Chapter 14 - The Scape (continuation 2)
Ludmila wakes up at the sound of someone moaning ... Angie ... gets up quickly and finds her sitting on the floor of the very pale bathroom. Ludmila does not know what to do, should she call anyone?
- Angie! Angie, are you okay? What do you want me to do, please, you're scaring me ...
- Sorry Ludmila ... I'm fine. It's morning sickness, nothing serious ... seriously take it easy ...
- Calm! You're sitting on the bathroom floor throwing away everything you've eaten for days, you are whiter than the wall and you ask for calm?
- Ludmila ... take a deep breath. I'm fine ... just help me go to bed.
- You are sure? Is not it better to go to the hospital? Angie, you look awful ...
- Thanks for the compliment. Now can you help me, please?- Ludmila helps her get up and they walk both ways to Angie's room. As she lies down, Lu heads for the door, letting Angie rest.
- Call me if you need anything. I'm going to the living room ...
- Ludmila ... - hearing Angie cal she turns to her... - Why don't you lie in bed with me ... please.
- On one condition? - Angie looks at her ... - As soon as you're better we go to the doctor ... and you'll let me choose the babies' names ...
- I do not know ... Vilu will also want to choose ...what aboutthis: you suggest two names one for boy another for a girl, Vilu does the same and then me and Germen choose.
- Hmm! Seems fair, can I give you my suggestion already?
- You can, but remember, the final word is mine and Germen.
- Okay. My suggestions are: Sofhia and Martim ...
- Sofhia and Martin ... I like them. - Angie says smiling and hugging Ludmila. - Thank you for everything, for being with me, for sacrificing yourself and protecting Clara ...
- You don't have to thank me, Angie. For me, Clara is like my sister, just as Vilu is. You are my family ...
- I remembered now ... we have to go shopping, we can not eat pizza every day.
- Angie, you were still throwing all the food you had in the stomach and you're thinking about shopping?
- And you have not seen anything yet, when you were pregnant with Clara, you forced Germen to get up in the middle of the night and do the craziest things ...
- Do not even think of repeating the same thing ... I'm not getting up to satisfy your wishes ...
- Ok... but now let's get together, make the list of what we need and then ... shopping.
- Are you forgetting something? - Angie looks at Ludmila with an interrogative ... - Doctor? You have to make an appointment.
- Ludmila! Okay, when we get back from shopping, I promise I'll take care of it ... now I'll dress you.
After getting ready, and making the list of what they would need, they went down the elevator. When they arrived at the lobby they met Mr. Oscar, who asked where the nearest supermarket was and also where they could have breakfast. The friendly porter shows them a cafe just around the corner where they could eat. He also gave them directions to the supermarket, which was not far from the cafe. And so the two went their way on foot, as Angie's car was stored in the garage.
In Seville, Germen finally decides to go to his daughter. Violetta had the right to know the truth, even because it involved her too ... everything could change if Jose found them. Of course he would do anything to stop him, Germen did not want to lose his daughters and he would fight his own life if he did. When she reached the bedroom she could hear laughter, at least she thought, Vilu was excited and happy at the moment. When he came in he saw something that he thought he would never see again: a Violetta with big chocolate mustache and his dirty hands ...
- It seems that I walked a few years back in time ... - said Germen smiling ... - I never thought to see this face again ... - says Germen smiling at Vilu. Tatiana and Frederico saw each other and they are also chock-full of chocolate ... "It seems to me that they have been doing everything but eating chocolate ... they have already looked good on your face.
- It was Vilu's fault ... it was yours.- Frederico says, looking at Vilu with a look of joy ... - Am I rigth Tati? She started ...
- Well, it was Uncle, Vilu started ... and then we got into the game and ...
- You two! Daddy do not believe them, Frederico got the idea and ...
- I do not want to know who started ... - and taking the phone out of pocket quickly took a picture of the three ... - but I want to keep a memory ... and I'll send it to Angie.
- No, daddy, please delete this photo ... please ...
- Well, I guess we'd better wash Tati's face ... even Vilu.
- I think it's best to wash. Frederico, can you ask Leon to come and join us, please? - This nods and leaves ... - Now let's wash that face Dona Violetta ... - Germen grabs a towel and starts wiping Vilu's face.
- Dad, will you tell me what's going on? I know you and you know you're hiding something from me.
- Let's just wait for Leon to arrive, can we? I promised you I'd never hide anything from you again and I'll keep that promise.
- I knew it, you were hiding something from me. Dad, is it about Angie? Did something happen? Dad, tell me I can not take it anymore ...
- Vilu calm down ... let's wait for Leon ... - someone opens the door and besides Leon enter Rodrigo, Luis, Luzia and Rosario ...
- Sorry Germen, I tried to come alone but NOBODY listened to me ...
- If you're going to tell him the truth Germen, I want to be present," says a resolute Rosary. - Rodrigo and Luis are here as doctors ...
