Chapter One : A Dark Cloud Looms Over
Violet (VO) My story tale proceeds with a dark cloud. A nightmarish horror that you can't escape. We all have inner demons, a darkness that we try to suppress. But eventually, the darkness will re-surface itself.
I'm sitting in a sofa chair, with my blood-stained hands and my Mom's blood on my sleeveless turtleneck purple shirt.
After Mrs. Hedrick had phone called Sonya, she had told the guys.
"Violet?" Sonya said, still dressed up in her dress, walks up to me, worriedly, and sits down beside me in a sofa chair. "Violet?"
"Eleanor Reese stabbed my Mom and left her bleeding out on the floor of the lounge center." I said, gloomy spaced out.
"Guys?" Boni said, walking up to us. "How's my Mom? Is she gonna be okay?"
"She's gonna be okay." Mrs. Hedrick said, informing Me, Boni and the Benton Gang on my Mom. "Your Mom has lost some blood, her stab wound was quite deep, she's unconscious for right now, but she's gonna pull through."
"Violet, you should go home." Boni said to me.
I look up at Boni. "I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying."
"Violet? Dad and I are gonna be here with Mom." Boni said, and looks at Aaron. "Aaron, can you take Violet home, please?"
"Yeah, sure." Aaron said.
I gets up to my feet and looks at Boni.
"Boni? Violet?" My Dad said, walking up to us.
"Just because you're the Cobras ringleader, you don't get to tell me what to do." I said, with my eyebrows furrowed in agitated, and walks away from her.
After changing into some pajamas, I'm in my bedroom, laying in my bed with the plush thick lavender bedcover covering me.
Aaron slowly walks inside my bedroom and slowly crawls onto my bed and gently lays down beside me.
"Your Mom's gonna be fine." Aaron said to me, plants a kiss on my cheek and gently cuddles me.
"I know." I said.
And Aaron and I slowly falls asleep.
The Next Morning, the Benton Gang and I, and our parents, are sitting around in the sofa chairs. Sonya and I are sitting beside each other, worriedly.
"Violet? I am so sorry about your Mom, but knowing how strong she is, she's gonna pull through." Monica said to me.
I look up at Monica as an urge of agitation occurs to me. "I bet you were happy while Jonny and You were together, but now, that I've returned to Somerville High, a part of you wishes that I hadn't came back, so, Jonny and You can be good again."
"Violet, you know that's not true. You're my best friend and I deeply care about you." Monica said.
"Violet?" Jonny said, slowly walking up to me.
And I avert my attention on Jonny. "And you, Jonny, I really thought I loved you, but instead, I'm glad that Aaron and I have reconciled our relationship, so, I don't have to be your 2nd girl to you. But at least, you have your boring wrench, Monica, to keep you company."
Jonny looks at me, slightly hurt. And I just look at him with a straight face.
"Violet?" Boni said.
I walks away, and everyone exchange worried looks at each other.
minutes after...
In the lounge room, I'm sitting on the sofa, in the dark. The light switch turns on, the Benton Gang slowly walks into the lounge room.
"Violet?" Cherry said.
"Leave me alone." I said, holding a plastic bag containing my Mom's blood-stained clothes.
"We're not going anywhere." Jonny said.
"You're hurt, agitated, worried, we are too." Sonya said.
"And you've always been there for us, so, go ahead, and get agitated, tell us off, or even try to emotionally push us away, but we're here for you." Aaron said, sitting down on the sofa beside me.
Sonya sits down beside me and gently takes the plastic bag and gently sets it down on the coffee table.
"It's gonna be okay, Violet." Sonya said.
I gently leans my head on Sonya's shoulder and sobs softly, and the Benton Gang comforts me.
Afterwards, I walk into my Mom's hospital room and sees Eleanor Reese wearing a pair of scrubs, sitting in a sofa chair.
"It's such a dreary afternoon, isn't it?" Eleanor Reese said, looking at my Mom, laying in her bed with a nostril tube in her nose. "You have many hearts, Violet."
"What do you want, Eleanor?" I asked her.
Eleanor looks at me. "You know what I want, Violet." getting up and slowly walks up to me. "You're just being too damn stubborn."
"Why can't you just leave me the hell alone?" I asked her.
Eleanor Reese tilts her head to the right side with a mischievous look in her blue eyes. "If I leave you the hell alone, I'll be bored."
Eleanor Reese and I exchange looks at each other and she walks away.
Now, in the main room, Eleanor Reese looks at the Benton Gang.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Cherry asked Eleanor.
"Violet's really messed up in her mind. She's teenage young." Eleanor Reese said, folding her arms.
"Yeah. She's teenage young." Jonny said, getting up to his feet. "But she doesn't deserve your psychotic bull-crap."
"You know, I'm not even the slightest surprised that you're defending Violet, given that you're still in love with her, despite, your somewhat relationship with Monica Sinclair." said Eleanor Reese.
Jonny looks at Eleanor Reese. And she just smiles.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Cat got your tongue, Jonny Harper? What happened to all that smacker that you had a little bit ago?" Eleanor Reese asked.
"Eleanor." I said.
Eleanor Reese glances at me. "I'll see you around, Little Brat." and she walks away.
That night, Jonny and Monica are sitting in a booth table across from each other.
"You're still in love with Violet, aren't you?" Monica asked him.
"Monica?" Jonny said.
"Just admit it yourself." Monica tells him. "You're still in love with Violet."
"Okay, I am." Jonny tells Monica. "Is this what Eleanor Reese said?"
"This has nothing to do with Eleanor Reese, this has something to do in between us." Monica tells Jonny. "You and I have been dating, and ever since, Violet's returned to Somerville High, our relationship has been slowly strained."
"There's nothing going on in between Me and Violet. She and I have agreed to be best buddies, despite, our chemistry connection." Jonny said.
"Violet wanted to become best buddies despite the chemistry connection in between the two of you, to prevent a love triangle. And you don't love me like you love Violet." Monica said, sliding out of the booth table and walks away.
"Monica?" Jonny said, walking after her and getting in front of her. "Monica, please? Can we just talk about this?"
"There's nothing else to talk about, Jonny. You and I have been dating, but we've never said "I Love You" to each other. And a part of your heart still has Violet in it. But we can't be together anymore, Jonny, I'm sorry." Monica said, walking away from him.
Upon breaking up, Jonny gloomily looks at Monica as she walks away, walking out of the diner.
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