Capítulo 10 - Two Trips, Two Destinations
And they hang up the call, Angie goes back to bed; Vilu and Leon return to the Studio of Seville where Rafael is waiting to return home. When they get home only Rosário is awake, she tries to talk to Violetta but this one rises to the room, completely ignoring her grandmother.
- It's my fault I should not have forgotten, it was logical that she remembered Maria ...
- Violetta will forgive you, calm down. She is in shock, not knowing what to think, without realizing what she feels. You just have to give her some time to digest this.
- I do not know Leon ... I'm afraid I lost my granddaughter ...
- I've known Violetta for four years now, three of those we have been dating: with a few snares in the middle, we've separated ourselves some times, I do not even know how many times. But we always ... we always came back because if there is something that Vilu has is an enormous capacity to forgive ...
- Thank you Leon, you're a good boy, and my granddaughter is very lucky to have found you. I'm going to rest tomorrow is a new day.
- I'll see Vilu later, too, and I'm going to rest ... and do not worry, she'll eventually forgive you.
So they were both resting, Rosário went to the room where Clarita already slept quietly. Leon went to Violetta's room... When he entered he realized that she had fallen asleep, she had not changed, and had tears still flowing down her face; He came closer and gave her a kiss on the forehead, covered her and left the room.
The days in Seville were passing, Violetta amused herself with Leon, and even with her cousins, she loved to take care of Clara and teach her new words, to swim and even to walk. She still avoided meeting her new Auntie and his grandmother ... though at mealtimes he had to see them but tried to avoid talking to them. Rosario was sad but tried to give her the time she needed. Luzia could not take that attitude for much longer, she was tired of seeing her mother sad and putting up with Violetta's faces, but Rosário asked her to be patient that everything would be resolved.
Angie and Gérmen continued their trip in Porto, visited one of the Port Wine Cellars and also the Music House. On the third day Gérmen rented a car and they went to Viana do Castelo they stayed in a "Pousada" on the top of the city where they had a wonderful view of the city; The morning after the arrival they descended and could see all the streets adorned with carpets of flowers of all colors, had gone at the height of the city festivals being the main the Our Lady of the Agony Pilgrimage with parade of floats and several girls dressed with The typical costumes adorned with earrings, necklaces and bracelets made of gold (or rather made in filigree which are very fine threads of gold worked to make magnificent jewels), went to stroll around the city and while Angie entered a store, Gérmen entered a Another without her noticing, then went on to the Hotel, where they dated in the light of the stars and the firework that came from the city.
The next day they followed the way to the next stop, Angie always did not know what was going on because Germen never told her where they were going, when they arrived she could not even believe again he had overcome himself again. Coimbra, a city of students and loves, That was atleast what he had told her. Coimbra was one of the first cities in Europe to create a University, dating back to the 13th century, during the reign of King Dinis. But about Loves and Disaffection this city has a long history, the place where they would stay was called "Quinta das Lágrimas" (Farm of Tears), was a place where the Portuguese royal family came to hunt at that time when they lived in this city.
After being taken to the room and exchanged after a refreshing bath, Germen caught Angie and walked with her through the beautiful gardens. When he reached a fountain with the same name of the farm, he hugged Angie from behind and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
- I'll tell you the story from this place, for it charmed me: they say that it was here that Prince D. Peter and Lady Ines de Castro, were meeting always in secret, so that nothing would disturb their love.
- But why a secret?
- Prince Peter was engaged to Lady Constança, but fell in love with one of his ladies, Inês de Castro. However, his father King D. Afonso IV forced him to marry Lady Constança, which made Prince Peter begin to see Lady Ines in secret.
- It seems like a very sad story, Germen ... what happened to Lady Ines?
- The two of them loved each other so they continued to meet here at this spring. There is a legend that says that from the Farm leaves a narrow barrel, now called "the Loves", which will end a hundred meters from the Convent of Saint Clara where Lady Inês lived after Lady Constança discovers the romance. It would be the waters that flow from the Source of Love to this pipe that would serve as transportation for the letters of love from Peter to Inês. The legend says that the prince put them in wooden boats that, following the current, would go to the delicate hands of Ines.
- It's beautiful, a forbidden love ... yet they fought for it. Did they get together?
- Unfortunately no, King D. Afonso IV had Inez killed. They say that it was her tears that gave birth to the Fountain of Tears.
- It's sad ... this story. How can a father do something so cruel ...
- It was other times ... but Ines was proclaimed Queen of Portugal. Prince Peter, when proclaimed King of Portugal declared Lady Inês as his Queen and did not married again. For him there would be no other love than what he felt for his Inês.
- Like ours? Have I told you that I love you ... that I never thought I could love anyone as I love you ...