- I just came because her mother asked me to be with her ... - Luzia says ... - but before, Violetta wanted to apologize to you ... I was very hard on you and you did not deserve it.
- I was not very nice to you either, Auntie ..." Luzia was speechless, Vilu had finally accepted her ... and without hesitation she reached out and hugged her.
- Thank you ... Angie was right, you're special ..." And they hugged again.
- Dad, can you end all this suspense, and tell me what you have to tell.
- Okay, but you're going to let me talk to the end ... you're not interrupting, and mostly you're going to stay calm ...
- It's a bit complicated to be calm, can you please say what you have to say ...
- Like I told you when you woke up, Angie went to Buenos Aires to talk to your grandmother Angelica. We did not know when or even if you were going to wake up.
- But she woke up, and if Angie had not gone to Buenos Aires, we would not be having this conversation ...
- Mom if you do not want to help, at least do not disturb...
- Dad ... can you tell me what's going on?
- Vilu, I can not tell you this, what happened is that Angelica found out that "we fled" and was angry. So you decided to join your grandfather Jose and ... they succeeded, they gained your guard ...
- Dad, I do not want to ... he's going to prohibit me from singing, playing, he's not going to let me be with Leon. And Clara?
- Vilu, listen, your grandfather does not know where we are, and if I have to, I'll go to the end of the world, but I will not let him stay with you or Clara.
- And when does Angie come back? She's coming back, is not she?
- No, princess, unfortunately they learned that Angie ran away with us, so your aunt can not come back ...
- So we are going to live like this? Separated, no dad it has to be a solution ... there has to be .- and tears start to fall ... - I want Angie, I want ... my mother ... Dad, I can't .. .without her...
- Vilu ... - hugs her as if she could somehow with that hug could protect her from all the pain ... - I wish there was a way to stay together ...
- Why? Why grandfather is like this? He destroyed everything ...
Germen hugged Violetta, had to take her out of that suffering ... had to make her smile, suddenly remembered, knew exactly what to tell her to make her happy ... or at least a little happier. But this was a conversation between the two, only they would both know.
- Please, you can leave me alone with Vilu ...- Germen said looking at everyone in the room. Everyone without exception left, even Leon Germen signaled, as if to say that she would be well. - Vilu when you calm down I have something to tell you ... but it is something that only you will know.
As soon as they left Germen sat down next to Vilu, hugging her and trying to make her acclaim. He knew she was afraid, afraid for her but especially for Clara, because she could go through everything she went through. Germ knew his father would deny again that if he spoke of Mary, of Angie and perhaps even of him, that music would be forbidden again. However, he knew above all that Vilu would be able to sacrifice himself for his sister. Vilu was calming down, eventually falling asleep, and realizing that too he was letting himself go in the webs of dreams, where everything was as he was supposed to: he, Angie, Violetta, Ludmila, Clara and the new baby that would come from a few months brighten up their lives.
As soon as they had finished their shopping, Angie and Ludmila returned home. When they arrived at the nice porter this helped a loaded Ludmila, since this one did not let Angie catch in many pesos. They opened the door of their house, put down their bags, and thanked Mr. Oscar again. After they've packed everything Ludmila picked up Angie's cell phone ...
- You promised that after shopping you would call a doctor.- said a Ludmila with a determined air but with a slight smile.
- Yes, I promised. But I do not know who to call ... I thought I could ask Paula, my cousin, maybe she knows some ...
- Angie ... you have to make an appointment. For you ... but mainly for babies.
- I know, and if we were going upstairs to talk to my aunt ...
- Angie ... I will not forget ... let alone stop annoying you ...
- I think you got the same disease as Vilu, you know ... over concern...- and with this exit from Angie, both left the house heading upstairs.
Both were nervous, though for different reasons, Angie had not seen Aunt for more than fifteen years, and Ludmila had some fear that she was about to tell Angelica something. They came to the door ... look at each other ... Angie takes a deep breath and rings the bell. When they open the door, a lady in her apron appears, it must have been the Rosa of whom the doorman spoke.
- Good afternoon may I help? said Rosa, not knowing who she was talking to.
- Good afternoon, we ... we live on the floor below ... wanted ... liked to talk to Dona Milagros?
- Ah! Of course, the Oscar had already told the Lady that they would come here. Please come in. You can wait in the office around here. I'll call the Lady ...
While Rosa was going to call Milagros, Angie and Ludmila look at the photos that were in the office ... some seemed recent, Angie could recognize the uncles, the grandfather Nico and Paula ... looked at one where they were all one more man, who Angie realized that it would be her cousin's husband, and three children who were supposed to be Paula's children. The older one was Paula's face, at least what Angie remembered. He then looked at a bookcase where a picture of Mary and her was, and behind the frame an album, on the spine one could read "Album Mary and Angels", she took it off and began to see it ... Ludmila joined her, Angie, who told her who the people were in the pictures.
- This looks like Vilu ... and it's Clara.
