Capítulo 9 - The Reunion
Meanwhile at the Hotel Violetta she was in a "rage" she could not sit still in the same place for a long time, she would look at the cell phone almost every second of the second ... Rosario, who played with Clara in her lap, would look at her and smile.
- Your sister is still going to do harm to your father Clarita ...- and the little girl, even though she did not know what her grandmother was saying, was laughing at the faces she made ... - we're still going to have a hole in the floor with so much she's spending it , And that phone does not know if it will work for long ...
- Grandmother, do not say such things? I'm ... anxious, that's all ...
- Anxious little Vilu. If you're just like that because you're going to travel with him ... - and turning to Clara again ...- I do not want to imagine it on the day of the wedding ...
- Grandmother!- Her cheeks immediately flushed, but looking at her grandmother, she laughs at the image of her marriage and Leon's, and kneeling beside her grandmother ... - Do you think he's coming? He was so disappointed that I could not ...
- That you could not leave your sister, to defend her, to protect her? If he loves you Vilu, as you love him, I'm sure he did not even think twice ... - and gives him a fondness on the face ... Clara who does not want to stay out begins to smile and laugh at Vilu, who can not also smile with that giggle of his sister.
- But what if he ...- and at that moment they knock on the door of the room where they are, it was those rooms that had in addition to a bedroom a small living room ... opened and saw the father ... - Dad! Did he came? Please tell me something?
- Let's eat? I'm starving ... and you, my love, have eaten ... - and ignoring Violetta completely, she turns to Clara, who laughs when she sees her father.
- Dad. - Vilu shouts. - He did not come because no ... I knew, he was angry with me ...
- I did not say anything like that, did I? - and turning to Clara smiles at him ... - but let's eat, I'm really hungry.
- No, I've lost my hunger, you go. - Vilu responds going to the sofa with tears in his eyes ...
- Oh no ... Mrs. Violetta, you're going to eat ... and excuses to make a face ... we go ahead.
- I do not want dad... I can not eat ...
- I think we have to ... - and looking at Rosario flashes his eye ... - Clara prepare yourself, this will be your first session of ... - and they approach each one of her side ... - ... tickle at your sister ... - and they all tickle Violetta, as she laughed, Clara laughed even louder ... - So let's eat, because seriously I'm really hungry.
- All right, let's go, but you're going to pay for this attack.
And so the four of them go down to the Hotel's restaurant, what Vilu did not know is that Leon waited for them in the restaurant; Everything was combined between the two: while Germ rose to fetch them, Leon would stay in the hotel restaurant waiting ... when they get there Germ does on purpose and speaks her name very loud ... had been the combination between him and Leon.
- Vilu ... how about another tickle attack?
- No, dad... I came down as you asked, but you can not make me eat ...- Vilu had his back to Leon, who had hidden until he saw them, so she did not see him when he approached.
- So what if instead of a tickling attack ... it was a kissing attack on those cheeks ...- putting some emphasis on the word cheeks, Leon looked at him and noticed the message ... - but I think you'll like this attack done by another person.
As he signaled her to turn, Vilu could not believe ... Leon. He was right there, he had come ... she looks at her father, then at the love of her life and literally flies to her neck. When she finally lets him out, she looks him in the eyes ... those green eyes where she loves to get lost, and the most beautiful smile she ever saw ...
- Sorry about everything, I panicked to realize I could lose you. I'm sorry, I was an idiot, I did not even let you talk, I told you that ...- "Vilu did not let him finish his speech, put his hand on her mouth as if to silence it ... and kiss him. It was a calm kiss, serene but full of love, when the kiss ended Leon looked at Germen ... - I did not do anything ... it was her.
- Oh, dad was a little kiss ...- and before Germ said something ... - Thank you... I adore you. - And hugged the germ again that still with Clara in the lap also embraces her, the little one in the lap of the father in turn laughs happily ...
- Well ... okay, I guess I'll have to get used to it ... when did you become a lady?- And giving her a strong hug ... - I love you too, but please, we can go to lunch.
Everyone laughed and went to eat, lunch was great and at times everyone forgot why they were there, for some time they were just a family to have lunch together.
In the afternoon while Leon and Vilu went to the pool with Rosary, Germen went to the room where he placed Clara to sleep. He had asked his mother to come by his room before dinner, because he needed to talk to her; Did not say anything about what it was about, but he had made a decision, maybe he did not know anything, but he knew he had to try, and he wanted his mother to know about it, because everything would depend on whether she would accept the That he would ask.
