Chapter 13 - Committed Return (Continuation 1)
At Pablo's house, when the phone rings for the first time, Angie does not answer he knows it's Germ and at that moment she does not know what to tell her. She decides to get up and go talk to Ludmila, she knows that what she is asking for is too much, but they will have to do it, for Vilu and Clara. She goes upstairs and does not even knock on the bedroom door, opens it and sees her completely in tracks, lying face down on the cushion. He sits down next to her and starts caressing her back, trying to somehow comfort her, though she knows that nothing can comfort her.
- Lu, can we talk. Please ...- Angie asks in a soft, calm voice.
- Angie, I love you, but you can not ask for this, you can not. I love Fede, I need him, I want to be with him ...
- Lu, do you think I do not want to be with Germ, Vilu, and Clara?" Being with you and with Fede? But I can not, we can not ...
- Why Angie, why? It's not fair, I do not want to stay away from Fede, I do not want to - and the tears start falling again ...
- I know, I know it'll cost to both of us. But if Gérmen's father discovers them, what we will be without them, please Lu, I need your help, I need you to be strong.
- But Angie is not fair ...- and hugs herself to Angie, she knows it's not her fault, she knows that Angie is thinking about everyone, especially Clara, and deep down they would all suffer if Jose I took it. There had to be a solution, there had to be a way to turn this situation around and they all stay together.
"Lu ... there's one more thing I need to tell you, and I'm going to need your help ... because I did not really get the news.
"What news, Angie?" What happened, did you go to Vilu? Did she get worse?
"No, from what I know Vilu is the same, although the Germ has called me a little but at this point I can not talk to him.
- Angie could be about Vilu, it could be important ...
- If he is, he calls again. Lu ... I need to tell you something. And no one can know, only Brenda and Pablo know and this is how it goes ... do you promise that you will not tell anyone?
"Yes, of course, Angie-tell me soon, you're scaring me."
"I ... I'm ... I'm pregnant." I'm expecting a baby ...
"But that's great, Angie, Germ will be happy for life ... and Vilu when she wakes up ..."
"Ludmila, I just told you what?" I still do not know if I'm going to tell, we're going to be separated, I do not know for how long, I do not know if it will be ...
"Angie, you can not do this, you can not hide. Even away, we'll find a way to talk to ... you have to tell Angie ...- and suddenly rings again the Mobile ...- is the germ - asks Angie smiled and implying that Yes ... - Answer, he has to know ...
Angie knew deep Ludmila was right, she could not hide something like, top it off with Vilu that state, he had a right to know, but how they would be able to live like this: each to his side, he with Clara and Vilu and her with Ludmila and that son ... but finally decided to attend ...
- Germ ... as everything is there - but could not hear anything, only small laughter that she would recognize wherever he was ...- Germ you with Clarita - but nothing he did not answer ...- germ? Germ, are you there? "Turning to Ludmila ..." I think Clara is playing with his cell phone ... "and suddenly ...
- Aunt. Aunt ... you're there ... - another voice that Angie could recognize wherever she was ...
- Vilu ... Vilu, is that you? You're ... Vilu my love, my princess ...- and by that time Ludmila is also approaching Angie's cell phone ...
- It's me Auntie ... I'm fine, I'm with you again ... when are you coming back? We miss you, I miss you ...
- Oh Vilu, I do not know ... I ... - Angie can not take it and the tears that were almost falling end up flowing without ceasing ...
"Auntie, Angie ... please do not cry ... I'm fine. Please do not cry.
- Vilu, it's Lu ... do not worry it's just tears of joy ... - Ludmila says after taking the phone from Angie, she knows that those tears are not only for joy, she knows what those tears mean. ..but he also knows that they can not say anything to Vilu at that moment ... - I miss your little sister ... my life without you has no ... life.
- Lu, I miss you too. When are they coming back? Have you seen Priscilla yet? Come back soon, please ...
"I have not seen her yet." And I do not know how to answer when we'll be back, it depends on ... it depends on your grandmother Angelica ... "and in fact she was not lying, because if they could persuade Angelica not to take custody of Clara and Vilu, it would be easier then she convinced Joseph to do the same.
