Capítulo 8 - And Everything Took the Truth
Though reluctant at first, Angie eventually followed Germ; Meanwhile Pablo, Brenda and the boys try to make José leave the Studio, but he remains determined to stay until Angie tells him where Clara is. He is not willing to leave without knowing where Clara is. However in the Gérmen teachers' room he thinks of a way to change the direction of all this confusion ... but there is no reason why it is time to act and not talk.
"Germ, there is nothing you can tell me or ... your father has gone beyond all bounds ... he ..."
"I know ... so I'm not going to say anything to defend him, I'm not going to say anything. "And slowly he is approaching Angie, first with a caress, then a kiss on the forehead, until finally kisses her. Germ is not sure how she will react, but more than words that kiss represents everything he feels for her. If at first Angie hesitates to indulge in that kiss, to what she feels: to passion, to immense love ... after some time she can not deny what that kiss means to her and finally gives in to her soul. Above all, he realizes that he misses that kiss ... he misses Germ. Nothing has changed between them, they have never stopped loving ... she loves him and is sure that he loves her.
- Germ ... I can not ... please Germ, we can not ...
- We can not? Or do not you? Angie - and kissed her again ... and again Angie let herself be carried away by that kiss that filled her: of love, of happiness, of pleasure ... she could not deny that she wanted him too much.
And though she was certain of her feelings, and of Germ's, Angie knew she could not, did not want to suffer again. And the truth is that while Joseph was among them, with that blackmail, with all that weight on his shoulders ... they could not be free.
"Germ ... no ... come ... please ..." and walked away ... contradicting everything she felt at that moment.
- Because? If you did not love me Angie ... if you did not love me. - And kissed her again ... and once again she was carried away by all that sensation that made sense, was stronger than she ... - But this, what happens to us, what we feel is real . Do not you realize that we love each other so much that my father wants to destroy our love?
"The problem is not what Germ feels. I love you and I will love you forever ... and I know you love me, but while your father ...
"So let's do what he wants?" Each one to his side, let's make the ones we love suffer? Have you thought of Clara in Vilu? Your mother?
"It's in my mother that I'm thinking ... I can not bear the idea of seeing her suffer ..."
- Angie ... Let's stop this. Love ... please ... - and kiss her again, as if that kiss depended on their lives.
"Germ," says Angie, moving away from him. "I need time, I need to get away from here, to put my ideas in order, to think of how to say everything to my mother.
"I do not know if you can find an easy way to tell him all this; Because I do not think there is.
"Germ is not just your mother's romance with my father that I have to tell you is ... a lifetime of secrets, words that have been said.
- I know, my mother told me your conversation ... no, please do not condemn her, she was just surprised at everything she heard. Why did not you ever say anything. I realize you did not want to talk to your mother, but you had Maria. Why did not you ever tell him?
"Because ... because I did not want her to suffer too, you know how she protected me." Maria and my mother were the people I loved the most, I could not make them suffer.
"And then you suffered in silence, suffered all this alone ..."
"Yes ... no, Pablo knew a few things, I did not tell him everything, there were things he could not even tell ..." Angie is moved by a few tears that Germ clears.
- Angie ... - And he hugs her trying to protect her from something that she could not, but he felt her join that hug. - I do not want you to feel that I'm pushing you, but I can ask you a favor?
- A favor? Germ, I didn't- "Angie felt that she no longer had the strength, for nothing more ...
- Violet. Go talk to her, tell her whatever you want, but do not go away with Clara without talking to her.
- Germ ... - and it was at this moment that she remembered why she wanted to see ... - I'm not going to take Clara, that's what I wanted to talk to you about ...
- Are not you going to take her? So ... that's why you let her come with my mother, of course. And Violetta, are you going to talk to her?
"Yes, I know that Clara will be well with you, with Viu ... I need time, to be alone without pressure from anyone." And yes, I'll talk to Vilu, she deserves me to talk to her. But I do not want your father to know that I'm going ...
"Do not worry, I'll take care of him. And Angie, can I make you another request? Do not take too long with this time thing. I'll miss you ... and always remember that I love you.
- I love you too...
