Capítulo 6 - Looking For Angie
In the Studio, Pablo thought of what Angie was going through: how unhappy she was, how Violetta would stay when she knew, and even in Germen, this time Pablo knew that he wasn't guilty of what was happening. He tried to find a way to help Angie, but the more he thought, the more he came to the conclusion that the only thing to do was tell Angelica, "this would be the best solution," he thought to himself, and it would be better for Angelica knew by Angie than by Joseph or someone else. And then why did she have to give up her life because of some of her father's lies. She had suffered so much in the past by the contempt that after the death of his sister he confined her, and as if that were not enough she was the one who find him the day he died, he died in her arms and Pablo still remembered well how she had stayed after that day.
It had been difficult days, Angie had entered a deep depression nothing made her come out of that deep hurt, in spite of everything she loved her father as maybe he had never loved her. So Pablo wondered why she had to suffer more? Why did she continue to suffer for someone who clearly never liked her? He was thinking about all this, when Angelica enters panting and so nervous, he knows why all the nervousness, however, he can't show that he knows something. He greets her and tries to calm her down before she starts talking. He realized by seeing a paper in her hand that she had read Angie's letter, but he had promised Angie that he wouldn't tell Angelica where she was, or Violetta, let alone Germen. But when she saw Angelica so distraught she thought for a second to tell her: to tell her that Angie was well and that he knew where she was ... and ... he can't he promised, he couldn't tell.
- Angelica, please be calm. What's going on, it's Angie? Or Clara?
Pablo could not say anything to make her aware of anything, but at the same time he knew that if he asked, either by Angie or by Clara she would not suspect anything, he knew her well enough to predict that they would both be the motives for would have made her nervous that way, there was Violetta but she was in the Studio so there would be no reason to ask for her.
- Pablo, please tell me that you know something about Angie?
- I? No, I do not know anything ... I talked to her, I think ... last week.
- You don't know? Please do not make me this anxious?
- No, I don't know. - And as she said it, he struggled so hard so she would not suspect he was lying. Angelica knew him well and he did not lie very well so this was a very difficult mission, he would even say almost impossible.- But is something wrong?
- I don't know, I don't know what to think, I hoped you knew something. None of this makes sense ... I don't understand ...
- You don't understand what Angelica? I can't understand you ...
-This ... read this, it was in the mailbox this morning. - And give him the letter so he can read it himself. Pablo hesitates a little, but Angelica insists and he ends up opening and reading what Angie had written to Angelica, although he knew the truth was curious to know what Angie will write to her mother:
I do not know how to start this letter, or how to tell you what I'm going to tell you, and believe me that I did not want to write to you, I'd rather be able to tell you everything I feel right now looking into your eyes, expecting a smile, a hug from you, but I can not mom, I can not face anyone right now. I need to be alone, to think, to reflect on everything that has happened there in that house. I had to get out of there, I can not, I can not take more mom: that look of contempt, of repulse, of anger that sometimes that "Man" throws me. Do not blame Germen, he is more as victim than me, the truth is that going against his father is difficult. We are not supposed to go against our parents, even if they are not right, and yet it is his father, and as much as parents hurt us, we should never go against them. And the truth, Mom, is that I love him more and more, but I do not want to live in that hell of persecutions and constant attacks and offenses, that's enough for me. "He" got what he wanted to end my marriage, the one that cost us so much to build, me and Germen after everything we've been through to be together, I can not bear to think that I can lose everything ... but that "Man" does not rested while it did not end our happiness, and despite knowing and being sure that Germen loves me I can not and do not want to create Clara in this environment of hostility and eternal wars. How I need you at this moment Mom! Maybe if you were here right now you would tell me to be calm, not to act hot-headed, that maybe I'm rushing, but I need some time to reflect if it's worth fighting, whether it's worth suffering or making others suffer for me , out of selfishness. I beg your pardon for taking Clara with me and depriving yourself of being with her, but I can not and do not want to be far from her, I know you will miss her, excuse me. Help Vilu with whatever she needs, you know how Germen is about her dating with Leon, for him, she will always be his little girl, but you have to make him see from time to time that she is growing up. Sorry mom, forgive me, I know I'm going to make you suffer when we walk away like this, but you know it hurts me, too. I'll let you know where I am when I can. Of your Daughter who adores you, Angie »
Pablo has just read the letter, and he is not quite sure what to say. He knows the truth, he knows why Angie is gone, and although she has not lied, she does not say exactly the truth, she does not say anything about the blackmail that Joseph is subjecting Germen and Angie, or even the content of this blackmail. He feels bad for lying to Angelica, to him she was always like a mother ... but he had promised ...
