Chapter Nine : The Knight In Purple Armor part 1
The Next Morning, Boni and The Cobras, and Trina and The Scullies, has engaged in a fight, punching each other in each other's faces.
"You shouldn't have never threatened me, Boni." Trina said, punching her in her face.
"You're right, I shouldn't." Boni said, and punches Trina in her face. "But I did." and punches Trina in her face again.
"That's enough." Eleanor Reese said, causing Trina and The Scullies to look at her. "Leave. Now."
Trina and The Scullies slowly gets up to their feet and walks away, walking out of the Tavern Bodge.
"Eleanor Reese." Boni said, getting up to her feet.
"Boni Benton. Older sister to Violet Benton, and the ringleader of The Cobras." Eleanor Reese said.
"You leave my little sister alone." Boni said.
"Or what? Violet already knows what I want." Eleanor Reese said.
"My little sister, Violet is a strong person. And she will not give in." Boni said to Eleanor Reese.
But Eleanor Reese just smirks, menacingly. "We'll see about that." and and walks away.
Shawn and Boni exchange looks at each other.
I'm with Boni in the messy dimly lit main room. Broken round lounge tables, the torn up U shaped sofa, the sofas and the three seat sofas.
"Gosh, Trina and The Scullies made quite the mess in the main room of the lounge clubhouse." I said.
"Yeah. And also Eleanor Reese was here as well." Shawn said. "Apparently, Trina and The Scullies are with her."
"And from what Vv informed, Trina and The Scullies have an "alliance" with Eleanor Reese." T-Birdie said.
"I have to go, but I'll see you guys around." I said, and walks away.
I'm slowly walking in the half empty school hallway, humming softly to myself.
I see a redhead girl at a locker.
Violet (VO) Hmm, I haven't seen her around here at Somerville High School before.
I slowly walks up to her. "Hi."
She looks at me. "Hi. And I'm Scarlett Sweeney, by the way. Nice to meet you."
"You too. I haven't seen you around here at Somerville High, are you a new student?" I asked her.
"Yeah. I've transferred from Cypress Boarding School." Scarlett Sweeney said to me.
"Okay, nice to meet you, Scarlett. And by the way, I'm Violet. Violet Benton." I said, introducing myself to Scarlett.
"You too. I'll see you around, Violet." Scarlett Sweeney said, and walks away.
I slowly walks to the student lounge and glances at my best friends, the Benton Gang. I slowly walks into the student lounge.
"Hey, guys." I said.
"Hey, V." Aaron said, and becomes worried. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah. I'll be okay." I said with a small smile, and slowly walks inside and sits down on the three seat sofa. "I love you guys."
"We love you too, Violet." Sonya said.
The Benton Gang and I exchange small smiles at each other.
I'm sitting at the kitchen countertop, eating a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
"I was gonna make some dinner for us this evening, but I have some things to do at the Benton Construction Company." My Dad said.
"Let me guess, Chicken Alfredo and cream soda." Boni said.
"Sounds good." My Mom said.
"Boni, can we talk?" I asked her.
"Yeah, sure." Boni said.
I slowly walks away from the kitchen and into the living room.
"Violet? Are you okay?" Boni asked me, concerned.
I hand her my Cobra jacket. "I'm not ready to become a Cobra. I thought I was, but I'm not."
"Violet?" Boni said.
"Just take it." I said to her.
Boni gently takes my Cobra jacket and I plants a kiss on her cheek. And walks away.
I'm sitting at the diner counter, gloomily. And Jen gently sets down a vanilla milkshake in front of me on the diner counter.
"Seems as though you need it." Jen said to me.
"Thanks, Jen." I said.
Jen and I exchange small smiles at each other and she walks away.
I pull my phone out and dials Eleanor Reese's phone number.
And Eleanor answers her phone. "Hi, Violet. Are you finally ready to give me what I want?"
"I am." I said to her.
"Meet me at Oak Valley." Eleanor Reese said, and hangs up her phone.
And I take a swig of my milkshake.
The Benton Gang is with Boni, worried about Me.
"What's with Violet? She hasn't been herself." Sonya asked Boni.
"I don't know. Violet's mind is a bit mentally messed up. She even gave me her Cobra jacket." Boni said.
"What? Why would she do that?" Aaron asked.
"Violet said that she's a bubble map and we're connected to her." Jonny said, and realizes what's my scheme. "Oh, crap. Violet's gonna sacrifice herself."
The Benton Gang and Boni exchange worried looks at each other.
Aaron pulls out his phone and dials my phone number.
I'm sitting on the stairs and my phone buzzes in my jeans pocket. I pulls out my phone and looks at it.
I answer my phone. "Hey, Aaron."
"Violet? Whatever you're about to do, please, don't do it." Aaron said, worriedly, on the phone.
"I love you, Aaron." I said to my boyfriend. "I'm really happy that you and I have our second chance at reconciling our relationship. Tell my parents, Boni, and the guys, that I love them."
"I love you too, Violet. And where are you?" Aaron said.
"I love you, Aaron." I said, and hangs up my phone, putting my phone back in my jeans pocket, getting up, and walks inside the building.
I slowly walks into the darkened main room and sees Eleanor Reese, along with Trina and The Scullies wearing their Scullies leather jackets and skull ski masks.
"I didn't think that you had the guts to show back up here at Oak Valley." Eleanor Reese said.
"Like I said, your antagonistic quarrel with me." I said to Eleanor Reese with a straight face.
"You've become The Knight In Purple Armor. I admire that. I really do." Eleanor Reese said with a straight face with the blue light glimmering on the side of her face. "But how nice it would be to have your superhero purple cape to be taken off of you."
Eleanor Reese and I exchange annoyed looks at each other. Trina and The Scullies slowly walks up to me with brass knuckles.
I punch Trina in her face. And a female Scullies member grabs me from behind and slings me onto the carpet floor, pulling off my hoodie cape.
And Trina and The Scullies walks up to me and punches me.
Afterwards, Eleanor Reese slowly walks up to me and crouches down to me. "The Knight In Shining Armor you are, Violet Benton."
Boni Benton runs into the institution building and runs into the main room.
"Violet?!" Boni exclaimed. "Violet?!"
Boni finds me laying on the carpet floor, and walks up to me and becomes worried upon seeing the bruises on my face.
The Benton Gang are sitting around on the U shaped sofa, worriedly.
Sonya looks at Boni. "Boni?" she said, upon getting up to her feet.
Boni slowly walks into the dimly lit main room, holding me in her arms, bridal style, unconscious, and gently sits me down on the carpet floor and cradles me in her arms.
A teary-eyed Boni looks up at the Benton Gang and the Cobras as she gently rests her chin atop of my head.
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