And they fixed on each other's eyes: he in her emerald green eyes that were brighter than ever when she cried, and her in his dark brown eyes that emanated a glowing light whenever he looked at her. And again, even though they both know they can not be together for the time being, they let themselves be carried away by the passion that unites them. Neither wants to leave that room, that kind of "bubble" where the outside world, all the pain they feel, all the problems that exist can not enter; But they know that eventually they would have to leave that world and that the bubble where they were protected would have to burst and they will have to separate, for how long none of them know.
Meanwhile in the Studio atrium, Jose is still waiting with Pablo, Brenda, and the boys who were a little further away. Leon was clearly worried about all this situation of Violetta being able to go to Spain with his grandfather, although Germ had had him that he would not allow, Vilu had told him how and what he was: if Jose wanted something, he got it .
"Leon is calm, Germ said that Violetta would not go to Spain with his grandfather." Diego tells him to settle him.
"Yes, after all, Germ is the father, he's the boss." - says Andres.
"You do not know him, you do not know what he's capable of ... Vilu told me things about this man ... if he says he's going to take it, I have no doubt he'll take it ..." Leon is Clearly frightened and furious.
"Leon, I know that all this is difficult for you, but you must let Germ go about it; Andres is right, he's the father.
"I do not know ... I think this time Germ will not be able to solve anything." But I will not let him take Vilu ... I will not ... "and heading for Jose ... who is somewhat astonished by that sudden" attack "of Leon that does not even react - Heard, I will not let him take "I ... I will not."
- Leon, please do not worse things. - He asks Pablo to move him away.
- Worse ... how can they make Pablo worse, he wants to take Vilu to the other side of the world. Can you tell me how it can get worse?
- I know it's hard for you, but imagine how it is for Violetta: Angie left the house because of him and now has her grandfather threatening to take her to Spain! Separating it from everything it has.
- Pablo is right Leon ... you have to think about Vilu ... - Diego tells him
"That's why somebody has to deal with it ... if neither Germ or Angie cares, then I'll put him in the place ..." and he tries again to talk to Jose being stopped again by Pablo and his friends.
- Leon, you may even be right, but listen to what Pablo is telling you ... - says Brenda trying to calm Leon. "You're not going to face him that you're going to be able to help Violetta, on the contrary, you might even make things worse, you know?"
"I can not sit still, doing nothing." Do not ask me this please I have to do something, there must be something I can do ...
- And there is: to help you overcome all this without charging anything, without raising waves with Germ or with this "Lord" ... simply be by your side. Do you think you can do that? Pablo asks.
- Yes, I think so.
"So we'll wait for Angie and Germ to leave the teachers' room and tell us what they've decided, all right." Then we see from there what we can do.
"I will not be waiting ... I'll talk to Vilu." I can not stand here, I have to talk to her.
And so while Leon leaves to go to Violetta's house, the rest of the group, Brenda, Pablo and Jose wait for Germ and Angie to leave that room. Joseph is clearly nervous and anxious, for he makes no sense that Germ's need to talk to Angie, the only thing they had to know was where Clara was; What he does not know is that she's already at Germ's house. As soon as they finally separate and burst the "bubble" that envelops them, they open the door.
"Finally ... I hope you have managed to put this girl in Germ place and she has had you where Clara is."
"Dad, please do not start ... Angie and I have already spoken ..."
"Go, tell me where my granddaughter is?"
- I can not talk to you. I told you what I had to say to Germ ... and get ready to leave the Studio ...
"Do not even think you're out of here like this ... without first telling me where my granddaughter is ..." grabbing Angie by the arm.
"Papa leaves Angie immediately ..." Joseph has no intention of leaving her, he will not let her go without telling her where Clara is.
"Are you going to let her go without telling us where Clara is?" I will not allow it, I will not ... "She gripped Angie even harder.
"Let's be calm, please ... and you can leave Angie because no one here wants to hurt anyone, does he?"
"Or tell me where Clara is or I'll call the police ... you see."
- Dad's here. Immediately drop Angie and let's go, we have to speak very seriously, the two of us alone. - Making Joseph drop Angie.
- But Clara ... you're going to let her take you away Clara ... Germ you're ...
