Chapter 12 - Two Surprises, One Doom ...
It had been two weeks since Vilu had come into the hospital (a month since Joseph had come into their lives), Tati continued to visit her cousin, still believed that she heard her and that if she continued to talk, she would wake up. He had managed to persuade his father and mother to go to the hospital every day after school, and neither of them could say no to the girl because Angie and Germ also did their part in persuading them. It had been arranged between the five that Tati would have to do the work and continue to have good grades, otherwise the visits would be over.
So every day Xavier, after school, went to fetch Tatiana and Miguel from the school and leave the girl in the hospital, then go home with the boy. Every day now Angie and Germ were waiting for her at the hospital gate to take her to Vilu.
- Hi Auntie Angie ... let's see Vilu, I have lots of things to tell you ...
"Hello my dear, let's go." And to Xavier ... "See you soon Xavier, we go home today so we take Tati ..." and continued talking to the girl ... "And the school was good? Do you have jobs to do?
"It was good, yes, I have math jobs, do you think Uncle Germain will help me again if I have to?"
"Of course he does ... he knows a lot of numbers ..." Angie tells him, laughing and thinking of Germ and Tati together, they have become inseparable. The two of them went on their way until they reached Vilu's room. As soon as he entered, he went running and kissed Germ who was sitting next to Vilu ...
"Hello Uncle Germ ... I have math jobs today, will you help me?"
"Of course, my dear ... you will not talk to Vilu, I think she was missing you?"
"Yes, I was, too, and I need to talk to her a lot today. I need a woman's opinion ... "And turning to the bed, she went to the other chair and knelt down and continued to talk to the two of them." There was a boy there from school who gave me a kiss ... "and smiled a little that I'm ashamed ... - I even like him, but I think he's going too fast ... what do you think Vilu ... - and was silent as if she could only hear Vilu's answer ... it was a strange monologue but she gave the biggest smiles with those conversations ... - because I also think is that he did not even ask me if I could give only arrived and gave ...
"Very daring this boy ..." said Germ very seriously as if he were something more than Tatiana's Uncle ... "Do you want Uncle to come and talk to him?"
-No. No need, I've already addressed the subject ... "Angie was holding the laughter to hear the conversation of those two ... or the three ... Germ looked at Tati Waiting for her to continue ... - After he gave me the kiss I gave him a slap ...
- Tatiana ... - Angie day in order to reprimand her ... - you should not have done it, it does not solve anything to beat.
- Ah! Yes, Angie ... the boy is an abused, cheeky ... he needed a good lesson and Tati gave him.
"The beating Germ ... I do not know who is the child if you or she ..." says Angie half laughing seriously.
- I did not give a lot of strength, Auntie, it was just that scraped ... even because I like him ... "Dah !!", and if I gave him with strength he never spoke to me again and I do not want that either.
- Tati, now I do not understand ... Do you like this boy or not?
"Your father does not notice anything about this love thing ..." Tati says and looking at Vilu ... "I'll explain to you Uncle Germ: I like him, but I can not let him come like this and give me a kiss soon ... I have to Make me difficult. So after I hit him I gave him a little kiss ...
"I'm lost ... women who understand you ..." says Germ, looking at Angie completely lost, that strange shape of the women's head worked, always bewildered him.
"You know what your germ is, it's not that they do not understand us, but they just do not listen to us ..." and laughs at him ... "Well, it's time for the young lady here to do the work."
"Come on Uncle Germ ..." and turning to Violetta ... "I'll be right back, wake up quickly please." And again felt a slight squeeze in his hand, but ever since the first time no one had believed her, Tatiana kept that secret to it was as if it were a language of only the two and that only they understood.
They went to the little table in the room to start work, when a nurse came in with the snack for the three of them; being a niece of the best surgeon at the Hospital had its advantages ... Tati and Germ soon attacked the snack, Angie began to drink the juice but soon got dizzy and left the room to go to the bathroom where in addition to throwing away the little that had eaten at lunch she began to feel a slight dizziness, she let herself be a little sitting until it passed, but as soon as this one stopped again she felt that nausea ... after throwing away everything she had eaten that day, she washed her face and came back to Vilu's room. Germ and Tatiana had just packed everything up, and it was time for everyone to come home, that day Leon would spend the night with Violetta. As soon as he arrives the three of them say goodbye and leave towards the house.
