Capítulo 7 - Forgotten Memories
And taking a picture of Germ and Angie's wedding, he recalls several moments in the past: that beautiful girl with blond hair, green eyes ... running, jumping, dancing, singing ... it seemed like yesterday that she had seen her like an angel Beautiful ... but there was a beautiful woman and the expression was still the same, she inspired a brilliant sweetness.
"She's still as beautiful as I remembered." She always had this look of an angel ... but she was so devilish ...
- You still remember Angie? But so many years passed.
"Yes, but there are features that do not change ... and Angeles has not changed at all, it has the same expression she had when she was a child. You remember when she fell on a Christmas and the tree fell on her, and when we took her out of there, she laughed as if it were nothing.
- Yes, Maria was so distressed ... but when we raised the tree Angie laughed ... with the lights all shuffled in that blond hair ...
- And these green eyes, which flooded us with sweetness, tenderness, candor, innocence until ... continues with the same look. Do you know where she is?
"I do not know, nobody knows. She does not answer the phone to anyone, I do not know her. I'm going crazy ... I can not imagine my life without her ... and Vilu is wrong, Angelica is worse ...
"And you've already looked for her, have you talked to her friends?"
"Yes, Mom, I searched everywhere." And I talked to Pablo, the director of the Studio is Angie's childhood friend, he was going to try to talk to her. Angelica thinks he knows where she is, but ... what worries me the most now is Dad ...
"Your father, of course, what did he do now?" Or rather saying what he wants to do?
"He's looking for Angie, he wants to get Clara." He wants to take her and Violetta to Madrid.
- Your father wants what? But he's worse than I thought ...
"You know what he's like, if you need to, you can get Clara's guard for him." Mom, I'm going crazy with all this ... I can not take it anymore ...
"You do not realize that your father has lived with this hatred for years, and he can not get rid of him-or rather he does not want to get rid of himself. Without this hatred he has nothing, he lost everything: he lost Angelica, he lost me, he lost you and Vilu. Germ, we have to stop this, Angelica has to know. If you take this trump off your father he will not be able to do anything.
"Angie will never let you." Mom, Angelica is ... everything to her. When Maria and Miguel died they only had each other, they supported themselves, they helped themselves, they had a very strong connection.
"Yes, I know that. It was very hard. They lost Maria, and in a way they lost Violetta, too.
"Because I was selfish and thought only of myself ..."
- Yes this is true. Soon after, Miguel died in a strange way. But Luzia is right: you do not have to pay for our mistakes.
- Yes we do not have to pay for your mistakes, but the truth is that we have always paid them. Ever.
- Why do you say this?
- Remember what I and Maria went through? What happened to get together?
"Yes, I remember well. This hatred, this anger, made us all suffer and it's time to end it. Germ you have suffered too much.
"Mom, I told you, Angie would rather give her life than see Angelica suffer through this whole story.
"Germ, where can I find this Pablo?" In this Studio? Give me the address, I want to talk to him, because whoever is going to speak to Angeles is not going to be you, not Angelica, let alone Jose. It's me.
Germ, in vain asked her not to go to Angie, that she would be the last person she wanted to talk to, but Rosary was determined, she had to be the one to talk or she was leaving for Seville. Since she could not get her mother to change her mind, she decided to offer to take her to the Studio, but she did not want to. She wanted to be the one to solve this matter, and either he let her do things her own way or she left for Spain again. Germ had no choice but to let her do what she wanted, thought worse than she could not stay.
When they were about to say goodbye, they rang the doorbell. This one opens the door and sees Pablo, and it was like if a light in his heart had come again that had been dark since Angie had left. The fact that he was there early in the morning could only mean that he had managed to speak to Angie, but could he have persuaded her to return home? Had he managed to get her to at least talk to him? Germ was as nervous as if he were a boy waiting to open his present for Christmas, but before they go to the office he introduces him to Rosario.
- Did you get Angie? She will be back? Can I talk to her? Pablo says something ...
"Calm Germ, yes, I spoke to her. But I told you and Angélica that it was going to be difficult, Angie is as stubborn as she is ... just like ...
- Same as father, Miguel. Yes, if there was a stubborn person, it was Miguel.
"But what did she say, Pablo?" Did you tell him what my father wants to do? She will be back? Can I talk to her?
"Germ, you know Angie, she'll never let Jose tell Angelica anything. And in relation to the rest ...