"Angie and I have spoken ... now it's time for us to talk."
He turned to Angie with a look of complicity, but it was also a look where he could see, where he felt all the love they felt for each other. Angie realized at that moment what Germ was doing ... it was the opportunity for her to go talk to Vilu, Angie had to have that conversation with her, but most of all she deserved to have that conversation.
Though Leon had come to Violetta's house, he was somewhat nervous, anxious, and even angry; Now he understood why Vilu had reacted so aggressively to his grandfather, it was not difficult to lose his temper with Jose. When they knocked at the door, Rosário went there, Camila and Francesca played with Clarita, and Vilu went out with Olga to the kitchen to get something For everyone to eat, when he saw Leon smiled ... as does a grandmother aware that was before the granddaughter's boyfriend.
"Leon, is not it?" Come in my dear ... but I did not introduce myself: I am to Rosário the other grandmother of Violetta, the mother of Germ.
- Thank you and pleasure, I came to speak to Vilu ... - and suddenly coming from the kitchen appears Vilu with a tray of juices ... - Vilu ...
Not knowing what to say embraces her, this gives what was in the hands of her grandmother and embraces him also without understanding anything that was happening. He felt tense, nervous, sad, apprehensive ... something happened to him, but Violetta was not sure what. So she continued to hug him, her hugs always calming her ... who knows if she could do the same.
- Leon ... Leon what's up? You look strange, what happened?
"I ... I already know your grandfather wants to take you." But I will not leave, if your father does not stop you, I prevent. You're not going to Spain Vilu ... you will not.
- Leon ... - Vilu does not know what to say, I liked to answer that I would not go anywhere but the truth is that she was not even sure, so do what usually helps her: embrace him again.
"Tell me you're not going to tell me you're going to fight this."
Violetta does not know what to answer, she knows that the grandfather always gets what she wants but also knows that in her case the grandfather will not get anything since she is bigger, which means that despite what he wants she can decide for Yes. But there is Clara, she can be taken by her grandfather and Vilu can not imagine not following her sister to somehow protect ... but how are you going to say all this to Leon, will he understand?
- Leon ... I think we need to talk. - and taking his hand he walks to the stairs, but Leon does not walk away from where he is.
- Vilu, I can not believe you're thinking ... you go with him ... you are willing to leave everything: your friends, your work ... me ...
- Leon ... please, let's talk calmly up there ... please. - And again try to take him with her.
"No, you will answer here and now. You go ... with him, are you leaving?
- Leon ... I have to go, please try to understand I can not leave you alone ... I can not.
- And ... you'll abandon everything for ...
"I can not leave Clara alone with my grandfather, I can not even want it." I told you everything that happened to me, how do you want me to leave her alone with him.
"I ... I do not ..." Leon could even see what Violetta was saying to her, she had suffered a lot with her grandfather and somehow only wanted to protect Clara, but he could only think about what he was suffering at that Moment ... "You know ... whatever you feel is right, I'll do the same.
Leon left without letting Violetta tell him anything, he knew she just wanted to protect her sister, that she did not want Clara to go through what she went through. But he could only think of his pain at that moment.
"Leon, please ... do not do this to me, Leon." - But he was gone, Violetta did not want to believe ... Leon had finished with everything once more ... once again the grandfather had managed to destroy something good in his life. French and Camila ran to hug her, they know how unfair Leon is to be at that moment ... but at the same time both realize his reaction ...
"Vilu, take it easy ... Leon is nervous, confused by all this situation.
"Yes, the Frenchwoman is right ... it should not be easy for him to know that you're willing to go to Spain ..."
- Camila. You'll see that he'll calm down and apologize for you ... and that you'll make up and ...
- No girls ... Leon would not let me talk ... he did not even want to ...
- My princess ... - Rosalie says that until that moment she only listened to them, letting her friends comfort Vilu, but nothing was so ... - ... calm down please, I think Francesca is right he needs to calm down First and then you will see that he ...
- No ... no grandmother, you do not know Leon ... the grandfather managed to destroy everything ... he destroyed everything ... - and hugging himself to Rosário he let himself go by the tears, suddenly they ring the bell, Olga's going to open ... it's Angie.
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