Chapter three | Cage
"Payne I have things to do will you hurry the hell up over there!" The girl growled out and the guy, Payne got off of me in a swift motion. His eyes held no emotion as he stared down at me and I felt my heart sink. He must know right? He should feel something too. Payne, even his names was sexy.
Standing over me his dark outift gave him a dark look that had me shrinking even further into the ground. He was in a black fitted T-shirt under a black armless leather jacked with dark jeans and biker boots. His muscular arms were revealed since his jacket was sleeveless and his revealed sun kissed skin was covered in tattoos. I couldn't make out the drawings or signs but they were definitely there. His neck was the same but it didn't continue to his face thankfully.
"What are you doing Einstein you gotta kill the rogue." The girl added sounding exhausted and pulling me out of my thoughts. "Fuck this, I'm leaving but get rid of that," she pointed at me.
"I'm not a rogue" I croaked out weakly still recovering from my fall and the girl stopped in motion to turn around.
"Then why are you here? You're on our territory right now." The girl growled out and I could hear the irritation growing in her voice. The two of them had their eyes stuck on me and I wished that the ground would have some how sucked me up. They both had identical features with slight differences but they both shared the grey eyes that were so emotionless and blank.
I looked hard at the girl trying to figure something out but nothing struck me as to Payne and her being in a relationship. For some reason that felt gross to even think about.
"I-I ran away from my pack" I stuttered and the girl's eyes glowed with anger. Did I say something wrong?
"That makes you a rogue you bitch. Now what the fuck are you doing here?" She growled out viciously and I saw the man's eyes twich. Was I upsetting him as well?
"P-please don't kill me, I didn't know and I'm sorry I trespassed on your land I-I just saw a clearing and I was tired from running."
"How do we know you're not one of the rogues that just attacked us?" She asked and I felt my stomach fall. Of course they'd think that.
"She doesn't smell like them. Get her up." The man said his voice booming even in a low tone. I felt my heart beat speed up with just hearing his voice. His face was blank as he stared at me and it hurt to know that he wasn't going to acknowledge the fact that I was his mate.
Come on, claim me already.
"What are we going to do with her?" The girl asked as she began walking toward us. The man, Payne, tore his eyes away from mine and turned toward the girl with a glare in them.
"We are not going to do anything, I will deal with this.Carry her to the cage room." He ordered and the girl roughly grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet. The man stepped aside and in incredible speed disappeared into the forest.
"P-please don't kill me" I begged the girl as she began pulling me toward the blood scene where I
ran from.
"Stop that. Don't beg. It makes you look pathetic. It annoys me and since my brother doesn't want me to kill you yet just shut up and walk." Her words were filled with venom but her tone was strangely calm.
He's her brother, now their resemblance adds up.
"Yes, we're twins" the girl said and I felt my face heat up in embarrassment, I said that out loud.
"I'm sorry." I apologized and she shrugged.
"You're going to be dead soon so what's the point in hiding something so obvious." The girl replied and I took note of that.
"What pack is this?" I ask as we moved pass the dead bodies and begin in a grassy trail to where ever we were going.
"Vincent." The girl replied tone clipped. The name sounded familiar, I've heard it before. I decided to stay quiet and not think much into it as we continued walking, she was getting more annoyed with every word that slipped out my mouth.
We kept walking and finally we began walking on trimmed grass and there was a big castle like building coming into view. It was massive and the colours grey and black dominated the massive lot. It was about twice the size of the pack house back in don't you even think about remembering those horrid people.
The girl opened a pair of double doors to the castle and shoved me in roughly. Nice.
The door led to a hallway dominated by the main colour of grey also. There were crystal lights hanging from the ceiling lighting our way and many doors on each side of the hallway. The girl carried me straight down the empty hall. The man had said the cage room. Was she going to put me in a cage? I told them the truth. How could he even order his mate to be put into a cage and get tortured by his sister? But truth be told the way his eyes were so dead of any emotion toward me and seeing how brutal he was to murder all those persons, what did I expect from a murderer? A mate was supposed to be the person fated to you by the moon goddess. From birth you are set to be with your mate and when you find them its the best thing you'll ever experience. I've never given much thought to mine really, with every bad name my old pack called me I believed some. My mate would be ashamed of how pathetic and useless I was. Maybe he's seen it already, from they lack of emotion and the way he starred into my eyes it was almost as if he could read through my soul. He probably saw that I was useless and he's going to keep me locked up for the rest of my life because he doesn't want me. He looks the type after all. He has about a million tattoos over his big built body and I know definitely he is not a Romeo so why is their still a piece of hope in me that wants to think I'm wrong. I guess I really am pathetic but a girl could dream. I don't know him after all so its not time for me to judge. There's a reason he put me in here, so all I had to do was wait.
"Why were you looking at my brother like that earlier?" The girl asked, her voice cold as the air in the room. She brought me out of my thoughts and as her question replayed in my mind I decided against telling her I was his mate. He should be the one to say it and from the looks of it he'd rather not.
"He scared me," I lied and she nodded and I saw a ghost of a smile cross her face.
