Capítulo 7 - Forgotten Memories
At meantime Vilu had the visit of Francesca and Camila, who had known by Leon of what was happening and decided to go to this one to somehow to animate or distract. As soon as they arrived Olga informed them that Violetta was in the room, she ordered them to come up saying that she was already carrying something good to eat, they went upstairs and knocked on the door, as soon as they entered, they could see that Vilu was nervous, And when he saw them, he smiled and hugged them.
"You know about Angie, do not you?"
Leon told us. This grandfather is your father's father? Camila asked.
- Yes, he's my father's father. Violetta looked at Camila intrigued ...
Ah! Of course it's explained, of course it just could, it must be genetic. "Vilu and Francesca looked at each other without realizing what she meant, but somehow they had already become accustomed to Camila's somewhat embarrassing way of thinking and so Camila continued - It's just that I could, your father was like that too ... well he had a special shape.
- Camila, are you listening to what you're saying? You're talking about Violetta's father ... who's here to listen.
"Oh sorry, my friend, I did not mean to offend you. But you know that your father, well, had a rather complicated shape ... but he changed, did not he? Can not your grandfather change? It is possible is not it?
"Unfortunately I do not think so, my grandfather will never change. And the worst part is that I miss Angie so much. I needed to vent, a hug, a care as only ... I need Angie.
"You'll see that it's all going to work out, I'm sure Angie's coming back."
- I do not know, this is all very complicated ...
"Calm down, I'm sure it's not that complicated ..." Camila says.
"Thank you, my friend, but this whole story of having another aunt, I do not know what to feel about this whole story.
"Wait, you have what?" Another aunt? What are you talking about? Francesca asked.
"Yes ... they do not know yet. - Vilu tells them very briefly about the involvement of Grandfather Miguel with the Rosary Grandmother and the daughter they had in common.
"It's weird," Camila says. "Your father and Angie have a sister who is their sister ..."
- Yes ... it's more or less this ... it's really confusing ...
- No wait is more than weird: your father was married to the two sisters of his own sister, which makes her sister and sister-in-law of the three brothers at the same time ...
- Camila ... I've already lost myself with your conversation. She's the sister of whom, anyway?
- Fran ... - it's easy actually if you think about it ... - Camila says resuming her family tree ... - Such an "aunt" is the sister of Vilu's father, Vilu's mother and Angie who is the wife of Vilu's father And sister of Vilu's mother. What makes her sister and sister-in-law of the three ... and your grandmother is Angie's mother-in-law, and Angie's father is your father's father-in-law and step-father.
"Camila ... now I've gotten even more confused ... with all this. I do not even want to imagine how Angie will not be.
"How about we go downstairs, Olga must have prepared us something delicious to eat ... and I'm hungry after all these weird relationships ... and then we could play something to cheer ourselves up.
"Fran ... you're always thinking about food." Seriously every time you come to Vilu's house you only think of food.
- What do you want. I blame Olga ... yeah for making these divine snacks for us. And the three of them laughed.
And so they go downstairs to the kitchen where they have just helped Olga prepare the food, Germ, upon hearing all that commotion, goes there and also decides to eat something, after the snack prepared by the five, the three sit next to the piano, alternating To touch, while Germ returns to the office.
"Hoy contigo estoy mejor, si todo sale mal
Lo puedo encaminar y estar mejor
Me puedes escuchar y decir no, no, no
Hoy sé lo que debo hacer y nunca más
Regresara el dolor, oh oh oh oh
Si no lo puedo ver, enseñame eh eh eh
Pienso que las cosas suceden
Y es porque, solo está en mi mente
Siento que sola no lo puedo ver hoy
Ahora sé, todo es diferente Veo que,
nada nos detiene Yo lo sé, mi mejor amiga eres tu"
They would play, sing, and occasionally talk, trying to somehow find a way to help Angie and Germ solve the problem. Each one gave her solution to Vilu's despair, because each one had a worse idea than the other. But deep down she knew her friends just wanted to help her with that whole situation.
"I've never seen Papa like this, he's completely lost.
- Yeah, you look terrible. - Says Francesca.
"Yes, it's really bad, you noticed. I think it was the first time you got our names wrong.
- Camila ... please do not say anything nice if you do not know anything nice.
- What's it! And the truth: he never knows our names ... but let's stop sorrow. And you and Diego, how are things?
"What things Francesca?" You did not tell me anything ... why do not I know anything?
"Because it's no big deal, Camila is overreacting.
"Exaggerate, they're going to live together, then marriage is a step.
- Marriage? Francesca, is this true? Are you going to marry Diego?
"Let's live together, yes, we've spent so much time together at Art Rebeld. It was not thought at all, he asked me and I said yes.
"But are you getting married?" This is a big step, are you sure?
"No, this is already an exaggeration of Camila's dreamy head. For now let's just live together and see how things go.
"I exaggerate ... well, but I think we should celebrate, what do you think?"
- Of course a song. - Violetta says.
