Capítulo 11 -Hope is the last one to die
When they are finally ready after a lot of fun to the mix, the three of them are still laughing, they have breakfast with Rosário, who has also gone down, until Tati comes to call Angie to the pool, although she did not want to go to the pool She wanted to talk to Luzia.
- You look like you've got a fan ... you can go, I'll stay here with Clara and my mother."
- Thank you, my love ... I will not be long. Even because we have to go to the hospital.- and so goes out towards the pool ... when it chills near Luzia greets her ... - Good morning.
- Good morning Angeles ... - Luzia says, and turning to Tati ... - Darling will go play with your brothers, please.
- Okay, Mom ...- but then suddenly she turns to Luzia ... - Mom Uncle Rodrigo already said something about going to see Vilu?"
- No love ... but I have already told you that as soon as he authorizes I will take you there ... - Tatiana then went to the pool ... - It is impressive, you know Violetta in such a short time but already have a worship by She's like never seen
- Vilu has this gift ... fascinates all the people who know the children ...
"Tatiana went with us to the show you gave and was immediately fascinated by her, and scarcely knew I was Violetta's aunt ..."
- Did you go to the show? I did not know ... it must have been strange for you.
- A little ... after seeing my brother ask my sister in marriage is at least strange ...
- How? When?
- When did I know?- Angie looked at her. Since childhood my mother never hid anything from me. I have your photos: Christmas, Mary and Germen wedding , Violetta's photos since a little baby and yours.
- You never asked Rosario to meet us, especially to meet my ... our father ...
- I asked many times, especially when I was little Tati's age ... then I finally accepted that I would never meet him, and when my mother told me that he was dead ... I ...
- Did you blame me? I realize ... because I did the same, I even hated you ... you were the reason why my ... our father never really loved me ... I know that you never lived with him and you blame me for it.
- No ... I said that because I was angry. I know my mother said to ... our father who had aborted ... and ...
- But he knew that you existed, do not ask me how, I do not know but he knew. And after Maria died the only thing that made him live was hope to find you.
- Did he want to meet me?" He...
- It was the last thing he asked me to do ... but I ... the only thing I wanted was to find Vilu.
- Unfortunately he could not ... if I knew he was looking for me ... but I always thought he did not know ...
- The Rosary also only now knew that he knew, the truth is that he asked me to look for you ...
- Did you know who I was?
- No, not at the time." Only now after all that has happened is that I began to join his conversations: to insist on looking for you without saying anything to my mother, to wanting me to like you as I liked Maria, the threats when I told her that I wanted to Was to find Vilu ...
- He threatened you ... he ... was he violent?
- He never hit me. But one word is sometimes worse, and our father was adept at hurting me like that from an early age.
- I do not even know what to tell you, I had another image of our father ... I do not know, my mother always told me about him ...
- Our father was ... with Maria was one thing, but with me it was different at least when we were alone in front of the others he was always super tender ...
- But why was he so different ... you were as his daughter as Maria do not understand ...
- Because he blamed me for not assuming you, at least I think that was it. I confess that when I realized that he only cared when we were accompanied I took advantage of those moments, and at that point I forgot everything else.
- You're the one who left without having a father present because of me.
- No. He did what he did because he wanted to ... if I was angry with him?" A lot and after Maria died we stopped talking to each other ... it was like I lived with a stranger.
- Can I ask you a question? - Angie nods and Luzia continues ... - When he died ... was he alone?
- No ... - Angie takes a deep breath ... - I was with him ... I went home to get a coat and I found him, he still talked to me but it was over ...
- I'm sorry I asked you the question, but I always wondered if he was ...
- No problem, I realize ... although it's something I do not like to remember. Although everything was my father, yes it hurt me a lot but it did not stop being my father and I loved it in spite of ...
They were silent for a time, not because the conversation had been bad, just because they had both forgiven each other, until ...
- You know when Tati learned that I was Violetta's aunt she was euphoric and it's not even worth trying to explain to her that she is not her cousin because she does not even listen to us.
- Luzia ... I wanted to apologize again, I know I should not have had anything to Tatiana but ...
- Angels, I know you did it to help. I'm the one who has to apologize to you, I should not have spoken like that ... but the truth is that this has made me nervous ...
- We're all ... and please call me Angie. But I should not have said any of that, either.
- The truth is that I feel a little guilty too, that day I argued with Violetta ...
