Capítulo 9 - The Reunion
The next morning, Violetta, Rosario, and Gérmen woke up very early, they packed their bags and Clara and left the house, they decided to go all to a hotel until Gérmen got Angie's authorization for Clara to travel.
Meanwhile Angie wakes up and realizes that she has fallen asleep in the car, the Studio door. He decides to enter after all that is his place, his refuge his harbor of shelter. It's all quiet, it's still very early and the students and teachers would still take a few hours to start arriving and soon fill those spaces with laughter, music, screams ... but in the meantime Angie takes advantage of that silence, that peace that So much was needed.
After setting up, Violetta does not rest until her father leaves to go and talk to Leon and his parents. Although it is still very early, and just so she calms down a little, Germ eventually gives in and leaving them goes looking for Leon. When he arrives home since he is received by his parents, which Germ has known for a few years, since he has already done some business with the company of Leon's father. He apologizes for such a morning visit but he needed to talk to them and Leon as well.
He begins to tell that he will spend some time in Seville at his mother's house with Violetta and Clara, and would very much like Leon to go with them. Germ tells them that he knows that Leon is working with Pablo and Gregorio, but that he will personally talk to them if necessary to explain the situation to them. After saying everything, Leon's parents only respond that if he is older, if he is willing to go and assume before Pablo and Gregory a commitment if necessary he would go back to work immediately, there would be no problem for them. Germ smiles and then asks to speak to him, yet the father says that he had already left for the Studio; Germ is grateful then, says goodbye and goes looking for Leon.
Angie is in the corner room, and takes the time to play a little, there is a time that has that melody in the head; Thinking well since leaving home with Clara, but with everything that has passed never gave much importance, and without knowing why at that moment she returned to his head again. Angie knows she can not help but play that melody, for one of the things she had learned from Mary was: "Never, never deny a melody that comes from the soul ... for it would be the same thing as denying ourselves. Music is what we are. "And over the years Angie had always done what she had taught him. So he begins to trot out some sounds ... and suddenly he is singing:
"Prometer, nunca te olvidaré
Como vencer como amarte sin caer
Por ti, te miro y puedo decir
Mis dudas se van, De alguna manera ya no están
Te acercaste
Podría morir, Y esperarte una vida
No tengas miedo a sentir
Te amaría por mil años más
Amarte por mil años más"
When he arrives at the Studio, Leon does not see anyone, it is still very early but he hopes that Vilu arrives early so that they can talk before she starts teaching. In fact, she never arrives early, except when she is distressed about something, or upset with her father at this point, she usually leaves early to avoid discussing early in the morning. So he had some hope that with everything that is happening to Grandfather she arrives very early. Suddenly Leon hears the sound of the piano coming from the Corner Room, it is a melody that he had never heard and beautiful, immediately it goes there, because it can only be Violetta, it was the face of her to compose a song in these heights. But when he arrives there, he sees not Vilu, but Angie ... and not to interrupt, he is allowed to be at the door listening to Angie, who, as he is half-way back, does not see him coming. By the time she turns around she is a little afraid she was not expecting to see anyone at that time in the Studio, much less she was "spying on" her.
- Sorry Angie, I thought it was Vilu ... is the theme new?
- Yes ... to tell you the truth, I just wrote the lyrics. I had this melody for a while in my head and ... and what are you doing here so soon?
- Well ... - he was not sure if she was going to tell Angie everything that had happened to Vilu yesterday, after all she was his aunt, almost mother, and he had been a brute to her ... - I hoped to speak to Vilu before class I was yesterday ... well ...
- I knew everything ..."-Leon gets anxious but at the same time thought that Angie would be a better person to help him ... - but you were a little hard on her. But I know that you love each other, and that you were suffering ... but you know that neither I nor the Germ will allow ...
- I was a monster, I did not even let her explain ... she did not have to explain it, I realize it ... if anyone had to understand it, it was me.
- Leon ... I know you love her, and she loves you. Yes, she was hurt ...
- And you're right she will not forgive me. I'm a ... Pablo and Brenda said not to push her ... and what I did ...
- Leon. Calm down ... why do not you go home and talk to her?
- No, I'm afraid to find that man, and I do not want to trouble Violetta any more. But can I call you? No she will never come, I can ask Camila for help ...
- Leon ... why do not you call him?" I'm sure it's you she wants to hear and not Camila.
- You're right ... Thanks Angie ... you can get out of that house but you're always helping Vilu ...
- Doing what ... is my princess ... my little one.
