Capítulo 5 - The Truth of The Lie
He was desperate, he knew he would lose her if he did not do anything, he knew she would leave and she would go with Clara. He had to try something, he could not bear to lose her, not after all they had suffered to be together, he could not allow his father to separate them on a whim, by a rage that had no meaning. So he went to her and hugged her, kissed her no matter what she wanted or thought ... the only certainty she had and that she loved her more than anything and would do whatever it took to keep her from going though.
- Please ... do not go. I love you ... - and while I told her that I loved her, and that nothing could separate them, I stroked her face, kissing her forehead, neck, face ...
- Germen ...
- Please Angie I know that you love me ... - continuing kissing her - and you know that if I never told you it is because I never wanted you to suffer ...
- Germen ... I can not, I do not want ...
But at the same time she said no and thought she could not go on with all that lie, Angie knew, she felt that she could not really be without Germen, she could not help but think of the love she had for him, and she let herself be carried away by all that she felt at that moment, thought of all that passed, in all the good moments that filled her heart. Their love was stronger than anything, and even now she could not deny it anymore, and so they let themselves go, forgetting everything that caused them pain, suffering and anguish. At that moment all they thought about was the love they felt for each other, and nothing but nothing would change what they felt in that moment, in that room. It all came down to that word, LOVE. Everything else: the lies, the secrets, the reasons, the certainties, the doubts ... everything would be reduced to nothing, simply because Love is undoubtedly the greatest and most powerful feeling of all.
In her room Vilu spoke to Leon on the telefone while sitting on her bed she was looking at Clara sleeping like an angel, barely aware of the storm approaching. Violetta was sure that something terrible would happen between Germen and Angie, she knew her grandfather would get what he wanted: separate the two of them. Leon tried in vain to pacify her, she was looking at Clara and thought only that she had to protect her. She wasn't going to let her suffer, or went through what she passed. Leon realizes how she feels, and especially what she is afraid of, but the only thing she can do at that moment was being with Clara, Angie and Germen, and somehow try to give them what she they need: her love. And as always Vilu feels that she does not need to tell him much, because he knows exactly what she feels, and knows exactly what to tell her, what she needs to hear in that moment.
Germen came to pick Clarita to lie down on her bed, and Vilu immediately told Leon that her father had just come in and that they would talk the next morning.
- Dad, how's Angie?
- It's too late for phone calls ... - Vilu makes a face of who at that moment does not want to know about sermons ... - Sorry, sorry ... She is fine.
- Dad, are not you lying to me?
- No, Vilu, I'm not lying to you. And now it's late.- And approaching Violetta, he kisses her good night. - I love you.
- I love you too, Dad. - Germen goes out with Clara and goes to bed.
The sun was still light when Angie awoke, she looks at Germen, and then at Clara who had come to Vilu's room in the middle of the night. She looked back at Germen, who slept soundly, she loved him with all her heart, with all her being, and in her heart she knew he was right in what he said the day before: the secret was not his, and he had made a promise to his mother.
But she thought of her mother: how would she react to knowing everything? Could she bear to know that her husband had betrayed her? With Rosario? That there was a daughter of this relationship? No, she could not allow it to be discovered, she had to protect Angelica, and in some way her father's memory. After all, she had done it once, at that time she had done it at the cost of her happiness, why could not she do it again? But could she sacrifice her love for Germen? This time it was not only her feelings that were at stake, it was Germen's, Vilu's and even Clara's, who although so small was already beginning to suffer with all these stories of loves and hatreds. But she had to do it, after all it was her mother and she had to protect her.
She got up, got dressed, took the suitcase she had started the night before, put a few more things, and closed it. After doing the suitcase, she began to write the letters she would leave: one for Angelica, one for Germen and one for Vilu. As soon as he finished writing the three letters, she took the suitcase and then Clara and left the room. It was early, no one had woken up yet, she went to the office and left two of the letters she had written on Germen's desk: his and Violetta's; then she comes across a recent photo of the four of them, which was on a shelf, when she looks at that photograph the tears run down her face, she takes it and leaves.
Arriving at the her car she place Clara at the front seat next to her and the suitcase in the back seat, she was not sure where to go, the only thing she knew was that she had to get out of there and she couldn't go to her house because Angélica was now living there, and she would ask questions that she could not and did not want to answer, she would have to go by there to leave the letter, but then he had to decide where to go. It was early, Angie knew that her mother liked to get up early, so she was careful to note when she stopped the car if the windows were closed, that meant that Angelica was still sleeping. She got out of the car running, put the letter in the mail, and ... started off her way aimlessly. She managed to control herself so that she would not let go with her emotions, with what she felt: anger, sadness, anguish, doubts, a mixture of feelings that looked like a time bomb and could burst at any moment. And although it was difficult to keep it all in, she had do to it for Clara.
