Capítulo 6 - Looking for Angie
And in the middle of this discussion between Germen and Jose, Violetta and Leon enter, she does not even want to believe what she's hearing ... she remembers well that her grandfather never liked talking about her mother, she always ran away from the topic or when she insisted She would tell him that her mother had given up living-but to hear him say everything about her mother and Angie, too, a person her grandfather did not even know-she could not allow. She begins to feel something inside her that she had never felt before: a revolt, an anger, an anger that consumes her and was about to explode; She could not let her grandfather talk like this to his mother or to Angie. Leon realizing his tension, Vilu's change of features, tries to grab her in order to prevent her from doing something she later regrets, but Vilu is faster and walks around the room screaming ...
- How can you ... how can you talk about my mother like that ... you're talking about my mom.
"Vilu, please be calm. Leon tells her that he tries to somehow calm her down. - That way you will not get anything ...
"No, Leon, I'm tired. You can not talk like that about my mother, I will not let you. And how can you talk about Angie like that? From someone you do not even know, how can you have such a grudge ...
- Violet! But what are these? "Joseph is amazed, and somewhat surprised, never before had she spoken to him like that.
"Violetta, please come up with Leon, let me talk to your grandfather ..."
"No, Papa, it's always been this way, as far back as I can remember, when I asked her something about Mommy or she did not answer or spoke ill of her.
- Dad, is this true? I can not believe you said Maria badly to Violetta. It was her mom, the woman I loved ...
"I never hid what I thought of" your wife. " - José is furious not only by the way Vilu talks to him but also by Germ.
"I never told you Papa, because you did not like to talk about her, either, because it made you suffer ... but Grandpa said he did not speak to my mom ... he said that she had abandoned me, that she had never liked me, because she only has Hate in the heart.
"Are Germs going to let her talk to me like this?" I never...
"Vilu, please, before you say what you do not owe ..." he asked her without the exact words to go into the room. - Leon please ...
- He only knows how to speak badly about everything and everything, what is worse is that you continue to speak badly about mom, and now Angie you do not even know ... you do not know what love is only hate within you.
"I will not let you talk to me like this, you heard ..." and she approaches Violetta, she does not know if her grandfather would beat her or if she just wanted to intimidate her ... but it would not work, she was not afraid. Jose was ready to beat Vilu ... Leon tries to intervene but Germ is faster ...
"Papa ... do not you dare touch Vilu ... my love, please let me talk to your grandfather ..." But she was so angry she could not even hear her father.
"You do not admit to me, Grandfather, I do not admit to you that you speak ill of my mother." And I will not allow you to speak evil of Angie, which to me is like the mother I never had.
"And why did not you ever think of it?"
"Mom had an accident ... it was an accident no one was to blame.
- An accident! It was an accident that could have been prevented. Your other "grandfather" forced her to go to that concert, it was he who killed her.
- What do you mean by that? It was an accident, no one was to blame, Daddy did you hide something about my mom's death ?!
- No, Vilu, it was an accident, no one was to blame. Dad arrives ...
- She deserves to know the whole truth, it's what she wants is not, it's what she's going to have ... it was your grandfather Miguel and Antônio who made her go to that concert ...
- Papa, I'm asking you calmly... that's enough. Vilu go to yuor bedroom please, I'm going to meet you there and we'll talk...
- No, now she'll hear: It was they who made yuor mother accept that concert. And she did not say no to her dad, she left you, abandoned you for a concert. Instead of staying with you she went after ... after him ... and the music, she left you both for her music.
- Daddy stop... Vilu was an accident. Your mother wanted to say goodbye to her fans, she wanted to be with you on a full-time basis for at least a few years ... but what we less expected happened...
"Are not you lying to me, Dad?"
"No, I'm not. And now please go with Leon ...
"You're going to let her go like that after everything she's told me ..."
- Grandfather arrives I do not want to hear any more, I always forgive you what you said, what you did because you were my grandfather; Because I thought I only had you, the grandmother and the papa, because I still liked you.
"Would you like it?" Does that mean what you do not like me anymore? It's good to know that you "liked" me ...
"I mean, now whoever hates you ... no hate is too bad a feeling." I'll just forget that you exist ...
- Vilu ... come on ... please. - says Germen
"He does not deserve all the love I gave you for years, Dad ..."
. Please, Vilu, go with Leon. - turning to Leon ... - Take her to the room ... - and turning to Violetta ... - Go now I'll have you, please.
"No, I do not want to go to the fourth dad, I want to know about Angie, where are you?" Is Clara Daddy? Where is Clara?
"Vilu, I'm coming to you and answering all the questions, but please go to your room. - and turning back to Leon - Take her up please ... Vilu ... do not complicate things further.