When they arrive Rosário soon tries to ask Lia to go take a bath to the girl, although contradicted she ends up obeying her grandmother, Angie ends up coming in with her saying that she will see Clara, although Rosario tells him that the girl is To sleep, this one enters the same. Actually going to see Clara was just an excuse, the truth is that Angie was not feeling well and needed to lie down to rest a bit. This leaves Rosário and Gérmen talking both alone ...
"Germ, is there anything between you?" - Germ shrugs ... - You're sure I think Angie is weird ... something is wrong with her son ...
"The truth is, I do not know ... I've also noticed that she's more tired, but we're sleeping so badly, and anxious about Vilu's situation, not to mention her constant threat to get Clara out."
"And how is this whole thing about your father-have the lawyers had anything to do with you?"
"Yes, the Judge denied giving Clara custody of her father." But he appealed, so we're stuck. At this moment Clara is with me ...
"And with Angie-and that's the way it should be."
"Let's see what Dad's appeal will do." Where are the kids of this house, and Ludmila and Frederico?
- It's all in the pool ... those two have a solitary patience for the kids ... and Leon has an unconditional fan, Miguel does not quit every time he sees him.
"At least they're distracted and they do not just think ..." Germ did not even have to finish the sentence ... "I'll go up and see Angie."
When she arrives at the room, Angie goes to the crib and looks at the daughter who sleeps peacefully, decides to take her to her, so she picks up Clara and lies on her bed and stands there watching her, sometimes moving her little fingers in blond snails. She was lost in her thoughts that she did not even hear Germ go into the room and come ...
"When I look at Clara ... and I think of everything we've been through, what we suffer, I feel like I'm the luckiest man on the planet ..." and hugs her by placing a kiss on her neck ...
"Germen ... what a scare ..." Angie says, although at the same time she feels safe in that hug ... "I love watching you sleep and smell you."
"And I love seeing you treating Clara ... you're even prettier ... if that's possible." And pulling her toward him, he kisses her first on the neck, then turns her gently to him and begins to give kisses him first on the forehead, at the tip of his nose; they were not kisses with lust, it was almost as if the breeze of the night had to greet her, they were sweet, light and soft; but at the same time they were filled with love and passion, longing and well-being. With all the excitement neither of them remembers that Clara is lying on her bed ...
"Germ ..." but neither could get away from that moment, it was as if they were magnets that were attracted to each other ... and the kisses began to be deeper and more and more passionate ... until ... - Clear my Wee, excuse mom and dad ...
- I think my princess was jealous ... - says Germer laughing at both ... - so small and already with a crisis of jealous Dona Clara ...
- Germ ... ceases to be a clown ... - Angie who had Clara on her lap, puts her back on the bed, Germ turns around and lies on the bed getting Clarita in the middle of them looking now and then one way or another ...
- Angie? - She looks at him continuing to move Clara's little fingers ... - What's the matter with you? Have you been far, weird?
"Nothing's going on, love ... seriously. I'm tired of it, it's been a rush to divide me between Vilu and Clara ... it's been ...
"Angie ... I know you, and that's not all." Please, what's going on? "Angie did not know if she should talk about the nausea and dizziness she's been feeling in the past few weeks, she did not want to worry about Gérmen anymore, and she was sure it was all a nervousness and anxiety ... that somehow lied, or omitted, and arranged an excuse.
"I've been thinking about my mother. I think she should have known about Vilu, but I'm afraid ... "Although she omitted what was going on with her, Angelica was also one of the reasons she was more anxious ...
"Fear for Luzia?" And the story between your father and my mother?
"Yes, but most of all, fear that your father will discover us." I know that the Judge gave us reason and that he denied what your father wanted, that we are waiting for the appeal he put ... but I feel a squeeze in here, something tells me that we are going to lose Clara.
"Angie ... listen to me even if we have to flee to the end of the world, the four of us ... but no one will take Clara away." I will not let ...
