Capítulo 5 - The Truth of the Lie
As Joseph and Germen spoke in the office, between accusations of one and rebukes of the other, a conversation that was both in a raised tone at times and calmer in others, as they spoke, argued, accused each other; Angie was beginning to wake up, and instinctively she turned to the crib to see if Clara was asleep, but she wasn't she immediately thought that Germen was with her in the living room. As she left the room she heard Vilu singing and went to her, and when she reached the door she saw that she was singing with Clara in her lap, she was loving all that attention and pampering.
"Por tu amor yo renací Y eres todo para mi
Hace frío y no te tengo Y el cielo se a vuelto gris
Puedo pasar mil años Soñando que vienes a mi
Por que esta vida no es vida sin ti
Te esperare por que a vivir tu me enseñaste
Te seguire por que mi mundo quiero darte"
Violetta was singing better and better, and if angie closed her eyes it was like listening to Maria singing, it was amazing how their voices were so similar. Vilu realizes her presence and stops, Angie enters and gives them a hug.
- I wake you up, sorry ... but singing calms me down. And it seems to me that Clara likes that I sing to her ...
- No, you did not wake me ... and I love hearing you sing. You remind me of your mother. It's amazing how you sing more and more like her: I close my eyes and it's like she's in front of me singing.
- Do you really think I sing as well as she does, and that we have such similar voices?
- Yes, a lot. Sometimes when I hear you sing, or just look at you in those eyes, and I'm not talking about the colour but the way you sometimes look to us, it seems that I see her. But why are you nervous? Is something wrong?
- No ... I mean ... it's Grandpa, he is downstairs talking to Dad.
- Your grandfather is here again? Your grandmother must have told him everything.
- Yes, and he was so upset with Dad, and me ... and ...
- With you? Because of the music?
- Yes, I do not understand Angie, why does he continue with all this grief, with all this anguer... Grandma Angélica is not to blame, one does not choose for whom it fall in love.
- But did you know about that? I see that the only one who didn't know about all this was me.
- Dad told me, and it's incredible: I mean two friends who like the same girl and later their kids fall in love.
- Yes it is a little...I don't know. But don't be nervous, everything will be solved. I'm going downstairs and see if I can calm them down, you stay with Clara?
- Angie, do not go please let Daddy talk to him ... do not go Angie ...
- I have nothing to fear, nor do I have to hide. Do you stay with Clara?
- Yes I stay, but you should not go down. Grandfather is really annoyed, dad should not have forgotten to tell him everything that has happened.
- Vilu, your father tried and forget it, but it does not seem so serious to your grandfather have such an attitude. We can all go wrong and forget something ...
- You do not know Grandfather Joseph ... with him there are no mistakes ...
- True, I do not know him, but I'm going to try that they not say anything they do not want, and besides trying to calm them both is a good way to get to know them, and also to realize that I do not want wars.
Angie kisses each one of themand goes down. Violetta is not so sure about what angie wants to do. But she was determined to face the problema: she had not done anything wrong and Germen had not done anything so serious, he forget to cal him but forgetting was only human. She goes down the stairs determinedly and walks to Germen office, and from within she hears shouts, insults and more screams are heard, but soon there is what sounds like a little more light conversation without shouting, seconds after more screams and insults. She approached the door that was closed and could hear the two voices: one was Gérmen's in a lower tone although exalted and another much higher and offensive. She was willing to put an end to all that discussion, and she did not even think if she was interrupting anything and whether Germen would approve or not.
But something made her stop at the last second. What she heard reminded her of a conversation she had with her father, that she had never remembered again. She thought she was dreaming, she could not believe what she was hearing, another secret. She didn't want to believe that after all they had promised each other, Germen could continue the same: mysteries, secrets and deceptions, they compromised one another there was nothing left to hide, but apparently there was and this time she did not know if she could forgive him. She loved him, but would that love be enough to overcome what she had just heard? Would they be able to overcome all that?
And was it true, what she had just heard? Yes, it was true, no one would ever talk about something so monstrous like that, she felt losing her strength, she did not even know if she wanted to get in and finish it all. Although her heart told her to get out of there, that she had already heard enoughm her head told her that she had to listen, she had to know more, she had to understand why she remembered at that moment the last conversation she had with her father . Who was that Luzia after all, the one her father had told her about? And if all tht she heard ws true, that means that...
- Dad, you can not do this, you can not even ask me what you're asking for.
- You know me, and you know I do it. No more lies, no more secrets. If you want to keep this marriage then let everyone know the truth about "Luzia". And than we see if Angeles wants to continue in this marriage...
- And you're going to hurt Angelica, Angie ... you're going to hurt Vilu and somehow Clara, just because you do not like someone who's already died. You will hurt me, your own son.
- I'm just trying to protect you. and what are you talking about?
