Chapter 14 - The Scape
When Milagros came back in, he was with Sebastian ... who, seeing Angie, could not help the tears, and just as his wife looked into those eyes, she was hypnotized. It was impossible to forget the blue color of the sky and the sea, how she had missed that girl with blond hair like the sun and the blue eyes of the sky, and when she saw his smile, it was as if it were receding in time ... that was without a doubt his usual miserable niece.
He came near the niece put each of his hands on Angie's cheeks and stared into his blue-green gaze ... and at the end of what seemed to Angie hours he hugged her.
- Angels ... my girl. God, it's really you, you're really here princess.
- Uncle "Bas", you're the same ... I missed you so much ...
- According to your Aunt, I'm older and more embarrassed ...
- And you really are ... - says Milagros joining them.
- So how are you? Did you get married Do you have kids?
- Sebastian, for now with the interrogation, creed you seem an inquisitor ... - this one looks at the wife and makes an ugly face ...
- Auntie ... it's been many years, and I realize that Uncle wants to know what happened to me ... the last time we met was ...
- On the day of Maria's funeral,- Milagros says, looking sad.
- Yes ... but so many good things happened after that ...- and she begins to tell everything that happened after that day until she arrived at the moment she had fled to Rosario.
- I can not believe Angelica has joined Jose ... to take your daughter away ...
- Mommy's scared, she does not want to go through what we've been through, when Germen ran away with Vilu ...
- Angie ... you did not run away because you wanted to, but because you were obliged.- Ludmila says that until that moment she had kept quiet without intruding.
- As hard as I can admit, since Angelica is my sister, Ludmila is right. But what if we were to see your grandfather now?
The time had come to reveal her presence to her grandfather, it was perhaps the person Angie most yearned to review, but also the person she most feared. The grandfather was and always had been his hero, and she had always been his princess, but Angie was afraid of his reaction ... that this whole situation of his return was too much for him ... and that all his history with Germ to see her with other eyes.
They had decided that Milagros and Sebastian would first enter the room and that they would tell him they had a visitor, someone he had long wanted to revisit ... and then Angie would come in.
- Dad, look what I found? - Milagros gives a photo to Nicolas, a photo of Angeles.
The last one Milagros had managed to get rid of, had never forgotten that day again: the day after Mary's funeral.
Milagros and Sabastian had gone home to Rosario and Miguel to say goodbye, and after another discussion between the two, Milagros saw Angie sitting at the door, with a kid about the same age, his best friend and confidante Pablo Gallindo . Before taking leave of his niece, he pulled out a small camera and took that picture. Milagros did not know that she would only see her niece again after almost 20 years.
- My Angie ... my princess ... your sister may have been very wrong in life, but the only thing that did not forgive her was to keep me from my granddaughters.
- Dad ... what if Angeles came back? If there was a chance you'd see her again?
- My dear...I would tell you that I could go to your mother that day...- and letting a tear fall...- On second thought, and although I miss Maria very much, I had to kill the I miss my princess.
And at that moment with a sign from Sebastian, Angie enters, and with tears in her eyes to see her hero again ... approach ...
- And if you did not have to wait any longer...what if you could kill those homesickness already?- says Angie, kneeling beside Nico.
- Angeles! Angie, my princess is really you ... - and once again and just as the uncles did, Nicolas loses himself in those sea-colored eyes ... - You still have the sea in your eyes ...
There's nothing more to talk about, there's more to look at ... just feel ... feel your princess in your arms, feel all those longing to disappear, just feel happy and fulfilled. Angie could not have been happier at the time, she had never thought to revisit her grandfather much less to embrace him, to feel again all that affection that only he could convey in a single hug. Suddenly, he begins to feel his grandfather sobbing ...
- I hope those tears are for joy and not for sadness, because mine ...- Angie says wiping the tears that had fallen from her eyes during that hug ...- are certainly from joy...
- My princess, they are joyful tears ... they are very joyful tears. - And recovering from the surprise of seeing her ... - But tell me how your life is going?" Did you get married Do you have kids? Do I have more great-grandchildren?
