Chapter 12 - Two Surprises, One Doom...(continuation 3)
When it was time for lunch, Ludmila went with the group to lunch while Angie returned home with Pablo and Brenda ... after lunch the ladies apologized and went upstairs. In Angie's room, Brenda gave her the test, she went to the bathroom, and after doing so she left and sat on the bed next to Brenda.
- Angie ... what's going on? You do not even look like you want to be pregnant.
"It's not that I do not want to, but the truth is that I'm afraid. And if that man gets custody of Clara and then ...
"Angie, first you will not lose Clara or this son, then Germ will never let the father take your children.
"If he wins, neither the Germ can do anything." And now with Vilu ...
- Angie, please calm down. Let's go by parts ... first we have to confirm the result, enough time has passed ... get the test ...
- I ... - Brenda looks at her giving her a smile that gives her some encouragement ... she goes to the bathroom and ... - I ...
"Angie, please tell me ... I'm pregnant, I can not be in this anxiety ..."
- Well, I think it's not good for me either ... it is positive ... I'm pregnant ... I do not believe it.
- I knew ... I knew you were. I'm happy for you ...
- I am pregnant, and despite all my fears and to think that is not a good time ... I am happy ... I am very happy.
"Of course you are, it's a living being that grows within us. It is something magical and wonderful.
"Yes ... it's wonderful." And she puts her hands on her belly ... and they both hug each other happily.
- Hey ... I can go in. - Pablo says, Angie hides the test quickly in the pocket of the pants ... - Sorry to interrupt, but Angie is on time, this if you want a ride.
"Yes, I want to, give me just a minute ..." saying this goes to the bathroom hiding the test inside his "necessaire", and descends to meet Pablo, says goodbye to Brenda who did not have to go to Studio, because of the news they had given, so they decided to give the kids rest day. That day Brenda had only one rehearsal with Francesca for the recording of the album, but this one was shattered to know that her best friend was in coma for weeks, it was as if they had had to him that it had lost a sister, because Violetta was more than a friend for Fran.
The trip to Angelica's house was done in silence, Pablo knew Angie enough to know that she was nervous and the less he asked her the better, Angie was grateful for his friend's description. And the truth was that she was nervous about the conversation she would have with her mother, yet the only thing she thought about was that new being that she had to grow up in her, as she would say to Germ, would he be happy, that Vilu would be fine when the baby was born, and Clara would react when the baby was born she would have been almost two years old would be jealous ... and while she thought about all this they arrived at the door of Angelica's house, the house outside Angie .
"Hey ... we've arrived ..." Angie woke up from her world ... and sighed ... "Do you want me to go with you?"
"No. Thank you Pablo, but I have to do this on my own." It is a conversation between mother and daughter.
"Okay, but if you need anything," she says. I'll be in the Studio.
- Thanks Pablo ... for everything.
He gave her a hug smiling, Pablo was much more than a friend, he was a brother. She was always there when she needed it: when her father ignored her, when Maria died, when Germ disappeared with Violetta, when she almost left the studio, when her father died; he was always close to her, supporting her, protecting her, making sure no one was hurting her and she was fine. He got out of the car, said goodbye to Pablo, and followed the way to the door, and rang the doorbell.
But whoever saw it was not the mother ... it was the last person who could or wanted to see ... José ... but what he was doing there ... could not be ...
- Angels. I thought you were in France to work ... did you come back?
- My mother? And what are you doing here?
- I came to a friend ...
"And since when you're my mother's friend." You are nobody's friend ... nor should you know the meaning of this word.
- Why do not you go in, your mother explains you better ...
"I do not want explanations, I want to see you far from here, away from my mother and away from my life."
"Angie ... stop, please stop ..." says Angelica appearing behind Joseph and hugging her daughter.
- What is he doing here ... Mom, you know he took everything from me, he ruined my life ...
- Angie please ... Joseph made many mistakes, yes. But the Germ also did it and you forgave it. And he ran away with my granddaughters again.
- Because HE forced him .- pointing to Jose ... - Mom Germ fled to protect Vilu and Clara, and asked me for authorization, did not without ...
- You knew ... but he ran off with your daughter ...
- No, he did not run. It was just ... it was so that HE would not take them away from his father, since from his mother he was able to do so thanks to petty blackmail.
"Angie, that's enough, I know everything. Jose made a mistake, but he's trying to solve his mistakes ... he's trying to do what's best for everyone.
"What do you mean, Mom, what are you talking about?" Did he tell you about Dad?
- Yes and no. Jose told me what was going on, but what he did not know about you was that I already knew everything. Or almost everything ... "Angie looks at her astonished mother, not knowing what to say ..." I knew your father had betrayed me, he told me, I just did not know who this woman was.
- And now you know ... because HE told you ...
"Yes, because Jose told me, because there was someone who had the courage to tell me ..."