In the Angie Studio she had finished and gave all classes, and was in the teachers' room with her back to the door looking out the window, she had not yet decided whether to accept the proposal of Germ: on the one hand the idea pleased him, to be with him and with His girls, was all she wanted; But there was a part of her that was afraid to "live" with "her" ... Pablo enters, looks at her friend and realizes that she has not made a decision ... she comes close and gives him a hug.
- I think you need it. It's not his, but that's what you can get ... - And he smiled trying to make her smile.
- Thank you Pablo, I needed that, yes. You're the best friend you could have. No, you're the best brother you could ask for. And your hugs are wonderful, different ... but wonderful.
- And speaking of brothers, you've already decided what you're going to do about the proposal Germ made you.
- I think so ... you're right. I can not lose my family on a whim of mine. Even because it was by many whims that all this began.
- And you're going to meet him at the airport tomorrow do you want a ride? That way you have no excuses, and tou don't have to take your car to the airport.
- No, I need a ride today. But first I need two favors?
- Today? Why? - Pablo was not realizing, if the flight was just the next day how she needed a ride, and what favors Angie wanted ...
- Yes. But first I need you to call the Germen, ask him which hotel he's in. You have to make an excuse for, like that Vilu forgot something in the Studio ... I do not know. Say you're going to send them by courier.
- Okay, okay ... I just do not realize it is: first what is this Hotel talk, and why do you want the address?
- Germen is in a hotel hidden from Joseph until he goes to the airport, he's tired of his father's arguments, and in a sense he's trying to protect Clara and Vilu.
- Okay ... but what do you want the address for? What are you thinking of doing?
- I'm going to meet whith Germen today. I will not let my life run away, not another second. But I need you to take me there ...
- Why, to make sure you walk in and out?"
- No ... yes, that too. But also because I do not want to leave the car there.
Pablo then calls Germen, telling him that he needed to deliver an envelope from Angie to Vilu, which he would send via a courier at Angie's own instructions. This one at the beginning is somewhat surprised, but Pablo quickly invents the hypothesis of being photographs, or some music, and thus Gérmen gives him the address. In the meantime, screams are heard coming from the atrium of the Studio, Angie shakes with the realization of whose voice it is: Joseph.
- Pablo, he must have already noticed that the Germ has run away ... he can not see me here, and I ...
- Calm down, let me stay here, I'll go and take care of it ...- he walks out of the teachers' room and sees Jose peering through the rooms ... - I can know what he's doing here again, way?
- Where is she? Where is Angeles? It was her, it was her ... that ...
- First of all, you go immediately to shout because you're in a school and we have classes going on.
- And who are you to tell me to shut up? Where is Angeles? You're hiding it ... I know she's here.
- Secondly, I'm the director of the Studio, and I will not let you talk to my friend that way.
- You will not admit it ... you are not nobody to admit me anything. I'll find her even if I have to send this down ...
- Finally, Angie is gone, she took a few weeks after everything happened.
- I do not believe it, she's here, I know I do. I'll find her, and she'll tell me where they are. Angeles! Angeles! I know you're here ... I know, and you're going to tell me where they are ...
- But what a shout is this ... - says Beto who leaves the Music room dropping half of the papers in his hand ...
- Beto, do me a favor, go to my office and call the police.
- Police? But Pablo ... for what the police I just dropped some papers.
- Beto ... will do as I asked. - Turning to Joseph ... - unless the Lord gets away from here?
- This is not so I will find them ... - he ends up leaving furious, looking at Pablo with eyes of anger that even makes Beto shudder, Angie leaves the room and hugs his friend.
- Thank you Pablo ... - and begins to tremble ... and without being controlled begin to tear tears of fear, pure fear ...
- Angie calm down he's gone. Calm down, it's okay.
- I'm afraid Pablo ... this man is capable of everything ... promise that you take care of my mother? Please?
- Nothing is going to happen: you go after your family, your happiness ... yes? - Angie says yes with her head, and hugs Pablo. - Regarding Dona Angelica ... I take care of her yes. You know that to me she's like a mother.
When it comes near dinnertime, Rosário goes as it had been combined with Germ's room. She feels nervous, agitated before she starts talking.
- Mom I made a decision ... an important decision. But I need you to help me. I can not let my life run away ... I can not do this to Clara ... - looking at Clara a tear trickles from the corner of her eye, and he cleans quickly.
- Germen please, what's going on? You're talking there and I still have not figured it out. Let go of what? And what does Clara have to do with all this?
- I'm not going to Seville, Mom. I can not ... and I do not want to.
- With that? Are you going to wait for your father to take your daughters away? Because that's what will happen if you stay.
- Mom, I'm not going to Seville. The girls go with you, if you'll take them while I do not settle my life here.