Leon well tries to take Violetta but this insists on staying, she does not intend to leave the room without knowing of Angie and of Clara.
"Papa, please, wherever they are, you can not let them go, even if they separate them, you can not ..."
- Vilu please ... Leon takes her please.
"Come on, my love, your father is right, you have to calm down.
- All right, I'll go. - and turning to his grandfather. "But today is a sad day: I just did not have the only grandfather I still had, for me you died.
And having said that he went up the stairs furiously and headed for the room, always with Leon behind, when he entered he took the cushions and everything he could and threw against the window. Until Leon approached her, he hugged her and he felt her give in to all the frustration, disillusionment, disappointment, anger, fury ... he knew that Vilu needed to externalize everything he was feeling and continued to hold her while she Let it go in that wave of tears that invaded the soul, the body, his whole being; Until finally she gave in to the fatigue of crying and fell asleep with tears of sadness, hurt, pain and longing.
In the Germ Room he tries to calm himself but his father too, he knew that Vilu should not have had half what he had said, though much of that was true, it was not for her to say. But at the same time she understood all the anger in her voice, she had never seen her so out of her mind, so furious. But despite everything Grandfather had done or did in the future, she owed him respect for being who he was and also because he was older. At the same time he thought of everything Vilu had said and how he wished he had had the courage to say it. Joseph in turn was incredulous with everything that had happened, the way Violetta had challenged him.
"I do not believe you, did you hear what she told me?"
"I heard Papa, and I know Vilu should not have had what he said ..."
"She's completely out of control, we have to do something before it's too late."
- Do something?
- Yes she said to me things that .. that I never thought to hear ... I never thought, she is completely out of control, completely ...
"Try to understand, please, she came in and hears you speak badly of Maria and Angie ... you were talking about her mother, Papa!" And apparently it had not been the first time. How could you speak evil of Mary, was her mother.
"I never hid what I thought of her."
"But then I said badly about Maria to Violetta ... she was a child ... how could you ... I do not believe ..."
"I've always argued that children should know the truth... And I've never said anything to Violetta except for the truth." And then you agreed never to talk about Maria or the music.
"Yes, I know I agreed, and today I know I did too badly. But then, to speak badly ... Papa was her mother, how could you speak evil of Mary? And Angie, she's like a bit of Maria to Vilu, she's a mother to her. Besides, if you knew her, you would know immediately that she is: affectionate, kind, attractive ...
- Enough. I said nothing that was a lie: they left you both with the difference that one of you left your daughter and the other stole it.
"Stop saying that, neither Maria nor Angie abandoned me. And Angie did not rob me of Clara ...
- Well seen things Angeles is much worse ... after all you ran away with your daughter ... and you as a fool in love do nothing.
"Papa, I will not admit to you that you continue to speak ill of Mary or Angie. I told you that Clara is fine, she's with her mother and I'm not going to do anything.
"What about Violetta?" Are you gonna leave it like this?
"I'll talk to her soon, do not worry. I know she's outdone herself, I'll talk to her.
- You talk to her? That's how you do things now ... you talk to her. No wonder she is as she is.
"Dad, please ... I'm tired, exhausted, devastated by all this. I told you, I'll tell her and I'll reprimand her.
- Speak! No, I think it's better ... you have to pack your bags and come to Spain with me ...
"Papa ... please ... enough plans, no trips that will not happen."
- Yes, that's it. I'm going to take care of all four of you: I, you, Violetta and of course Clara, I'll speak to the lawyers today. And in relation to Violetta we straightened that girl in an instant far from the bad influences.
- Dad! Are you listening to yourself?
"I am, and that's the best you have to do." You have to come to Madrid, there Violetta will return to her classes at home and Clara will be safe from ...
- For! You're deciding for me, when life is mine, the daughters are mine. I'm not going anywhere, Violetta is no longer a girl she grew up and in relation to Clara she is very well with Angie.
And at this the door knocks, Olga enters and opens the door, it's Angelica who came looking for Violetta. Germ does not know what to do, is the father able to say something to Angelica about the case of Rosario with Miguel? About Luzia? No, he had gotten what he wanted: Angie was out of his life, yet he was furious that she had taken Clara, would he be able to tell something for revenge? Would that be enough for Jose to tell him? He could not believe it, Angie had sacrificed everything so that Angelica did not know anything, and now it would end like this. No, he had to stop, he had to do it for Angie, he could not let it all go in vain ... on the other hand and if he did not stop, and if Jose told him everything ... no Angie would ever forgive him, Had to stop.
- Angelica. You're going to offend me, too, or you'll see if Violetta did well after you and your daughter turned me on.
