she is a child, Angie sits down waiting. Vilu closes the door, looks at Angie and runs to her, embraces her, as a mother embraces her daugther, and defends her children of everything and everyone; and in this embrace there was a thank you for the support, for the love, but mainly for making her father gradually realize that she had grown and was no longer his little girl. And so they are nested, talking about the discussion she had with her father, about her relationship with Leon, about Clara; and in the midst of all this talk there were laughs, reprimands, cries, excuses, hugs. Everything a mother and daughter do, because at the end of the day they were what they were: Mother and Daughter.
When Germen appears, Vilu stands up and apologizes for her behavior and promises that he will try to be calmer, he hugs her with all the love he has and asks for forgiveness again, saying that it's difficult for him to accept that his girl has grown but will try to see her as a young adult. Vilu embraces her father again and with that embrace she want's to give him the certainty that despite of all the mistakes that he coul make she knows that he really loves her. Finally after all that exchange of excuses, but mainly after all of the affections Vilu decides to "pretend" that she's sleepy, gives the two good nights and climbs to her room, leaving Germen and Angie alone. All of them knows that she isn't with the minimum of sleep, and that she only wants to leave them alone, yet they do not say anything to her because deep down they thank Vilu for such an insightful escape. Finally, they also date a little, finally they have all the family together and were happy the four of them: Germen, Angie, Violetta and Clara. The two of them imagine the same "symphony", the most beautiful of them all, that hangs in the air and plays harmoniously, while they let themselves be involved by it...and that is the way that their family were, that is the family they built together.
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