Capítulo 7 - Forgotten Memories
Germ hoped Violetta would start asking questions without stopping, but instead she got up and took the picture of them all four, and when she turned around she stared at him for a moment and then sat down next to him and hugged him . A hug where he unloaded all the frustration he felt but also all the love. It was a brief hug but Germ felt it lasted for hours.
"Vilu, do you want to ask me a question?" I know you must be very confused ...
"Papa, I hope you know that Angie loves you very much, and that you are suffering from all this. And yes I have lots of questions, but the main one where Angie is? Do you know where it's right?
"No, Vilu, I have no idea where she is, but I and your grandmother Angelica are already looking.
- But ...
"Vilu, I know you want answers about where Angie and Clara are but I still can not give them. And you're sure to have more questions.
- Yes, I have ... of course I do. Dad, and this "Auntie" that "popped up" out of nowhere, do you know where she is?
- I know, she lives in Spain, more precisely in Seville. In fact your grandmother took her to see the show last year, she already knows you from afar.
- She went to the concert? And grandmother Rosario too? And you know her?
"No, I've never seen her. What I do know is that your grandmother had left her with "a friend" for her to raise. Your grandfather ... well you know enough about your grandfather to imagine what he said to your grandmother.
- Yes, I think I'm getting to know you. Do you know anything else, what's its name, do you know us?
"Her name is Luzia, and it seems she always knew everything." Your grandmother told me this morning that ...
- You talked to Grandma Rosario, she comes to Buenos Aires?
"Yes, I did, and she does not come." I told her because you know she can always get around to your grandfather ... but she's not coming.
"But she knows where yours is, your ... this is so confusing dad."
"I know, yes, she told me Luzia, I always knew your grandmother was your mother. They saw each other from time to time, because your grandmother often went to Seville to see her. At the time I did not even notice anything, I always thought she gave it and everything was settled.
- And after all, Grandma Rosario never left her ... but ...
"No, never, and never left her with a supposed" friend. " Luzia was raised with Aunt Mercedes, she always knew who she was and the whole story behind her birth.
"And Angie knew it now." Germ nodded. "And did Mom know?"
"No, your mother never knew." And I'm sorry to tell you that your grandmother Angelica could never know, that's why Angie left the house.
"I would never tell you anything, Papa, but ... why did you tell me?" You could have just given me Angie's letter ...
- Yes, Vilu could. But as Angie says, and your Grandmother Rosary also told me on the phone, it's time to end the lies and I promised Angie and you that I would never lie again. I failed that promise with Angie but I will not fail you.
- Dad, what's going to happen now? Grandma Angelica may not know she would suffer much. The other day you were hours talking to me about Grandpa Miguel, you should have seen the sparkle in her eyes.
"I know Vilu, I know. But your grandfather will not stop, he wants ... to return to Spain. - Vilu looks at Germ not realizing what the problem is ... - He wants to go back to Spain with us: with me, with you and with Clara.
"Does Grandpa want to ... want to take Clara out of Angie?" You want to separate them! No, Papa, you can not leave, you can not. You know what Angie suffered for me, you can not let Grandpa do this ...
- Calm Vilu, I will not leave of course not. But you know how your grandfather should already have the best lawyers working on the crazy theory that he invented that Angie kidnapped Clara, and he must have hired all the detectives he found in Buenos Aires to get them looking for them.
"Papa, you can not leave him, please, Angie does not deserve it. And I do not want to go back to Spain I have everything: my work in the Studio, my friends and I have Leon.
- Calm down, nobody's going anywhere. I'm on the subject of Clara, I do not want to and I'm not going to take Clara out of Angie.
"But Papa, what about Grandpa?"
"You're rested, I'll take care of it." Vilu hears, I do not know how Angie and I are going to solve this whole situation but I'm sure she'll never take us away from Clara.
"I know Papa, but how are you going to stop Grandpa from doing what he wants, we have to get Angie to tell him, you called him already, did you try to talk to her?"
- Violetta, take it easy. I tried to talk to her, your grandmother tried to talk to her; But Angie does not respond to us, which in a way one would expect, with all this history, Angie must still be processing everything.
"So how can we warn you?" If she does not answer any of us because I've tried it too and she will not answer.
"I and your grandmother have already spoken to Pablo, if there is anyone who can manage to speak to Angie, it's Pablo, she trusts him.
- You are sure? And if she does not answer, what if Pablo can not even talk to her?
