It was a Thursday that day. Sapphire could never forget that day. She was by the Black Lake, sitting underneath the shade of one of the trees, reading as what she usually does. Silva was with her, but unlike the studious Ravenclaw, the girl was busy spouting out bubbles with her wand. She'd sometimes pull Sapphire's sleeves just to show her one of her unique bubbles.
There was a slight commotion in front of them and it was only growing louder as it drew near the pair. From Sapphire's view she could barely see the head of Remus Lupin, 1/4 of the infamous Marauders.
Sapphire couldn't help but roll her eyes. There was always trouble with those four around. She stood up from her spot to help her assess the situation more clearly.
She then saw the figure of Severus Snape levitating off the ground upside down. She could vaguely hear Potter sneer from where she was. Unfortunately, as she was about to step closer to the scene, a flash of red went by her vision.
"Stop! What has he ever done to you?" The shrill voice of Lily Evans filled the air. This made Sapphire push her feet off as she began to move closer to the crowd.
"You're lucky Evans is here." She heard Sirius Black say. She was now at the front of the mob. Snape was still laying on the ground with Lily standing in front of him defensively.
"I don't need help from mudbloods like her." He sneered back.
"Snape!" Sapphire called out warningly. Almost everyone's eyes were on her now as she glared the boy down. She watched as he cowered in fear by just her stare. She may be quiet most of the time but everyone in Hogwarts knew she was not to be messed with.
"Apologise!" Potter shouted, aiming his wand menacingly at the boy.
"No!" Lily interjected, "I don't want you to make him apologise. You're no better than he is!" With that, she stormed off. Sapphire could see the tears on the corners of her eyes. She managed to pull herself back, facing the aftermath of the situation.
"Ten points off of each house, Merlin knows I would take more off if I was allowed." Her voice boomed throughout the people, the authority in it making the five perpetrators only look at her, not questioning the girl. "I assure you your Head of Houses will know about this."
The girl turned back, the crowd separating to make a path for me. "Just when I thought I'd get a peaceful afternoon."
Silva watched as the girl stalked towards the castle. She noted how the girls eyes were filled with worry rather than irritation like how she makes it out to be.
Silva sighed, letting her go.
Sapphire was beyond worried, she dashed through the hall still trying to keep her facade calm when on the inside she was anything but such.
Her mind was in a frenzy of concern as she went to the only place she thought the girl would be. She was thankful it was only on the second floor or else she didn't know if she could keep her calm demeanor for any longer.
She knew she was risking so much to run after her. No one goes to Moaning Myrtle's Lavatory so it will be fine. She found found herself chanting this repeatedly in her head. Once she heard the girl's faint sobs, she quickly set herself off.
She saw her crouched in the middle of the room, her arms burying her head. Sapphire slowly took the seat next to her as the girl continued to cry out.
"What are you doing here? I thought you might get in trouble if someone sees you with me." Her voice cracking at the very end.
"No one comes here anyways," she breathed out. "Even if they did I'd still come for you." She could feel her face burn with every word she said, silently cursing herself.
Gently, she felt Lily reach out to her hand. "Don't go." She whispered out.
Sapphire swallowed up all her worries as she intertwined their fingers.
"I won't." She answered.
And that was enough for her. Just her and Lily, holding hands. It may be on the floor in the middle of a dusty bathroom but it was enough. It was enough because she had Lily and she was her's. And for a moment, she imagined it was the truth.
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