- Today... not yet ... this story of love and dismay reminded me of our history: so much time lost to admit our love out of fear, shame, cowardice and in the end love is so easy, so simple we just have to follow our heart. - Angie feels Germ put something around her neck, looks down and sees a heart made in filigree, with the initial of his name "G" it was beautiful.
- Germen is beautiful ... I do not even know what to say ...
- You do not have to say anything, this is my heart and I'm offering it to you, to take care of, protect and love ... forever.
- I love you ... but I have nothing to offer you ...
- You've given me everything I wanted and more: you gave me a family again and you gave me Clara the best gift you could have given me.
And after a passionate kiss they let themselves stay in that magical place, passionate and full of history. When it was getting dark, they went back to their room and soon fell asleep. They stayed there one more day, strolled, got to know the city and made even a small boat trip on the Mondego River. After a good night, they went on with their trip and once again Angie was not sure where she was going ... but this time she did not even care that everything was so good that she did not even care, Germen was with love Of his life, and it was all that interested him.
Violetta still did not talk to her grandmother or her aunt, she would avoid even meeting her aunt. Leon also started getting tired of her attitude, that was not the Vilu he loved. That day Luzia would go to the hospital and her grandmother would visit a friend so Violetta felt free for the first time to think of all the doubts and unanswered questions that had assaulted her during that week: she knew that her grandmother had not done more purpose.
But why on earth did she never tell her anything? Had she thought she did not remember her mother? How could she forget about her mother? She was small ... but it was her mother and she would never forget her. And her Aunt Luzia, what fault did she have to look like Maria? But what guilt was she of not being able to look at her aunt without wanting to cry? It was horrible all she felt, and she had already realized that Leon could no longer put up with these doubts. How much she missed Angie, she needed to talk to her, but she could not interrupt their trip ... she would not, she would wait for her aunt. Since she could not sleep any more, she got up and decided to go for a swim, went downstairs, and only Chica and Lia, one of the house maids, were awake to set the table for breakfast.
- Violetta already awake, if you want I can serve the breakfast already?
- No, thank you Xica I'm going to take a dive I need to refresh my ideas, and arrange them.
Out at the pool she takes off the dress that she had put over her bikini, comes near the pool and dives. The sensation of the shock of temperatures seems to give her a shock and rearranged some things in her mind. She even could forgive her grandmother, but and even if she knew that her Aunt was not to blame for being similar to Maria, she could not face her at that moment ... it hurt too much to remember her mother, the lack that she made in her heart, it hurt Very much yet, it seemed that she even lacked the air. She let herself be leaning in the pool with her head on her arms, In that moment she hears a voice of someone ... a voice she knew too well.
- This is not the way to receive a Supernova like me. Violetta thought at least one red carpet ... please ...
- Ludmila ... I do not believe it. You came ... you came. - She comes out of the pool and grabs the towel.
- Did you not call me, I never leave anyone waiting, especially if you are my "sister".- Vilu will hug her but ... - Vilu, do not you dare ...
But Violetta does not care about her, she embraces her with longing, affection, love ... she had missed her "sister of the heart". Who would have thought they would be friends, confidants, partners ... sisters. Ludmila, although she was angry at first, because she was so wet that she ended up getting carried away by that hug, she had also missed Vilu, although she obviously did not admit it ... never.
- I'm glad you're here ... I need to talk to someone so much. Leon does not even talk to me anymore ...
- What has happened? Did you two argue? It is also nothing new, you are either right or wrong, there is no middle ground for you two.
- No, we're not exactly angry. But I think he's just tired of seeing me like this.
- What? With that angry face? It's your natural state Vilu ... - She looks at Ludmila and can not help tearing a tear ...- Vilu ... wait this is serious, is not it?
- Come on, shall we talk in my room? Wait, and Fede?
- It's in the living room with your grandmother and Leon, it was Xica who said that you were in the pool ... but we're going to have to talk "Little Sis".
- Come on ... let's go to my room. We can talk there freely.
And they went to the living room, where she spoke to Fede, ignoring her grandmother at all. She had already realized that she would have to forgive her grandmother, but for some reason she could not, she took Ludmila's hand and went on to her room. While Lu sat on Vilu's bed, she went to shower and got dressed. When she left, Ludmila was playing the guitar ... and they started singing.
Descubri, que soy tan parecida a ti
Y que el sonido de tu vos
Me anima, me emociona
Descubri, y se hace mucho más que a dos
Y que si tu estas junto a mi
El miedo me abandona
Despues de todo, estamos juntos Viendo salir el sol
Abro mi corazón a ti La luz se hace más fuerte en mi
Cuando tu estás puedo sentir Que no estoy sola para seguir
Abro mi corazón a ti La luz se hace más fuerte en mi
Cuando tu estás puedo dar más Sube el telón y que comienze a sonar
Tu voz y mi voz...