- I do not know what to say, Angelica.
- You do not know anything Pablo, please do not hide anything. - He shakes his head saying no - I thought maybe you know something, you two were always so close ... I thought she had spoken to you.
- Who is this "Man" she talks about?- Though he knows who that man was, Pablo needs to make Angelica believe he's as confused as she is.
- It's Joseph, Germen's father. He's a rather complicated ... person.
- But what does he have against Angie?
- I do not know, I do not know ... I do not really know ...
- Something must have happened between him and Angie, because ...
- That's what I do not understand ... if this attitude that Angie says he's had with her was with me, I would understand...but with Angie? He barely knows her ...
- I can? But what does he have against you, Angelica?
- It's a very old story, from the past Pablo, he thinks I betrayed him ... that Michael betrayed him ... at last a complicated story.
- Angelica, Angie says he wants to end her marriage to Germ, do you think that's true?" Does it have such influence?
- Unfortunately, "He" is capable of everything, but Pablo, if what Angie says in this letter is true, he is capable of it and much more ... Joseph lives with a hatred, an anger that ...
The moment Angelica says these last words, Violetta enters the teacher' s room, in fact she had heard the last sentence of the conversation between the two, and knows that her grandfather did something. Pablo looks at Angelica, who has her back to the door making a signal, when she turns to see her and soon realize by the face of Vilu that she does not yet know that Angie left the house.
- Grandmother, what did Grandfather do?
- Nothing Vilu, nothing ...
- Grandmother, I heard very well, what happened?
- I was just telling Pablo what happened at the house the other day and ask if he'd talked to your Aunt ... she was so down after that ... unexpected visit.
- That's it Vilu, you know we talk, we're friends, we're talking to each other. And your grandmother was worried, and she thought Angie might have blown me up.
- Yes, you know Pablo is like a brother to Angie.
- You're hiding something from me ... what's that papper? It sounds like Angie's handwriting, I'm sure it's her handwriting.
- This? - Pablo says he continues with the letter in hand.
- Yes, Pablo, that paper in your hand."
- Ah! This paper is ... it's a lyric from a song that Angie wrote many years ago that your Grandmother discovered now ... and brought me.
- A song! Can I see?
- I think Angie would not like it, she wrote it still in school time wasn't Angelica?
- Yes, I was packing some boxes and found this song, but I think Angie would not like that you saw it ... I showed it to Pablo because it talks about their friendship.
- Your grandmother is right, you know how Angie is with her things, especially with her songs.
Vilu finds it all strange, but she does not insist, she's sure they're hiding something from her, and she's determined to see what it's, because it's not just a lyric to a song and she's sure of that. Although she knew that she should not do it, Vilu decides to choose to pretend that she is going to get a file, and when he walks past Pablo, taking advantage of the fact that he though she has given up the idea of reading the paper, she takes the letter from his hand and smiles. It was a malicious smile and perhaps it was childish and naive of her to do it. Pablo can not stop her from taking the letter from him, still trying to keep Violetta from reading it ... but it's too late. Vilu begins to read and realizes that as she thought it was not the lyric of a song, it was a letter where she said goodbye to Angelica, where she tells her that she was going away ... as she read Angie's letter, not even want believe in what she was reading. The tears fall from her eyes uncontrolled in the end she looks at her grandmother and Pablo, they know what she wants to ask, although the words do not leave her.
- Vilu, we know it must be a shock to you, but I'm sure Angie had a good reason to leave the house ...
- Yes Pablo she had ... of course she did. Do you know which one? Grandfather Joseph. I knew it ... I knew that he ... that he would end up getting it all over. - And leaves the room heading for the exit of the Studio where Leon were- I told you Leon, he done it ... he succeeded, Angie left.
- Violetta calm down, who can? And what he achieved? Did Angie leave? But she's gone from where?
- Grandfather ... he managed to separate them ... Angie and Dad. I do not know how ... but Angie left the house, went away ...
- Vilu ... - Leon just hugged her, he was not sure what else to do or say, he knew just that hugging her usually calmed her. Coming from the teachers' room Pablo tries to resolve the situation and keep it inside four walls.