When she realized she was by the house where Pablo lived: her oldest friend, her beloved brother, her counselor, her companion. Whenever he needed it seemed that he was always at her side, it was like this: when Maria died, when her father died, when Germen went away with Violetta, when they returned to Buenos Aires and Angie made herself a preceptor to be with Vilu, when she was suffering because she realized that she loved Germen. And although Pablo loved her dearly he never left her and always supported her. If anyone could help her, he was, but was there anything he could say or do to help her? Angie could not answer that, but somehow and not knowing why she was there.
When Germen woke up and did not see Angie was not surprised, mainly because when seeing that Clara also was not in the cradle, because often so that Clara did not wake him up, Angie would get up with Clara and go downstairs. And that day was like all the other days. So he got up, got dressed and went down; he thought, to go embrace his three lovely women, but when he arrives to have breakfast, he only finds Vilu, Ramalho and Olga.
- Good Morning! And where are Clara and Angie? - Asks Germ, greeting Vilu with a kiss of good morning.
- I thought they were still asleep. - Vilu answers.
- No, they are not. Where did the two get in?
"Calm down Papa, Angie must have gone just to walk with Clara to the garden.
- Do not worry, Germen...- says Ramalho...- I'm sure that was it, you know how Clara likes to fall asleep.
- Yes, maybe ... but it is not usual for her to leave without telling anyone ... - Germen begins to be anxious, although the night before in the end they have managed to "solve things" between them, he also knew that there were other things that maybe had not yet been resolved. He started to think ... no Angie would not leave, at least not without talking to him ... or would he?
- Dad... Angie is already big and Clara is safe is still too young to get into trouble ...
- Violetta, your father did not want to say that, I'm sure.- Ramalho says.
- It was a joke. Sorry, Dad... it didn't go very well, sorry.
- Okay Vilu. I've seen someone woke up very well today, with some new jokes and everything?
- Daddy ...- and she laughed and then looked serious again.- Dad, really, I did not sleep very well, this grandfather's visit ... and Angie crying, you and her, you two...are really all right between you?
- Vilu, I already told you that everything is fine between us. - at least he hoped so ... - And about your grandfather you know how he is ... but everything will be resolved, so do not worry about that little head with what it should not.
- I do not know, dad, he was really angry. But I have to hurry up Leon must be coming, we have lots of things to rehearse for the presentation at the Studio.
- And how are the rehearsals running? The new students? Are they as good as you?
- Well ... I think so. Some even have a lot of talent ...
- Some !? You're very picky ...
- Daddy, I gotta get out of here. Oh, I almost forget Ludmila and Frederico called yesterday, they're thinking about coming to Buenos Aires, I told them they could stay here, yes? - Germen nodded yes, and she gets up kisses him and climbs up, but soon she comes downstairs again with all her things.
- So I'm going to make that call I told you yesterday.- sais Ramallo
- Okay, I'll be there in a second ... I'll just finish the coffee and ... I have to go get the cell phone I left it in my bedroom.
And so Ramalho leaves Germen alone to finish his breakfast and heads for the office. Vilu had already opened the door to Leon and with one goodbye went way, in that moment Ramallo left the office with two letters...Angie's letters.
- Germen, I don't think this are good news ... has anything happened that I do not know? What has happened?
- It's Angie's handwriting. She...left. Ramalho...she really left...I thought...I swear I thought ...
- What are you saying? Germen what happened?
