Capítulo 8 -And Everything Took the Truth
Germ was confused, but at the same time enthusiastic: Angie wanted to talk to him, she wanted to see him, and that was all she could say was that everything could be solved. He liked to tell Violetta, he knew she would be more excited, but Angie had asked not to tell anyone. So she left the office ready to go to meet Angie, looked at Violetta was happy with Clara in her lap, with Francesca and Camila doing antics to make her smile. No, she could not ruin her happiness, Violetta had been so sad when she realized that Rosario had not been able to bring Angie back, so that she could give him new hope and decided not to tell her anything. At that moment seeing her with Clara, she was so happy, if no one knew what was going on they could even say that they were a perfectly normal family. Rosario, who despite all her mistakes was trying to sort things out, was happy with both granddaughters.
Germ still considered again interrupting all that commotion, telling them that he would leave, but they would ask too many questions and he did not want to have to lie anymore, so he decided to leave without anyone seeing him. As I drove to the Studio, I was only thinking about one thing - what would Angie want to talk about? Would she go home with him? Or had she decided to end the marriage?
When she has just packed her suitcases in the car, Angie leaves for her meeting with Germ. On the way she thinks about what she's about to do, she knows that getting away from problems never solved anything, how many times her mother had said that phrase to her or even Pablo, but at the same time she knows that this separation has to happen. She needs to find a way to tell Angelica all that plot between her father and Rosario, to tell her about Luzia but most of all she has to go in peace with her past - she has to be able to forgive her father.
Arriving at the Studio, one can only hear the sound of the band of young men rehearsing a new theme, in the recording booth were Brenda and Pablo. They are all so focused on their work that no one gives by their arrival, so she stays in the middle of the entrance hall remembering everything that happened in that place: all the years she had been a student, what she had learned from all the teachers; Antonio reminded him that now a father had been thinking about her so often; What he had suffered when he realized that he could be without the music, without Studio, which after being without Maria and without Vilu would have been difficult times, all because his father did not want Angie to continue along the same path Maria had chosen.
After Maria's death, Miguel did not want any more music around him, and Angie had paid dearly for this fancy of her father, who had stopped paying Studio. It was worth to him at the time the mother who knew that the song was all that remained to Angie was to talk to Antonio and got him a scholarship - the mother had always helped her throughout her life, how she could Tell you all this story of betrayal and deception.
She remembered the moment that Antonio invited them and Pablo, at the end of the course of students to teach in the Studio, the two inseparable friends would continue their professional journey together. They were, unforgettable moments that she revived with longing and with immense joy.
Thinking of everything that had happened in that place, she realized how she had missed everything: that she was just there looking at those empty rooms, but they were full of life during the day; He missed teaching, the clamor, the discussions of the kids, the little ones and the great victories that they had all achieved ... at last he missed everything he did in that magical and unique place. This was undoubtedly her place, the only place she had been truly happy. He went to the room where they staged the shows, Zoom, and sat down in the middle of the stage, closed his eyes and suddenly it was as if he could relive everything again: the rehearsals for the Shows, the first time he heard Vilu singing, all the wonderful moments he lived with her, remembered that moment when he had sung with Germ at the piano ... as it had been magical. Somehow strange to be there she felt closer to her and to Germ.
Meanwhile in the music room Leon and the band continued the rehearsal, with Pablo and Brenda; Suddenly someone enters, the first to see it is Maxi who signals to others as if to ask if one of them would know that man, however, neither of them gives an affirmative answer so they continue the essay ignoring its presence.
In the Zoom Angie goes to the piano playing first some chords, and then already seated began to play the melody of one of the songs of Violetta, beginning to sing:
"No, one knows what it's like?
Behind these eyes, behind this mask
I, wish we could rewind,
and turn back time To correct the past
Oh, baby, I wish I could tell you
How I fell but I can't 'cause I scared to
Oh, boy, I wish I could say that
Underneath it all I'm still the one you love
Still the one you're dreaming of
Underneath it all I'm missing you so much.
Baby, let's not give it up
Now, I'm lost in my mind
Don't want to hide, but I'm can't escape
I, I wanna a new start
'Cause you're my true heart, no more masquerades
Oh, baby, I wish I could tell you
How I fell but I can't 'cause I scared to
Oh, boy, I wish I could say that
Underneath it all I'm still the one you love
Still the one you're dreaming of
Underneath it all I'm missing you so much.
Baby let's not give it up
When Jose sees it, he can not believe that all this time she had been so close and come in determined to get Clara back.
