Capítulo 8 - And Everything Took the Truth
Violetta does not even want to believe ... she came back, and in that moment in the dark and dark tunnel where she was, Angie was the light that illuminated everything. He literally threw himself into her arms, almost throwing both of them to the ground ... Angie returns that hug with all the love she felt for Violetta. Meanwhile Clara was already in Rosário's lap waiting for her to have some treats too; Angie grabs Clara, who sees herself in her mother's arms and falls into a smile, and embraces the two loves of her life: Vilu and Clara. What no one knows and what she hides as well as she can is that she has not returned to stay ... and that this will be perhaps the last hug they will give for a while ... but why spoil that moment at that time ... Angie He dreamed of stopping time that minute ... at that moment when he had two of the people he loved most in his life ... to be perfect Germ was missing, yes that would be the moment in which he would stop time if he could, the moment In which the four were ... was taken from "dream" by a Violetta who was both crying and smiling.
- Angie you returned ... you returned ... you returned. I am so happy.
- Vilu my little one ... I ... - Angie can not say anything else, but she knows that she does not have much time, she does not know if Germ will be able to take Joseph away for a long time, and the last thing he wants is to have the "I did not come to stay Vilu, but I need to talk to you."
- No, Angie, you have to go back ... please ...
"Vilu," interrupts Rosário, "why do not they go to your room to talk." I'll stay with Clara if you want?
- No, I'd rather take it ... come Vilu?
Despite being sad, confused, completely lost in the midst of so many things happening at the same time Vilu came up with Angie and Clara. When she reached the room she could not help herself if she was falling apart and crying, she sat down on her bed, followed by Angie who carried Clara in her arms.
- Angie ... I ... no ... I realize ... it is ... everything ... to ... happen ... to ... even ... time ... I ... .not ... "Vilu could barely speak, it seemed that suddenly a hurricane of those very strong and that they knock everything had passed in his life, in his house and at any moment it would be without anything, without ceiling, without floor .
- Vilu, sorry, sorry the last thing I wanted was to make you suffer ... but ... oh my little one, sorry. And embrace her as if that gesture depended on her happiness.
- Do not apologize to me Angie, I know that this is complicated for you and that you just want to protect grandmother Angelica ... seriously I realize ...
"I can not let him ... let your grandmother know of ... Vilu, I can not let this happen because ... because she'll know of other things I've always hidden from her.
- Did you hide it? What does Grandma not know Angie?
"I ... hid ... things that made me suffer a lot. Your grandfather Miguel was not perfect, he did not always do things well. He adored your mother and always did everything for her. And when you were born ... O Vilu, all of it was honey with you.
Angie then began to tell and describe another person, someone Vilu did not recognize, someone different from the one her grandmother had described. An embittered person, disgusted even by what he had failed to take on for fear, for cowardice and that led him to despise and even sometimes trample his own daughter. Vilu was unresponsive, it was not the image he had of his grandfather, and he realized now why Angie wanted to hide everything, even more the need to hide. Now it all made more sense, it was not just the case of grandfather Miguel with grandmother Rosario, it was not just "Aunt" Luzia's existence ... it was much more than that, it was a lifetime of maltreatment that Angie had suffered.
"Angie, I do not even know what to tell you. I never thought that ... and I realize that you have to hide everything ... but ... I need you, and Clara needs you ... and Papa ... we need you here with us ...
- I'll always be with you, you can always call me if you want ...
"No ... I know I'm going to look like a spoiled girl, but ... I want you here ... please, Angie, there must be something we can do ..."
- Vilu, you know your grandfather Jose better than I ... you know he will not give up.
- I lost everything ... I lost you and I lost Leon, because the grandfather lives in this hate without reason.
- First you will never lose me, Vilu even being far away I will always be close.
"No, Angie, I want you to please me, I lost Leon ... I can not lose you."
- I already told you that you will never lose me, I will always be your favorite aunt ... - and try to smile and smile Vilu ... - And what conversation is this to lose Leon?
"He learned that his grandfather wants to take us to Spain ..."
- Vilu, no one will take you ... and you know Leon is impulsive ...
- I know, but when he asked me if I was thinking about going ... I could not say no. Because the truth is ...
- My Princess, first neither your father nor I will not let that happen, besides that even if your grandfather wanted to take you would not get ... you are ...
"Yes, I know I'm older and he can not force me, but I ... I would have to go, if he takes Clara I will not leave her alone ... I can not think of her alone with her grandfather." But Leon did not let me talk, he left without letting me explain why ...
- Vilu ... - and without realizing the tears begin to run down his face, in that gesture of Vilu she remembered Maria. His sister, who always defended her everything ... and realized that Clara was going to have Vilu in the same protection she had always had for Maria, that she would never leave her alone, she would be a sister, a friend, a confidante, a counselor, a protector. ..all what Maria had been for her ... "Sorry, you reminded me of your mother ... and in relation to Leon, he will end up realizing that you just want to protect your sister ... I have to assurance.