- Settle your life? Germer is able to explain better, I am not realizing you.
- Mom, I can not go without Angie ... I talked to her, I asked her to go with us, I would wait for her at the airport ... but if she does not show up ... I will not be able to go. I need her by my side, Vilu needs her ... and Clara needs her mother.
- Germen. I've never seen you like this, not with Maria. Of course I take them with me, but you think she'll show up ... I do not know, remember where she goes, who she's going to live with ...
- I know, but one day she's going to have to get over this ... the only thing I know is that I can not be away from her, I can not imagine my life without her.- Clara starts to cry, he grabs her and She gives him a smile just like Angie ... - Clara deserves to have her mother at her feet.
Rosário embraces him, and they go downstairs to Vilu and Leon, who are already waiting for them to go to dinner. Violetta soon picks up Clara, who soon laughs when she sees herself in her sister's lap ... Germ loves to see their relationship and is sure that Clara will always have Violetta to protect and advise her, and in a way that certainty calms the Your father's heart.
After dinner, the five decide to stay a little near the pool: talk, laugh, play ... until Germ decides it's time to go rest, the next day they would have to go early to the airport. Violetta wanted to stay a little longer, Leon also and although Germ did not want to leave, Rosario ended up saying that he had a little more with them, after all he did not know his grandmother's boyfriend so well and wanted to interrogate him, They laughed a lot, though Vilu frowned. Germ, however, went up with Clara because it was past time for her to go to bed. Neither Violetta nor Leon knew of the possibility of Angie appearing or of the possibility that Germ did not travel with them, everything was between him and Rosário.
Pablo and Angie had just arrived at the Hotel, Angie was nervous but happy ... Pablo looked at her and laughed ...
- What are you laughing at?- And Pablo laughed even more ... - Pablo, I'm already nervous enough ..." she takes a deep breath ...
- You look like you're going to get your father out of the gallows ...- and he laughs again, it's funny to look at Angie nervously ...
- Stopped Pablo, take care of my mother, tell her that I love her and that when I can give news, but do not tell her that I am with Germen.
- Be rested, she will be good. Go, and go get your happiness, your life is in there. - He give her a kiss full of affection and smile.
- Thanks for everything. By being as you are: my friend, my confidant, my counselor, my brother ... - and giving him a kiss too,she get out of the car, take the bag and go to the Hotel.
When he enters, he goes to the reception and asks the number of Germe's room, the strange receptionist and hesitates to tell him, but Angie tells him that he is his wife and that he wants to surprise her. It is notorious that this talk of surprise is not convincing her, says that can not give the numbers of the rooms that are rules ... Angie does not give up and tells you part of the story: that they were annoyed by stupid jealousy and that she Wanted to make up and surprise her. Despite being reluctant, she finally told him the number, so Angie made her way to the elevator and climbed to the floor of Germ's room. She reached the bedroom door, took a deep breath, heard Clara cry, which made her more anxious ... and knocked on the door.
Clara had a sleep tantrum, those that only Angie could calm down, Germ had already made everything but she did not rest for nothing called Rosario to help him. When he hears knocking on the door, he opens it without asking who he is, for the only person he expected was his mother ... when he opens it ...
- Finally Mom ...- when he saw her, Germen froze...Angie...she was right in front of him...- Angie...- was all he could say. Angie, his Angie ... was there and he could not believe it.
Clara continued to cry, but it was only Angie to take her ... it is magnificent the bond that a son has to his mother, the bond that supposedly breaks at birth is never cut, is a bond that lasts a lifetime, is eternal. Seeing herself on her mother's lap, Clara soon calmed down-it was as if she had finally found her place, her safe harbor. Everything was finally perfect in her little world.
- My little one ... why were you crying, my love? I missed you so much ...- and gives her so many kisses, so much affection that makes her laugh. Suddenly Clara looking at Angie says what all mothers yearn to hear "Mommy" ... Angie does not believe what she just heard ...- She said...she called me Mom...
- Vilu has been teaching her since you left the house ... it was the most beautiful thing to see: she sat with Clara in front of her with a photo of us and was talking about us ... in you in particular.
- Our Vilu ... - and the tears begin to fall ... were not tears of sadness but of joy, of gratitude ...
- Angie ... - Germen wipes the tears, gives him a light kiss ... - Angie, what you do here, not that I'm complaining ... but ...
- I could not wait for tomorrow. I do not know how I can face everything that comes there but I have only one certainty: I can not live without you ... I can not live without you.
- Angie, my Angie ... - and let go of the longing ... suddenly knock on the door ...
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