"You're lying. It wasn't fear in your eyes but I'm glad you prefer fear to be your reaction, anything else will just be a waste of your time." There were two doors on each side of the hallways and before I could continue straight she pushed me to go to my left.
"What do you mean?" I ask feeling the pang of disappointment in my chest grow even bigger.
"I think you saw what I meant. I don't know why he still has you alive but when he returns later he will deal with you. I am in no mood to play babysitter to a rogue." The girl said bitterly and I nod my head. The left door led to a dark path until she flipped a switch and the crystal lights brightened the room. It was plain with a metal door in the center of the empty hall.
She led me to the door and it led to another room that was dark like the other one had been. She turned on the light and it was just as plain. Nothing inside of it, no window or any type of furniture.
"I'm surprised he didn't send you to the barriers downstairs, we usually keep people from our pack there as punishment for defying or disrespecting us. We've never taken in a rogue or an outsider, you've just made history for us even if your inside the cage. I'd like to know the reason why?" She asked and I felt some hope. Then why am I here? Maybe I was wrong about him? What if he just wants me here so we can talk and he's busy? The room is definitely not much but its not a cage as I suspected. Then why call it the cage room?
I stand in the middle of the room and the girl stands in the doorway as she stares at me intently.
"I-I don't know" I answer her. I really didn't know for sure why he put me here or why he didn't just announce me as his mate in the first place but I can't jump to conclusions. I have no idea what kind of person he is but if a first impression counted, I'm in deep shit.
"Fine." That was her last words as she disappeared from the doorway and the door slammed shut. I heard the clicking of a lock and I slumped to the ground.
What am I supposed to do now?
I lay on the ground and I let the coolness calm my heated mind. I had a piece of freedom, it was a short time but it was the best time I had ever had. I've been through so much after my parents died. I have scars from knives they used on me. I've been beaten and marked, I didn't deserved any of it. My wolf is small due to malnutrition. I've always wanted to learn how to fight to defend myself and maybe if I did know how to fight I wouldn't be here, trapped inside a room by my mate's sister.
What if I was wrong about the whole mate thing? What if Payne wasn't my mate? Of course he's your mate.
I lay on the ground for what felt like hours but I couldn't cry, I've cried enough my entire life. I needed to be strong. Since I left the pack I was determined to turn a new leaf and become a better person, a stronger person and so I was going to be.
But my paranoid thoughts were killing me, after not being enough your entire life and being told certain things anxiety from deep within haunts you.
It was a while before I heard the shackling of keys and then the door opened. I decided against raising my head or even reacting to who ever came into the room, they're probably here to beat me and torture me now.
God, I hated these thoughts.
But then the mesmerizing scent filled my nostrils again ygand I knew it was him.
"Get up." His deep husky voice said and I felt goosebumps rise on my skin again. He was an alpha and the authoritative voice demanded submission but I shook my head noand kept lying there facing away from him. "I said get the fuck up!" He roared and my feet moved on their own accord as I shot up and got to my feet.
Damn it!
His grey eyes were glaring at me as he stood at the doorway with his hands hanging loosely at his side but his fist clenched tightly.
My eyes grew wide in fear.
"I-I'm sorry," I apologized and he didn't even lighten his glare at my apology but rose a brow in question to my reaction.
"Name" he demanded and I felt fear run through my entire body, to think I was actually thinking about defying him, now he's scaring the shit out of me.
"Alex" I blurt out and he stayed silent as if studying the name.
"Short for Alexis, Alexandra, Alexandria?" He asks.
"What were you doing on my land?"
"I already told you, I ran away from my pack and I saw a clearing and I went to rest. I'm sorry." I ramble on and his look is impassive. Showing no emotion at all.
"Why did you leave?"
"I almost got raped by one of my pack members last night, the Alpha allowed it. I had to leave." I explain and for a split second I saw a piece of something shimmer in his eyes but it disappeared and there was a possibility it was a figment of my imagination.
"What pack?" He asked, his tone and face back to the unreadable state.
"RedMoon" I answer and he nods. He was silent for a while and examined me and I couldn't keep up the silence anymore so I broke it. "Why am I in here?"
"You just admitted to leaving your pack. You're a rogue now and you were on my land. You need to pay for trespassing. You're lucky you're still alive." He said calmly.
"So why am I still alive then?" I ask. I brace myself for an answer because I honestly don't know what to expect.
"Death without suffering isn't punishment, when you've suffered enough then I'll do you the kindness to kill you." His answer sent a cold chill running through me. I felt my heart begin to pound faster in my chest and not just because I was close to my mate, goddess knew I could barely breath already.
My eyes met his gaze and we stood there silently. He was still dressed in his dark leathers and his arms were revealed. So many tattoos. I dropped my stare and decided to watch the ground. He wasn't speaking and the air was thick and cold around us. How could he be my mate? He was so cold? My wolf stood at attention and I knew she wanted me to say something so I did.
"I don't understand why you'd kill me? I'm you're ma-" I started but he didn't even let me finish my sentence. He was out the door in the same speed he had left earlier. The door slammed shut and the sound of the lock followed.
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