- No, you did not see him Angie ... he was really annoyed ... and I can even see it but ... he also has to realize ...
"Vilu ... promise me one thing, no matter what, I do not want you to sacrifice for your sister. Even because this is something that has to be solved by your father, me and your grandfather.
- But Angie ... and if the grandfather ... - but Angie does not give up and looks at her with a face so decided that Vilu has no other chance ... - I promise but I will always protect it.
"Good and now I have to go, but first promise me one more thing: you will take care of your father and your sister, will you?"
"Yes, of course ... but will not you take Clara?" I thought that...
"I need to be alone, I need to think like telling your grandmother everything. Also if Clara stays, your grandfather might give up ...
"You're sacrificing yourself again-for Clara and me-for Grandpa not to take us." Angie!
"We mothers do anything for our children. And if by giving up being with Clara causes "he" to calm down ... then I will, even if it breaks my heart ... - and the tears begin to fall ... - and then Clara gets With a super sister who will defend and protect her.
"I promise you that I will take care of her, defend her, protect her ... I will speak of you, how you love us, how you are the best mother in the world, how ..." To talk because the tears persist in starting to fall ... and after looking at Clara playing on her bed ... she looks up at Angie ... - Why does it have to be all this, so difficult .. It's so complicated ... why is it ... "and hugs herself to Angie.
- I do not know Vilu, I do not know ... but I promise you we'll all be together soon ... I promise ... I promise you.
And so they let themselves be hugged for a while, looking at Clara who was still playing, unaware of what was going on around her, for a moment Vilu wanted to be like her: a baby who had no idea what was going to happen, what Did not realize what was about to happen. But would not she suffer the same? It would be perhaps the question to which at that moment Vilu wished not to have an answer ... Clara was so small it was not fair, would be without Angie, without the mother ... and in a certain way Vilu also would be without its "mother" ... because they had to suffer like this. At last, after what had seemed just a second, Angie broke away from that hug with tears on her face but trying to smile. She had to try to calm Vilu, had to try to give him strength ... despite being difficult.
"It's time ... always remember that I'll always be close by ... yes?" And without waiting for an answer, he took Clara, gave another kiss and a hug to Vilu and left leaving her alone . As he went down the stairs, he heard what seemed to be more of an argument, he managed to get that voice out again ... it was as if he were listening to his father: cold, rude, which seemed to be devoid of any good or bad speech .
- I do not believe ... you called your mother? You're waiting for what, your mother convinces me ...
"I never managed to convince you of anything, Joseph ... if that were true, you would never have continued to be obsessed with Angelica, for a love that was never yours.
- And you have a lot of moral to speak ... you betrayed me with him ...
- Because you never loved me, you never made an effort to love me, to make our marriage work ...
"You have the courage to tell me that in front of your son ..."
"As if your son had never attended these discussions ... at least assume before Germ, that you have never loved me, that our marriage has always been a farce ..."
- You think I'm going to discuss these ... issues in front of my son ... these girls ... - and suddenly realize that Francesca and Camila are watching all that confusion ... - what are these girls Are still doing here ...
"They're Violetta's friends ... and ..." either Francesca or Camila stood by the piano in the most frightened and frightened air ever,
- Friends? Since when does Violetta have friends?
- Since she finally got a life to live ... - Angie responds that she had just come down the stairs with Clara ... - Francesca, Camila come up, I think Vilu is needing two friends now ... - but she wants one They are somewhat hesitant to do what Angie tells them and look at her now, sometimes at Joseph, sometimes at Germ waiting to know what to do.
- You can go ... seriously. Go to Violetta, it's okay. "Finally tell them Germ."
- I knew ... I knew ... you had to be behind all this ...
"I do not know what you're talking about, but I do not really want to know. - And turning to Olga ... - Olguinha please you can take to Clara ... - but as soon as it goes to the lap of Olga, Clara begins to cry seems that present since it will be without Angie, without its mother.
- Oh no my love, the mother is already there ... go with your Olguinha ...
"Thank you, Olga," and turning to Joseph, "What were you talking about?" I'm behind what?
- Of all, all this confusion that has turned this house. It was you who put these ideas of music in the head of Violetta, of relationships, of ...
- Enough. I'm tired of your accusations, your delusions, your threats, your blackmail ...
- You ... you do not talk to me like this ... you're nobody to talk to me like this ...
"Joseph. Angie is right, you can not continue to live in this hatred, in this constant spite, it hurts you all of us.
"And what a moral you have to tell me something." You were the greatest mistake of my life ...
"You're serious about Joseph ... but you know I think you're right I must have been the biggest mistake of your life, because you do not deserve anything ..."
"Do not make me tell Rosário ... do not make me talk ..."
"Speech, until now it's the only thing you knew how to do ... speak ill of everything but continue. I'm enjoying seeing your mask finally fall ...
"Mom, come on, please ... this is not going to get us anything."