- Oh, I was so homesick to sing with you ... I was just dying here without you.
- Okay ... let's stop the drama. Tell me what's going on? Why did you leave Argentina? And what is the matter with you and Leon, not to mention what happens between you and your grandmother.
- Well, I hope you had a good breakfast because the story is very long and complicated.
Vilu then began at the beginning: with the arrival of his grandfather and the whole drama of knowing all that had happened during those four years: the fact that Angelica had reunited with her, from Germen's marriage to Angie,an the fact that she was singing and dancing like her mother. Finally he got to the part of the blackmail that he made Germen: either he ended his marriage with Angie or he told everyone that Michael and Rosário betrayed Angelica and that they had a daughter.
- Wait ... your grandfather and your grandmother had an affair ... and they had a daughter? That means that this aunt is your father, your mother, and your stepmother sister, who is also your mother sister ... what a mess.
- It was awful, Angie ended up leaving Clara because she did not want Grandma Angelica to know anything.
- Wait ... who's Clara?
- Ah! It's mine ... i meen our little sister. Dad and Angie daugther ...
- Okay, I have a sister and nobody told me anything. I'm offended ...
- Sorry Lu, but with the arrival of granddad it was all complicated and confusing ... but you're right to be angry ... i'm sorry.
- But not even a message at all ...
- I did not even remember telling you ... I'm really sorry. But she's the most beautiful thing in the world.
- Okay, why did you come to Seville? And where are Germen and Angie?
- Grandad wanted to take us to Madrid: me and Clara, stay with our guard ... you know?
- You know you're na ADULT ... so your grandfather can not do anything, he can not take you to Spain without you want it... - and suddenly ... - Oh, I see, Clara. You were not going to let her go alone, right?
- Only I know what I suffered when I was locked up at home, never being able to leave, without friends, without a life ... I would never leave her alone. That's why we came here ... we fled. Meanwhile, dad and Angie made up and went on a trip together.
- Okay. And Leon why are you angry, upset ... I do not know ...
- That is another story ... - and Vilu tells her what happened when she met Luzia ... - I know that no one is to blame, but ...
- Vilu, I can understand you, but you're going to be mad until when?
- I'm not mad, It's just not easy to suddenly ...
- You will stay here for a while, you will not be able to avoid her forever ..." Sis" you have to face the ox head ... right?
- I missed you ... - Vilu says laughing and hugging Ludmila ... - Now, you have to meet your new sister.
The two of them left the room, and they went to Rosario's room where Clara slept, but they found only Leah who was cleaning the room. They asked her for Clara, she replied that she had already woken up and that she was with Rosario in the room. They go downstairs and go straight to the dining room where they are all having breakfast, Violetta greets everyone with a Good Day and goes to Clara who soon calls her "Bilu" ...
- Good morning my little princess ... Lu is is Clara ... Clarita this is Lu.
- Hmm! Looked like Angie, a touch or another of Germen and ... Thank God nothing to do with you.- Everyone looks at her with a face of amazement and disbelief ... when suddenly there are four completely different laughs: Leon, Fede, Vilu, and Ludmila herself.
- You do not really change ... but I know you do not say these things for evil ...
- No ... I'm serious. She has everything to be a mini Supernova ... if you do not get inthe way of course.
- You know she's more my sister than yours? That's why she's more likely to come out like me than you. - Violetta tells her half-seriously.
- Well, but you know that this thing of blood and such ... is not so linear, and then with my help she will be a Supernova.
- You two can stop this ...- Leon finally says ... - sit down and have breakfast, please. People this is Ludmila ...
- Grandmother, I wanted to tell you something before we started ... I know I've been a little ... I mean very unfair to you. I want to apologize ... - Rosary said nothing, just hugged her ...
- Of course I forgave you ... but I also have to apologize to you. I should have had something.- And they hugged again.
- Now you just have to apologize to my mother. -Tati says with a smile from ear to ear, everyone looks at her ...- What? Violetta has been very bad to my mother, too.
- Tati, I know I have not been very nice to your mother and I apologize tou you I didn't want you to be sad ...
- I'm not sad, Mom is sad ... and I do not like to see her like this, and if you are talking to Grandma ... can you talk to Mom?
- Tati things are a little more complicated, you'll have to wait a little longer. But I promise I'll try ...
- You know Violetta, things are not complicated at all you adults make them complicated ... I just do not want to see mom sad.
- Maybe you're right, tonight when she gets here me and you will talk to her ... can I have your help?
- Yes. Vilu, this blonde girl who arrived is Ludmila that one from the wire, is not it? Is she your friend?
- Yes, it's Ludmila, and she's more than a friend ... she's my sister, my partner... she's someone special. You'll like her.
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