"What do you mean Grandmother Angelica?" Ludmila, are you hiding anything from me?
- No of course not. But you know very well how you reacted to this whole story, now put yourself in the place of your grandmother ... "Ludmila thought quickly, but knew that would convince her.
"Okay ... I'll give Daddy the phone, I think he wants to talk to Angie. I love you, Lu ... come back soon, please.
- I love you too Vilu ... - and he passes the phone to Angie ... - he wants to talk to you ... you have to tell him, he has to know.
"Not Lu, I can not ... not now ... please make up something, I can not talk to him now ..." and in this he leaves the room, just picking up his wallet ...
- Angie? Angie, are you there? "Gérmen says through the cell phone, Ludmila does not know what to do ... it's not up to her to say something, she has to be Angie to tell ...
- Germ, it's Lu ... Angie left, she ... she's bad, I think the conversation with Angelica went wrong, but I do not know the details.
Ludmila? How did it go wrong? You're not hiding anything from me, are you?
- No of course not. Germ, call her later, she might be cooler ... you know Angie needs to get it all out first ... give her time.
- I'll tell you later. Lu, if she needs anything, please tell me ... I'll take the first flight to Buenos Aires.
"You're rested, I'll let you know if I need anything." I adore you all ... tell Fede that I miss him ...
After disconnecting the call, Ludmila descends in search of Angie, but this one is not, Pablo and Brenda end up telling her that she left without saying anything, and they ask her what happened. Ludmila then smiles and at last tells them.
"Germ called, but it was not the Germ ... it was Vilu, she woke up, she's fine and it looks like she did not have any sequels.
- But that's good ... it's great. Why did she ... no, she did not tell him anything ... she did not tell him she was pregnant.
She could not even talk to him. He said that he could not ... I perceive it on the one hand, but on the other the Germ has the right to know.
"You're just thinking about Germ ... put yourself in Angie's place for a minute." She will lose Clara and Vilu to that man, the mother is against her. Do not you see, she's trying to save this son, she's trying to keep this son ...
- Brenda I realize that she wants to protect herself, but the Germ has the right to know, he is the father ... - this Angie enters and realizes that they were talking about her, and look at each of them ...
- Why did they stop? Listen, I know that each of you has your opinion but the final decision is mine and not yours.
"Angie, sorry, we did not want to pressure you at all," Ludmila says, standing up and hugging Angie.
"I know they did not do it for evil, they only want my good." And now if you do not mind I'm going to rest for a while.
- Angie ... - calls Brenda before this one rises ... - Did you deal with what we talked about today?
"Yes, tomorrow after lunch." Are you coming with me? "Brenda did not answer and just nodded to her, and Angie went upstairs... She knew she had to make a decision about what she would say to Germ about everything that had happened in the last 24 hours. had come to her mother's house about the fact that Joseph had managed to guard Vilu and Clara, about Angelica being on Joseph's side ... but most of all she would have to decide whether or not to tell the germ that was pregnant. She knew it would be more of a joy to Germ, now that Vilu had finally woken up, but they would have to live far from each other, and neither of them knew for how long.
While she was thinking about everything she had to decide, Ludmila Brenda and Pablo decided to start preparing dinner, so in the kitchen Pablo helped Brenda to take care of the food and Ludmila who said that there was no way for the kitchen to volunteer to put the table, during that time she begins to sing the music she and Vilu have done together "But that Dos" ... suddenly a cell phone rings. Pablo leaves the kitchen thinking it was his ...
"It's Angie's," Ludmila says, and looking at the display. "It's the Germ. I'm going to take you to her." She went upstairs and knocked on the door, but no one answered. Angie was sleeping ... she sits down next to her and slowly tries to wake her ... - Angie ... Angie ...
"Lu, what happened ... do you need anything?"
"I'm sorry for waking you up, but Germ's called again. He must be worried, why do not you talk to him. Maybe they can find a solution together, I've always heard that two heads think better than one.
"Only you to make me laugh now ..." Angie knew deep down that Ludmila had some reason, maybe together they would find a solution. - You can leave me ...