"Finally, I knew I'd find you." Where is Clara? I came to get you, where is she?
Joseph begins to look around, searching for her everywhere, but he does not see her anywhere. At first Angie is a little nervous, but after a few seconds realizes that Joseph could take nothing from him, after Germ and Clara; After taking her away from her family, the one she had built with so much effort was no longer enough that he could get her out of her life ... unless she thought - that place. The Studio was the only joy he still had; It was her refuge, always the outside ... thinking it was there that she would always seek the strength to continue her course, well also had Germ: a smile, a hug, a caress, a kiss and Angie felt they could come Storms, earthquakes and marmortos that nothing made her feel any safer than being near him. But at that moment there was no Germ to make her feel safe, Angie was not willing to lose that place either ... that place was hers. It was all he had left to be able to carry on with his life ... a life without Germ, without Violetta and without Clara.
- Why are you here? - Jose begins to search everything, all the songs
- I came to find Clara.
"Yes, I did, but why here?"
Angie knew he was looking for them, but how did he remember the Studio, it would be the last place Angie would expect him to see. Could it just be a mere chance? Angie could not believe ... not with Joseph. But how had he discovered her there?
- It was a lucky chance, although I do not believe in chances...but I wanted to meet the famous Studio where Violetta got lost, because of you ... and I ended up finding you, I do not know how I did not think of this before.
- Violetta got lost? Because of me? - Angie could not believe what she was hearing.
- Yes, you're the one encouraged her to sing, Gérmen always avoided it ... but you had to come and ...
- No matter how hard you fight, there are things you can not beat.
- I do not understand ... I honestly do not understand what this place has to be so special. But well, now that I've arrived, this thing of music: singing, dancing, giving classes ...
- Vilu has music in her soul, nothing and nobody could prevent her from following her destiny.
- Destiny? The same thing her mother had? No, I will not allow it, you can be sure of that. But where is Clara?
- What you're talking about, what happened to Maria was a fatality ... an accident ... how come following your heart, could ever hurt Violetta?"
- Do you really want me to tell you? Where is Clara? - Insisted Joseph
- Yes I do , because I do not realize this hatred you have with music. Why can't you just see that we are all happy doing what we like. -Joseph looks at Angie, waiting for her to tell him where her granddaughter is, but Angie was not about to say anything else.
- Where's my granddaughter? Where is Clara?
- Where should she be ... at her house ... next to the ones who loves her.
- Her house, Clara's place is next to me ... I mean ...
- Clara's house is with the family who loves and protects her: from her father, mother, sister and two grandmothers. Not from a grandfather who wants to destroy his family because of a hatred, an anger that does not make sense.
"You can not talk to me like this ... I do not admit you. Dou you hear it, I do not admit ..."
- I can't, I won't ... you took everything I had in my life: youtook away the possibility of having a father who loved me, you took us out the chance to see Vilu grow up convincing Germen to flee, and now you took my family...the one me and Germen both built.
- Your father ... your father suffered little for what he did to me. He lost his beloved daughter by a whim of his ... and lost his granddaughter ...
- On a whim of yours. My father suffered yes, and it was what most interested him: to make my father pay something that no one really understands. It did not interest him that all the other people around him could suffer as well, that's not all, it's worth revenge that never made sense.
While Angie and Jose continued their discussion the boys' band finished the rehearsal and left the music room along with Pablo and Brenda. At that point enters Germin hastily, but also something anxious.
Germ, what are you doing here? Pablo asks not knowing that Angie was there, does not realize why Germ is there.
"I came to Angie, asked to speak with me. Is it a good one? At least you want to talk?
- Yeah, that might be a good one. But I did not see her come in. "Turning to the boys ..." Did you see Angie come in? "
"I did not see Angie, but I saw a" Lord "come in, I even nodded to the staff, but ... Okay, okay, he looked like Germ ..." Everyone nodded, looking at Geren now and then at each other.
- With me...? - Germ looked at Pablo ... who looked at Germ
And suddenly there was a man's voice and Angie's voice, it seemed they were having an argument; Either Gérmen or Pablo immediately realized who the "Lord" who was in the Studio - was Joseph.
- Your father ... I could tell you some good truths about your father. - continued Jose.
"You do not realize that all this rancor is destroying those around you-your son, your granddaughters, and-"
"I'm doing it for them ... so they can be happy."
"You're blind, completely blind." Do not see, do not realize we are all suffering. My mother, the woman you say you loved ... are you willing to make her suffer too?