- Please do not feel guilty, Doctor Herrera explained to us that probably this could happen with or without this discussion ...
- How did you hear about the discussion?
- Ludmila told us everything last night. Violetta was very young when she lost Maria, and then Germ took her away from us, living with her in a cloistered place for fear of losing her ...
- It must not have been easy for him, I remember that at that time Mom spent more time in Argentina than here in Spain.
- Violetta grew out of everything and everyone, when I found her again ... I do not even know what I felt. It was ... as if Mary were reunited, it was like having Mary again with me ...
- Am I really like Mary?
- Yes, you and Mari are similar to the father ... - says Angie already very calmly, it was as if that conversation had healed all the wounds of both.
- I do not have his eyes, these were with you, Clara and Sofia ...
- Yes I stayed his eyes of the rest I'm very much like my mother. Clara and Sophie also have grandfather's eyes.- and smile both
- Angie, why did not you tell your mother about ... you know ...
- Because I'm going to have to tell you many things that ... I want to forget." I do not want to see her suffer any more.
- What about Violetta? Are you going to tell her?
- I do not know ... maybe I should, but at the same time I'm afraid ..."
- May she come and find out the whole truth ... about me?"
- Also, but what I'm most afraid of is Jose ... you know he wants custody of Clara and Violetta just because he does not accept my marriage to Germ."
- Yes, my mom told me, and I insisted that she go to Germ to help him when you left the house." Do you think you will?
- I do not know ... the only thing I know is that I can not bear the thought of being without Clara and without Vilu.
- You like Violetta as your daughter, even though she's your niece."
- I was 10 years old when Vilu was born, for me at the time it was as if I had won a sister and not a niece. After Maria died, I was already a teenager and wanted to be me to take the place of Maria ... but the germ fled ... and when I found her I told you it was like Maria was with me again.
- You and Maria were very close, the way you talk about her ... I'm so jealous that I did not have any of it."
- Maria and I were, I do not know: friends, companions, accomplices ... but Maria also liked to arm herself with my mother and it was at this point that she and I collided. I remember when she took Germ there the first time, I made a scene of jealousy ...
- A scene of jealousy or a tantrum?"
- I think that the two in one, you do not see ... - says Angie with a smile ... - I did everything so that he detested me, but instead he would laugh at everything I did.
- Seriously? And what did Mary do?
- At bottom she wanted to laugh as much as Germ, but she kept herself up all the way until she sent me to the punishment room. Then he hit me in the head when he left. I was about six when she took him home the first time ...
- And how come after that day, did you manage to be less jealous?"
- Yes, even because my father would put me as a candle between the two of them, so Maria, to get rid of me, would buy me candy, go to the park with me.
- And the Germen? How did he ...
- If you want me to tell you, I do not remember Germ much at this point, the memories I have are of Maria with me and with Germ ..." "Germ, suddenly, comes close to them ...
- Sorry to interrupt; Angie, we have to go, Luís called the results of the exams, they want to talk to us.
- Did Luis call you? I asked him to call me ...
- Well actually he called my ... our mother, he tried to call you but you did not answer.
- Ah! I left the phone in the room, as I came to the pool with the kids ... did he say anything else?
- He asked you to take Tati, I think Dr. Herrera agreed that she would see Vilu.
- Tati will be happy ... - Angie says looking at Tatiana playing in the pool. - She wants to see Vilu so much ...
- Rodrigo does not know how to say no ... it always was.
- Do you want us to wait for you?
- No, you go-I'll take care of the kids, and then I'll go and see Tati.
-And Clara, where is her?- Angie asks Germ.
- She's with my aunt and Xica, rest assured ... we're going to Ludmila and my mother are already waiting in the car.
- Yes let's go. Until now ... "says Angie turning to Luzia. She says goodbye to both; And goes to where Tatiana is, Angie still manages to hear the cry of this one ... they enter the two in the car where Ludmila is already waiting.
- I was seeing you never come... Frederick called ...
- Is ther any news?- Angie asks, already alarmed.
- No ... just to see if we were on the way."
And so they go to the hospital, in silence ... a complete silence, it is said that the silence is golden, but this was anything but gold ... no one wanted to speak what was in their soul, in the Heart and mind. The fear was greater than any word uttered by any of them-nothing they said could dispel that fear they felt when they finally knew what was going on with Violetta. As soon as they arrive they are taken by Luís to Professor Castro's office, where Dr. Herrera, Leon and Frederico were already.