"I'll leave you alone ..." and when she was by the door to leave, she turned ... "You know you can count on me for whatever you need ..."
Angie smiled at him and opened her arms, Ludmila did not hesitate and went to meet him and gave her a hug. At the end of that hug she left the room leaving Angie with her thoughts, despite all her fear, although she did not know what his reaction would be, Angie knew she had to do it, Germ had to know everything ... or almost everything .
In Seville everyone was happy, Violetta had woken up and after all the tests done everything was fine. Although everything wants Dr. Herrera and Professor Castro did not even allow her to go home, would have to spend a few days in the hospital which made Vilu feel discouraged ... but behold Tati had an idea and looking at her cousin she promised that she would enjoy herself. Everyone was curious about what the little girl was planning but no matter how much Germen asked her, she did not say anything to him. When they arrived, Rosário and Mercedes, who already knew the novelty came to run to embrace him, Luzia also came but hesitated a little and just smiled, Germ came to meet her and hugged her as if hugging a sister. After all, she was what she was, and yet nothing that had happened to her daughter had been Luzia's fault ... and there was no reason for her departure.
"Luzia and I were thinking about going to the hospital after lunch, do you think there's a problem?"
"Mom, maybe I'd better not go ... Violetta needs rest and not a room full of people ..." The reality was that Luzia was afraid of meeting Vilu again. Although she was told that everything that had happened was not her fault, she still felt ill.
"No Luzia, Violetta will like to see you both." Frederico you should go too she asked for you.
"Okay. Then when Dona Rosário goes I'll go too. Does she know that Angie and Lu are not here?
"Yes, and you have spoken to them." Good and now I'm going to lay this girl that must be exhausted after a morning full of surprises.- And turning to Rosário ... - Mom, will you come with me, please? - this one follows Germ without asking, because it does not know what Germ either with her just realize that this is something anxious, distressed, and even discouraged, as soon as she reaches the room can not stand it anymore ...
"Germen, do I know what's going on?" Is it Vilu, is there something with her? Is it with Angie?
- Mom ... my lawyers called me yesterday from Buenos Aires ...
- The process ... your father ... Germ tells me that your father ... - Rosario could not even think that José had won the process of guarding his granddaughters ... was something unthinkable ...
"Papa won - I have a week to deliver to Violetta and Clara.
"Germ ... I do not believe it. But why can not we just celebrate Vilu's recovery ... why my God.
"I wish I could party too, but the truth is that while I'm glad Vilu has recovered, I'm going to lose her again-and Clara."
"And if you refuse to deliver them?" If you stay here, or run away?
- Mom if you do not do what they ask me, which is to deliver the two within the week, they accuse me of kidnapping ...
- No, you're the father ... how can Jose do this to you ... what are you going to do? Germ ... Germ, can you hear me? "But then Germ with his back to Rosario and looking at Clarita who slept soundly, not knowing that she ran the risk of being without her parents ... and unable to bear it any longer that the tears would fall to him ... - Germ ... - not knowing what to say Rosário only hugs him, as he did when he was still a child ...
- I do not know what I'm going to do mom ... I can not, I do not want to, I can not even think of being without them, and Violetta right now can not know this, Rodrigo and the Professor were very clear she can not suffer any type of trauma ...
- Germen, we have to be calm, we have a week to see what we do. But first: Have you talked to Angie yet? I know it's not a subject to talk on the phone, but she has to know.
"I know Mom, I know she has to know, but I could not even process the news yet. And how do I give this news on the phone, I do not even know how to start the conversation. How do I tell a mother that she will be without her daughter, without her daughters because for Angie Violetta is like a daughter.
"I do not know, but you have to tell him." She has the right to know ... and as soon as she can she has to get back here, at least they're all together safely.
"We will not be safe anywhere." You think an enclosed gate and two security guards will keep the police from getting in here, Mom, do not kid yourself, we only have two options: either I give up and I give them away or I spend my life running away.
- Whatever your decision you have to talk to Angie, call him ... - Germ catches on the phone and nothing, Angie does not answer. On the one hand he feels relieved that this does not answer, but on the other he knows that it will be inevitable. - Try again, the decision has to be of the two.
