A Unforgetable Mistake
You waited for another note from him on where you guys would met. You drive to Mikes house to see Madison since her house burned and thank god she lived with some extra stuff(You'll see why.) you still wonder why Madison would keep a puppet that's purple, black, and pink. You sometimes think it's alive because it moves sometimes but you think that its just some stuff that moved. You also wanted to know why Madison had so many books with her since she did finshed school so you sometimes call her a book worm but it sometimes back fires. You thought of something that bugged you. Why does Madison like to be alone? You wondered this so many times. You parked your car infront of Mikes house and got out of your car. You went to the door and knocked on it. Madison opened the door and smiled. "You're here!" Madison hugged you. "Of course I'd came. " You hugged Madison back. "So where's d**k head." (Sorry again to mike fan girls....or fan boys or.....I don't know any more. ;-; )"Oh...You mean Mikey? He's not here." Madison said happily. "Why are you so happy?" You said confused. "Because I get to hang out with you!" You never heard those words in forever. You smiled and hugged her then she hugged back. You two were sisters until Madison met Mike then ever thing changed. Madison was to busy to hang out because of work(And you got jelly. Y
:(Punchs me) WHY YOU LEAVE ME FOR MIKE!? >:( Me: IM SORRY! ;-;) Madison pulled out a note. "Here's another note from Purple." You grabbed and put it in your purse to read it later. " So Madison why do you have all lot of s**t?"(I SHALL NOT SO CUSSE WORDS!) Madison stopped on what she was doing. "Please don't ask me again." You were confused and mad at the same time. She was keeping secrets from you like...all the time. (Nuuuuuuuuuuu. ;-;) "Madison tell me now!" Madison turn around with tears in her eyes. "I said....don't ask me....again!"(DA FEELS! Mike:(shoots more arrows at me) F**KING DEAL WITH IT! Me: Da feels. ;-; Mike: F**k you. -_- Me: c: ) You walked up to her and hugged her. Madison was just standing there. She pushed you off of her. "I think you should leave....." You were surprised. "Fine! I don't need you! I'll be fine being by myself!" you said as you left the door. usely Madison would grab you and hug you but this time was different....... She let you left her...... For the first time she let you left her. You went to your car then drove away. "Why did I have to be her f**king friend?" (Mike: That's what I think all the time. Me: Shut up. -_- )
Madisons' p.o.v.-
I couldn't handle it any more. I let her left
the door like what ever fight we have.......but this time I didn't hug her. Why was she my friend in the first place? I sighed and sit on the couch thinking about it.......Why was she there with me? I wanted to cry but I knew it would be something that someone would use against me to make me cry. I hold in all the tears that would make me look weak. This isn't for Mike this isn't for nobody........It was only for me. I've been hurt by so many people who beat me up I the allies but that's over now......Girls call me ugly, and things like that then they just......laugh at me backs they pushed me into the ground.(DA FEELS AGAIN! Mike:(grabs a pan and hits me with the pan) -_- Me: OW! HEY! ;-;)I heard Mike came in........That's all in need....just....a friend.
Me:.......Ok.... ._.
Mike: Just shut up. -_-
Me:(Throws a squid at mike so he's trying to take the squid off of him) So any ways I hope you like this chapter.......Go ahead you can cry. c:
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