"But Germ ... we can not run forever ..." But Germ would not let her finish, gave him a light kiss ...
"Let's think of one thing at a time. Right now our priority is Vilu. And in relation to your mother, I understand and if you want my opinion maybe it's a good opportunity for her to know everything.
"But I can not talk on the phone ... I can not tell you all this." I need to go to Buenos Aires personally ...
- I know, so if you want to go I understand, and just say when you want to go I will arrange everything.
"It's hard for me to leave you at three-but my mother is Vilu's grandmother, she must know." I could go tomorrow ... maybe it's early but ... - Germ does not let her finish ...
"I'll take care of everything ... do not worry. And now let's go down and have dinner ... I'm hungry and this princess will not even sleep.
- I'm kind of not hungry, I'd rather stay and try to rest ...
"Okay, I'll go and take Clara to rest, and I'll ask the Girl to bring you some soup ..."
"No, I do not really need a gut, I'm really not hungry ..."
- I do not want excuses ... at least one soup you will eat ... and now rest a little that I already send to Chica with your soup.
"It's not worth telling you anything, because-" "Germ look at her with a determined face, take Clara and go to the door ..." Germ ... "he stops and looks at her ..." I love you ... "
- I love you too ... very much ... - and he gives a smile ...
Angie lies down and shrinks in a shell, she was not really hungry and just thinking about the soup felt her stomach wrap herself up, started thinking about the conversation she would have with Angelica, how to count, or even on how to start counting. No matter how many turns I made to my mind, there was no way to start that conversation ... he fell asleep to think of his mother, his father and Maria ...
When Germ came to the room, everyone was already there, and there was a real commotion: some running, others shouting, others scolding ... He just stared, Clara was clapping excitedly at all the confusion. Until without knowing where someone shouts ...
"But what confusion is this?" Tatiana, Miguel and Sophie ... may I know what a commotion this is?
"Papa ... papa ... papa ..." the three shouted and ran to Luis, but he only nodded to them and they stopped before they reached him ...
"You know full well that I do not like this screaming, much less that you walk around the house.
"I'm sorry, Papa ..." Tatiana said. "We were playing with Frederick and Ludmila and ... sorry ..."
"It was not only their fault ... we did not help too much ..." Ludmila ends up trying to defend the children a little, because the truth is that both she and Frederick had also entered the din ... "Sorry.
"Okay ... but do not repeat yourself ... Tati did all the work?"
"Yes, Papa, Uncle Germ helped me ..."
"Well, I did not really need it because you did it all by yourself," says Germ, who had been silent until now.
- I did not want to interrupt but dinner is served ... - says Girl entering the room ...
"Come on ... Germ to Angie, will not you have dinner?" Asks Mercedes.
"No, she's a little tired, Chica, you can take some soup to the room."
"Yes, of course, and I'll bring it myself." Be rested.
So everyone goes to the dining room, and of course where there are children there are laughs, antics, snobs, cheers, tantrums and tears ... but everyone feels like family. Girl, meanwhile, goes up with Angie's soup, knocks on the door, but she has no answer, she enters. She sees Angie sleeping, all shrunk but so quiet that she feels sorry for waking her, but she had to eat even the soup so she woke her up.
- Dona Angeles ... Angels girl ... Angie girl ... - this one wakes up ... - sorry to wake you up but the Germ boy asked me to bring you this soup ...
- Thank you Girl, but the truth is that I have no appetite ... I think I can not eat anything ...
- Sorry girl but at least the soup has to eat ... how will you have the strength to treat Clara and Violetta?
"It's okay ..." Angie sits down on the bed and begins to eat the soup, which is not really bad ... but suddenly she turns her stomach around and leaving the plate on the tray runs off to the bathroom ... and again everything that still had inside him comes out, it should not have much in the stomach because considering that it was the second time that he felt with those nausea only that day. Girl who was still in the room, follow her there ... and try to support her while she continues with vomiting. When her stomach finally calms down, Angie goes back to bed and goes to bed. "Girl please take this, I can not eat anything.
"Girl, can I ask you what's going on?" How long have you had these nausea?
"This is not anything. Girl, it must be just stress and nerves because of everything that's going on with Vilu ... nothing more.