"No se imaginan de que cosas hablamos
Estando en nuestro sitio especial Conversar
De moda, chicos, música y vocaciones
Sueños que se vuelven Canciones jugando
Secretos entre melodías Con mis amigas siempre imaginar
Un mundo mágico ideal Hablamos de todo siempre falta más
Planeta de las chicas, exclusividad
La clave son las risas Código amistad
Planeta de las chicas exclusividad
La clave son las risas Codigo amistad"
And the three of them start to sing, and as they sing Rosário knocks on the door, Olga almost does not want to believe what she sees: it's Clara, she's brought Clara ... and if her little girl is there, it means that Angie is coming back too. Rosary had gotten it, and as soon as she put the chair with Clara on the floor Olga hugged her and thanked her for having managed to bring Angie and her Clara back home.
"Olga ... Olga, where's Germ?" And who's singing? Is Vilu?
"In the office, yes, it's Vilu and her friends. My little girl is back, she's recognizing her Olivia ... and Angie, where's Angie?
In this enters Germ that when passing by the room looks at Violetta and is happy to see it to distract itself a little of all that confusion, it was thanks to Angie that Violetta can find its vocation, the friends, the Leon ... Angie, like Could they live without it? How could he live without his love? He does not know how to answer these questions, the only thing he knows and that he misses from his Angie. When she enters the kitchen and sees Clara do not want to believe, her mother had made it, she brought them back, however, he did not see Angie anywhere, and begins to think that perhaps her mother did not succeed. But then what was Clara doing with her? And where was Angie? What had happened? Her mother would never take Clara out of Angie, if Clara was here because Angie had authorized her ...
"Mom, where's Angie?" And what are you doing with Clara?
"Angie kept thinking about everything we said, it was an interesting conversation, and I really think it's important for both of us.
"Interesting?" What did you tell him? And what are you doing with Clara?
"I asked her to let me bring Clara so that you and Violetta could have a little with her, but I promised that I would take her after dinner."
"But will she come back?" No, of course not she'll never let Angelica know ... Mommy she's not coming back, is she?
- I do not know Germ, the truth is I do not know. And when he said that he really felt the pain in Germ's eyes, he was really suffering.
- She will not come back, I lost her mommy ... I lost her." "And without thinking he embraces Rosario as when he was little.
"Germ is calm, she kept thinking about everything we said, I think she realized that we were all suffering from this lie.
"She'll never tell Angelica Mom anything, I know her." Angelica is the most important person to her.
"You're right, Angie will never admit to hurting her mother." - Olga says, neither of them realized that she was listening to the conversation. As soon as he realized that if he was getting where he should not apologize and leave with the pretext of bringing the snack to Vilu and friends.
"Germ, I never knew, and I do not think you have any idea what that girl suffered in her life." In fact, I do not think even Angelica knows what her daughter suffered and suffers to this day.
"Suffered, suffer like that?" What did Angie tell you?
"Some things that made me understand better why she defended both Angelica.
"Mom, why do you say Angie is suffering or suffering explains?"
- Let's first give this beautiful "gift" to Violetta, I think it will cheer you up after so much sadness. We'll talk to the office later.
And so Germ, pick up Clara who is in the lap of her grandmother, as soon as she recognizes her father Clara gives the biggest smile that Germ ever saw; She knows where she is, she knows she's back home, Germ does not know how but she's sure that Clara feels her world is on the right track again. Rosario agrees with Gérmen that she would enter first and then call him. So enters the room while Vilu, Francesca and Camila sing, in the end applauds as hard as he can.
- Grandma! Vilu runs to give him a hug.
- My Princess, you look beautiful and big ... and sing like ...
"Mommy?" "And hug your grandmother again."
"Yes, at times it seems I was listening to Maria. Give me another princess hug, I do not know how I could be so long without seeing you.
- You do not show up, you're always traveling ... or ...
"Well, I've really lived in Seville with your aunt for a long time, you know that right?" - Ask Vilu ...
- Yes, I already know everything ... - Camila and Francesca decide to interrupt because Vilu should be alone with the family.
- Vilu, we're going. We'll call you tomorrow.
- Yes, we'll call you later to find out.
- Oh, sorry, I did not introduce you. Grandma: this is Francesca and this is Camila.
"Pleasure girls, but do not go away. I need to talk to your father ... - and turning to Camila and Francesca ... - why do not you stay for dinner, I'd like to meet you? And then you can help Vilu with the gift I brought you.
- Hold it? Grandma, I'm too old for you to bring me gifts ...
"Seriously, then I think I'll give it back ..."
"No ... I'm no longer old, but I love receiving them, what is it?"
- Germ you can enter ...
This one comes in bringing Clara to her lap, Vilu is delighted her little sister was back, and that could only mean that ... Angie. She would return, and she began to peer into the kitchen door where her father left, and then to look at her father and her grandmother.
"If Clara is here, and Angie ... where's Angie?"
"Your aunt Angeles did not come." I went to talk to her, it was a very enlightening conversation for the two of us, we have to give her Vilu another time. But I asked her to let me bring Clara to be with you.