- Calm down, do not you get Paula's three?
- How do you know about ... your aunt ...
- I actually saw the photos in the office. But besides these you have Violetta ...
- Maria's daughter, I do not even remember her. But we only saw it once. Maria and her husband ... what was his name?
- Germen ...- Angie replied.
- That's it, they came to see us, with the baby. Your grandmother was so moved ...- Angie never heard of this story, why did not Maria tell him that she had come to see the grandparents? Why did not you bring it too?- But then ... we never saw them again, either. You got a photo of her, of Violetta? - asked Nicolau anxiously, Angie shows him a photo where the two are ... - It's the same ... same as Maria.
-Just in appearance and singing, she sings as well as Maria. But the caracthert, that is the same as Germen.- says Angie giving a smile of pride.
- Do I have more great-grandchildren? Or I'll have to wait a long time ... - And at that point, notice that there's someone else in the room ... - Is that girl there, is she your daughter? Is she my great-granddaughter?
- To be my daughter had to have had a lot ... but very young .- and Angie looking at Ludmila who is a little shy, gives a slight smile ... - No grandfather, Ludmila is not my daughter ... by less blood, but a daughter of the heart. So I think you can consider her as your great-granddaughter too.
- So how old is my newest great-granddaughter? And what do you do with life?
- I am the same age as Vilu ... I mean Violetta and I sing like her, I dance and until recently I was taking an Italian course and a Theater course in Italy.
- I've noticed that the music is still part of this family ... - Nico says ... - And you also dedicated to music Angie?
- Yes, but in some diferente way, I'm a music teacher ...
- And she sings as well as we do ... and she was the best teacher we ever had.- Says Ludmila, hugging Angie.
- And more news ...- Nicolas just wanted to know if he had more great-grandchildren ... and Angie found all that funny, the joy that emanated from every word he said, the glitter of his eyes ...
- Dad...- Milagros was already getting desperate with all the interrogation that Nicolas was doing to Angie.
- No problem, Aunt, will Grandpa let me talk until the end?- Angie said, turning to Nicolas, who just smiled at him. - Besides these two big-headed Grannies, there's more...- and she looks over to her uncles, who do not yet know of their new pregnancy ... - three great-grandchildren ...
- Three? Do I have three great-grandchildren?
- Well, actually you have a great-granddaughter and two incognito, since I still do not know if these two are boys or girls.- And giving this latest news, Angie puts her hands on her belly.
- Angie! Are you pregnant? With twins?- asks a Milagros completely astonished and amazed.
- Yes. And before you ask Grandfather ...- and taking another picture from his wallet, he shows her the photo where Clara is ...- This is your great-granddaughter Clara.
- A mini Angeles, although with a little darker hair. And where is she? When can I meet her?
- Clara ... is with her father. I decided to come this way suddenly and ... my husband had some things to sort out ... but as soon as he can he comes to us.
- And you left your daughter so small with her father? ANGIE ...
- She's with her father, who knows how to take care of her. Besides, my mother-in-law is with them.
- Ah! How nice ...- everyone laughs at this response and deep relief comes out from Nicholas... - and now that if we go to lunch, I'm full of hunger and Angie must be, after all have to eat for three.
- Eat ... and throw away three ...- said a Ludmila smiling at Angie.
Everyone laughed at that phrase, after all the first months of pregnancy were really like that. And she wanted her appetite, her nausea, and despite being perhaps the most unpleasant during those first few months, Angie did not mind going through all that, for at the end of the nine months she would have her babies in her arms, fruit of hes love for Germen.
During the meal, they talked about everything ... or almost everything ... Angie still did not have the guts to tell her grandfather that she had married Germ, with her sister's husband and widower. The uncles had accepted the situation well ... but would Grandfather Nico receive the news well? So every time I talked about him I said "my husband" or "Clara's father". Ludmila and Nicolas had understood each other, they seemed to have known each other ever since... Both of them with a sarcastic humor were talking and tormenting each other. Milagros was already completely out of gear with those two, while Sebastian and Angie just laughed at their antics.