- Good morning everyone, I hope they have rested something? - says Rodrigo ...
- More or less,- says Germen.
- Well, at least they rested more than this young man, who can be very persuasive ... and who just did not know how to sleep in Violetta's room.
- I just wanted to be closer to her ... - and the tears ran down his face ... no matter how hard he tried to avoid, he could not bear to see the love of his life like this ... he missed her look, Your smile, your voice, to sing with her ...
- Professor Castro, Dr. Herrera; We can go straight to the point. - Germ says, looking now and then to another, Angie was by his side squeezing his hand so hard that he hardly felt it ... - How is Violetta? What happened to my daughter?
- Good Mr. Castillo to Violetta had a Stroke ...
- Had what? But she's still so young ... no ... I do not understand ...
- You're right, it's not normal for young people ... but it happens.
- How come ... how does my daughter suddenly fall into a coma and you just tell me that happens ...
- Germen ... take it easy. Let the Prof. Castro continued.- Says Rosary ...
- In Violetta's case is not one of the most serious, most likely she had more signs of what is happening, but no one had noticed.
- What signs? You mean we could have avoided this? That it was because of us that she ... -Angie cries without being able to control the tears ...
- No, the Profesor did not mean that. Listen, even if you had noticed something, all this could have happened. - Says Luis trying to calm them down.
- I'll try to explain it to you. A stroke is nothing more than a drop in blood flow to the brain. It can have several causes, one of them is a simple tachycardia that was the case of your daughter. The fact of having the cardiorespiratory arrest also did not help ...
- But did Vilu never have heart problems? How do you suddenly have this thing of tachycardia? - Asks Rosário.
- Rosary ... with all that has happened in the past few weeks, I wonder how she endured so much ...
- Responding to what D. Rosario asked, we also did some tests to the heart, which will have to be reassessed as soon as it wakes up but indicate a slight heart murmur, however, may be the result of cardiorespiratory arrest.
- Dr. Herrera, and now, how long will you be unconscious and tied to that machine?
- Well, as far as she's unconscious, the truth is that at this moment it's up to her, in relation to the ventilator she's already breathing for her. And that alone is very good signal .- says Rodrigo
- Only one thing you have to know ... - says Professor Castro ... - regarding possible sequels ... - and suddenly everyone looks at him ... - this is if they exist but only when she wakes up We can analyze
- What kind of sequels? What can happen ... please do not hide anything Professor.
- Well may be many, but the most common are: recent memory loss, movements, speech ...
- You're saying Vilu may ... no ... I do not ...- Angie goes pale, white ... and leaves the room. She can not bear to hear anything else, and goes to the first bathroom she finds and ... everything she ate that morning has just come out of her stomach. She feels lost, nauseous and slightly dizzy ... thinking of Vilu without speaking or moving ... this is not happening. When she leaves the bathroom she sees Tatiana with Luzia, and suddenly Germen appears and everyone that was in the room.
- Angie, are you okay? You are pale ...
- I'm fine ... can we go see Vilu?
- Yes ... of course ...- Germen kisses her forehead and hugs her, still feeling her anxiety, her fear ... which was also his fear.
- I'm going too ... am I not Uncle Rodrigo? Dad told Mom that you let me go?
- Yes. But first let Violetta's parents come and see her, then I'll take you there, personally?
- But ... I wanted to go soon ... - one or another tear begins to fall ...
- Tati ... - Angie tells her... - If you want you can come with us ... you want to come?
- No Angie, you must go alone. - Luzia says not with a tone of authority but calm ... - Tati will wait for you to see her and ...
- Luzia let her come ... please. - Angie tells her with Tati already by her side with the sweetest air in the world ... the truth is that Angie feels that with the her, she will be able to stand firm and not to break...
- I think that with those two we will not be able to say nothing more Luzia ... - Rodrigo tells her.
- I already gave up saying anything when I see that face... - says Germ pointing to Angie ... - a long time ...
- Okay ... - Luzia could not bear saying that not when her daughter made that face ... - But Tatiana behave and remind of what we talked about in the car ...
- Yes ... Mom, I'm going to behave well and I'm not going to jump or scream or ..."
- Well ... yuor grandmother and I are going to dad's office after you see Violetta you go there.
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