"But you told her that she could be without Clara ... that if only I knew where she was we could prevent him from doing something, that I will respect the time she needs, that I just do not want my father to take her away Clara.
"Yes, I told him everything." That you only wanted to try to solve everything, that you did not want to take away Clara, but she says that she has already abdicated you, that she would not give up on Clara, nor allow Angelica to know anything.
- I knew, I knew ... she'll never let Angelica suffer ...
"Pablo, can I call you that?" - And seeing that this one does not oppose - Allow me to ask you a question?
- Sure, say ...
"Pablo knows where Angie is, do not you?" - Pablo was somewhat surprised ... - From your speech it seems to me that you were with her personally, am I wrong?
- No, it's not. I know ... - and looking at Germ ... - I'm sorry I did not have anything, and it was so hard to lie, especially Angelica ... but I had promised Angie that I would help her.
- I realize Pablo, I wanted to help Angeles, but I think now you have realized that for this you have to tell us where it is.
"Yes, and that's what I came here for. I know Angie will hate me for doing what I'm going to do, but someone needs to stop her from doing something crazy.
"What madness are you talking about, Paul?" - Question Germ scared.
- To flee, to disappear. Then your father would be right, I can not do it ... I'm going to take you to where Germ is.
"No, you're going to take me." I'm going to talk to her.
"Mom, I do not think that's a good idea. If Angie does not want to see me ... much less will she want to see you.
"Germ, you were right in what you said, you can not be suffering for our mistakes. And God knows the mistakes we've all made over the years.
- Mom, I do not know if Angie will want to talk to you, soon with you: you are the mother of Luzia, the daughter Miguel had of the betrayal ... sorry to be telling you this, but that's how Angie will see you.
"Luzia is your sister, and you are perhaps the one who is least to blame. Angie will have to accept things as they are. Come on Pablo?
"I do not want to get into things that are not mine, but I've known Angie for many years, I know her better than Germ ..."
- Listen to Pablo, Mom ... he knows Angie very well ...
"Well, I do not think it wise to go to Madame to talk to Angie." As the Germ said, she will associate it with everything that led to this situation in the first place: the father, the betrayal, the daughter who was born, the blackmail that you are being targeted, and even the very relation that she had With his father before and after the death of Mary.
- What are you talking about, Pablo? How did Angie relate to her father?
"Well, I'm not going to go into details, but let's just say it was not the best and after Maria died it got a little worse.
"Well, agree or disagree, I'll speak to Angeles."
Pablo looked at Gérmen who, looking at his mother, decided that nothing would change her mind, so he gave Pablo a signal to do what his mother was asking him to do, and so they went out to meet Angie.
When they arrived Pablo wanted to enter with Rosario, he thought that perhaps it would be easier for Angie to have him around although at the same time he was able to send him away in anger that he had told Rosario and Gérmen where she was, but She made him stay in the car, saying that this was a matter between them and asked to tell him what the apartment was, leaving Pablo waiting.
Angie was with Brenda who was now his company during the days that was closed at home, she had become a good friend and helped her with Clara so that Angie could rest and sleep. But now Brenda was there because she had agreed with Pablo, they were afraid that if Gérmen appeared without anyone being there with Angie this would not open the door, so while he was going to get Germ, she would stay with Angie to ensure that The door would open to Germ. When they knock on the door, Brenda is going to open Clarita in her lap, she knows who she would be, at least that's what she thought.
- Good morning, is Angeles?
"No Angels live here, you must have cheated at the door." "Brenda has no idea who Rosario is, let alone know everything that happened at Gérmen's house, and that Pablo was forced to come with Rosario instead of Germ.
"I know that Angeles lives here, even because I recognize my granddaughter from the photographs my son sent me. Do not worry, I just want to talk to her, I did not come to take Clara, let alone tell my ex-husband where she is.
"I did not know that ... Sorry, come in." I was just waiting for someone else.
"I know I was expecting my son, I know. But I came ... can you go and call Angeles please?
- I'll call her, she's resting. But I do not know how she'll react.
"She will not react well, I know. But do not worry, I just want to talk to her.
- Excuse me, I'll call you ... - Brenda left Rosario in the room ...