- I thought ... when I saw Clara, I thought she ... - And although she tries to avoid the tears begin to trickle down her face.
"Vilu, your grandmother is right. "She needs time," Camila tells him. None of this is easy ... I mean ...
- Yes we know Angie well, she will never do anything to make you suffer, remember what she spent just to be with you. Remember what she suffered when she had to go to France.
Vilu looked at Francesca who gave her a hug, she was right, as usual, Angie always did everything to be with her, and to protect her: she posed as her perceiver to meet her, to be with her and her father Not to take it again.
"Camila and Francesca are right. - Germ tells him that he approaches Vilu with Clara in the lap. "Let's give Angie all the time she needs, but you take care of your sister, I need to go talk to your grandmother.
- Yes, yes ... - and taking Clara turns to her friends - Let's ... - And so the four went up: Vilu with Clara in the lap, Camilla and Francesca.
In the office Rosario and Gérmen talk about her visit to Angie, how she had been surprised but at the same time afraid of her visit, how difficult it had been to make her understand that everyone was suffering, as Rosario had made her realize that in the Angeles was angry not with Joseph, not with her, let alone with Germ, she was angry with her father, with Miguel.
- What do you mean, Miguel? Mom, why do you say that?
"Because, in fact, Miguel only stayed with Angelica because of Maria, at the time she threatened to take her away from him, and he could not bear it.
"Did Angelica do that?" I can't believe it ...
"A woman in love does everything not to lose the man she loves." Angelica was protecting her family, I had done the same I can't blame her ... she loved her family.
"But I still do not understand why you say that Angie is angry with her father, she loved him, she admired him.
- No doubt, Angeles was always a good girl, a sweet ...
"Then I do not understand why you say she's angry with her father?" - I'll explain: Angélica got pregnant with Angeles a little after I had Luzia. At the time it seemed to me that Miguel was happy, but after all it did not go well.
- What do you mean, Mom?
- Michael felt trapped in a marriage that no longer filled him, Angeles told me that ... that he treated her differently from Maria.
- As well? I went there many times before and after marrying Maria, I never realized anything. In fact he treated Angie as if it were his girl, he called her "Angelito."
"I remember that, too, but apparently it was not quite like that.
"No, Mama, no one who saw them together could say otherwise ...
"What I know is what Angels told me, and let's just say that the Miguel she described was not the Miguel I knew.
"I do not understand, Mom." Maria complained that Angie was very much protected by her mother, but especially her father.
"She told me that Miguel regretted being with Angelica and in some ways she was the memory of what she had lost.
- I do not understand? How was Angie the memory of anything?
"Of Luzia ... I do not know how but he knew about Luzia.
"Did he know about Luzia?" But how?
"I do not know, someone told you ... I do not know ..."
- I never said anything Mom, never ...
- I know, the only thing I know is that at the time Miguel just stayed with Angelica because of Maria, and then came Angeles who is basically only a year younger than Luzia ...
"I see, if it was not for Angie, he'd left Angelica and Maria. I would have struggled to stay with you, even though I might lose Maria.
"Yes, in a way, but then Angels came and he could not leave Angelica. That's why she stayed, but she blamed Angeles for not being able to leave that marriage, although she did not have it.
"But why did not Angie ever tell me about it, she always defended it when I accused her of Mary's death.
Because he was her father and she loved him. I think of all of us it was the one that suffered the most, and nobody ever knew.
"Angie ... always thinking about the pain of others instead of hers.
"I confess that I admire you, it must not have been easy to live with the certainty that your father did not want you."
"Now I understand why she does not want Angelica to know everything.
- What do you mean by that? - Rosary asks, not understanding well ...
"She's been silenced all these years, and now suddenly everything she has hidden from Angelica may be discovered."
"It should not be easy, but Germ lies never last forever, and all this is proof of it. I still think it best to tell it all and that's what I told Angeles.
"Maybe mom, but I'll respect Angie's decision, it's up to her to decide how and when to tell Angelica.
- As you wish. I was forgetting she gave me this letter.
"A letter to me?"
"Yes, and he asked me to tell you that he loves you, although I do not need to tell you that, right?"
"Thank you, Mom, and thank you for coming." And sorry for being so unfair to you ...
"Do not forgive me, I should have had you as soon as I came to help you, and I should never have asked you to hide all this." Well, now I'm going to enjoy my granddaughter.
Rosário approaches Germ and gives her a hug and a kiss on the cheek, despite all that tough guy mask she knew her son was suffering, and it was not easy for a mother to realize that her son was suffering and Who could not do much more than what she did. Germ smiles, and surrenders to that embrace ... because after all, even men occasionally need their mother's affection. Rosario leaves to go to her granddaughters and Germ sits ready to read Angie's letter.
He's visibly nervous, maybe she'd reconsidered and wanted to see it, yes, it could only be that ... but she'd decided to give it up ... pick up the letter and open it ...
We need to talk, come to the Studio with me as soon as you read this letter. Do not say where you come from, we need to talk to each other alone. I love you
From Your Angie "
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