In the middle of all this conversation between Leon and Angie, Gérmen arrives at the Studio and soon begins to look for Leon. There are few students yet, and he sees some teachers already in the teachers' room, he goes into some rooms: first in the music room and in the sound booth, then he goes to the dance hall, to the cafeteria, and when he goes to Zoom, he lurks Into the corner room and see her ... Angie. He can not help but smile when he sees her and listens to her, realizing that she is giving Leon advice about Vilu, and about what happened the day before. His eyes ... his bright green eyes ... he noticed they glowed differently when he spoke of Vilu ... and the smile when he spoke of ... how would he live without her, without seeing those eyes every morning looking at him when He woke up, how could he live without that smile to reassure him and say that everything would go well.
- Germen... - says Angie who realizes at that moment that he is at the door to observe ... - what are you doing here? To Clara? A Vilu?
- It's okay, it's okay ... I came to talk to ... well, I really wanted to talk to both of you, and that's why the two of you are here.
- It's Vilu is not, does she really go to Madrid? Do not leave, you can not let him take Vilu ...
- Calm down Leon ... she's not going to Madrid. But we will travel yes. And before you say anything, listen to me, please.
So Germen tells the mother's idea to prevent Jose from taking Clara and Vilu to Madrid. At least they get some time, even the lawyers he also hired will be able to avoid what Jose wants to do. Angie though sad to know that her daughters, because although she was not she considered Violetta a little his daughter, they would go away knew that it would be safer for both, but Leon had begun to let the tears fall ... Angie gave him A hug like that trying to somehow give him the strength he needed to have to face this separation.
- Leon, do not be like that, because you did not let me finish, I came to talk to you to invite you to go with us. I've even talked to your parents who have consented since you talk to Pablo and Gregorio.
- Are you serious? Go with you to ... - Germ orders you to speak lower ... - sorry, of course I will ... it means what Vilu thought of that, because we ...
- Vilu is ... do not worry the day was difficult for everyone, well and Vilu in the background knows that you ... you like her. Well, now you're going to talk to Pablo and we'll meet you at your house before lunch.
- Yes ... Thank you, seriously ... - and turning to Angie ... - Thank you Angie, and I hope everything is resolved ...
- Go ... and treat Vilu well, I'm counting on you. Angie smiled and gave him a warm hug ... Germ looked at her ... for your smile, for your eyes ... - Germen? Hey Germen?
- I'm sorry, well we can go to a more private place, our conversation is a bit more serious ... well and the students are ...
- Let's go to Pablo's room ..." and picking up his suitcase went to the Boardroom. When Germen arrives, he closes the door, and looks at Angie, he can not resist and he approaches her, looks her in the eye and ... - Germen, to ... please ... - but Angie does not resist either, she loves him and She feels the lack of having him, her embrace, her scent, her kiss ...
- Excuse me, Angie, but I look into your eyes and I can not resist ... I lose myself in them ... I love you, and nothing will end this love.
- Germen ... - and although he does not want to say it, she ends up not resisting those eyes, that smile ... she just can not help it ... - I love ... too - and this time it's Angie who approaches Germen, it's like They were back in that bubble where nothing could disturb them. "What did you want to tell me more?" Angie draws away from him with some effort.
- Well, I need your permission to leave the country with Clara, because I need you to sign this ... but I'm thinking ...- and he looks at her as if he had just come down to earth ... - why do not you come with us?"
- Germen, no, I'm not ready for it yet. I could not even talk to my mother, I went there yesterday but I could not ... I did not have the courage, a shiver ran through me, to think that it would cause her all that pain ...
- Angie, at least think of my suggestion, please. You know that one day you will have to face all this: your mother and Luzia.
- Germen ... do not press me please ... I need time to get used to, ...
- I'm not pushing you ...- and kiss her... - I just want you to think, we could be at peace there, together, the four of us. Think and decide without pressure ... you know that I will wait for you as long as it takes.
- And you know that I love you ...- And she looked into Germ's brown eyes ... and stared at them ... and he looked inside of hers ... and they gave themselves over to the love they felt. As much as they wanted there was no one able to separate them, to make all that love die in them, everything was perfect, everything fit into their lives when they were together. It was as if that love was a puzzle, where all the pieces fit, without errors, without missing any part.
- Let's do something ...- Germen says, holding Angie's face in his hands. - Sign the authorization, the flight is at 9:00 tomorrow, I'll buy you a ticket ... if you decide to go, you'll show up.
- What if I decide not to go?