"I do not know if I can, I do not know how to tell you, I do not know how to begin the conversation, how can I tell you that we're going to be without them? Mom, I can not ... I just can not.
- Germen, I know it will not be easy but you have to do it ... - this the cell phone rings, Germ looks at the display, looks at the mother ... this one realizes who it is ... - I'll leave you alone ... - makes him a fondness as only a mother knows and leaves.
- Angie?
- Germen... I need to talk to you about ...
- I need to talk to you too ...
- Is it Vilu? Is she worse?
"No, Vilu is fine, she's still in the hospital despite wanting to come home, you know how she is with hospitals ..."
"Of course I know, you've never liked them since ..."
- Ever since Maria died ... but she's going to have to stay at least another week.
"And then you go back to the house ... that hurries, and then there's Leon and Tati ..."
"Tati's so happy, she's like no stopping, nor did she want to go to school this week. Well, the truth is that maybe it needed more time ... but I ... we unfortunately do not have that time. And she's going to have to leave by the end of this week ...
- You already know. Have they talked to you yet? You know about your father ... and ... - Angie can not stand it and starts to cry ...
- Angie please do not cry ... please. The lawyers called me yesterday shortly after Vilu squeezed my hand for the first time, but I could not tell you ... but how do you know?
- Your father, I found him. And do not worry, I realize why you did not tell me. Germ what are we going to do? I can not go back there, he knows I'm in Buenos Aires ...
"And Angelica, can not she help you?" You could talk to her, maybe she could talk to him ...
"My mother ... she, forget it ... she will not help us."
"I do not understand." What do you mean by that? What happened?
"She and your father are friends. Maybe more than friends, I do not know.
- What? But she does not agree with him ... she can not ...
- The worst part is that she is be his side. She says that you ran away again with the granddaughters and that ... this time will not stand idle.
- Angie, forgive me. It's my fault ... somehow ...
- Germ ... it's your father's fault and the hatred he feels for someone who has died more than 10 years ago ...
"No, Angie, somehow I should have stopped him, I should have faced him ..."
- Germ for, please. I love you, and I love the family we built.
"I love you, Angie, too ... but the family that we were and that we built together is destroyed ... and the guilt ..."
- Germen ... we can be separated by a huge sea but we continue to be a family ... we 6 ... - Angie seized the opportunity, it was now or never ...
- Six? You're already counting on Leon, he's not family yet. Although I do not know if it will take too long to ...
"Germen ... I was not counting on Leon. I was talking about us and our daughters ... well kids in general.
- Angie but we only have three: Vilu, Clara and now to Ludmila ... - Germen stops talking and suddenly ... - Angie, you are ... are you pregnant?
- Yes, you will be dad again Germen ... I know it is not the best time since we will be far from each other ...
- No Angie, I'm so happy ... but you're going to stay in Buenos Aires and if my dad sees you pregnant ... Angie he can not ...
- They think I've been in France alone." Anyway, I was thinking of leaving town, I do not want to meet him or my mother.
- And you go where? You can not travel by plane, my father will follow you wherever you go.
- I know, I was thinking about going to Rosario ...
- It's a good idea, maybe uncle Roberto could help us. He always managed to have some influence on my father ...
- You are forgetting abou you Aunt, if she dreams that I am there, she will tell your father. But I know someone there that will always help me...
- I trust you Angie and I love you, never forget that." And I'm not leaving Vilu and Clara with my father ... even if I have to flee to the end of the world.
- Germen if they find you, you will be arrestted ... please there has to be another way ...
- Maybe, but I'm not willing to take any chances." I love you...
- I love you too ... I'll call you tomorrow. Give Vilu and Clara a huge kiss.
- Of course I take care of you and our baby ...
After both were both happy and sad at the same time, if on the one hand this new life was in itself a joy and reason to celebrate they could not do it, they had taken that right from them: together they could rejoice with the news. They were one, the priest told them in the marriage, "the two became one-body marriage," but this body was now divided, separated ... it was as if the missing part of each had become in an immense void.
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