Gérmen did not even want to believe that Angie was gone, he thought that after last night everything was settled and somehow forgiven, he knew that they had to solve all that situation that José was creating, to prevent Angelica from knowing everything, but he hoped that together they could find a solution, but she had gone way, and the worst thing was that she had taken Clara with her. He just wondered why? Why didn't she wait to talk with him that morning? Why she left like that? Trembling but also anxious he opens the letter and begins to read:
- "My love,
Yes my love ... because I love you even though at this moment you may find that my love is anything but true, or you may even think that I do not love you. But as I told you yesterday, I can not take any more lies, mistakes, secrets, I'm tired Germen. I know that if you kept this secret it was for your mother's sake, and if I left you have to realize that I 'm doing it for my mother's sake . I can not let your father do what he wants, I can not let him tell my father's betrayal, I can not let him tell her that my father's betrayal bore fruit and that there is a daughter somewhere. Yes Germen, I am sacrificing our love, our family for my mother, but I can not think of what she'll feel if she knows everything. I know you might think I'm being selfish, but I can not help but think about what my mother will do if your father ... no, she will not know. If you never told anyone and hid all this story was because you love your mother, and in a way becaus se you love Maria and respect my mother, so I know that deep down you will understand why I decided to go way. In the past, too, I suffered to protect my mother so I will do my best to keep her from suffering. Germen my mother is the most important person to me, after the death of Maria and my father, and with the departure of Vilu we only had each other and somehow we bound together even more. Please deliver the letter to Vilu, I did not tell her all this story of secrets and lies just because I do not want her to suffer and because you should be the one telling her, not me. In the letter, I only ask her pardon for leaving her again, for taking Clara, and I just told her that this whole situation with your father has shaken me and I need time to think. I hope you can forgive me ... that you can forgive and understand me. I will never take Clarita away from you, as soon as I can soothe my soul, and I can settle down, I warn you so that you can see her. Don't ever forget that we love you very much. I love you Germen...
from your Angie. "
- Germen? What happened? What does Angie say? Where did she go, why did she leave?
- She left. She left with Clara...- Germen was in shock, he could not believe she was gone ... his fears were right and now what? What was he going to do?
- But Germen be calm and explain me better, whe she left?
- Because of my dad. He...he...Ramallo please leave, I have to make an important phone call...alone.
Ramallo, though not aware of what was happening, did as he told him, and went running to tell Olga what was going on: Angie had gone away with Clara, as usual she began with her melodramatic exaggerations, but deep down she and Ramalho knew that everything that was happening had a "finger" of Joseph.
Meanwhile, Angie was standing next to Pablo's house, wondering whether or not to see him, suddendly she saw him leave the house with Brenda. Seeing them so in love, she remembers Germen, how she loved him and how she longed for him; but she could not do anything, she could not let Joseph tell the whole story to Angelica, her mother would not take it. How would she react if she knew? Angie herself felt like a piece of shit, as if she had been taken off the floor and fallen into an abyss, although she had always loved her father the last few years were very difficult for Angie, her father had simply forgotten about her, she did everything to make him happy, to some extent animate him after the Maria's death. But nothing she did satisfied him, she sang, she played ... but Michael had even shouted at her that he did not want her to sing or play anymore, he stopped paying her classes at the Studio and it was Angelica who went to talk to Antonio and gave Angie a scholarship, and altougth her father did not know, she continued her dream. She tried several times to find Violetta, so that at least his father could regain some joy, and when they had a clue he always seemed like another but as soon as they found out that it was a wrong clue, Michael would go back to the same hole, and it seemed like every time that it would happen he would become darker, more sadder inside his world. She was thinking about all this when Clara starts crying, Angie tries to calm her, but it seems that Clara felt when she was not well, when she was anxious, worried ... and it was then that Pablo realized that she was there, looking to Brenda and then back to Angie.
- That's Angie's car? What is she doing here?
- I do not know. Shall we go there?
Angie, by then she did not know if it had been a good ideia to have stayed there, maybe it was not the best thing to talk to Pablo, what was she going to say? I left the house because Germen lied to me!? And had not she lied to him, too? Germen never knew what she had suffered after Maria's death? Germen had never known what had happened the day her father died, what he had told her before he collapsed in his arms. This was an episode that Angie had never told anyone about: how she found it, what her father had told her before she died, which she had heard when her father said those words of almost "contempt." Angie would have the same age Violetta had whem she found her again, she remembers that for months she did'nt say a word, all the doctors said the same to Angelica: she had suffered a trauma and it would be a matter of patience until she got out of this state. It had been a very difficult time for Angelica to see her beaten down, stuck with her, not wanting to leave the house, and what cost her most was the fact that she could not get Angie out of that depression.
But to Angie was not that easy also, she had all the weight of the words that Michael had said on her shoulders, and although she wanted to get rid of them she could not tell anyone about that conversation with her father. But as time went by and with the help of music, Antonio and Pablo she managed to overcome all that episode of her life, but no one had ever known what had happened on that day when her father died, and in time she forgot herself. No, she had never forgotten that day, just put that whole phase deep in her memories. How could she forget the image of his father in his last minutes of life, what his father had said in those last seconds, how could she forget the wound he had inflicted on her. She loved him, he was her father, and even then she had never been angry.
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