"Let's live one day at a time. Today we have this hypothesis, tomorrow we will see. Vilu, the only thing I promise you is that I'm going to try that neither Angie nor Clara will suffer from a mistake your grandparents made.
"And you, Papa, are not you suffering?" Who helps you?
- I got you. And now let's rest, tomorrow is a new day.
"Papa ... I need a hug ..." and he reaches out to Germ, waiting, longing for that hug ... "Dad stays with me until I fall asleep ... please, please?"
- I stay, until you sleep like when you were little ...
- And he was calling for Mom ...
"Yes." And he held her as he had not hugged her for a long time, it was not only her that hugged him, he too received that hug as if he had been asking for it, deep down without realizing both needed each other's support . - Vilu, I want you to know: we're going to be a family again. I do not know when, nor how but I will not give up, Angie and Clara will come back to us. Promise. - And so with this promise, they embrace and let themselves be like this, together, inseparable, supporting their hurt, their pain.
Meanwhile Pablo and Brenda go to see Angie, he is not sure how he's going to tell him what Jose wants to do and is visibly anxious, he knows it's going to be a blow to Angie, but he also knows she will not give in easily ... Brenda He realizes and before he gets out of the car he hugs him and kisses him.
- I love you. By being who you are: and you are the best person I know.
Pablo smiles and returns the kiss, and without knowing why all his nervousness diminishes, although still does not know how to begin all that conversation with Angie, she had to know of the Machiavellian plan of that man, she had to return to house of Germ, first not to lose Clara and then to end all this lie that only served to make them suffer at all. It had to be her to tell Angelica. Pablo leaves the car and heads for the house where Angie is, Brenda is in the car waiting for him.
"Pablo, what are you doing here at this hour, we agreed that we would only talk on the phone.
- Talk on the phone? It's difficult when you turn it off so neither Germ, nor your mother, nor anyone will tell you.
- I'm sorry, I forgot. But what did you come here for? Has anything happened to my mother? Is Vilu? What happened? She is fine?
"Your mother is well within reach." Vilu is ... sad, confused, angry with her grandfather. But most of all, she's worried about you and Clara.
"Then why did you come?" We had agreed ...
- That I would only come here for an emergency. I know...
"So what's the urgency ... if nothing happened to my mother or Vilu ... Is that Germ?" What happened?
- You can let me speak, please. I came because your mother and Germ came to me, your mother thinks I know where you are.
"How does she know?" Did you tell him anything?
"No, but your mother knows we're friends, good friends. Besides, she knows me very well ... anyway I think I managed to convince her and the Germ that did not know about you, but that I would try to give you a message that they asked me.
- Message? What message? Pablo ...
"You will not like what I tell you." They came to me ...
- Pablo says at once you're making me nervous.
"Well, Geren's father ... he's looking for you." He wants to get you out of Clara.
- What? Clara is my daughter he can not ...
"Angie, he might even. He says you ran away with Clara that you kidnapped her, and in a way he's right. You are depriving Germ of being with the daughter.
"But Germ knows why I did what I did. He knows why I left the house, he can not ... he would not do me such a thing !?
"Germ has nothing to do with it, that's why he wants to see you." He wants to know where you are, because that way the man can not do anything.
"No, I do not want to ... I can not.
"Angie, if you do not and he'll find you, he'll take you away, Clara."
"He will not find me, even if I have to leave Argentina, even if I have to go to the end of the world. What does that man think, that he just snaps his fingers and has everything he wants ...
"From what Angelica told me, he basically gets everything he wants, has many good contacts and relationships ... I was scared.
"No, I have already abdicated Germ, I will not give up on my daughter.
- Angie thinks well, you do not have to go back home. Germ just wants to help you, he just wants to talk to you and find a way to solve all this.
"No, Pablo, I told you. I can not ... if Germ comes, if I see him, I can not ... I can not keep away from him.
"Angie ... please at least let me tell you where you are, he does not need to see you, I'll make him promise not to see you?"
- No Pablo ... you promised that you would help me, but if you do not want to I'll leave here I'll find another place ...
"I told your mother that it would be difficult ... you are so stubborn."
"Now I'm stubborn, that ... that" lord "does what he wants and I'm stubborn.
"You're stubborn, yes, but is there nothing I can tell you to change your mind?" Angie looked at him determinedly and with the face of who was certain of what she was doing. "Well then, I'm going to leave, I hope you know what you're doing." And almost at the door he turns to Angie. - You know you can count on me ..