- I'll wait for you ... until the day you decide to come back ... to eternity if I have to.
Angie signed the paper, and looked at Germen, he kissed her again, smiled at her and left her with his thoughts. Is it possible to live "in peace"? And would she be able to live with "her"? No, it was unbearable to think about it, how could she ... it would be like she was betraying her mother. Sitting in Pablo's chair, she puts her arms on the table and buries her head in these, trying to control the tears she feels already burning her eyes. And without her repairing Pablo enters the office ... when he sees her, he approaches calmly and caresses her shoulder, just as a brother would.
- Angie ... Angie ... what happened? It was Angelica, how did she respond?
- Pablo ... - she hugs her friend, who kneeling in front of her, she cried for everything: for not having the courage to talk to her mother, for not having the courage to go with Germen, for not being able to even think about the hypothesis to live with "her" even if it meant she could be "her family". Why it had to be so difficult in your life ...
- Angie ... what's going on? Are you scaring me, please, was Angelica?
- No ... not Pablo. It's me ... what happens is that I have not yet learned Pablo and I'm still the same tied up ... I'm still the same ...
- I can not tell you ... Angie, you can tell me what happened.
- I could not Pablo, I could not. I went, I hit ... but at the time I ran away, like a frightened teenager ...
- Angie ... - Pablo did not want to say what was obvious, because it was not worth it, Angie knew well what he was thinking. And to see her that way lost, he could never say ...
- If that did not come the Germen was there ... and again I'm going to run away because I can not face the past."
- Germen? But what did he want? - and suddenly he looks at Angie with a confused face ... - Wait to escape the past like that?
- He came to tell me that he's going out of the country for a while to protect Clara ... from Joseph ... - her friend tells her nothing and waits for Angie to continue. She then tells him that Rosary proposed that they go to Spain to her house, without telling Joseph anything, in a way they would hide and gain some time so that Germen could with the lawyers prevent some act of a foolish Joseph. I need Angie to authorize him to come and ask her to sign the paper. He told her that he had asked her to go with them, that they would be safe from Joseph, the four of them would be together ...
- And ... you're like that Angie. Why are not you jumping around celebrating the fact that they've got a solution, of course it's temporary, because eventually your mother will have to know everything ...
- Pablo! If I go ... I'm going to have to live with "her" with the memory of everything that has caused this confusion in my life ...
- Ah, Angie! And you're going to waste the opportunity to be with the people you love the most: Germen, Vilu, Clarita ... out of pride, because you can or do not want to hurt your self-esteem.
- It's not that easy, Pablo. I have my mother ... I feel it would be as if I betrayed her too. I do not know what to do Pablo, the Germ told me that he would buy a ticket for me and wait at the airport tomorrow ...
- Angie, do not let your life escape into your hands again. I'm not going to tell you what to do because I think deep down you know what you have to do ... and now please you can help me give the singing lessons at least today that I was without a teacher.
Angie smiled and hugged him, she knew that Pablo was right, what prevented her from pursuing her happiness was pride, pride and nothing more ... she had given herself a few hours to think, and while she thought she could not help Pablo in Studio so gave him a smile as if it was the biggest sim in the world.
Meanwhile Germ went to get Leon, who had both excited and agitated. Vilu's father laughed, and Leon looked at him intrigued.
- Leon, if you do not stop moving your cell phone, your hands and your hair, I think you'll come to Vilu's foot: with his hands full of calluses, no hair and a completely damaged cell phone.
- I just ... I think Vilu is still mad at me, and I'm not saying I do not deserve it ... but what if she does not want me to go with you ..."
- Leon ... if there is anything I have learned in recent years about my daughter, she has a huge heart, able to forgive "almost" everything.
- Because "almost" everything ... - says Leon somewhat unmotivated ...
- I still have to go through a place before we go to the Hotel ... so you still have some time to calm down ... and I'm sure you're not included in that tiny, almost" tiny "thing.
- I hope you're right," Leon replies.
Both laughed at each other's embarrassment, and the nervousness accumulated. Leon knew Violetta, as well or better than Gérmen, and what Gérmen had said was true: she had an enormous heart, and had always forgiven her, even if sometimes, if not all, she did not deserve it: Soft, sometimes naive, but it was not childlike naivete, she simply liked to believe that everyone had a good side. Leon laughed as he remembered her friendship with Ludmila ... whoever had seen them a few years ago would never have thought that they would be much more than friends today, they were allies, companions, accomplices, confidants ... they were like sisters.
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