I'm Sorry part 2 Last Charpter
Hey Guys!!! It's me! I hope you'll enjoy this last chapter of our story and if you want I'm doing ask/dares and story sugestions! Yay! Well enjoy!)
You were walking home alone. You kepted having
the same words from Madison going through your head. (FLASHBACK!- "Remember...never trust Vincent when you both go to that hell." ) You wanted to cry then you also remembered that Madison was murdered by Vincent. You clentched your hands. You hated him now but you still love him. You wanted to take back of what was Madison's life. You took out your phone and called Mike(I hope you fan-girls are happy now.), Madison, and Vincent giving them to met you at the pazziarea at 12 am. You walked to the pizzarea by yourself.
Madison's P.O.V-
"Hey Mike? Did you get a message from Y/n?" Mike nodded. "Yea?...And why would she texted me?" I shrugged. "Maybe she needs us?" " Or maybe she's trying to kill me." " MIKEY!" I hate when he does that. Mike started to laugh. " THAT'S NOT FUNNY! Geezz!" I left the house so I can get some air. I took out a pocky and put it in my mouth. Pockies were really for a game to play so your "Lover" can kiss you while getting out the pocky out of your mouth but I like to just eat them or just leave it there. I heard Mike came outside too. "It's weird that you can't just take a joke." "I do if it wasn't dead like that." Mike knows about almost everything becuase I tell him. He usely think this is a bunch of crap but what can I say?
You P.O.V And Time Skip-
" Where are they!?" you were cold. It was dark out and it was cold! "Hey Y/n!" You turn around to see Madison and Mike. "Where were you guys!? I was waiting for 58 minutes!" "Well sorry miss Minutes but we were just getting Madison some more pockies and me some beer." You looked confussed but did't care. "Do you have the keys?" Madison nodded. "How did you get the keys?" "I stoled it from the boss." (Mike: He'll be p**sed! XD Me: I don't care! XD) You were surprised. "And how?" "By paying him almost all of my money sadly." Madison unlocked the door and opened it. "Remember Madison if you don't see Vincent the to the office." You sometimes wonder why Madison listens to Mike all the time. "Wait!" Both you and Mike stopped then Madison sighed. "First tell me the plan y/n." "Why should I tell you Madison?" "Because you should you come here in a long shot but now your here. Why?" You wanted to slap her but mostly Mike.(Nope! I'm making all of you fan-girls to be sad now! HAHAH! XD) "I'll tell you why....Because Vincent took away your life and I want to help you!" Madison eyes widen then smiles. "Why should you? I mean like...I'm never here for revenge....I'm here to make everyones life happy but also my life too but...still I don't like murder and it's not right." "I know Madison but I want revenge of my fallen friend." You turned around and went to the secret room. Madison sometimes talks about it when Mikes not there but sometimes does talk about it when he's there but when she does Mike covers her mouth with his hand or one of her pockies.
Madison's P.O.V.-
"You sure you don't want to try this Mikey? It's just like a cookie but as a straight line." "Madison for the last time I'm fine." I sighed. I sometimes wanted Mike to try something small for me but no he's just says his ok and that's it. I put one pocky in his mouth and I had the other end of it. "F**k you Madison." "I know." I knew what had to happen. I broke the pocky in half and ate my half. "You didn't even...I don't get it now." "Aaaggghhh! I broke the pocky in half so we didn't have to kiss. Duh."Mike still looked confussed. " If I didn't do that it wouldn't be easy for you." "Ok?" I sighed and kissed him.
Mike's P.O.V -
I blushed. Did she really kissed me? I saw she had another pock in her mouth then I relived...that was my pocky. "F**k you Madison." "I know."
Your P.O.V -
You felt something touch your neck then you coughed up blood. "Well well...If it isn't my little toy." You had tears in your eyes then you fell on the ground. "Y....you monster!" He laughed. "Well that's because I am." You saw something in the dinstince but you couldn't figured out who or what they are. You tried to stand up but couldn't. "If you stop moving maybe your friends would come." "He's right there!" You heard Madisons viceo...You blacked out not knowing what's happening...
Madisons P.O.V.-
I started to cry. I didn't want to hurt anyone. I never had anyone who were so close to me get hurt excepted for one. It hurts my heart that some people had to die. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Mike. "What do you want?" Mike sighed. "I'm taking you home." "Why?" "Because I care Madison!" My head jerked. I blushed while rubbing my eyes. Mike sat beside me and hugged me. "Everything is ok...Y/n is in a better place now....I promise." He kissed my head then gets up. "Now come on. We don't want to be catch by some wild Pokémon." "I smiled and also got up. I'll miss you Y/n...Your like a sister that I never had....good-bye...see you soon....love you...my sister.
(Yay! The story is done! I hope I didn't give you the feels. like, comment or vote for this story. If you want I can make X reader one shots! Bye!
Mike: Wait! wait. wait. I helped you with a pokemon joke or something?
Me: Yes. c:
Mike: Pokémon is awesome... X3
Me: I know. c: )
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