She said goodbye to Angie and went to Brenda who was waiting for her in the car, told her that as Angie had anticipated refusing to meet Germ, he had even proposed to tell Germ where she was making him promise not to come To see her, but she was irreducible. Angie was willing to flee the country with Clara if necessary, and knowing her as he knew her, she was quite capable of doing so.
"Now what are you going to do?" Do you really think she can be without Clara?
"If Germ's father finds her I have no doubt she'll be without Clara." And I know the decision should be hers but ... I can not allow it, Angie would not take it.
"You can not leave things like that, can you?" And what do we do?
- What we do?
"Do not even think I'm leaving you alone, Angie is already a friend to me, and I know she's suffering from being away from Germ.
- I know and she just confirmed me, she says she does not want to see Germ because if she sees it she will not be able to go back to him; So I've decided tomorrow I'm going to talk to Gérmen.
- Are you sure it's the best? I do not know ... they love each other and note it but I think Angie is not ready to see it.
"I do not know, I think she even wants to see it. But you're afraid ...
"Maybe, I agree with you, Angie deep down, but she left the house, abdicated Germ, not because she did not love him but because his father" forced her. "
"I know she left, and I also know she's probably going to be mad at me for a long time, but I will not let her go without Clara." I'm not going to ...
"I know she'll forgive you ... when it's all settled, when she sees you've done everything to help her."
- Perhaps. Maybe someday she'll thank me.
- Pablo, you are more than friends, are brothers ... and I know that as soon as she realizes that you did because you love her, as a brother loves a sister, she will excuse everything.
"Maybe ... but I can not help but feel that I'm betraying you ..."
"Pablo ... you're not betraying her, you're trying to help her."
- You're right. Tomorrow, I'm going to talk to Gérmen, I'll tell you where Angie is, they have to talk, they have to find a solution to all this, but the two of them together.
- I do not know if there is one, I've been talking to Angie and in one thing she's right: any solution you get will always be lost. Whatever choice she will always suffer either through Germ or Angelica.
"But getting away, lying does not solve anything either."
Pablo was sure that if she spoke to Gérmen, everything would work out, they loved each other and either she was wrong or an opportunity to see each other, to say that everything or almost everything would be solved. They followed the two of them home, with the certainty that throughout this story all involved would suffer in one way or another, and there was no return: Angie, Germ, Angelica, Vilu and even Clara would suffer for all this anger that Joseph had.
When dawn came Germ realized he had fallen asleep in Violetta's room. She was still sleeping next to him, without making a noise he leaves and after arranging goes down to the office, Olga who was already in the kitchen decides to take her breakfast to the office, you know that none of them have been able to eat or even sleep After all these last events. When he was about to take it, they rang the bell, and it was going to open: it was Rosario. Olga does not even want to believe! First Joseph, now Rosary, was all happening at the same time, it was all very complicated, very confusing, very tumultuous and Olga was astonished. Rosário greets her and asks her for Gérmen, she can not speak but indicates the office, she realizes that Olga was taking breakfast to Gérmen, picks up the tray and asks Olga to prepare a coffee, Then turns and knocks on the office door. Germ convinced that it is Olga or Ramalho orders to enter.
"Can I get Germ?"
- Mom! But I thought you would not come ... you said you were not coming.
"Yes, and it was not to come, but your sister, Luzia, convinced me."
Luzia, convince you?- Germ was incredulous.
"Yes. I told her everything you said to me on the phone. And you can thank your sister for being very convincing when she wants to. "Germ makes a face of wonder, angrily ... confused.
- And you decided to come because Luzia convinced you ... but when I asked you, you did not even think twice and you said no, and you still want me to thank Luzia ...
"Germ, jealousy scene at your age ... do not you think you're a little grown up for it?"
"They're not jealous, I just think it's incredible ... you just came because your daughter told you to come and when it was me, your son, who begged for your help, you just ignored me and told me to deal with it."
"She just told me it would be a good opportunity for everyone, and I include Angelica, to know everything." And that you needed my help ... but if you do not want to go back to Seville ...
- No, sorry mom, I'm tired have been difficult days. And I also told you that Angie will never let Angelica know about ... this whole story between you and Miguel ... she loves you too much.
"Now I tell you that it is not fair to punish Luzia. She wants to know you, to be with your family: with you, with Violetta, with Angie, with Clara.
"I do not think it's going to happen so soon, Mom." I'm sorry, and I know Luzia is not to blame but they have to give Angie time.
- That's why I decided to come. I did not come to speak with your father, nor with you, and least of all with Angelica ... I came to speak to Angeles.
"Did you come talk to Angie?"
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