"I do not know what you're talking about, José, I really do not know.
"Do not be naive, you and your daughter Angels have been able to put my granddaughter against me. You do not even know what she told me ...
- Joseph, what are you talking about? I do not understand anything you're talking about. Neither I nor Angie said anything to Vilu.
"It was you who instructed her, who manipulated her." And turning to Germ. "You should never have allowed them to approach Violetta, Germ."
"Papa, she was nervous," and turning to Angelica. "She got word that Angie left the house ..."
"That was the only good news I had today.
- Dad ... please come.
"Joseph, I can not believe you're saying such a thing. I know that you think I betrayed you for choosing Miguel and not you, that you think Miguel betrayed you because he stole from you ... but ...
"It's not just for this ... your husband betrayed me, yes and twice ... and you too." Germ was "cold" ... he had to keep his father from telling.
- Dad! Please, come ... I can not take it anymore.
"Jose, Miguel could have many defects but he would never betray your friendship ... he was devastated by your estrangement.
"Angelica, do not be naive. He was false, treacherous, you do not even know what he was capable of, nothing surprised me. But you're very mistaken about Miguel ... and your daughter "Angie" has to go out ...
"I will not allow you to talk like that about my husband, let alone Angie, she would never do anything to hurt Violetta." And ignoring Joseph, he turned to Germ. - I came to see Vilu, she left the Studio very nervous after hearing that Angie left the house.
- Yes, I realized when she got home that she already knew everything ... she was ...
- Out of control. Completely uncontrolled. - says José.
- Nervous. Yes I said some things that I know were said without thinking ...
- Without thinking Germ? Flames say that the grandfather died for her, something without thinking?
"Papa ..." And he turned to Angelica. "How did she know?"
"She caught me talking to Pablo, and she read the letter that Angie left me. Sorry for the germ.
"Okay, do not worry, she'd know.
"I know, but not this way, not like this. But where is she?
"She's up there with Leon now, I'm going to talk to her shortly." Even because Angie left a letter to her, too.
"But what happened?" Why did she leave like this? And do you know where she is?
"Angelica, I do not know, I have no idea where she is. But she asked me for space and time and I'll give them to her.
At this point Joseph watched the perplexed conversation with Angelique and Gérmen's speech, as if nothing had happened in the past, he could not believe it: the son had lost all sense of all that had happened, of what he had suffered. But when Germ hinted that he was not going to do anything about the fact that Angie had taken her granddaughter away, not knowing where she would be ... he could not stay silent longer. It was too much ...
- You can not be serious! It's clear? She's your daughter, she kidnapped your daughter!
- Dad's home. Angie took Clara with my authorization, and that's what I'm going to tell anyone who wants to hear it: the police, the lawyers, the court, the army; This if you continue with this crazy idea.
- Police, Court !? Germ that Joseph is talking about, are not you thinking of taking Clara out of Angie? You can not take her away from Angie, you would destroy her ... you know ...
"Do not worry, Angelica, nobody's going to do anything here, is it, Dad?"
"You're both fooling yourself, I'm not going to let that ... that ..."
- Joseph! Please, you're talking about my daughter ...
"She's not staying with my granddaughter." If she wants to leave Germ, let her, but my granddaughter stays in this house.
"Joseph, she's Clara's mother, and then Germ ..."
"Germ can decide not to do anything, but I'm not going to sit still ... it does not do it for me. There for being a mother can not disappear like that with my granddaughter. No, what she did was kidnapping.
- Jose thinks please, do you really think that after everything we've gone through with Vilu's departure that you forced us to, will she do the same to Clara? You see that you do not know her, that you do not know what Angie suffered ...
"Why not. To punish me for Germ, for vengeance.
"Joseph, you do not know her, she is not spiteful, she would never separate Clara from Germ, let alone from Vilu.
- Dad, I think you said more than enough. Please go, go away. I need to go see Vilu and I need some peace.
- Are you sending me away from your house?
- Yeah, dad, I'm telling you to leave.
"Will you send me away, but this" Lady "stays?
- Dad ... please go. Angelica stays because I want her to stay. Vilu may need his grandmother.
"But the grandfather did not, of course, because the" grandfather "died for her because her grandmother put her against me.
"Joseph, I would never do that ... if she is angry with you, it may be because you really can not love anyone, because you live in the past, because you live full of a grudge that has no reason to be. Because you do not know how to love ... you control those you love ... but you do not know them to love, you never knew and you will never know.
"I've noticed that I'm disturbing... but you can be sure that this does not stay this way. Oh can be sure of that.
- Dad, please do not make this harder ... please ...
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