"Okay ... but maybe I should go to the doctor." Or talk to Luzia or to Dr. Luis.
"What an exaggeration, Chica, I'm fine ... and please do not say anything to Germ ... I do not want him to worry about a thing of anything."
"Okay, but if it goes on like this, I'll have to say something, for your own good." He leaves the room, letting Angie lie and curl up in herself. She had promised not to tell him anything, but she would keep an eye on him because she was suspicious that this bad mood was not the result of stress or nervousness. Angie ended up falling asleep again, and despite having had the Girl that it was nothing, she was starting to wonder if it would be anything else ... and now she would have Girl on top of her, and she knew that if she had to, she would say something to her. Germ, but at least for a while he would be safe since he would go to Buenos Aires to have his mother.
In the room while the children were playing, the adults talked to each other, Germ said that Angie had decided to go to Buenos Aires to talk to Angelica.
"She'll tell you everything, about Luzia ... but she was so determined not to talk?" Says Mercedes.
"Yes, but now with Vilu like that, Angie feels Angelica has to be near her granddaughter. I already marked the ticket for tomorrow afternoon and I already warned Pablo ... he goes to look for her and ...
"Germ," says Ludmila, "can I go with her?" I know Pablo has been her friend since always but I liked to accompany her ... and then I wanted to go and talk to the people about Vilu ... and I wanted to go ...
"It's a good idea," Frederick says. "The people must know everything too-and they kept each other company."
"Ludmila, are you sure you want to go?" I know that...
"Yes. I ... liked ... I want to see her." I know she will not recognize me or else she will ... but I ... need ... "Frederico looks at her in astonishment, he does not believe what he's hearing, how Ludmila dares go to see her ...
"All right." And coming up to her ... "Just promise not to go alone, go with Angie or ask Naty and Maxi to go with you, will you?"
"All right ... but you know you'd never leave me alone with her, you know ..." and laughs at Germ.
"What worries me is not while you're with her, but after you leave ... I remember how you stayed the last time you saw her, I do not want you to go alone, promise me at least that ..." - and give her a kiss on the forehead, hugging her.
"Germen, after all, she's my mother, and I ... I can not just leave her there ... I can not." I know I'm crawling every time I leave, but it's my mother ... but if it makes you more rested I'll go with Angie or ask Naty to go with me. "" And hug him harder.
After all, Germ gets Clara and climbs upstairs to the bedroom, Luis also takes care of his children and goes to bed. Ludmila goes out to the porch and Frederick who realizes she's downstairs follows her ...
- Lu ... are you sure you want to do this? You have not seen her for more than six months, since ... I do not even like to remember that day, I was losing you, my love ...
- I know, and for that matter. Despite everything she's done, she's still my mother ... and ... - a tear falls on her face ... - I can not stop loving her.
"Even after she did what she did to you ... after you tried ... I do not understand ..."
"Frederico ... I know it's difficult for you to understand, that you can not bear to see it. But she's my mother ... and she's the only family I have.
"Lu ... your family is Germ, Angie, Vilu, and now Clara. And you have me to me ... Priscilla stopped being your mother the day she did what she did, do not you understand I was missing you ...
"Frederick ... she gave birth to me." It is blood of my blood, I can not break it no matter how much I want, I can not, it is an eternal bond. Please, I really wanted you to understand me ...
"I can not Ludmila, I'm sorry, but I can not. She gave you life, yes, that's true, but she also tried to get you out, or did you forget what she did to you, did you forget about it ... "and pulling aside her Ludmila sweater shows her the scar that this one had a little below the shoulder.
- No, I have not forgotten ... and I also did not forget that after that she was crazy, that she did not say something with anything, when after that I went to see ... - tears were running down her face ... - Fede I love you very much, but in relation to my mother ... there is nothing you can say to prevent me from feeling what I feel: I love her, and I hate her at the same time, but she is my mother ...
"Do whatever you want, I'll give it up ..." and Frederick leaves in an angry way toward the room ... Ludmila lets herself stay until she can dry all the tears she has to cry, and then she goes to the bedroom, tomorrow will be a new one day and have to pack and still want to say goodbye to Vilu.
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