- From your hatred to Maria and Angie's father ... that's what I'm talking about. You do not think it's enough to hold a anguer against someone who's already died. I really do not understand.
- Enough Germen. I just do not want you to make the same mistake ... and...
- And what does Luzia have to do with my marriage?
- You still ask Germen? I need to teach you the kinships that exist between you three: you, Angie and Luzia . Do I need to remind you what you suffered with Maria's death?
- Maria's death was horrible for everyone, it was sad and have a bad time with accepting it, yes and can't deny that. But I'm happy with Angie, we have a beautiful daughter and you can not just come and tell us that ...
- Why not, you also simply married the sister of your former wife, you just forgot what we did so that Violetta did not suffer ...
- I know what I've done and today I'm very sorry about that, I should never have hidden Maria's life from Violetta: her family and her music. But what you want to do, to tell this...this secret is not yours, let alone mine. If someone will tell it one day, it's Mom. And she'll never forgive you.
- I never forgave her, she betrayed me with ... and he had all he deserved: his daughter's death, his loneliness, his own death was deserved. He died alone with no one at his side and unaware that he had another daughter. - Angie shivered, daughter? Luzia was indeed his father's daughter with ... - If you have to know, I think that he suffered little, yes he suffered very little for what he made me suffer, he ruined my life ...
When Joseph began to speak of her father in that way, Angie could not take it any longer: it was true that her father had suffered with the death of Maria, with Vilu's departure, but contrary to what Joseph had said Michael was not alone when he died, and thinking well that day , in which her father died, in what he told her everything made more sense now. She could not stand the tears as she climbed the stairs as quickly as she could, and upstairs she saw Violetta, who was with Clara in her lap and told her with a glint in her eyes that she was going to the kitchen because she was hungry. Angie smiled a little and unintentionally not giving many explanations she enters her room. Vilu was surprised and even worried. She did not know what have happened, but she was sure that had to do with her grandfather, she continues down the stairs to the kitchen, suddenly hears the voice of his father and grandfather.
- Dad, please you can not ask me this ...
- You have 24 hours to make your decision.
- You can not make me choose, because there's no choice.
- Germen, think about it, you have 24 hours not another minute. Think about what you're going to do. - And with that he leaves.
- Dad... please ... Dad- but Joseph had not heard it.
Germen does not know what to do, he knows that going after his father will not help, but doing what he asks. Ending his marriage with Angie? He loves Angie, and there were Clara and Vilu, all four of them were a family. No, he could not and did not want to end everything he had, but then he thought about what his father was willing to do. How would Angie react if she knew, or Vilu, or Angelica? How would react her mother when she realized that her secret was about to be discovered? It had been a secret kept for so many years, and Germen had promised his mother never to tell, and if anyone had to do it was Rosario, not his father, he could not do that, he had no such right. He was so focused on his thoughts that he did not even notice that he is not alone slowly Violetta, with Clara on her lap, approached him, he kissed her and Clara and asked her where she was going. And afther she told him that she was going to eat something, she told him that something strange had happened: when she crossed paths with Angie, she was nervous and had gone to the bedroom without even looking at Clara.
- Dad, what happened between Angie and Grandpa? Did they argue? Did Grandfather tell her anything? What did he tell you?
- Nothing happened Vilu, Angie did not even see your grandfather. Actually, neither did I, we were both in the office until now.
- Something happened, Dad. Angie was ... well I think she was crying.
- Crying? - Then, without realizing it, he began to speak out loud. - Maybe she heard something ... did she? No, she could not have heard anything ... I'll see Angie ... Thank you Vilu.
And going to the bedroom, he thought she could not have heard it all, that was not how she should know about it, not in that way, in an argument between him and his father. Only because his father had decided to use that secret in blackmail to separate them. No, Angie could not have heard anything, he knew she would never forgive him. He was halfway up the stairs when he heard Vilu...
- Dad, Dad. Heard what? What did Angie hear? What did Grandfather mean by "you have to choose"? What do you have to choose?
- What! Nothing Vilu, do not worry ... I'll go up and see Angie.
- Dad, Dad...
But Germen no longer heard her, he thought of Angie, what if she had heard everything? No, it could not be, it could not be true. He knew Angie would never forgive him, another lie. But it was not exactly a lie, he had just omitted something so important as sister... no he had lied to her, though it was something that did not depend on him to tell. Germen was not even sure what to think ... the main thing was that Angie had known in the worst possible way, and that was the reality. When he entered the room he saw her pacing, he knew her well enough to immediately realize that she knew everything, she had heard. He did not want to believe it, that was not how he thought or wanted Angie to know, he knew her too well he knew he would never forgive him for having skipped the whole story. And how many opportunities had she given him, but this secret, this "lie" if it could be so called, was not for him to tell, and then if his father had not appeared, nothing would have to be revealed, but this excuse would not calm Angie down. When she turned, he saw the tears running down her face, Germen was not sure what to do, if on the one hand he wanted to go to her and hug her, ask her forgiveness, kiss her in the other hand he knew it was everything she did not want right now. And somehow he knew she had reason to be angry with him, by then all Angie would not want was to be around him. But he needed to try to explain to her, to make her see that he could not have told her, that if he had hidden that secret was also thinking of her, Angelica, Maria, and Violetta. He had never thought that hiding would hurt someone, but the opposite he had tried to protect them.