"Angelica ... she also betrayed me; She chose him, she betrayed me. Even after he'd known he had betrayed her ... she still did not leave him.
"No one chooses whom you fall in love with. What a fault my mother has in loving my father ... even after what he has done to her.
- Enough! I'm tired of this conversation that does not go anywhere, where is Clara?
"I told you that Clara is where she has to be, at her house." Angie was getting tired of Joseph's insistence ...
- Clara goes with me to Spain ... she and Violetta, this nonsense of music, dating and marriages ...
"You're crazy, you just can. Clara is not going anywhere with her, she is my daughter and Germ ... and you can not take our daughter away.
- I can not? I already took my girl, my lawyers are already dealing with it; it's a matter of time.
"You can not ... you do not have that right ... you ..." Angie felt the tears about to fall, but she would never cry in front of Joseph, she would not give him this pleasure ... never ...
"I have no right? You're just like your father ...
"No, I'm nothing like my father ..."
- Yes you are, always with the craze of greatness, fame, the right to everything ... your sister, at least she was smarter, she understood my message when she forbade your father to make Violetta follow the same path ... from music.
"That's why Maria was against the idea of Vilu singing. Of course now it makes sense. How could you? You ... you're a monster ... "
And then Joseph loses his head and raises his hand to strike Angie, but behind Joseph appears a hand that holds his, it's Germ.
"Do not you dare-" "And he stands before Joseph.
- What are you doing here? And this ... -looking at the boys, Pablo and Brenda, who, however, were already close to Angie who was visibly nervous and anxious. Yet he had never thought that Joseph could beat him, but ... anyway he was grateful to Germ for coming at the right time.
"Father, you're going to hit Angie!" I can not even believe what you got ... I can not believe it.
"This ... girl took me seriously." If you had heard what she told me, you did not defend her and you gave me reason.
"Did I take it seriously?" I'm the one who took it ... seriously ... I just ... you want to take my daughter away, you want to take Clara away ... and I ...
"Please, Angie, take it easy, we're not going anywhere if they do not keep each other calm ..." Pablo intervenes, trying to calm down somehow ... but Angie is still as nervous as before ...
"Your father, Germ, told me he was going to take MY DAUGHTER ... OUR DAUGHTER to the other side of the ocean. And I'm the serious shot!
- I said and I repeat for all to hear and there is no doubt: Clara and Violetta go with me to Madrid. As soon as my lawyers get me Clara's guard.
- You're listening to Germ ... Clara is OUR daughter ... he can not ... you have no right ... he can not - Angie almost begs you to tell her that it will not be possible ... that he can not do that.
- Violetta is going to Madrid? Not Germ, you can not let her go ... - Leon starts to get worried, now that everything seemed to be going well with his dating, with the band ... Germ could not Violetta go ...
"Calm down, you two, neither of you going anywhere. Father, I already told you that my daughters will stay with me in Buenos Aires.
- They go with me to Madrid, obviously you can not educate and control them. Look how Violetta is? She was not so insolent, impertinent, irreverent ...
"No, she was not at all right," Angie interrupts. "It was a girl locked up in a prison. She could not have friends, she could not leave without someone behind her ...
"She was happy ... she had everything she wanted, she did not lack anything, neither I nor Germ lacked anything, she had everything she needed ..."
- Happy! Did he lack nothing? Everything you needed? She did not have the essentials: Love. She did not even have the right to talk about her mother, much less to know that she had another grandmother and an aunt who loved her.
"She was happy ... she was polite and knew who she had to meet. And you were not ... they were not essential in your life ...
"Were not we essential?" We were her family, we were the only reference she could have of Mary.
"From a mother who abandoned her?" Of a mother who changed her? For the music ... for the career.
"I will not allow you to speak of Mary like this." She loved her daughter ... "Angie felt the tears burning her eyes, but she was not going to cry, not near him, she swallowed ..." You know, I'm sick of it and nobody's going to take my daughter away, Gérmen.
- Angie! Angie waits. Germ looks at Joseph and turns away, his father gone too far; He knew he would have to talk to Jose but at that moment he had to try to talk to Angie. - Angie, please wait, let's talk ... we need to talk.
- Germ is enough! I'm tired, tired of your father and your wishes, your wants, your blackmail. I reached my limit ...
- I really do realize that, yes, I'm scared, really desperate ... but I'll ask you five minutes." Can we go to the Teachers' Room?
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