Soon after lunch they decided to go to the room and it was Milagros's turn to talk about Paula, his son-in-law Henry and his grandchildren. He spoke of them all with great pride and a sparkle in his eyes ... he knew the names of the three younger cousins: Francisco, Mariana and Angela. Paula was a nurse and her husband, Henrique was a doctor, and coincidence or not worked with Uncle Roberto, which made Angie shudder a little.
After a while Angie eventually fell asleep with her head on her grandfather's lap Nico, Ludmila took the opportunity to go to the porch while Milagros went to deal with some things in the kitchen with Rosa. Sebastian after having gone to the office to deal with some business he noticed Ludmila alone and went to her.
- So, Germen's daughter?" I never thought this was the kind of person I would adopt ... although I do not know him very well, but Milagros always ...
- I am not the germ's daughter of blood, but I am of the heart ... and I do not understand why they all have five stones in their hand when they speak of it.
- Sorry, I did not want to ...
- Germen is not the person you judge. He did, but he did it out of fear and out of love. And when I was left with no one ... he welcomed me despite everything I've done wrong in the past ...
- I do not know the Germ well." I saw him three times: in his marriage to Mary, when he visited Nicolau and Rosa to introduce Violetta to the Great Grandparents and the day of Maria's funeral.
- But do you judge him for the actions he's taken in the past?
- Yes, you are right. Maybe he should not do it, if Angeles is with him ... if she got married and has a family with him, it should not be too bad ...
- Well actually he was "a hangman" but changed for the better and this change had the hand of Angie ...
- Ludmila, I'm not accusing you of anything, just ... as I told you, I did not know him that well ...
And as he heard so many bad things about him, he judged him.
- Yes, you are right. You just taught me that I should not judge that I do not know ...
- As I said, Germ gave me a family, a home when I stopped having it.
- You really like him ... - says Milagros entering the conversation ... - but you know that we only know two versions of Gérmen Castillo: the one who married Maria and the one who ran away with Violetta ... and the latter was very cruel...
- Yes ... but you do not know the best version of Gérmen Castillo ... - Sebastian and Milagros are looking at Ludmila ... - the version of Gérmen Castillo married to Angie. I assure you that it is a much better version.
- It will be? I keep thinking about this whole story ... does he really love Angeles? Why did not you face your father? Why is that...
- Because he did not want Angie to suffer. He could do nothing: on the one hand he had his father blackmail and threaten his relationship with Angie; on the other, there was Angie who did not want Angelica to know the whole story.
- And now they live far from each other: he with his two oldest daughters hidden and with the possibility of being arrested and she hidden, pregnant and alone ...
- It is often said that it is better only than in bad company." Please give Gérmen a vote of confidence. "Ludmila no longer knows what to tell you to prove that the cold, stern man of a few years ago no longer existed.
- That's okay, because I trust Angeles. I know my niece well enough to know that she would only admit this love if it were true. Milagros said in a strong, convincing voice.
- Come on in, the kids will be there soon, and Paula does not know that Angeles is back.- added Sabastian
- Well, actually, dear, she knows ... she knows we have a visitor ...
- You could not handle it, could you?
- I just told you we had visitors ... nothing more.
- Mrs. Milagros, if I remember lunch, did you say your daughter was a nurse?
- Ludmila, please, without the Dona." And yes, Paula is a nurse.
- Angie, well, she needs a doctor to go with the pregnancy. Think that...
Of course, she's rested, I'll talk to Paula ... and I'm glad to see that my nephew has someone who looks after her ... shall we?
And so they entered the house, in the room they found Nicolas and Angie leafing through the Photo Album, laughing and reminiscing about the past. Ludmila remembered that she had the Seville show engraved on her computer, and after telling Angie her idea was to get the house what she needed. He mounted everything ... and began to see what was perhaps one of the happiest times of their lives
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