- Angie ... I ... you heard everything, did not you? - Approaching her very slowly
- Why ? Why Germen? - Moving away from Germen, who had already tried to embrace her - It's a lie, isn't it?
- Angie forgive me, I ...
- Tell me it's a lie, please. No ... I know it isn't, I know it...
- Angie, I did not want to ... I swear I did not ...
- You did not! You did not want to! Is that the only thing you can say? You did not want what? That I would hear or lie to me again?
- Well, you two really ...
Even though it sounded strange he was being honest, on the one hand the truth is that he would never tell her that secret, for what? He had never told Maria, not to protect his mother, but to protect Maria. He never wanted to lie, but his intention was the best, why tell something that Germen knew would make Angie suffer, and that was a secret that if it depended on him he would always be well guarded, well buried in the past. If Joseph were not to come and dig it up, no one would never know. But when he gave that answer he knew that he would probably irritate her even more, but it was what he felt, it was the truth: he had not said anything because he did not want to hurt anyone.
- I'm tired, Germen, I'm tired of so many lies, so many secrets, I'm tired. Everyone lies to me: you, my mother, even my father ... he lied to me, he lied to my mother ...
- Angie, please, you can not blame me for something our parents do. At least let me ... let me at least try to explain why I never said anything ...
- No Germen, no more explanations, I'm tired of being lied to.
- So I do not have a chance to try to explain myself? I Do not get a chance to explain why I never told you?
- No, you do not have, for me it's the end, and you will not even need the 24 hours that your father gave you ... - and starting to get her clothes and Clara's clothes to a suitcase - I decide it for you ... I I'm going away.
- Please, Angie, let's take it easy. Please, for Clara ...
- Don't you dare put Clara in the middle of it, don't you dare.
- I'm not putting Clara in the middle of anything; Angie, please ... I just want to explain to you so you can understand ... my mother ...
- I do not want to hear any more, I've heard enough. - And she keeps packing her suitcase, pacing from one side to the other, taking clothes for her and some of Clara's clothes to. She had already decided: she was going to leave the house. She was tired of all the lies and secrets between the two families, all that anguer, all that grief that existed between her parents, she did not want to live in that environment, much less see Clara grow up in the midst of all those confusions and arguments.
- Angie, did you think clearly. What about Clara? If you leave ... - And when he had just said this, she stopped what she was doing for a moment and looked at Germen ...
- Do you really think I'm leaving without my daughter? I'm leaving and Clara goes with me.
- Angie please do not leave me, do not take Clara from me. And what about Violetta have you thought of her?
- I do not think you're in a position to ask me anything ... you've lied to us all, for years, it must pass from mother to son ...
- Angie, don't be unfair ... I ...
- Do not worry, I'll talk to Vilu later.
- Angie ... do not go away, do not take Clara from me... please let's talk and at least try to solve things ...
-I ...- Angie tries to calm herself, she does not want to push him away from her daughter, it never crossed her mind. - I do not want to separate you from Clara, but if I leave, she's going with me.
- Angie, please, I never wanted to hide anything from you, but my mother made me promise never to tell anyone.
- And as a good son you didn't tell, you were right, you protect your mother. And now who is going to protect mine? Who's going to stop your dad from telling her this?
- You're right ... you're right, I only knew everything because my father wanted to hurt my mother, and I wanted to put myself against her, never could do it...
- He did not get you away from your mother, but he did succeed in ending our marriage ... and this is the pure and hard truth.
- Perhaps you were right, I should have told your mother, Maria, and even you. But for what, to see you three suffer?
- Yes, maybe you should have told us, maybe we were going to suffer, but you would have done what was right, because it would be the truth ... because maybe ... maybe things would have been different ...
- Different? How? What would have been different?
- Nothing ...- But Angie thought, maybe if they knew everything, Maria was still alive ... maybe she had not suffered so much for her father ... - You chose to lie, don't you think we had the right to know?
- Yes, but at the time I thought only of keeping you three from suffering.
- And my father ... I can not believe he was capable of that. But on second thought everything makes more sense: what he asked me, what he told me ...
- What did he tell you? He told you something about ...
- Never mind ... it does not matter, and it does not erase the fact that you hid me something so serious.
- Angie ... please. - And he approaches Angie, he could not lose her, he could not lose Clara ...
- Germen ... stop. I can't ... I don't want to...
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