- I tried Mom ... I swear I tried. But do you think it was easy for me to know that everything Daddy told me before he died was true? Do you think it was easy for me to separate myself from Germ, Vilu and Clara just so as not to make you suffer?
- I know that you suffered too ... but we were always together in the sadness and the joys ... you always trusted me, and suddenly ...
"Because I did not want you to suffer, it's so hard to understand.
"No, but you should have trusted me. I am your mother ...
"Mom you knew about Luzia, did you know she existed?" Angie asks with some fear ... but she had to know what her mother knew.
- Yes, your father could have many defects but he could never hide anything to me, he could not lie. But I also knew your father would never leave Mary. Only after she died did I realize that I had lost him, in fact I lost it long before you were born but I pretended I did not see ...
"Mommy, why did you-" Angie could not stand the tears any longer-she was stronger than she was, maybe it was the hormones that were speaking louder-
"Why did not I leave him?" Because when you were born I thought maybe we could get back to being a family, you and Maria deserved to have a family, and in spite of everything, he was your father. Then when Maria died I could not leave him in that fragile way ... so lost. And you needed a father, you just lost your sister ...
- But we never were ... we were never a family because despite living together I never had a father ...
- I know, I know that your father was not the best father in the world, but he was your father and I thought that even being like you could live in a family
- Family Mom? A father who ignored me and who often seemed like a stranger; you were worried about Maria if she ate, if she was sick, if she had everything in her bag for another concert ... if it was not for Maria I had grown up alone, with no one.
"Angie ... I've always loved you, I never wanted to put you off. But the truth is that you and Mary have always been so united that I often felt the most. Sorry if I hurt you, sorry if I made you feel ... Angélica hugs Angie as if to ask her forgiveness for everything that had made her pass, this if on one hand she felt hurt by another knew that her mother had always loved her. ..
"I'm sorry ... I'm sorry ..." Angie continues to hug her.
"Angie, I want you to know that in spite of your character your father loved you ... you were his little Angel, his little sparrow ... you should never doubt it.
"No, papa never loved me ... I was a memory of the daughter he had had with Rosario and whom he lost while staying with us. Mom ... you never noticed anything? Why do you think Daddy wanted me to study out? Did you ever wonder why he never supported me in the Studio?
"No, your father loved to hear you, he loved to hear both of you and Maria-"
- Yes to me and to Maria. Mom he told me ... when I met him ... he ... he died in my arms ... he told me everything, he never wanted me, he asked you to ...
- Angie ... you never told me any of this. Because?
"Because I did not want you to suffer, because in spite of everything he was my father and I loved him.
"Forgive me ... please forgive me ..." and they hug each other, as if in that embrace everything that had been hidden in the past was forgiven, but Angie still did not realize what José was doing there.
- Mom. You still have not answered me ... what is HE doing here?
- Angie ... me and Jose ... we ... we're "recognizing ourselves" ...
- Mom, tell me that's not what I'm thinking! You can not be serious, he's trying to take my daughter away from me, and you're ...
"Angie, listen dear, it was not anything planned ... it just happened. And in relation to the guard, I agree with him, the Germ fled with my granddaughters. And I want to see Clara grow, I lost Violetta's childhood, I will not lose Clara's. But you can come live with them and with us ... we've already talked about both of them.
"I can not believe this ... I can not believe ... Mom, are you serious?" Are you really gonna do this?
"It's for the sake of Clara and Vilu, honey, we only want their good."
"Mom ... you're going to separate them from your father and mother ... do you think that's best for both of you?" No, I will not allow ... Mom ... please ...please I beg you, do not do this to me ...
"It's already done Angeles ..." says Jose, who had been silent until then ... "The Germ must be receiving the notice of the court ... I won the appeal, I came to tell your mother. The Germ has a week to go back and deliver me to Clara and Violetta.
"No ... no, I will not." Mom, do not do this to me ... please ...
"I'm sorry Angie, but I will not miss seeing my granddaughter grow ..."
- Angels ... - says José ... - if you know where they are then you better warn the Germ, because in addition to running out of daughters if he does not abide by the decision can be accused of abduction ...
Angie does not know what to do, looks at Angelica and realizes that she is serious, and she does not know what to say or even think. Her own mother had turned against her, although Angelica does not know that Angie herself had run away with Germ, but nothing justifies the fact that she is on the side of that "man" ... without knowing what else to say, she ends up leave Angelica's house completely shattered. She goes through the streets not knowing where to go, can not go back to Pablo's house at least not at that moment, any of them will realize that something has happened and what least Angie wants is to give explanations to whoever. He finally arrives at the Park, which is very close to the Studio, and he leans on a tree, letting himself burst into tears, almost screaming with grief, sadness, pain, disappointment; a mixture of feelings that came out of her body and soul through tears ... which choked her and led her almost into a state of madness ... suddenly someone puts a hand on your shoulder
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