"You do not realize that you make all those who love you suffer ... or rather those you say you love: your son, your granddaughters and even Angelica.
"I'm protecting the ones I love, yes ..." and turning to Angie ... "And you, be very careful what you say because ..."
- Enough ... enough. I will not allow you to say anything more, Dad ... come on ...
"No Germ, let your father speak all he has to say ... you want to wash" dirty clothes "here in front of your son and your daughter-in-law ...
"You're never gonna be my daughter-in-law ... never."
"Papa, I will not allow you to talk like that about Angie ..."
- Continue José, continue to sink yourself alone, because this is how you will end up alone. One day you will awaken from your gritty world and you will realize that you are alone, completely alone.
- Rosary ... I'm warning you, you will not want me to say ...
"It seems like you're always getting the same argument ... you're getting so predictable." Whenever you have nothing more to say threats, you blackmail ... but you know that this does not work for me, I'm vaccinated ...
- Mom, please come ... Dad, please, you can go ... you're creating a discussion that does not get us anywhere.
"I'm not going anywhere ... even because my conversation with this ... this lady is not over ... it's barely begun."
Angie, who had just witnessed the "conversation" between Joseph and Rosary without saying a word but fixed on Rosary, suddenly looked at Joseph and trembled, not out of fear of him but because he was afraid of what she might say or do. Angie was usually a quiet and discreet person ... lately she had realized that when they attacked her or the ones she loved, she became a beast. However out of respect for Rosary and Germ he tried to calm himself before addressing Joseph.
"I have nothing else to tell you ... I'm leaving ... Germ."
"You're leaving, but you're not taking my granddaughter." Clara stays with me ...
Angie turns red with anger, but before answering sighs, she knows she can not lose her head, a misstep and Jose can gain ground to stay with Clara ...
"Listen well ... because I'm only going to tell you one time ... Clara is my daughter, and if I leave her, it's because I know she's good with her father, who is the germ.
"Angie, do not do it just because José is ..." says Rosário quickly.
"Rosary, I know what you're trying to tell me, but it's not for fear since" sir "that I leave Clara, it's because I know she's good with Germ, Vilu, and you. I need to ... organize the ideas ... to talk to my mother ... - Jose looks at Angie in awe and is turning to Jose - Yes his blackmail will end.
"You do not have the courage to tell Angelica ... you do not ..."
"It will not be easy ... but I'm going to end this today. I'm tired of suffering and seeing those I love suffer ... enough. Today you and my father will stop making you suffer who I love. Today I'm going to bury my past. Your "reign" will come to an end ...
- Angie ... I ... - Germ can not say anything ... he knows what Angie will suffer for telling Angelica, and she does it not for her, not for him ... but she does it for Clara and Vilu.
"I do not need you to say anything ... take care of them, and help Vilu ... Leon argued with her over him ..." and points to Joseph. "And after saying this, he approached Germ and Kissed him ... Joseph was puzzled by all this new attitude of Angie, after all she was more cunning than he had thought, and what he had planned could ultimately fall to the ground, because he had misjudged his adversary.
Meanwhile in the bedroom, Violetta was crying for Francesca, she will lose so much on that day: Angie and Leon, the two of them were gone only for a reason: the Grandfather. He will enter their lives without warning, and without asking for permission he has changed them for the worse. He'd shoved Angie away with his blackmail and pushed Leon away with his craze to do what only he thinks is right. She had never hated anyone and was not quite sure what she felt when ... when she hated herself ... but she was beginning to think that perhaps it was what she felt at that moment for her grandfather.
Francesca and Camila tried to calm her down, telling her that Angie would never leave her, that what she had said was true that although she was close by, she could always talk to him; Making her see that Leon would return the next day quieter, more serene and that he would apologize and that everything would be fine.
"It's not the same, I need Angie here, and Papa and Clara like ... and Leon is hurt, and I can even tell ... I can not blame him for thinking I'm abandoning him ...
- Vilu ... you are not abandoning him, you are protecting your sister and no one can punish you for this ... nor Leon.
- Especially Leon ... - says Camila ... - He knows what you suffered ... he knows how you live: a princess locked in his tower.
"But he's right to be like that, Camila ... I ..." and the tears fall ...
- Camila ... less drama please. Vilu, you'll see what he needs is a good night's sleep. As my grandmother used to say, "The Cushion is always a good counselor."
"It's not the French cushion, it's the night:" Night is always a good counselor. "
- What? It does not matter ... he just needs to think a little and he'll realize he missed it and tomorrow he's there to apologize.
- I wish you were right Fran ... because I need him right now, I need your embraces, to feel safe, without all this pressure and these feelings that are suffocating me.
"You want us to stay here, I do not know to distract you from all this." We could sing, talk about Ludmila ... - says Camila who tries in vain to make Vilu laugh a little.
"No, I thank you very much and I know you want me to be encouraged, but I sincerely prefer to be alone ... do not get me wrong.
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