When she enters the room, Angie was sleeping, woke her up apologizing but Clara's grandmother was in the room and wanted to talk to her. When she learned that Clara's grandmother was there, she immediately thought of Angelica, and in a fraction of a second it occurred to her that her mother would know everything, after the sacrifice she had made, Jose had done it: she had told of her father's betrayal . She could not believe it, it was not possible, Germ would have prevented her from being sure, but another reason would lead her to come to her, Pablo knew that only if it was an urgency could he tell her where she would be, and she trusted Pablo , But thinking about last night's conversation, would he have been able to tell Angelica everything? Pablo did not like Angelica too much, she was like a mother to him, he would never do anything to see her suffer.
When entering the room it was not the mother who saw it, it was Rosário, the mother of Gérmen. She had always remembered how she had treated her well when they saw each other in the years of Mary, in the Nativity, and later in the years of Violetta; And though he realized now that he had every reason to treat her badly, he had never done it. Now that she knew the truth, Angie thought that Rosario had every reason to never have liked her, but her mother had never treated her badly. On the contrary, she had always treated her well, she never forgot her years, always giving her Some present and to be present at their parties. But anyway Angie was petrified, icy was not quite sure what to do or say, Rosary was clearly the last person she expected to see there that day.
"Angels, you look the same ... beautiful as I remembered, and those eyes that charmed us all. When he looked at her with a startled look but also something frightened, Rosary smiled. "Do not worry, I did not come to you to get Clara, I just came to talk to you, and I'm going to meet my granddaughter, who really is very much like you.
- I do not understand, what are you doing here? How did you know where I was?
"Your friend Pablo, he went to Germ this morning. - Angie looks at Brenda who continues with Clara in her lap, and then to Rosario. - I also arrived yesterday from Spain and it was precisely at that time at Gérmen's house to talk to him about you when your friend arrived, it was a coincidence ...
Angie looks at Brenda again without realizing how Pablo had been able to go talk to Germ, tell Rosario where she was. She'd trusted both of them, but he'd ... betrayed her.
- How did Pablo ... I ... I trusted you. As...?
"Sorry, Angie, Pablo and I talked and we thought you and Germ had to talk. They have to solve what they are going to do without no one suffering, because how are things you will all suffer.
"I trusted you. In you, in Pablo ... and you went running to tell Germ ... and they say my friends?
"Angie, you're going to be without Clara if you continued like this ... we just wanted to help you."
- Help out? They wanted to help ... how?
"Angeles, please do not be angry with your friends, they did it with the intention of taking care of you. And then your friend is right, we have to sort this out.
- It is not that easy. I wish it was that easy ... but it's not. But if you think it's that easy, give me a solution, where no one comes out to suffer? "Neither Rosary nor Brenda respond." You know why they say nothing? Because there is no solution, in the midst of all this lie we will all suffer in some way.
"It was not you who were tired of everything: the lies, the deceptions and the secrets ... so let's get this story out once and for all. If we withdraw this trump card from Joseph ...
"No, my mother will never know of this story, ever. If I can keep her from suffering, I will do whatever it takes ... I give up everything.
"Please let me speak to Angeles alone." - Rosary says to Brenda, since she wanted to have this conversation alone with Angie - Pablo is down there, because they are not going to walk with Clara a little. - And looking at Angie who nods as if to say she consents, Brenda goes out with Clara. - Can we please just talk?
"I have nothing to talk to you about Rosário. If it's up to me, my mother will never know anything about it, she does not deserve to suffer anymore.
"And you are going to suffer, Germ and all those around you for mistakes that we four have made?" Yeah, because we all messed up, even your mother.
- My mother? It was you who betrayed her, where did my mother go wrong?
"Angels, your mother is not an innocent in this, your mother knew that your father was willing to leave that marriage.
"The only mistake was perhaps this: I did not give up on my father earlier. She loved him ... too much.
"I do not doubt-but she made a mistake in deciding to blackmail your father."
"No, she loved him. She would do anything for him and for us ... she would never ...
"She took advantage of the fact that your father loved your sister Maria too much." He was willing to leave everything and stay with me, but your mother told him that if he did, he would be without Maria.
"No, she would never do that ... she would never do that ..." Angie could not believe her mother would do something like that ... not her mother was not like that.
"But the truth is, I do not tell you that I did it with bad intentions, I believe that she loved him and was willing to do anything to keep him with her ... that she did it out of love.
"My mother would never do that, she loved my father ... she would never pressure him ... no ...
"She did... And then you were born, you looked like an Angel." Angeles, that day I realized that I had lost him forever. If you only knew how his eyes flashed when they first saw you ...
"He never ... he never wanted me to be born, I know, he told me before he died." Yet it was my father and I loved him ...
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