- Vilu, please go back to the teacher's room. We have to talk, nobody knows what happened.
- Pablo is right, Vilu. For sure she just needs some time, please take it easy.- Leon tells her, trying to somehow console Violetta.
- Don't you see, he gets everything he wants: he has been able to separate me from my grandmother and Angie for years, and now he separated them.- And suddenly she remembers about her sister, did Angie take her, or did his grandfather manage to separate Angie from Clara, she would not allow it, she had been separated from her grandmother and her aunt for years, she wouldn't allow that her grandfather separate Clara from Angie.- My God and Clara? I have to go talk to Dad.
- Wait I go with you ... I will not let you go alone. You're very nervous, please calm down, you will not get anything.
- I'm fine, really ... I just need to go home. I need to talk to Dad, to know where is Angie and if she has Clara. I need to know what happened ...
- All right.- Leon says calmly. - And I will not stop you Vilu, but I'll go with you, I will not let you go alone.
And so Violeta and Leon go home, in the teacher's room Pablo tells Angelica that Vilu went home because she wanted to talk to her father and know about Clara, but that Leon had gone with her. Angelica was left in seconds with no reaction, it had been the worst form to Vilu's learning about Angie's "escape", when she finally managed to react she decided that Vilu needed her more than ever, and she remembered what Angie had asked her in the letter. She said goodbye to Pablo, and went after her to Germen's house.
At Germens' house he was talking to his father, he wanted the answer "to the proposal" he had made, it had already been 24 hours and Germen had to decide. He replied that he would never do what his father wanted, he would not end his marriage with a rage that did not make sense ... but that unfortunately Angie had heard the "conversation" the day before about Luzia. Joseph stared at him, in one hand that was good news on the other also mean that he had just lost his greatest asset. Germen goes on to say that Angie had been very upset to hear all that history, of Luzia's existence, but mostly she was upset with him because he had once again hidden all that story, not to mention the question of not wanting to hurt Angelica, who was one of the most important people in her life, so she had decided to leave their house, she had sacrificed everything for her mother, and though he was sad Germen could not blame her.
When he learned of these news, Joseph was radiant, he had managed to separate them even though it had not been as he had imagined. However, when Germen told him that Angie had taken Clara with her, he was angry he was not counting on it, he had never thought Germen would allow it, he could not and would not allow it, Clara was his granddaughter and it would be in Germen's house that she would stay.
- I'm going to talk to our lawyers today, she can not take my granddaughter out of this house, that's called a kidnapping.
- No ... I forbid you ... did you hear me?
- I'm going to speak to the lawyers and the police, we have to get Clara back before she leaves.
- You're not going to do any of this, I do not want lawyers or the police. And then it's only kidnapping if I had not allowed her to take Clara ...
- But you would not allow it ... or ... you would never do that.
- Maybe ... it would be my word against yours. The word of the Clara's father against her grandfather's who moves by hatred. Clara is fine with Angie.
- I can not believe what I'm hearing. This woman abandons you ...
- Angie did not abandon me, she left because you forced her, or did you forget what you told me yesterday? The blackmail you made me ... what did you do to us?
- But she took your daughter. She stole your daughter ... and you're worried about what I did or did not do? I do not understand Germen ...
- She did not steal anything, she's Clara's mother ... if anyone here ruined my life, it was you: with your threats, with your crazy ideas of wantting everything your way.
- Me? I've always wanted to protect you. You always chose women badly, first it was Maria who only saw the music ahead, and now not to change her sister who must also be involved in music for sure, also sings like Maria?
- Yes ... but what does music have to do with everything ...
- Everything, but also considering whom she is daughter, you can not expect too much.
- You're talking about Angelica, the great love of your life ... or ...
- Do not you dare say that, and I'm not talking about Angelica. If they were only Angelica's daughters, but no they are daughters of that ... of that ... they did not suit you.
- I do not allow you to talk like this, you do not have that right.
- Why? Because it's the truth: one only saw music in front, and not even was able to resign for her daugther and the other steals your daughter ...
- I told you and I repeat, I'm not going to let you speak that way about Maria or Angie ... you do not have that right.
- I do not have ... who helped you when the music threw you away from Maria? Who took care of you and your daughter? And you say I do not have that right?
- And I always thanked you ... but I should never have allowed you ...
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