- Yes, but it's me and Maria ...
- Angie, what are you missing the most? Maria, what do you miss the most?
- I can not tell you one thing, Ludmila. Maria was ... much more than my sister, she was my friend, my confidant ... was ... look this is grandfather Nicolas and there is Grandmother Maria.
- You're sorry you went away ... or you feel angry that they forced you away ...
- I was little when I left here, but I remember asking Maria every day when her grandfather and grandmother would visit us ...
They were with their backs to the door, and so distracted that they did not even realize that the door had opened and that Milagros was standing at the door to look at Angie. Ludmila, left Angie to see the album and turned around ... at that time she saw someone very similar to Angelica ...
- Angie ... - but Angie was so immersed in the album that she did not even hear ... - Angie ... Angie ...
- What was Ludmila?- Angie asks, looking at Ludmila, and just then she realized why she was calling insistently.
- Angeles, you really are ... my little Angie.- Milagros does not even let her speak, she goes to Angie, looks her straight in the eye and she has no doubt those eyes are those of her Angie ... - You continued with the sea in the eyes...
- Auntie, I never thought I'd recognize myself so quickly ...- Angie's eyes are already full of tears, but this time it's tears of happiness, not sorrow.
- These eyes are unique my angel ... I could never forget them .- and embraces her as if this would disappear again ... - your uncle he will be so happy ... and your grandfather ... Wher is your mother? Did she come with you? And this girl ... don't tell me this is Violetta ...
- Aunt please, please calm down ... you're asking so many questions at once ... this is not Violetta, it's Ludmila ...
- Pleasure ... I'm Ludmila. - And she introduces herself to Milagros ... - I'm kind of Germen's daughter ...
- Germen ... Castillo, your sister's husband? But...
- Auntie ... we can sit down first, I'll explain everything I promise.
When they finally settled in, Angie began by telling everything that will happen after Maria's death: Germen's escape, Miguel's death, the searches that both Angie and Angelica over the years made after Germen, the reunion with Vilu, the lies she told to be with her, how she managed to change her niece's life and how she finally found her place in the world. Then came the most complicated part of his involvement with Germen, but contrary to what she expected, Milagros did not criticized her, and when he saw the photo of Vilu and Clara the tears fell to him.
- But you still have not answered a question: where is your mother? Did she come with you?
- No aunt, Mom did not come with me ... I came here to hide from her ... and Joseph, Germen's father.
- Joseph ... Castillo? Your mother and Joseph ... they are ...
- I do not know, Auntie, but Joseph, when he learned that Germen and I had married,
- Crazy ... lunatic... gone from the head ...
- Ludmila ...
- What Angie, I'm not telling a lie. By the way, I do not know how can Germen be son of that man ...
- As fas as I can remember about Joseph ... he was a complicated person ... with a difficult temper. And I suppose he did not like it very much, I remember well that he didn't even go to his son wedding with your sister.
- He threatened Germen, put him between the sword and the wall: either he ended our marriage or he will tell everything he knew about my father ...
-Angie, what did Joseph know about your father?
Ludmila, looked at Angie then, and gave her her hand to encourage her to continue. Milagros absorbed every word of Angie in utter disbelief, never imagined that the whole story would ever reach Angie's ears. And he could not believe that Joseph could go so far as to blackmail his own son. But the worst was yet to come ... on learning that Joseph had asked for and gained custody of Vilu and Clara with the help of his sister. How could her join that man ... and against her own daughter.
- When we learned that Vilu could not wake up from the coma, I thought my mother had the right to be with her ... so I came back to tell her everything and take her ...
- But you realized she already knew everything ... and that she was on Jose's side.
- Yes, I understand on the one hand ... - either his aunt or Ludmila looked at her ... - are not looking at me like this, we had already been without Vilu for years ... she was afraid that everything would repeat itself to Clara.
- But ... when she realized that you had gone with Germen she did not defend you and still threatened to go to the police Angie...- says Ludmila with an air of disgust and even revolt.
- She's right ... no matter how much it hurts to say this ... Angelica is my sister and in spite of our disagreements I always continued to love her ... but she turned against you ... against her own daughter.
- She's still my mother ... and yet ... I can not help loving her.
- Angie, if I understood correctly, you fled from Buenos Aires so you would not have to answer any more questions. Do you really think this is the best place to hide?
- Nobody knows about this house Aunt ... Maria bought it when Vilu was born, it is in her name and I have fruit. Even Germ does not know that Mary bought it.
- Your sister ... always did all of your wishes to you, in fact everybody spoiled you, but who could tell you not to.
- Daddy was the only one with just a glance at me.
- I'll tell Rosa to put two more plates on the table." And I'll call your uncle, he'll be so happy ... and your grandfather ...
- You'd better call your uncle first ... then we'll see Grandpa Nico ...
- Maybe you're right ..." and Milagros left the office with a smile bigger than the world, did not even want to believe that his girl was back.
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